Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Why is attempting to put BALANCE back into US Israeli relations “undermining”? It isn’t.
Thank you for the endless ignorance you have chosen to show about the issue.

I pass.

Thank you for an ignorant reply. You do realize, don’t you, that Israel and the US are two different countries, yes? With different self interests and that our interests aren’t necessarily all things Israel? I think a more balanced perspective needs to be brought back into this relationship.
But the US and South of our border are perfectly aligned...
Front page Mag is another Islamophobia source. Why do you choose those?
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the facts which have been coming out from many other sources which talk and prove exactly how these two women are going to use their positions in order to attempt to undermine the United States relations with Israel?

They aren’t facts. Using those sources is like using Electronic Intifada and insisting you acknowledge the “facts” coming out. Most of it is hate mongering. It amazes me that you do not see it. There is a lot of anti-Muslim hate mongering and conspiracy theory generated from some of the far right Jewish groups these days.
I’d love to find an objective news outlet.
There is better and there is worse. When you keep choosing the worst it says more about your bias’s than the sources.
Front page Mag is another Islamophobia source. Why do you choose those?
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the facts which have been coming out from many other sources which talk and prove exactly how these two women are going to use their positions in order to attempt to undermine the United States relations with Israel?

They aren’t facts. Using those sources is like using Electronic Intifada and insisting you acknowledge the “facts” coming out. Most of it is hate mongering. It amazes me that you do not see it. There is a lot of anti-Muslim hate mongering and conspiracy theory generated from some of the far right Jewish groups these days.
I’d love to find an objective news outlet.
There is better and there is worse. When you keep choosing the worst it says more about your bias’s than the sources.
Let me know when you take a vacation in Syria.
Your refusal to accept facts is astounding.
I hope you are never selected for jury duty.

Could rival doctors that write orders of no food or drink by mouth & then holler at the dying as no different than US KKK churchstate national religion Christiananality pedophilia business lynching enforcement which dictates there are drugs in a synagogue under color of law of one nation under God, but super egos of Rehnquist's Reichquest of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists deems SCOTUS equal justice under law not federal perjury from all the Franklin's economic Islam totalitarianism.
There’s the very essence of anti-Semitism, as determined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance “Working Definition of Anti-Semitism” – Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.

“Let me reiterate my sincere apology for any actual hurt my words have caused,” Omar said in that phone call to liberal Jews, according to JTA, adding immediately: “I know there are a lot of people who in the last weeks have expressed support in trying to say this isn’t anti-Semitic or this shouldn’t be looked at in that way.”

Some apology.

And she was speaking to people who are—hard to believe—much worse enemies of AIPAC, which has expelled most of them from its ranks, seeing as they are enemies of Israel.

Omar, who insisted it is up to the Jewish community to define who is an anti-Semite (we did and you are one) said the in-camera call was an opportunity “for you all to directly hear from me how I feel about my actions and for us to start the process of not only healing but building a relationship and getting to the process of politicking on our viewpoints on this.”

I got the quotes from the conference call from the JTA story (Ilhan Omar apologizes to Jewish groups for hurt caused by AIPAC tweet) which reported the story with nary a hint that they understood the problem in apologizing to the folks who hate the target of your venom more than even you do. They just reported it as facts: politician slurred one group of Jews, then apologized to a totally different group, case closed.

It really is time for Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership to expel this venomous viper from our party.

(full article online)

Ilhan Omar ‘Apologizes’ to AIPAC’s Leftist Enemies for Anti-Semitic Tweet
It’s nice to see Rashida Tlaib making new friends now that she’s the lottery winner of leftist identity politics. While some of us, if in a body of government that promotes representative democracy, might choose to distance themselves from those linked to Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.

I guess Rashida Tlaib has other priorities. How nice she will be joining a Muslim Brotherhood-linked imam “who has a long history of anti-LGBT, anti-woman, and anti-Semitic remarks”. Hey, it’s a fundraiser. Let’s raise money for Islamic terrorists.

I hope she has the good sense to attend the event in a burqa and sit in the corner while the men do business. And if Imam Omar Suleiman makes any disparaging, anti-women remarks, well Rashida, just keep your mouth shut and assume your assigned role in the wondrous Islamic social order.

Rashida Tlaib joins extremist imam on CAIR speaking circuit

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., a self-proclaimed liberal progressive, will speak alongside an extremist imam at an event hosted by the Michigan chapter of the terror-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) next month. The Hamas-connected outfit is infamously known for being labeled an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing case in U.S. history.

On March 17, Rep. Tlaib will join Omar Suleiman, a Muslim Brotherhood-linked imam who has a long history of anti-LGBT, anti-woman, and anti-Semitic remarks, at the fundraising event in Detroit. Tickets will cost $50 per person, or $500 to reserve a table.

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