Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

If there were any suspicions about the rabid anti-Semitism espoused by new Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, they can likely be put to rest now: Tlaib belongs to a group whose founder apparently shared a video stating that Jews are ā€œsatanicā€ and arenā€™t really Jewish.

As Peter Hasson of The Daily Caller reports, the Facebook group that Tlaib joined in February 2018, the ā€œPalestinian American Congress,ā€ frequently demonizes Jews, and its Palestinian founder, Maher Abdel-qader, raised substantial funds for Tlaib for her congressional campaign as well as organizing some of her campaign events.

Claims of Abdel-qaderā€™s virulent anti-Semitism are buttressed by various facts: he reportedly shared on his Facebook page and on the page of the ā€œPalestinian American Congressā€ an anti-Semitic video that claimed Jews arenā€™t really Jews and their historical claim to Israel was a fiction they created. The video also parroted the usual anti-Semitic claim that Jews control the media as well as purveyed the idea that the Holocaust was fake, stating, ā€œResearch the truth about the Holocaust, and youā€™ll definitely start to question what you thought you knew.ā€

Hasson notes, ā€œIn several other posts to the group, Abdel-qader insisted that Israeli Jews arenā€™t actually Jews and, in one October 2017 post, he accused Israeli settlers of training children ā€˜to terrorize Palestinian civilians.ā€™ā€

(full article online)

Report: Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib Belongs To Holocaust Denier Group Which Calls Jews ā€˜Satanic'
If there were any suspicions about the rabid anti-Semitism espoused by new Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, they can likely be put to rest now: Tlaib belongs to a group whose founder apparently shared a video stating that Jews are ā€œsatanicā€ and arenā€™t really Jewish.

As Peter Hasson of The Daily Caller reports, the Facebook group that Tlaib joined in February 2018, the ā€œPalestinian American Congress,ā€ frequently demonizes Jews, and its Palestinian founder, Maher Abdel-qader, raised substantial funds for Tlaib for her congressional campaign as well as organizing some of her campaign events.

Claims of Abdel-qaderā€™s virulent anti-Semitism are buttressed by various facts: he reportedly shared on his Facebook page and on the page of the ā€œPalestinian American Congressā€ an anti-Semitic video that claimed Jews arenā€™t really Jews and their historical claim to Israel was a fiction they created. The video also parroted the usual anti-Semitic claim that Jews control the media as well as purveyed the idea that the Holocaust was fake, stating, ā€œResearch the truth about the Holocaust, and youā€™ll definitely start to question what you thought you knew.ā€

Hasson notes, ā€œIn several other posts to the group, Abdel-qader insisted that Israeli Jews arenā€™t actually Jews and, in one October 2017 post, he accused Israeli settlers of training children ā€˜to terrorize Palestinian civilians.ā€™ā€

(full article online)

Report: Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib Belongs To Holocaust Denier Group Which Calls Jews ā€˜Satanic'

Great satanic pseudo science & certainly why one nation under God with equal justice under law doesn't exist as obviously in this Christian Nation of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists & it's supreme swastika up Uranus court one nation under God with equal justice under law does not include no common sense avoidance - acceptance communism of Christianity that claims to pre-date God, also according to the Koran; to understand the significance of Christ revelation in being far better suicidal pedophiles for existing before God in running a pedophilia business superior to Mohammed's homicidal sociopsychopathilogcal Islam compulsive - obsessive human farming must be so super ego satisfying beyond the pleasure principle for Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality lynching enforcement IQ's.
If there were any suspicions about the rabid anti-Semitism espoused by new Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, they can likely be put to rest now: Tlaib belongs to a group whose founder apparently shared a video stating that Jews are ā€œsatanicā€ and arenā€™t really Jewish.
Hasson notes, ā€œIn several other posts to the group, Abdel-qader insisted that Israeli Jews arenā€™t actually Jews and, in one October 2017 post, he accused Israeli settlers of training children ā€˜to terrorize Palestinian civilians.ā€™ā€
(full article online)
Report: Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib Belongs To Holocaust Denier Group Which Calls Jews ā€˜Satanic'

How some 45 years later these crooks on Capitol Hill in Nazington, Drug Conceptions USA with it's supreme swastika up Uranus court of immaculate drug conceptions Islamidiotocracy follow in Rehnquist's goosesteps for survival of the fittest fascist pedophiles with pseudo science based on 'satanic' with jihad is Neanderthal; but suicidal super egos of a sociopsychopathilogical Christiananality pedophilia business in "man is God" homicidal lynching enforcement beyond the pleasure principle demagoguery is still standard centuries later.

Only in Israel they don't behead as in Iran, but following in that US representative Christian Nation supreme swastika up Uranus courts only Islam pedophilia business of Arab cultural mythology against the eternal enemy of Allah with Muhammad end of days prophecy based on pseudo science & Christian pedophilia business where these super ego Catholic pedophiles think they are the body & soul of an Islam fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception have standing for every form of tyranny over the minds of man.
There are 43 countries with official state religions, and another 40 that give one religion preferential treatment over other faiths. Of the former group, 27 countries enshrine Islam as their state faith, and 13 do the same for Christianityā€”including nine countries in Europe. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) does not seem to have a problem with any of them; one would be hard-pressed to recall a single word of criticism. But she does have a problemā€”a big oneā€”with the world's only Jewish stateā€”a tiny country, home to just under nine million peopleā€”recognizing itself as, well, the Jewish state. Why the double standard? Maybe it's not the obvious.

Omar's most recent public criticism of Israel came during an interview on Yahoo News' "Through Her Eyes" on Tuesday. After Omar lamented how the United States strongly supports Israel and has a policy that "makes" Jerusalem "superior" to the Palestinians, whatever that means, host Zainab Salbi pressed her to provide specifics. Omar pointed to Israel's Jewish nation-state law, which was passed last year and affirms that Israel is the "nation-state of the Jewish people, in which it fulfills its natural, religious, and historic right to self-determination."

"When I see Israel institute a law that recognizes it as a Jewish state and does not recognize the other religions that are living in it, and we still uphold it as a democracy in the Middle East, I almost chuckle," Omar said. "If we see that in any other society, we would criticize it. We would call it out. We do that to Iran. We do that to any other place that sort of upholds its religion."

Perhaps Omar can provide examples of her colleagues in Congress "calling out" Christian countries in Europe for affirming the prominence of Christianity or, more controversially, doing the same for Muslim countries in Africa and the Middle Eastā€”such as her native Somaliaā€”that define Islam as their state religion. Has she ever questioned whether Denmark is still a democracy because its constitution recognizes the Lutheran church as the state religion? Has she ever called out Jordan for establishing Islam as the religion of the state? It's not even worth going into Omar's asinine attempt to compare Israel, a true democracy, to Iran, an Islamist theocracy that abuses minorities.

(full article online)

Singling Out the Jewish State
There are 43 countries with official state religions, and another 40 that give one religion preferential treatment over other faiths. Of the former group, 27 countries enshrine Islam as their state faith, and 13 do the same for Christianityā€”including nine countries in Europe. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) does not seem to have a problem with any of them; one would be hard-pressed to recall a single word of criticism. But she does have a problemā€”a big oneā€”with the world's only Jewish stateā€”a tiny country, home to just under nine million peopleā€”recognizing itself as, well, the Jewish state. Why the double standard? Maybe it's not the obvious.

Omar's most recent public criticism of Israel came during an interview on Yahoo News' "Through Her Eyes" on Tuesday. After Omar lamented how the United States strongly supports Israel and has a policy that "makes" Jerusalem "superior" to the Palestinians, whatever that means, host Zainab Salbi pressed her to provide specifics. Omar pointed to Israel's Jewish nation-state law, which was passed last year and affirms that Israel is the "nation-state of the Jewish people, in which it fulfills its natural, religious, and historic right to self-determination."

"When I see Israel institute a law that recognizes it as a Jewish state and does not recognize the other religions that are living in it, and we still uphold it as a democracy in the Middle East, I almost chuckle," Omar said. "If we see that in any other society, we would criticize it. We would call it out. We do that to Iran. We do that to any other place that sort of upholds its religion."

Perhaps Omar can provide examples of her colleagues in Congress "calling out" Christian countries in Europe for affirming the prominence of Christianity or, more controversially, doing the same for Muslim countries in Africa and the Middle Eastā€”such as her native Somaliaā€”that define Islam as their state religion. Has she ever questioned whether Denmark is still a democracy because its constitution recognizes the Lutheran church as the state religion? Has she ever called out Jordan for establishing Islam as the religion of the state? It's not even worth going into Omar's asinine attempt to compare Israel, a true democracy, to Iran, an Islamist theocracy that abuses minorities.

(full article online)

Singling Out the Jewish State

Just gives Israel one more reason for no ā€œ Right of Return ā€œ Their goal is the destruction of the Jewish state
How nice that she's taking her role in Congress seriously.

Rep. Omar Continues Anti-Israel Tirade, Compares It To Jim Crow South

More empty debt from values & resources of Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophilia business running the US where one nation under God is emptier from all it's thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists national religion; which of course is about as far as some equal justice under "man is God" phenomenon interpretation of war in the heavens will ever achieve & attain.

This megalomaniacal Islamidiotocracy Christiananality pedophilia business mentality lynching enforcement of Catholic Church "man is God" pedophile immigrants practicing third world medicine on US Americans just as SCOTUS immaculate drug conceptions medicine for all it's no equal justice under law thieving US Constitution arsonists as an insurmountable obstacle is more survival of the fittest fascists Star Bellied Sneeches with Stars Upon Thars office runnings.
In 2017, a state representative in Minnesota introduced a bill that would allow insurance companies to limit payments to beneficiaries if the insuredā€™s death occurs directly or indirectly because of ā€œfurtherance of terrorism.ā€

The bill passed 127-2.

One person voted against it because he thought there was a loophole that could cause insurance companies to not pay for legitimate claims.

The other person was Ilhan Omar, new member of Congress.

Omar literally wanted terrorist families to be paid by life insurance companies if they get killed by police after their attacks.

(full article online)

The time Rep. Ilhan Omar literally voted FOR supporting terrorism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Her seeming implication that McCarthy was attacking her at the behest of the pro-Israel lobby was made clear with her subsequent response to a tweet by Batya Ungar-Sargon, an editor at The Forward, who tweeted, ā€œWould love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess.ā€

ā€œAIPAC!ā€ Omar replied.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee does not contribute to politicians, although its donors give money to political campaigns, in the same way that an array of activists backing distinct interests across the political spectrum have for decades donated to campaigns. Omar raised over $1 million for her freshman campaign last year, including from unions and from Emilyā€™s List, a group that seeks increased participation by women in politics.

ā€œWe are proud that we are engaged in the democratic process to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship,ā€ it said in a statement. ā€œOur bipartisan efforts are reflective of American values and interests. We will not be deterred in any way by ill-informed and illegitimate attacks on this important work.ā€

Omarā€™s remarks drew immediate rebukes, including from Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former president Bill Clinton and 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. ā€œWe should expect all elected officials, regardless of party, and all public figures to not traffic in anti-Semitism,ā€ Clinton said.

Clinton and Omar later agreed to speak on the telephone on Monday.

(full article online)

Chelsea Clinton slams Ilhan Omar for peddling anti-Semitism

Ahrimanic and Luciferic spirits wage continuous war with each other over possession of humans. Luciferic spirits donā€™t want us to become highly self-aware and self-determined. They want us to become morally extreme and dogmatic to the point of losing all other sense of personal destiny and purpose and be more like dreaming angelic automatons instead of physically endowed earthlings.
Ahrimanic spirits wage war with Yahweh and want to dispossess him, a moon spirit who supports incarnation of humans, regulation of natural instincts, and reproduction.

These metaphysical cosmological glitches in Ahrimanic & Luciferic wars over human possession in this Christian Nation Christiananality pedophilia business since it's 1976 Bicentennial bipolar schizophrenia immaculate drug conceptions of being both Ahrimanic & Luciferic instead of American from an Islam fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception has yielded a standard survival of the fittest fascists where Christianity, being both Ahrimanic & Luciferic in some pedophilia slave trade created Islamidiotocracy thru 9/11 for it's second coming.

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