Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel


Any attempt to negate the Jewish people's right to self determination, and to deny them access and control in the area designated for the Jewish people by the League of Nations is an actionable infringement of both international law and the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, paragraph 2 of the United States Constitution), which dictates that Treaties "shall be the supreme Law of the Land".
Not when you are in breach of that treaty.

If that was the case no further agreements would be signed on that basis confirming my fulfillment of the obligations. Which brings us back to an obligation to follow the international law which became US law, and the fact that treaties themselves have no statute of limitations, therefore those rights go on ad infinitum.
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I talked about Emirates, the most stable and prosperous governmental system currently among Arab states, based on the social structure of the society rather than religion.

Not another Islamist tyranny.
My mistake then, I meant the Emirates.
That would be one the best of solutions for the sake of both nations and regional cooperation.
You'd be amazed with the amount of people on the other side who would strongly support such a framework once heard support from the Arab side.

Do you think a federation idea has potential?

As far as I understand, federation is possible with entities of similar political systems.
Cooperation and regional development is a more likely unifying force.

Instead of trying to unify the 2 let them participate in development of new regional economy.
But that is idealistc, Palestinian agenda is inevitably stuck in the framework of the last century, and in light of their recent self defeating geopolitical choices, this solution will be reached indirectly from outside in, while undermining the solidified positions of their warring political fractions that cause more harm than help.

Seeing how Tlaib runs on the oldest antisemitic tropes against supporters of Israel,
I see it fit to return a favor mentioning how what she suggests is essentially no different from what Hamas or PLO stand for and that certainly doesn't suggest loyalty to America.

(Coyote I edited it at the last second when You rated, take a look.)
Ah well it was too much to hope for. At any rate I do thank you for the first portion, as per the second, loyalty to America is not the same as loyalty to Israel.

But that just shows how derogatory and self defeating was her statement.

She suggests that opposition to racism is against American constitution, bordering treason,
than she uses a banal antisemitic libel to further attack those who oppose it ,
only shows her true colors more vividly.
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Quote from Tlaib:

I want to integrate schools. I tell my colleague on the House floor who is Jewish: “Can you imagine, if we start integrating schools and have Israeli and Palestinian kids going to school together?”

I wonder what her plans are to make this a reality in Areas A and B and in Gaza.

This angle was already attempted before, Israel educated a whole generation towards accepting the compromises of Oslo. The result was a generation that seen the most gruesome war waged at it in buses, cafes, dance clubs and malls, while the other side pushed forward with poisoning the minds of the young to new extremes, inventing a whole multi-facet infrastructure for young suicide bombers.

Until the likes of Tlaib abandon all calls to eliminate the only Jewish state,
we cannot tolerate, consider or give legitimacy to any of their gestures and propositions.
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Quote from Tlaib:

I want to integrate schools. I tell my colleague on the House floor who is Jewish: “Can you imagine, if we start integrating schools and have Israeli and Palestinian kids going to school together?”

I wonder what her plans are to make this a reality in Areas A and B and in Gaza.

I think Tlaib should be clued in to the fact that her responsibility as a member of Congress is to represent American voters and interests, not to be a politburo mouthpiece for Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates.

She seems completely befuddled about such things as representative democracies. I wonder if she knows what Congress does?
Quote from Tlaib:

I want to integrate schools. I tell my colleague on the House floor who is Jewish: “Can you imagine, if we start integrating schools and have Israeli and Palestinian kids going to school together?”

I wonder what her plans are to make this a reality in Areas A and B and in Gaza.

This angle was already attempted before, Israel educated a whole generation towards accepting the compromises of Oslo. The result was a generation that seen the most gruesome war waged at it in buses, cafes, dance clubs and malls, while the other side pushed forward with poisoning the minds of the young to new extremes, inventing a whole multi-facet infrastructure for young suicide bombers.

Until the likes of Tlaib abandon all calls to eliminate the only Jewish state,
we cannot tolerate, consider or give legitimacy to any of their gestures and propositions.

Well, I wasn't seriously supposing that she WOULD try to integrate schools in Arab-controlled areas (that is more than a little ridiculous with no Jews in those areas).
Quote from Tlaib:

I want to integrate schools. I tell my colleague on the House floor who is Jewish: “Can you imagine, if we start integrating schools and have Israeli and Palestinian kids going to school together?”

I wonder what her plans are to make this a reality in Areas A and B and in Gaza.

This angle was already attempted before, Israel educated a whole generation towards accepting the compromises of Oslo. The result was a generation that seen the most gruesome war waged at it in buses, cafes, dance clubs and malls, while the other side pushed forward with poisoning the minds of the young to new extremes, inventing a whole multi-facet infrastructure for young suicide bombers.

Until the likes of Tlaib abandon all calls to eliminate the only Jewish state,
we cannot tolerate, consider or give legitimacy to any of their gestures and propositions.

Well, I wasn't seriously supposing that she WOULD try to integrate schools in Arab-controlled areas (that is more than a little ridiculous with no Jews in those areas).

Obviously that too.
We can't discuss any social issues with the likes of Tlaib,
there's no need for any new round of re-education of Israelis, we just need to make sure that only education authorized by Israel is allowed in Judea Samaria. If they want to become Lucy Aharish all they need is to work hard support the Jewish nation in their fight for better life. If they weren't so fixated we would all live in villas with herd and wide plots of land enough for everyone already decades ago.
Just imagine if Arabs, instead of becoming Palestinians supported Israel when we had Sinai...

Not much options left, it's a zero sum game for the most "moderate Palestinians", we have no reason to discuss anything with them. Until other alternatives gain momentum, all that is left is gradual establishment to full Israeli sovereignty in Judea Samaria with all entitlements of an Israeli citizenship, key word is gradual.
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Quote from Tlaib:

I want to integrate schools. I tell my colleague on the House floor who is Jewish: “Can you imagine, if we start integrating schools and have Israeli and Palestinian kids going to school together?”

I wonder what her plans are to make this a reality in Areas A and B and in Gaza.

I think Tlaib should be clued in to the fact that her responsibility as a member of Congress is to represent American voters and interests, not to be a politburo mouthpiece for Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates.

She seems completely befuddled about such things as representative democracies. I wonder if she knows what Congress does?
I think Tlaib should be clued in to the fact that her responsibility as a member of Congress is to represent American voters
Tell that to all of the congress people who suck up to Israel.

Double standard much?
[ Here is a good response for the anti Israel congresswomen and the Women's March Movement ]

Jewish activist storms Women’s March stage and confronts them about Jew-hatred
Did anybody care?

Surprisingly Jews care, a civil movement that claims to strive for equality,
can't be used as a platform for banal antisemitism.

Just another stupid remark ; What else would one expect? What he is too ignorant of is that the Anti Semitism of the Women’s March was initiated by followers of Louis Farrakhan. The “ leader” of this March actually glorified him. As a result, this “ March” turned out to be a extremely small crowd. Their Hate and racism backfired
[ Here is a good response for the anti Israel congresswomen and the Women's March Movement ]

Jewish activist storms Women’s March stage and confronts them about Jew-hatred
Did anybody care?

Surprisingly Jews care, a civil movement that claims to strive for equality,
can't be used as a platform for banal antisemitism.

Just another stupid remark ; What else would one expect? What he is too ignorant of is that the Anti Semitism of the Women’s March was initiated by followers of Louis Farrakhan. The “ leader” of this March actually glorified him. As a result, this “ March” turned out to be a extremely small crowd. Their Hate and racism backfired

This year I will be in shul, not on the Women’s March
One Jewish activist explains why the movement’s links to hateful rhetoric will keep her away on Saturday

The Women’s March has been an uncomfortable place for Jewish women from the start and the tensions between the Jewish community and the Women’s March have risen to boiling point over the past year.

The Women’s March has failed to reassure the community that we are welcome, and it faces increasing pressure as partners including Emily’s List, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Democratic National Committee and the National Abortion Rights Action League have dropped their partnership.

Voices calling for Jewish women to skip the march and demand more action from its leadership have grown louder and are being heard in mainstream press.

The same bunch who exclude feminists supporting Israel, are also those at the forefront of the attempt to cancel the laws protecting the Jewish minority in the US.
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Any attempt to negate the Jewish people's right to self determination, and to deny them access and control in the area designated for the Jewish people by the League of Nations is an actionable infringement of both international law and the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, paragraph 2 of the United States Constitution), which dictates that Treaties "shall be the supreme Law of the Land".
Not when you are in breach of that treaty.

If that was the case no further agreements would be signed on that basis confirming my fulfillment of the obligations. Which brings us back to an obligation to follow the international law which became US law, and the fact that treaties themselves have no statute of limitations, therefore those rights go on ad infinitum.

Doubt any treaties or international law have been fulfilled to any extent as this banal anti-Semitism Fourth Reich lynching enforcement for Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount national religion of those crooks on Capitol Hill with every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act for 9/11 & the more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" and "death to the infidels" holy trinity holy costs for all intents & purposes still wants Israel to pay just as they dictated Jews must pay for the Holocaust in the last century.
[ History lesson ]

The conspiracy theory of the Jew as the hypnotic conspirator, the duplicitous manipulator, the sinister puppeteer is one with ancient roots and a bloody history. In the New Testament, it is a small band of Jews who get Rome — then the greatest power in the world — to do their bidding by killing Christ. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, speaks to the Jews about Jesus in the book of John: “Take him yourselves and judge him according to your own law.” But the Jews punt the decision back to Pilate: “We are not permitted to put anyone to death.” And so Pilate does the deed on their behalf. In the book of Matthew, the implications of this manipulation are spelled out: “His blood is on us and our children,” the Jews say — a line that has been so historically destructive that even Mel Gibson cut it from his “Passion of the Christ.”

In the two millenniums that followed, even after 1965, when the Catholic Church formally disavowed the belief that the Jews killed Jesus, this was the template for the anti-Semitic conspiracy: the ability of this tiny minority to use its wiles and its proximity to power to con others into accomplishing their evil ends. It has led to countless expulsions, murders, massacres and pogroms throughout Europe and elsewhere.

The Jewish power to hypnotize the world, as Ms. Omar put it, is the plot of Jud Süss — the most successful Nazi film ever made. In the film, produced by Joseph Goebbels himself, Josef Süss Oppenheimer, an 18th-century religious Jew, emerges from the ghetto, makes himself over as an assimilated man, and rises to become the treasurer to the Duke of Württemberg. Silly duke: Allowing a single Jew into his city leads to death and destruction.

After seeing the final cut of the film, in August 1940, Goebbels wrote in his diary: “An anti-Semitic film of the kind we could only wish for. I am happy about it.” And no wonder: It premiered at the Venice Film Festival, where it received the Golden Lion Award. By some estimates, more than 20 million people saw it.

Since then, the myth of the wily Jewish manipulator of those in power continues to persist in various forms. During the Iraq War, it became common to blame Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith — Bush administration figures who happened to be Jewish — for a military campaign that had been ordered by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. In the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump blamed “globalists” with names like Lloyd Blankfein and George Soros for America’s economic woes.

(full article online)

Opinion | Ilhan Omar and the Myth of Jewish Hypnosis
Obviously a more perfect union in US congresswomen of an Islam "death to the infidels" jihad, "serve the Pope or die" Knights of Columbus one nation under God diatribe utilizing every form of tyranny over the minds of man tautology flavor of eliminating Israel is different from thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists which failed in the destruction of Israel for their second coming thru 9/11 still leaves one far more than peeved based on a supreme swastika up Uranus court Rosenberg pedophilia business decision for the nuclear age.
Can you be a little more succinct?
[ History lesson ]

The conspiracy theory of the Jew as the hypnotic conspirator, the duplicitous manipulator, the sinister puppeteer is one with ancient roots and a bloody history. In the New Testament, it is a small band of Jews who get Rome — then the greatest power in the world — to do their bidding by killing Christ. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, speaks to the Jews about Jesus in the book of John: “Take him yourselves and judge him according to your own law.” But the Jews punt the decision back to Pilate: “We are not permitted to put anyone to death.” And so Pilate does the deed on their behalf. In the book of Matthew, the implications of this manipulation are spelled out: “His blood is on us and our children,” the Jews say — a line that has been so historically destructive that even Mel Gibson cut it from his “Passion of the Christ.”

In the two millenniums that followed, even after 1965, when the Catholic Church formally disavowed the belief that the Jews killed Jesus, this was the template for the anti-Semitic conspiracy: the ability of this tiny minority to use its wiles and its proximity to power to con others into accomplishing their evil ends. It has led to countless expulsions, murders, massacres and pogroms throughout Europe and elsewhere.

The Jewish power to hypnotize the world, as Ms. Omar put it, is the plot of Jud Süss — the most successful Nazi film ever made. In the film, produced by Joseph Goebbels himself, Josef Süss Oppenheimer, an 18th-century religious Jew, emerges from the ghetto, makes himself over as an assimilated man, and rises to become the treasurer to the Duke of Württemberg. Silly duke: Allowing a single Jew into his city leads to death and destruction.

After seeing the final cut of the film, in August 1940, Goebbels wrote in his diary: “An anti-Semitic film of the kind we could only wish for. I am happy about it.” And no wonder: It premiered at the Venice Film Festival, where it received the Golden Lion Award. By some estimates, more than 20 million people saw it.

Since then, the myth of the wily Jewish manipulator of those in power continues to persist in various forms. During the Iraq War, it became common to blame Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith — Bush administration figures who happened to be Jewish — for a military campaign that had been ordered by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. In the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump blamed “globalists” with names like Lloyd Blankfein and George Soros for America’s economic woes.

(full article online)

Opinion | Ilhan Omar and the Myth of Jewish Hypnosis

Ilhan Omar might eventually have more mythical hypnosis power than that of some 2000 + years old fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception to perpetuate survival of the fittest fascists conspiracy killings.
If that was the case no further agreements would be signed on that basis confirming my fulfillment of the obligations. Which brings us back to an obligation to follow the international law which became US law, and the fact that treaties themselves have no statute of limitations, therefore those rights go on ad infinitum.
Once you are in breach of a treaty, it becomes nullified.
Doubt any treaties or international law have been fulfilled to any extent as this banal anti-Semitism Fourth Reich lynching enforcement for Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount national religion of those crooks on Capitol Hill with every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act for 9/11 & the more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" and "death to the infidels" holy trinity holy costs for all intents & purposes still wants Israel to pay just as they dictated Jews must pay for the Holocaust in the last century.
Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's is effectively shitting on the memory of those whose lives were takin' in the Holocaust.
If that was the case no further agreements would be signed on that basis confirming my fulfillment of the obligations. Which brings us back to an obligation to follow the international law which became US law, and the fact that treaties themselves have no statute of limitations, therefore those rights go on ad infinitum.
Once you are in breach of a treaty, it becomes nullified.
I guess this makes Your case...:26:

14 David Flusser
Jerusalem 9378322, Israel
Embassy | U.S. Embassy in Israel
Doubt any treaties or international law have been fulfilled to any extent as this banal anti-Semitism Fourth Reich lynching enforcement for Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount national religion of those crooks on Capitol Hill with every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act for 9/11 & the more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" and "death to the infidels" holy trinity holy costs for all intents & purposes still wants Israel to pay just as they dictated Jews must pay for the Holocaust in the last century.
Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's is effectively shitting on the memory of those whose lives were takin' in the Holocaust.

No where near the US KKK churchstate super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming pedophilia business of every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act farce making a joke out of 9/11 holy costs in propaganda traditions of "serve the Pope or die" crusades & "death to the infidels" jihads as a national religion.
No where near the US KKK churchstate super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming pedophilia business of every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act farce making a joke out of 9/11 holy costs in propaganda traditions of "serve the Pope or die" crusades & "death to the infidels" jihads as a national religion.
What are you trying to do? Set the record for the most adverbs and adjectives in a post?

WTF is your point?

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