Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

Arabs already have the entire M.E. why does it burn them so much that there is a tiny area that they have not completely dominated? they threw out or subjugated all the jews and christians everywhere else they have controlled.
How dare people want to live in their homeland. The audacity!

They kind of messed that up when all those Arab countries tried to wipe Israel off the map. The British Mandate created Palestine which was for the Jews... everything east of the river called Trans Jordan was partitioned for Arabs. nevertheless they were living together and Jews did and do allow Arabs to live in Israel.... it doesnt help though when suicide bombers keep killing civilians on a daily basis... which is why Israel put up walls to stop the bombings and attacks.
I'm sure Jews that got kicked out of Yemen and Tunisia and all over the rest of the ME feel the same way.... they didnt want to give up their homes and businesses but they would have been murdered by arabs if they stayed. No one is crying for them or has because they are of the Jewish religion. Arabs want Jews out of Israel because they want Jews out of everywhere. there is no place they are allowed in their minds except for the US.. and that will change too eventually.
Arabs already have the entire M.E. why does it burn them so much that there is a tiny area that they have not completely dominated? they threw out or subjugated all the jews and christians everywhere else they have controlled.
How dare people want to live in their homeland. The audacity!

They kind of messed that up when all those Arab countries tried to wipe Israel off the map. The British Mandate created Palestine which was for the Jews... everything east of the river called Trans Jordan was partitioned for Arabs. nevertheless they were living together and Jews did and do allow Arabs to live in Israel.... it doesnt help though when suicide bombers keep killing civilians on a daily basis... which is why Israel put up walls to stop the bombings and attacks.
I'm sure Jews that got kicked out of Yemen and Tunisia and all over the rest of the ME feel the same way.... they didnt want to give up their homes and businesses but they would have been murdered by arabs if they stayed. No one is crying for them or has because they are of the Jewish religion. Arabs want Jews out of Israel because they want Jews out of everywhere. there is no place they are allowed in their minds except for the US.. and that will change too eventually.
We are really getting off the topic here. And there are threads for that topic.
Let us deal only with the Palestinians who were elected to American positions. :)
Y'all throw around anti Semite cards like candy at a blossom time parade.

It is losing its meaning.

Which is........?
The anti Semite card used to be the ace of trump. Now it is just pffft.
Doesn't matter what You think, practice shows that the Jewish minority is a commonly targeted community. In a country where race and color are becoming widely accepted as a part of a daily political lexicon, tiny minorities usually tend to be merely the first victims of a greater social disaster.
Most can't comprehend how it eventually will effect the majority, thinking those are "special measures" for some "unusual events of a small community", unable to see the phenomena in its context and wider perspective, therefore doomed to experience their share of the same measures when those "unusual events" become the new norm of the society.

Now it's just armed soldiers circling neighborhoods where Jews live in Europe,
and armed guards with police units at the entrance of synagogues in the US.

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Y'all throw around anti Semite cards like candy at a blossom time parade.

It is losing its meaning.

Which is........?
The anti Semite card used to be the ace of trump. Now it is just pffft.

Now it's just armed soldiers circling neighborhoods where Jews live in Europe,
and armed guards with police units at the entrance of synagogues in the US.


There are police and security at our synagogue during services and special events. Electric double doors buzzing you in to the courtyard and main building.

It's been like that for years.
Y'all throw around anti Semite cards like candy at a blossom time parade.

It is losing its meaning.

Which is........?
The anti Semite card used to be the ace of trump. Now it is just pffft.
Doesn't matter what You think, practice shows that the Jewish minority is a commonly targeted community. In a country where race and color are becoming widely accepted as a part of a daily political lexicon, tiny minorities usually tend to be merely the first victims of a greater social disaster.
Most can't comprehend how it eventually will effect the majority, thinking those are "special measures" for some "unusual events of a small community", unable to see the phenomena in its context and wider perspective, therefore doomed to experience their share of the same measures when those "unusual events" become the new norm of the society.

Now it's just armed soldiers circling neighborhoods where Jews live in Europe,
and armed guards with police units at the entrance of synagogues in the US.

They should be happy. It looks like Israel.
Originally posted by Yarddog
The British Mandate created Palestine which was for the Jews... everything east of the river called Trans Jordan was partitioned for Arabs.

An european island giving part of the Middle East to other Europeans and expecting the natives of the land to be "grateful" that the surrounding regions were not included in the "gift".

The same european island "giving" the natives of Jordan their own homeland and expecting them to be "thankful" it was not given to foreigners from another continent.

Ok, then....

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Y'all throw around anti Semite cards like candy at a blossom time parade.

It is losing its meaning.

Which is........?
The anti Semite card used to be the ace of trump. Now it is just pffft.
Doesn't matter what You think, practice shows that the Jewish minority is a commonly targeted community. In a country where race and color are becoming widely accepted as a part of a daily political lexicon, tiny minorities usually tend to be merely the first victims of a greater social disaster.
Most can't comprehend how it eventually will effect the majority, thinking those are "special measures" for some "unusual events of a small community", unable to see the phenomena in its context and wider perspective, therefore doomed to experience their share of the same measures when those "unusual events" become the new norm of the society.

Now it's just armed soldiers circling neighborhoods where Jews live in Europe,
and armed guards with police units at the entrance of synagogues in the US.

They should be happy. It looks like Israel.

But You have never seen Israel outside of a TV screen.

In spite of what You may think Israeli Jews don't feel the need to put military and police at synagogue doors. There're no guards, police or even metal detectors, that "privilege" lays only for Jews in the enlightened Europe and the free US, where according to You antisemitism is a sort of outdated urban legend.

The sad irony is You don't see how that bigotry dooms Your children to the same future.
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Y'all throw around anti Semite cards like candy at a blossom time parade.

It is losing its meaning.

Which is........?
The anti Semite card used to be the ace of trump. Now it is just pffft.
Doesn't matter what You think, practice shows that the Jewish minority is a commonly targeted community. In a country where race and color are becoming widely accepted as a part of a daily political lexicon, tiny minorities usually tend to be merely the first victims of a greater social disaster.
Most can't comprehend how it eventually will effect the majority, thinking those are "special measures" for some "unusual events of a small community", unable to see the phenomena in its context and wider perspective, therefore doomed to experience their share of the same measures when those "unusual events" become the new norm of the society.

Now it's just armed soldiers circling neighborhoods where Jews live in Europe,
and armed guards with police units at the entrance of synagogues in the US.

They should be happy. It looks like Israel.

In part, yes. Israel must defend its very existence from the Islamic fascists.
How fortunate your super ego Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business mentality cognitive dissonance is nearly as Chief Justice Rehnquist as it gets in one nation under God.

Kerouac did it better ...

The brown hills led off towards Nevada; to the South was my legendary Hollywood; to the North the mysterious Shasta country. Down below was everything: the barracks where we stole our tiny box of condiments, where Dostioffski’s tiny face had glared at us […]” from On the Road

Read Kerouac Big Sur landscapes in college back in the 70's since Rehnquist had so many thieving US Constitution arsonists of national religion lynching enforcement with immaculate drug conceptions, but then again where else would this Christian Nation be without it's Rosenberg sin tax as a Washington, D.C. born American to one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants of the greatest generation that saved the world, also born in Washington,D.C. could reasonably expect something better than a supreme swastika up Uranus court of drugs to protect & serve thieving old glory & old testament arsonists, Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 & the Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business of super ego mentalities.
Just out of curiousity...
What’s your native language?

P.S., I get a kick out of your posts.

Maybe you too could be one of the crooks on Capitol Hill like an Ilhan Omar anti-Semite congresswomen with that Islam "death to the infidels" diatribe, or the more prevalent US Christian Nation "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia business tautology of SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" immaculate drug conceptions in that Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition tradition that no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country.
I could never do that; I actually have a concience.

Could rival doctors that write orders of no food or drink by mouth & then holler at the dying in celebration of Presidents Day that they must eat to get better after weeks of the wrong antibiotics leaving them to weak to eat as third world medical practices, but Ilhan Omar has probably tweaked the principle to Muslims being the religion of peace.
Kerouac did it better ...

The brown hills led off towards Nevada; to the South was my legendary Hollywood; to the North the mysterious Shasta country. Down below was everything: the barracks where we stole our tiny box of condiments, where Dostioffski’s tiny face had glared at us […]” from On the Road

Read Kerouac Big Sur landscapes in college back in the 70's since Rehnquist had so many thieving US Constitution arsonists of national religion lynching enforcement with immaculate drug conceptions, but then again where else would this Christian Nation be without it's Rosenberg sin tax as a Washington, D.C. born American to one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants of the greatest generation that saved the world, also born in Washington,D.C. could reasonably expect something better than a supreme swastika up Uranus court of drugs to protect & serve thieving old glory & old testament arsonists, Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11 & the Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business of super ego mentalities.
Just out of curiousity...
What’s your native language?

P.S., I get a kick out of your posts.

Maybe you too could be one of the crooks on Capitol Hill like an Ilhan Omar anti-Semite congresswomen with that Islam "death to the infidels" diatribe, or the more prevalent US Christian Nation "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia business tautology of SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" immaculate drug conceptions in that Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition tradition that no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country.
I could never do that; I actually have a concience.

Could rival doctors that write orders of no food or drink by mouth & then holler at the dying in celebration of Presidents Day that they must eat to get better after weeks of the wrong antibiotics leaving them to weak to eat as third world medical practices, but Ilhan Omar has probably tweaked the principle to Muslims being the religion of peace.
Islam is the religion of long as you submit to their religion of peace.
Front page Mag is another Islamophobia source. Why do you choose those?
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the facts which have been coming out from many other sources which talk and prove exactly how these two women are going to use their positions in order to attempt to undermine the United States relations with Israel?

They aren’t facts. Using those sources is like using Electronic Intifada and insisting you acknowledge the “facts” coming out. Most of it is hate mongering. It amazes me that you do not see it. There is a lot of anti-Muslim hate mongering and conspiracy theory generated from some of the far right Jewish groups these days.
Why is attempting to put BALANCE back into US Israeli relations “undermining”? It isn’t.
Why is attempting to put BALANCE back into US Israeli relations “undermining”? It isn’t.
Thank you for the endless ignorance you have chosen to show about the issue.

I pass.

Thank you for an ignorant reply. You do realize, don’t you, that Israel and the US are two different countries, yes? With different self interests and that our interests aren’t necessarily all things Israel? I think a more balanced perspective needs to be brought back into this relationship.
Front page Mag is another Islamophobia source. Why do you choose those?
Why do you refuse to acknowledge the facts which have been coming out from many other sources which talk and prove exactly how these two women are going to use their positions in order to attempt to undermine the United States relations with Israel?

They aren’t facts. Using those sources is like using Electronic Intifada and insisting you acknowledge the “facts” coming out. Most of it is hate mongering. It amazes me that you do not see it. There is a lot of anti-Muslim hate mongering and conspiracy theory generated from some of the far right Jewish groups these days.
I’d love to find an objective news outlet.

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