Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

I think that this non-stop process of antisemites, racists and haters of Israel, filling important political structures in the United States, is irreversible.
Trump called the latest Omar's remarks "a dark day for Israel". I call it "a dark day for the United States" in the first place and especially for the American Jews.

As if SCOTUS Rehnquist's supreme swastika up Uranus court Reichquest immaculate drug conception to protect & serve Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount for 9/11 business didn't give standing to an Islam & Christianity more perfect union to execute Jews & Israel in that Rosenburg nuclear tradition master plan master race megalomaniacal jihad crusade of "serve the Pope or die" "death to the infidels" diatribe tautology.
LOL, I still can’t believe that the Democrats voted in Palestinian and Somali Muslims into congress.

Their stupidity knows no bounds these days. They are literally ensuring that the Republicans get the Jewish vote with actions like these.
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return state .... Is simply code language for elimination.


Not necessarily. You haven’t been following the discussions.

Yes, necessarily.

Given the birth rates of Muslim societies the world over- including that of the Palestinian Territories- Muslim Arabs would be the demographic majority in a matter of a few decades if a one state solution was imposed.

A Jewish minority=no Jewish State.
LOL, I still can’t believe that the Democrats voted in Palestinian and Somali Muslims into congress.

Their stupidity knows no bounds these days. They are literally ensuring that the Republicans get the Jewish vote with actions like these.

They voted in their second coming thru 9/11 ensuring a patriot act of Islamidiotocracy to believe in......

More & more seems these Islams are jumping on SCOTUS Rehnquist's Rosenberg execution bandwagon as the KKK & churchstate cops in making a Christian Nation have included Muslims to execute Jews in Israel; based on Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception giving standing to Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount in all probability for 9/11 according to one nation under God with equal justice under law is not antisemitism, nor were thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for the Bicentennial.
Other AMP speakers echoed Hill and defended Ilhan Omar. The Omar controversy, said AMP Chicago chair Nida Sahouri, shows that Israel and its supporters “are trembling from our progress. They are facing the challenge by trying to silence any voice that is supporting Palestine. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is being smeared as an antisemite by people in her own party for stating the undeniable truth about AIPAC. Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, our keynote speaker for tonight, was fired from CNN because he called for freedom for all Palestinians, from the river to the sea.”

Omar is undergoing “a ruthless onslaught” due to her “warranted criticism of the Israeli lobby,” said AMP Chicago media coordinator Deanna Othman. “And of course our guest of honor, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, who has been a consistent, he has been a consistent, principled, and courageous advocate for the Palestinian cause and has bravely suffered the consequences of his activism. We thank him for that.”

The AMP dinner made several things clear. Criticizing Israeli policies is not what got Marc Lamont Hill or Ilhan Omar into the headlines, no matter how many times that argument is made. And AMP is not interested in a peaceful outcome to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It wants “from the river to the sea,” which, as Said made clear, is an Israeli state “that will vanish, Allah willing.”

(full article online)

American Palestinian Fundraising Dinner Continues Antisemitic Incitement
The question is mainly why is she opposed to Israel, and why does she say things like "Israel has hypnotized the world", etc, which are nothing but what the people who want to destroy Israel via making the US stop its help to her have been attempting to do.

Saying one's mind and fair criticism are one thing.
What she and many other Muslims do is an anti Israel campaign.

And no, I do not think that it paints ALL Muslims with the same brush.

There are Muslims speaking against what she has been saying and what she has meant with the words she has chosen to use.
There are also Jews of color. And not all Muslims are of color.

Islamophobia is an invented Muslim term to counter the criticism against the endless Islamic attacks, especially since 9/11.

She and Talib have hardly entered Congress or the Senate and their main focus seems to be Israel, and how to delegitimize her.


Is that what their constituents voted them into government for?

Is Israel a threat to the US?
That is how they seem to behave by what they say.

Russia not a threat.
Syria not a problem.
Saudi Arabia and many other Arab or Muslim countries not a problem.

No problems in Europe, etc, etc....

Congress may not do anything about Omar, but her words have been heard loud and clear, and what their intentions are. What the goal is.

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