Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return state .... Is simply code language for elimination.

Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return

The problem you want to sidestep around is the nonsensical “right of return”. That concept is an insidious attempt to suggest that falsely labeled “refugees”; hundreds of thousands of Arabs-Moslems who are UNRWA welfare fraud recipients who are not refugees at all. Israel has no responsibility to assume the political, economic and social burden of waves of people whose politico-religious ideology centers around insensate Jew hatreds.

In that case right of return should become a universal international rule....All eurpoeans out of North America now!

Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return state .... Is simply code language for elimination.


That's some one Muslim state jihad elimination goosestepping Israel as SCOTUS Rehnquist's Christian Nation 9/11 immaculate drug conception patriot act giving standing to Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount following in that Rosenberg tradition .

RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

⁜→ et al,

OK, I guess I'm a little slow on the up-take here. What does this mean in less cryptic language?

That's some one Muslim state jihad elimination goosestepping Israel as SCOTUS Rehnquist's Christian Nation 9/11 immaculate drug conception patriot act giving standing to Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount following in that Rosenberg tradition .

Most Respectfully,
""" “So for me, I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” Rep. Omar exclaimed, seeming to suggest, as Tlaib had in a tweet of her own, dual loyalty among a particular group of Americans. Loud rounds of applause and shouts of affirmation punctuated the event’s heavy focus on Israel. If she was only criticizing Israel then no one would say anything about antisemitism. """

But look what she does here: first she implies that Jews who criticize her are Islamophobic and then she says another blatantly antisemitic statement, that Jews have allegiance to Israel above the United States - and she can proudly say that to her leftist fans because she already inoculated herself by suggesting that her critics are Islamophobic!

It isn't the false accusations of antisemitism that are shutting down debate about Israel. It is false accusations of Islamophobia, and racism, and misogyny, that is shutting down Democratic debate about her consistent habit of using antisemitic tropes!

In other words:

I’m a simple Jew, and these are profoundly meaningful quandaries I’m only too happy to let others address. I would, however, like to suggest that the above, at the heart of so many of our most heated debates these days, all have one thing in common: They all revolve around the newfound and bizarre desire of progressives to further their arguments by claiming that they, somehow, are the new Jews.

The reason for this strange turn, I believe, lies not in the passions of our partisan political moment but in the early history of Christianity, which provided Western civilization with much of its cultural template. And as much as the idea of Western civilization might make progressives twitch in discomfort, they are very much a part of it, even as their rejection of its religious roots makes them more vulnerable to repeating the most deadly mistakes of their forebears. What we’re seeing right now, then, is the strange spectacle of progressives pursuing the same thorny theology that much of Christendom abandoned long ago, the theology of supersessionism.

(full article online)

Why the Left Is Repeating Christianity's Most Dangerous Historical Mistakes, and Why It's Bad for the Jews
""" “So for me, I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” Rep. Omar exclaimed, seeming to suggest, as Tlaib had in a tweet of her own, dual loyalty among a particular group of Americans. Loud rounds of applause and shouts of affirmation punctuated the event’s heavy focus on Israel. If she was only criticizing Israel then no one would say anything about antisemitism. """

But look what she does here: first she implies that Jews who criticize her are Islamophobic and then she says another blatantly antisemitic statement, that Jews have allegiance to Israel above the United States - and she can proudly say that to her leftist fans because she already inoculated herself by suggesting that her critics are Islamophobic!

It isn't the false accusations of antisemitism that are shutting down debate about Israel. It is false accusations of Islamophobia, and racism, and misogyny, that is shutting down Democratic debate about her consistent habit of using antisemitic tropes!

In other words:

Deja vu as SCOTUS Rehnquist's Christian Nation "man is God" thieving US Constitution - old glory -old testament arsonists continued interpretation of the cleansing fire of God was going to be Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 being equal justice under law like the Rosenberg's going to the electric chair. Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophila business economics as those burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act whitewashed Satanists.

RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

⁜→ et al,

OK, I guess I'm a little slow on the up-take here. What does this mean in less cryptic language?

That's some one Muslim state jihad elimination goosestepping Israel as SCOTUS Rehnquist's Christian Nation 9/11 immaculate drug conception patriot act giving standing to Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount following in that Rosenberg tradition .

Most Respectfully,

Let me know when you find the Rosetta Stone :p
Good lord. The audacity of it. How dare they elect a Muslim to office in America. Of course they can’t possibly be qualified!

The problem is neither supports eliminating Israel. They support a one state solution. Something Some pro-Israeli’s have been supporting as well. One supports the right of return in a very eloquent manner that echos the same feelings of “right of return” that Jews have toward the land of their ancestors. Seems the Islamophobia bias is showing.

The so called diatribe was nothing more then answering a specific question from the interviewer. The OP took a tiny fragment of the interview out of a richer context, the entire interview is here:

Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return state .... Is simply code language for elimination.


Not necessarily. You haven’t been following the discussions.
She just can’t help it. It’s everything she knows. Just a pious Moslem who knows her Koran and sunnah.

Rep. Ilhan Omar criticized again for alleged anti-Semitism


Rep. Ilhan Omar criticized again for alleged anti-Semitism

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Rep. Ilhan Omar has come under fresh criticism for remarks critics call anti-Semitic.

The Minnesota Democrat was appearing at a forum in Washington with Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan when she said she fears everything they say about Israel is construed as anti-Semitic because they’re Muslim.

But some Jewish leaders say Omar then revived an old trope about divided loyalties among Jewish-Americans when she criticized the idea that it’s “OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

Steve Hunegs of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas says he’s appalled.
She just can’t help it. It’s everything she knows. Just a pious Moslem who knows her Koran and sunnah.

Rep. Ilhan Omar criticized again for alleged anti-Semitism


Rep. Ilhan Omar criticized again for alleged anti-Semitism
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Rep. Ilhan Omar has come under fresh criticism for remarks critics call anti-Semitic.
The Minnesota Democrat was appearing at a forum in Washington with Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan when she said she fears everything they say about Israel is construed as anti-Semitic because they’re Muslim.
But some Jewish leaders say Omar then revived an old trope about divided loyalties among Jewish-Americans when she criticized the idea that it’s “OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”
Steve Hunegs of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas says he’s appalled.

So the 2 of these Muslim Reps aren't pushing allegiance to a foreign country Islamidiotocracy & having higher than SCOTUS standing can be Islam flying carpets......

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