Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

I guess it depends on whether you trying to just make a point or whether you truly wish for a successful program.

In Area C, you have two populations who could both benefit from more integrated schooling, and a better security situation within which to start an experiment. So why not start it? Teach Palestinian kids that Jewish kids are just kids and vice versa. Ideas spread, people talk, and movements grow. Palestinians in Area C can influence Palestinians in B and A. That is what seems most natural to me.

Who is it that will teach Palistanian kids that Jewish kids are the same? That is a complete reversal of the hatreds for Jews that is drilled into the Arab-Moslem population on a daily basis.
Like the hatred for Arabs that is drilled into the Jewish kids in the settlements? Maybe some brave souls will break the trend.

I’m sure there is some hatred for Arabs that is instilled into the Jewish kids in the settlements, but that does nothing to address the question posed to you.

Nothing in your post even hinted at the complete reversal of policy that would need to be undertaken by Hamas, the PA and the various Islamic terrorist franchises operating under their authority. For moslems in the competing islamist mini-caliphates, (taught from the cradle that they are at war with the Jews), there is only Islam's partition of the world into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

What changes would need to be made to end the Hamas summer camps where children are taught to kill Jews? What could Abbas do to end the glorification of killing Jews and end rewards for such killing?

Erasing hate is a two way street, you can’t ignore the other side. But on the Palestinian side paying murderers has to stop and so do terrorist training camps. Don’t teach children to hate.

And maybe this should stop as well: Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
Who is it that will teach Palistanian kids that Jewish kids are the same? That is a complete reversal of the hatreds for Jews that is drilled into the Arab-Moslem population on a daily basis.
Like the hatred for Arabs that is drilled into the Jewish kids in the settlements? Maybe some brave souls will break the trend.

I’m sure there is some hatred for Arabs that is instilled into the Jewish kids in the settlements, but that does nothing to address the question posed to you.

Nothing in your post even hinted at the complete reversal of policy that would need to be undertaken by Hamas, the PA and the various Islamic terrorist franchises operating under their authority. For moslems in the competing islamist mini-caliphates, (taught from the cradle that they are at war with the Jews), there is only Islam's partition of the world into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

What changes would need to be made to end the Hamas summer camps where children are taught to kill Jews? What could Abbas do to end the glorification of killing Jews and end rewards for such killing?

Erasing hate is a two way street, you can’t ignore the other side. But on the Palestinian side paying murderers has to stop and so do terrorist training camps. Don’t teach children to hate.

And maybe this should stop as well: Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
Like the hatred for Arabs that is drilled into the Jewish kids in the settlements? Maybe some brave souls will break the trend.

I’m sure there is some hatred for Arabs that is instilled into the Jewish kids in the settlements, but that does nothing to address the question posed to you.

Nothing in your post even hinted at the complete reversal of policy that would need to be undertaken by Hamas, the PA and the various Islamic terrorist franchises operating under their authority. For moslems in the competing islamist mini-caliphates, (taught from the cradle that they are at war with the Jews), there is only Islam's partition of the world into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

What changes would need to be made to end the Hamas summer camps where children are taught to kill Jews? What could Abbas do to end the glorification of killing Jews and end rewards for such killing?

Erasing hate is a two way street, you can’t ignore the other side. But on the Palestinian side paying murderers has to stop and so do terrorist training camps. Don’t teach children to hate.

And maybe this should stop as well: Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.

Is this good to teach them?

Students on trip to IDF base simulated shooting targets with Arab headdress
Twelfth-grade students from Herzliya's Hayovel High School took part in a simulated shooting attack in which the targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress, Haaretz has learned.

The incident took place at a military base last week during the annual 12th grade trip. The students were being escorted to a commanders' base in the Negev as part of an "IDF preparation" project, which is sanctioned by the Education Ministry.
Last edited:
I’m sure there is some hatred for Arabs that is instilled into the Jewish kids in the settlements, but that does nothing to address the question posed to you.

Nothing in your post even hinted at the complete reversal of policy that would need to be undertaken by Hamas, the PA and the various Islamic terrorist franchises operating under their authority. For moslems in the competing islamist mini-caliphates, (taught from the cradle that they are at war with the Jews), there is only Islam's partition of the world into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

What changes would need to be made to end the Hamas summer camps where children are taught to kill Jews? What could Abbas do to end the glorification of killing Jews and end rewards for such killing?

Erasing hate is a two way street, you can’t ignore the other side. But on the Palestinian side paying murderers has to stop and so do terrorist training camps. Don’t teach children to hate.

And maybe this should stop as well: Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.
Where in the article did you read that part, because there isn't one paragraph or sentence in the article which says anything like that.
Erasing hate is a two way street, you can’t ignore the other side. But on the Palestinian side paying murderers has to stop and so do terrorist training camps. Don’t teach children to hate.

And maybe this should stop as well: Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.
Where in the article did you read that part, because there isn't one paragraph or sentence in the article which says anything like that.
Erasing hate is a two way street, you can’t ignore the other side. But on the Palestinian side paying murderers has to stop and so do terrorist training camps. Don’t teach children to hate.

And maybe this should stop as well: Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.
Where in the article did you read that part, because there isn't one paragraph or sentence in the article which says anything like that.

I was mixing it up with another article Students on trip to IDF base simulated shooting targets with Arab headdress
I’m sure there is some hatred for Arabs that is instilled into the Jewish kids in the settlements, but that does nothing to address the question posed to you.

Nothing in your post even hinted at the complete reversal of policy that would need to be undertaken by Hamas, the PA and the various Islamic terrorist franchises operating under their authority. For moslems in the competing islamist mini-caliphates, (taught from the cradle that they are at war with the Jews), there is only Islam's partition of the world into Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

What changes would need to be made to end the Hamas summer camps where children are taught to kill Jews? What could Abbas do to end the glorification of killing Jews and end rewards for such killing?

Erasing hate is a two way street, you can’t ignore the other side. But on the Palestinian side paying murderers has to stop and so do terrorist training camps. Don’t teach children to hate.

And maybe this should stop as well: Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.

Is this good to teach them?

Students on trip to IDF base simulated shooting targets with Arab headdress
Twelfth-grade students from Herzliya's Hayovel High School took part in a simulated shooting attack in which the targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress, Haaretz has learned.

The incident took place at a military base last week during the annual 12th grade trip. The students were being escorted to a commanders' base in the Negev as part of an "IDF preparation" project, which is sanctioned by the Education Ministry.

Sorry, but Haaretz does tend to exaggerate things, usually.

And the keffiyeh is representative of the terrorists, Arabs or not, who have been attacking Jews on an almost daily basis.

They are not being taught hatred. They are being taught self defense.

Most, if not all of these twelfth grade students will be going into the army when they turn 18 and will learn exactly that and more in order to defend their country and themselves from the endless terrorist attacks they either hear about or will eventually experience themselves so as not to end up dead.

I do find it odd that you are worried that the ones they would be trained during these classes, twelfth-grade or 18 years old, would look like Arabs when it is the Arabs who are attacking and injuring or killing Jews.

Should they train on Nazis, Communists, Fascists?
Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans?

The enemy of Israel are the Muslims, Arabs who wear Arab headdress.

During WWII, US soldiers would train with figures of Germans or Japanese.

That is the way countries train against the immediate enemy.


Israel trains for self-defense against terrorism to protect the population and the country.

Gaza, the PA, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, etc train to kill Jews in acts of terrorism in order to destroy Israel.
Erasing hate is a two way street, you can’t ignore the other side. But on the Palestinian side paying murderers has to stop and so do terrorist training camps. Don’t teach children to hate.

And maybe this should stop as well: Israel's fantasy terror camps let tourists experience suicide bombings and stabbing attacks
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.

Is this good to teach them?

Students on trip to IDF base simulated shooting targets with Arab headdress
Twelfth-grade students from Herzliya's Hayovel High School took part in a simulated shooting attack in which the targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress, Haaretz has learned.

The incident took place at a military base last week during the annual 12th grade trip. The students were being escorted to a commanders' base in the Negev as part of an "IDF preparation" project, which is sanctioned by the Education Ministry.

Sorry, but Haaretz does tend to exaggerate things, usually.

And the keffiyeh is representative of the terrorists, Arabs or not, who have been attacking Jews on an almost daily basis.

They are not being taught hatred. They are being taught self defense.

Most, if not all of these twelfth grade students will be going into the army when they turn 18 and will learn exactly that and more in order to defend their country and themselves from the endless terrorist attacks they either hear about or will eventually experience themselves so as not to end up dead.

I do find it odd that you are worried that the ones they would be trained during these classes, twelfth-grade or 18 years old, would look like Arabs when it is the Arabs who are attacking and injuring or killing Jews.

Should they train on Nazis, Communists, Fascists?
Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans?

The enemy of Israel are the Muslims, Arabs who wear Arab headdress.

During WWII, US soldiers would train with figures of Germans or Japanese.

That is the way countries train against the immediate enemy.


Israel trains for self-defense against terrorism to protect the population and the country.

Gaza, the PA, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, etc train to kill Jews in acts of terrorism in order to destroy Israel.
They can train on faceless targets and silhouettes I am sure.
Do you not see a difference between Terrorism camps in Gaza and Anti Terrorism camps in Israel?
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.

Is this good to teach them?

Students on trip to IDF base simulated shooting targets with Arab headdress
Twelfth-grade students from Herzliya's Hayovel High School took part in a simulated shooting attack in which the targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress, Haaretz has learned.

The incident took place at a military base last week during the annual 12th grade trip. The students were being escorted to a commanders' base in the Negev as part of an "IDF preparation" project, which is sanctioned by the Education Ministry.

Sorry, but Haaretz does tend to exaggerate things, usually.

And the keffiyeh is representative of the terrorists, Arabs or not, who have been attacking Jews on an almost daily basis.

They are not being taught hatred. They are being taught self defense.

Most, if not all of these twelfth grade students will be going into the army when they turn 18 and will learn exactly that and more in order to defend their country and themselves from the endless terrorist attacks they either hear about or will eventually experience themselves so as not to end up dead.

I do find it odd that you are worried that the ones they would be trained during these classes, twelfth-grade or 18 years old, would look like Arabs when it is the Arabs who are attacking and injuring or killing Jews.

Should they train on Nazis, Communists, Fascists?
Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans?

The enemy of Israel are the Muslims, Arabs who wear Arab headdress.

During WWII, US soldiers would train with figures of Germans or Japanese.

That is the way countries train against the immediate enemy.


Israel trains for self-defense against terrorism to protect the population and the country.

Gaza, the PA, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, etc train to kill Jews in acts of terrorism in order to destroy Israel.
They can train on faceless targets and silhouettes I am sure.
Nowhere it says that there are faces on the targets.

" targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress,"

A Headdress does not a face make.
Not are teaching kids to kill and hate.
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.

Is this good to teach them?

Students on trip to IDF base simulated shooting targets with Arab headdress
Twelfth-grade students from Herzliya's Hayovel High School took part in a simulated shooting attack in which the targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress, Haaretz has learned.

The incident took place at a military base last week during the annual 12th grade trip. The students were being escorted to a commanders' base in the Negev as part of an "IDF preparation" project, which is sanctioned by the Education Ministry.

Sorry, but Haaretz does tend to exaggerate things, usually.

And the keffiyeh is representative of the terrorists, Arabs or not, who have been attacking Jews on an almost daily basis.

They are not being taught hatred. They are being taught self defense.

Most, if not all of these twelfth grade students will be going into the army when they turn 18 and will learn exactly that and more in order to defend their country and themselves from the endless terrorist attacks they either hear about or will eventually experience themselves so as not to end up dead.

I do find it odd that you are worried that the ones they would be trained during these classes, twelfth-grade or 18 years old, would look like Arabs when it is the Arabs who are attacking and injuring or killing Jews.

Should they train on Nazis, Communists, Fascists?
Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans?

The enemy of Israel are the Muslims, Arabs who wear Arab headdress.

During WWII, US soldiers would train with figures of Germans or Japanese.

That is the way countries train against the immediate enemy.


Israel trains for self-defense against terrorism to protect the population and the country.

Gaza, the PA, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, etc train to kill Jews in acts of terrorism in order to destroy Israel.
They can train on faceless targets and silhouettes I am sure.
Nowhere it says that there are faces on the targets.

" targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress,"

A Headdress does not a face make.
This article has pictures:
Military tourism in Israel: learn how to kill Palestinians for $115 a day!
The one is Gaza teaches Arabs of all ages to kill Jews.
It is called terrorism.

The one in Israel, is showing tourists of all ages the art of self defense against terrorism.
There are no "Kill the Arabs", "Tear their hearts out" or anything like it.

A course to kill and commit terrorism, and a course of self defense against terrorism are two totally different things.
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.

Is this good to teach them?

Students on trip to IDF base simulated shooting targets with Arab headdress
Twelfth-grade students from Herzliya's Hayovel High School took part in a simulated shooting attack in which the targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress, Haaretz has learned.

The incident took place at a military base last week during the annual 12th grade trip. The students were being escorted to a commanders' base in the Negev as part of an "IDF preparation" project, which is sanctioned by the Education Ministry.

Sorry, but Haaretz does tend to exaggerate things, usually.

And the keffiyeh is representative of the terrorists, Arabs or not, who have been attacking Jews on an almost daily basis.

They are not being taught hatred. They are being taught self defense.

Most, if not all of these twelfth grade students will be going into the army when they turn 18 and will learn exactly that and more in order to defend their country and themselves from the endless terrorist attacks they either hear about or will eventually experience themselves so as not to end up dead.

I do find it odd that you are worried that the ones they would be trained during these classes, twelfth-grade or 18 years old, would look like Arabs when it is the Arabs who are attacking and injuring or killing Jews.

Should they train on Nazis, Communists, Fascists?
Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans?

The enemy of Israel are the Muslims, Arabs who wear Arab headdress.

During WWII, US soldiers would train with figures of Germans or Japanese.

That is the way countries train against the immediate enemy.


Israel trains for self-defense against terrorism to protect the population and the country.

Gaza, the PA, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, etc train to kill Jews in acts of terrorism in order to destroy Israel.
They can train on faceless targets and silhouettes I am sure.
Nowhere it says that there are faces on the targets.

" targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress,"

A Headdress does not a face make.
This article has pictures:
Military tourism in Israel: learn how to kill Palestinians for $115 a day!
The images used to teach soldiers to kill
They are taught to shoot and kill people who all happen to look like Arabs.

Is this good to teach them?

Students on trip to IDF base simulated shooting targets with Arab headdress
Twelfth-grade students from Herzliya's Hayovel High School took part in a simulated shooting attack in which the targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress, Haaretz has learned.

The incident took place at a military base last week during the annual 12th grade trip. The students were being escorted to a commanders' base in the Negev as part of an "IDF preparation" project, which is sanctioned by the Education Ministry.

Sorry, but Haaretz does tend to exaggerate things, usually.

And the keffiyeh is representative of the terrorists, Arabs or not, who have been attacking Jews on an almost daily basis.

They are not being taught hatred. They are being taught self defense.

Most, if not all of these twelfth grade students will be going into the army when they turn 18 and will learn exactly that and more in order to defend their country and themselves from the endless terrorist attacks they either hear about or will eventually experience themselves so as not to end up dead.

I do find it odd that you are worried that the ones they would be trained during these classes, twelfth-grade or 18 years old, would look like Arabs when it is the Arabs who are attacking and injuring or killing Jews.

Should they train on Nazis, Communists, Fascists?
Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans?

The enemy of Israel are the Muslims, Arabs who wear Arab headdress.

During WWII, US soldiers would train with figures of Germans or Japanese.

That is the way countries train against the immediate enemy.


Israel trains for self-defense against terrorism to protect the population and the country.

Gaza, the PA, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, etc train to kill Jews in acts of terrorism in order to destroy Israel.
They can train on faceless targets and silhouettes I am sure.
Nowhere it says that there are faces on the targets.

" targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress,"

A Headdress does not a face make.
This article has pictures:
Military tourism in Israel: learn how to kill Palestinians for $115 a day!
The images used to teach soldiers to kill
Yes...but those aren’t what are used these events.
Sorry, but Haaretz does tend to exaggerate things, usually.

And the keffiyeh is representative of the terrorists, Arabs or not, who have been attacking Jews on an almost daily basis.

They are not being taught hatred. They are being taught self defense.

Most, if not all of these twelfth grade students will be going into the army when they turn 18 and will learn exactly that and more in order to defend their country and themselves from the endless terrorist attacks they either hear about or will eventually experience themselves so as not to end up dead.

I do find it odd that you are worried that the ones they would be trained during these classes, twelfth-grade or 18 years old, would look like Arabs when it is the Arabs who are attacking and injuring or killing Jews.

Should they train on Nazis, Communists, Fascists?
Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans?

The enemy of Israel are the Muslims, Arabs who wear Arab headdress.

During WWII, US soldiers would train with figures of Germans or Japanese.

That is the way countries train against the immediate enemy.


Israel trains for self-defense against terrorism to protect the population and the country.

Gaza, the PA, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, etc train to kill Jews in acts of terrorism in order to destroy Israel.
They can train on faceless targets and silhouettes I am sure.
Nowhere it says that there are faces on the targets.

" targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress,"

A Headdress does not a face make.
This article has pictures:
Military tourism in Israel: learn how to kill Palestinians for $115 a day!
The images used to teach soldiers to kill
Yes...but those aren’t what are used these events.
Is it ok if the photos of Arabs used in those classes, boot camps in Israel are those of actual terrorists who killed Israelis?

I believe that those are the pictures which would be used, and not of any innocent civilian who has never committed a crime, much less committed an act of terrorism and killed Jews, and went to meet his 72 virgins after that.
They can train on faceless targets and silhouettes I am sure.
Nowhere it says that there are faces on the targets.

" targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress,"

A Headdress does not a face make.
This article has pictures:
Military tourism in Israel: learn how to kill Palestinians for $115 a day!
The images used to teach soldiers to kill
Yes...but those aren’t what are used these events.
Is it ok if the photos of Arabs used in those classes, boot camps in Israel are those of actual terrorists who killed Israelis?

I believe that those are the pictures which would be used, and not of any innocent civilian who has never committed a crime, much less committed an act of terrorism and killed Jews, and went to meet his 72 virgins after that.

How about just using what the military uses.

Sure. You could use images of actual terrorists but to most people they will look like generic Arabs and no o e is going to know the difference between them and any other Arab civilian.
Nowhere it says that there are faces on the targets.

" targets were figures decked out with the Arab keffiyeh headdress,"

A Headdress does not a face make.
This article has pictures:
Military tourism in Israel: learn how to kill Palestinians for $115 a day!
The images used to teach soldiers to kill
Yes...but those aren’t what are used these events.
Is it ok if the photos of Arabs used in those classes, boot camps in Israel are those of actual terrorists who killed Israelis?

I believe that those are the pictures which would be used, and not of any innocent civilian who has never committed a crime, much less committed an act of terrorism and killed Jews, and went to meet his 72 virgins after that.

How about just using what the military uses.

Sure. You could use images of actual terrorists but to most people they will look like generic Arabs and no o e is going to know the difference between them and any other Arab civilian.
You are making too much of it.
You are focusing too much on allegations and what it "looks like" rather than what it actually is.
They are NOT using photos of living innocent Arabs, at all.
For sure that would have been a HUGE scandal by now, and it is not and has never been.

In Gaza it is terrorism. In their schools, their academies, their boot camps, etc.

In Israel, Caliber3ranger is a recognized Counter Terrorism Academy where professionals from all over the world come to train.

Professional Training
Caliber 3’s professional security training courses are run by experts with field experience in a wide variety of strategic and tactical operations

Courses are geared towards military, security and counter terror units and personnel that need to hone their skills and keep up to date with the latest techniques.

Caliber 3 offers training across a wide variety of security and counter terror courses including - Tactical Weapons, VIP Protection, Infrantry Tactics ,Krav Maga, and Urban Combat

Professional Courses

The above offers Professional and Tourist programs.

And there is an age requirement for some of them, and it does not include children of any age as it happens in Gaza.

One will find Caliber3range under Trip Advisor.

Brilliant - Review of Caliber 3, Gush Etzion, Palestinian Territories - TripAdvisor

One cannot say the same about the Gaza summer camps.

It is Nothing like this Summer or any other camp offered in Gaza:

At Summer Camp, Hamas Raises the Next Generation of Killers - The Tower
So here's Muslim Congresswomen exporting Byrd's KKK churchstate West Nazi Germany Virginia fiefdom of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists as in Kristallnacht with Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate second coming thru 9/11 nuke Temple Mount Christiananality pedophilia business megalomaniacal Islamidiotocracy Dalek exterminate crusade......
Get back on your meds, troll.
So here's Muslim Congresswomen exporting Byrd's KKK churchstate West Nazi Germany Virginia fiefdom of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists as in Kristallnacht with Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate second coming thru 9/11 nuke Temple Mount Christiananality pedophilia business megalomaniacal Islamidiotocracy Dalek exterminate crusade......
Get back on your meds, troll.

Obviously a more perfect union in US congresswomen of an Islam "death to the infidels" jihad, "serve the Pope or die" Knights of Columbus one nation under God diatribe utilizing every form of tyranny over the minds of man tautology flavor of eliminating Israel is different from thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists which failed in the destruction of Israel for their second coming thru 9/11 still leaves one far more than peeved based on a supreme swastika up Uranus court Rosenberg pedophilia business decision for the nuclear age.

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