Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel

No where near the US KKK churchstate super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming pedophilia business of every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act farce making a joke out of 9/11 holy costs in propaganda traditions of "serve the Pope or die" crusades & "death to the infidels" jihads as a national religion.
What are you trying to do? Set the record for the most adverbs and adjectives in a post?

WTF is your point?

So after some 40 years of those crooks on Capitol Hill national religion KKK churchstate of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists "man is God" by utilizing every form of tyranny over the minds of man as Catholic Church " serve the Pope or die" crusades & Islam "death to the infidels" jihads; Palestinians attacking Israel for more than 40 years as if Nazi Germany war crimes in running a pedophilia business tradition of Eichmann's baptize thine eyes by urinations in defamations also makes Palestinians higher than one nation under God as standing to take lands & lives......
Quote from Tlaib:

I want to integrate schools. I tell my colleague on the House floor who is Jewish: “Can you imagine, if we start integrating schools and have Israeli and Palestinian kids going to school together?”

I wonder what her plans are to make this a reality in Areas A and B and in Gaza.

I think Tlaib should be clued in to the fact that her responsibility as a member of Congress is to represent American voters and interests, not to be a politburo mouthpiece for Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates.

She seems completely befuddled about such things as representative democracies. I wonder if she knows what Congress does? might consider the same for those elected officials who operate as mouth pieces for Israel.
No where near the US KKK churchstate super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming pedophilia business of every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act farce making a joke out of 9/11 holy costs in propaganda traditions of "serve the Pope or die" crusades & "death to the infidels" jihads as a national religion.
What are you trying to do? Set the record for the most adverbs and adjectives in a post?

WTF is your point?

So after some 40 years of those crooks on Capitol Hill national religion KKK churchstate of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists "man is God" by utilizing every form of tyranny over the minds of man as Catholic Church " serve the Pope or die" crusades & Islam "death to the infidels" jihads; Palestinians attacking Israel for more than 40 years as if Nazi Germany war crimes in running a pedophilia business tradition of Eichmann's baptize thine eyes by urinations in defamations also makes Palestinians higher than one nation under God as standing to take lands & lives......
Honedtly I cant tell what the heck you are tri g to say :dunno:
No where near the US KKK churchstate super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming pedophilia business of every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act farce making a joke out of 9/11 holy costs in propaganda traditions of "serve the Pope or die" crusades & "death to the infidels" jihads as a national religion.
What are you trying to do? Set the record for the most adverbs and adjectives in a post?

WTF is your point?

So after some 40 years of those crooks on Capitol Hill national religion KKK churchstate of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists "man is God" by utilizing every form of tyranny over the minds of man as Catholic Church " serve the Pope or die" crusades & Islam "death to the infidels" jihads; Palestinians attacking Israel for more than 40 years as if Nazi Germany war crimes in running a pedophilia business tradition of Eichmann's baptize thine eyes by urinations in defamations also makes Palestinians higher than one nation under God as standing to take lands & lives......
Honedtly I cant tell what the heck you are tri g to say :dunno:
No where near the US KKK churchstate super ego sociopsychopathilogical human farming pedophilia business of every form of tyranny over the minds of man patriot act farce making a joke out of 9/11 holy costs in propaganda traditions of "serve the Pope or die" crusades & "death to the infidels" jihads as a national religion.
What are you trying to do? Set the record for the most adverbs and adjectives in a post?

WTF is your point?

So after some 40 years of those crooks on Capitol Hill national religion KKK churchstate of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists "man is God" by utilizing every form of tyranny over the minds of man as Catholic Church " serve the Pope or die" crusades & Islam "death to the infidels" jihads; Palestinians attacking Israel for more than 40 years as if Nazi Germany war crimes in running a pedophilia business tradition of Eichmann's baptize thine eyes by urinations in defamations also makes Palestinians higher than one nation under God as standing to take lands & lives......
Honedtly I cant tell what the heck you are tri g to say :dunno:

It's like Star Bellied Sneeches avoidance - acceptance in taking lands to displace people so they may be preyed upon by Palestinian pedophilia businesses after becoming homeless as Nazi concentration camps compulsive - obsessive extermination factory lines did.
Quote from Tlaib:

I want to integrate schools. I tell my colleague on the House floor who is Jewish: “Can you imagine, if we start integrating schools and have Israeli and Palestinian kids going to school together?”

I wonder what her plans are to make this a reality in Areas A and B and in Gaza.

I think Tlaib should be clued in to the fact that her responsibility as a member of Congress is to represent American voters and interests, not to be a politburo mouthpiece for Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates.

She seems completely befuddled about such things as representative democracies. I wonder if she knows what Congress does? might consider the same for those elected officials who operate as mouth pieces for Israel.

As it turns out, I live here in the Great Satan so the actions of people who I believe to be incompetent and pursuing an agenda that is not in concert with American interests or values is something I reserve the right to comment about.

Fortunately, here in the Great Satan, I don't have to be concerned with islamic terrorists dragging me away in the night for criticism of those I believe to be... you know.... incompetent and not pursuing American values and interests.

Odd how Rashida Tliaib seems to spend more time agonizing over foreign Arabs-Moslems as opposed to working toward the ideals of a representative democracy.

I question whether she understands the concept of US government.
Quote from Tlaib:

I want to integrate schools. I tell my colleague on the House floor who is Jewish: “Can you imagine, if we start integrating schools and have Israeli and Palestinian kids going to school together?”

I wonder what her plans are to make this a reality in Areas A and B and in Gaza.

I think Tlaib should be clued in to the fact that her responsibility as a member of Congress is to represent American voters and interests, not to be a politburo mouthpiece for Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates.

She seems completely befuddled about such things as representative democracies. I wonder if she knows what Congress does? might consider the same for those elected officials who operate as mouth pieces for Israel.

As it turns out, I live here in the Great Satan so the actions of people who I believe to be incompetent and pursuing an agenda that is not in concert with American interests or values is something I reserve the right to comment about.

Fortunately, here in the Great Satan, I don't have to be concerned with islamic terrorists dragging me away in the night for criticism of those I believe to be... you know.... incompetent and not pursuing American values and interests.

Odd how Rashida Tliaib seems to spend more time agonizing over foreign Arabs-Moslems as opposed to working toward the ideals of a representative democracy.

I question whether she understands the concept of US government.

No doubt her concept of US government is one man's law is another man's crime since that's about the only business crooks on Capitol Hill conduct.
Egyptian: 'Why Israel should be wary of 'peace' from my Muslim brethren'

Egyptian: 'Why Israel should be wary of 'peace' from my Muslim brethren'

Certainly learned more Islam in almost 18 minutes than in 64 years of Byrd's KKK West Nazi Germany Virginia thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testaments hand scribed in Israel Kristallnacht threatening to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel for the second coming & those burning Bush's patriot act of Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11; but this Muslim congresswomen already has enough Islam brethren on Capitol Hill & in Nazington as it is.
What Makes Hatred of Israel Different from Other Political Passions?

The ongoing protests at the Gaza security fence, and Israel’s efforts to contain them, have once again brought people to the streets of European cities—and even more people to their social-media accounts—to express their outrage at the Jewish state. Noting that these same people are largely indifferent to, for instance, Turkey’s persecution of Kurds or Syria’s gassing of civilians, Brendan O’Neillasks what makes Israel the object of so much hatred:

Israeli activity doesn’t only elicit a response from these campaigners where Turkish or Saudi or Syrian activity does not—it also and always elicits a visceral response. The condemnation of Israel is furious and intense, and the language used about it is dark, strikingly different from the language used about any other state that engages in military activity. Israel is never just wrong or heavy-handed or a country that “foolishly rushes to war,” as protesters would say about Tony Blair and Iraq, and very occasionally about Barack Obama and Libya, and, if they were pressed for an opinion, would probably say about the Turks and the Saudis, too. No, Israel is genocidal. It is a terrorist state, a rogue state, an apartheid state. It is mad, racist, ideological. It doesn’t do simple militarism—it does “bloodletting”; it derives some kind of pleasure from killing civilians, including children. . . . This Jewish state is the worst state, the most bloodthirsty state. . . .

There is no getting away from it: the thing that is really unique about Israel is how much they hate it.

[The next step is to say that Israelis] are fascists, that the victims of fascism now practice fascism. This is the sentiment behind much of the myopic focus on Israel: that the Jews now do to others what people once did to them. Even though actually they don’t. Even though they do nothing that bears even the remotest resemblance to the Nazis’ effort to exterminate the Jews. And yet at anti-Israel demonstrations, placards compare Gaza with the Warsaw Ghetto;

What Makes Hatred of Israel Different from Other Political Passions?
What Makes Hatred of Israel Different from Other Political Passions?
Brendan O’Neillasks what makes Israel the object of so much hatred:
Israeli activity doesn’t only elicit a response from these campaigners where Turkish or Saudi or Syrian activity does not—it also and always elicits a visceral response. The condemnation of Israel is furious and intense, and the language used about it is dark, strikingly different from the language used about any other state that engages in military activity. Israel is never just wrong or heavy-handed or a country that “foolishly rushes to war,” as protesters would say about Tony Blair and Iraq, and very occasionally about Barack Obama and Libya, and, if they were pressed for an opinion, would probably say about the Turks and the Saudis, too. No, Israel is genocidal. It is a terrorist state, a rogue state, an apartheid state. It is mad, racist, ideological. It doesn’t do simple militarism—it does “bloodletting”; it derives some kind of pleasure from killing civilians, including children. . . . This Jewish state is the worst state, the most bloodthirsty state. . . .
[The next step is to say that Israelis] are fascists, that the victims of fascism now practice fascism. This is the sentiment behind much of the myopic focus on Israel: that the Jews now do to others what people once did to them. Even though actually they don’t. Even though they do nothing that bears even the remotest resemblance to the Nazis’ effort to exterminate the Jews. And yet at anti-Israel demonstrations, placards compare Gaza with the Warsaw Ghetto;
What Makes Hatred of Israel Different from Other Political Passions?

There's no political passion, it's just compulsive - obsessive pedophilia business of Islam fascism in perpetuating over centuries Israel having blood thirst for Muslim babies which Christianity has adopted in Jesus; a fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception for super egos of suicidal sociopsychopathilogical homicidal pedophiles avoidance - acceptance in a more perfect union of being unworthy of Allah & Christ according to some survival of the fittest fascists Islamo-Nazi-Christiananality mentality "man is God" game.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Mindful, et al,

I went to the Mosaic Magazine site to view the article; thinking there was something more. But I found that you had captured the relevant salient points.


I find it almost heartbreaking that these unsubstantiated claims about the three, recently elected, US Representative to Congress, that they have ties with terrorists or refuse to take the Oath of Office (support and defend the Constitution --- faithfully discharge the duties of the office).

I doubt very much that the allegations are true. But if they are, it says more about the constituency that voted them into office than about the women themselves. While I don't hold much respect for the knowledge, skills, and abilities of Congress, it's members being just one step above a hungry used car salesman, these three women show some ingenuity, self-confidence and a level of personal bravery to stand up and be counted.

It makes no difference if they are "Muslim" or any other Abrahamic belief system (any other belief system - period). To target them (and maybe even slander them) on basis of religion is as unAmerican as it gets. As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.

And there is an extension of the hatred towards "Jewish National Home" which is "Israel." It is a form of religious targeting based on religious identification. It is no different than that hatred suffered by Representatives Tlaib and Omar, only in a slightly different form.

Just my thought...

Most Respectfully,
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Mindful, et al,

I went to the Mosaic Magazine site to view the article; thinking there was something more. But I found that you had captured the relevant salient points.


I find it almost heartbreaking that these unsubstantiated claims about the three, recently elected, US Representative to Congress, that they have ties with terrorists or refuse to take the Oath of Office (support and defend the Constitution --- faithfully discharge the duties of the office).

I doubt very much that the allegations are true. But if they are, it says more about the constituency that voted them into office than about the women themselves. While I don't hold much respect for the knowledge, skills, and abilities of Congress, it's members being just one step above a hungry used car salesman, these three women show some ingenuity, self-confidence and a level of personal bravery to stand up and be counted.

It makes no difference if they are "Muslim" or any other Abrahamic belief system (any other belief system - period). To target them (and maybe even slander them) on basis of religion is as unAmerican as it gets. As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.

And there is an extension of the hatred towards "Jewish National Home" which is "Israel." It is a form of religious targeting based on religious identification. It is no different than that hatred suffered by Representatives Tlaib and Omar, only in a slightly different form.

Just my thought...

Most Respectfully,

Since those crooks on Capitol Hill base one nation under God on the unsubstantiated with immaculate drug conceptions for utilizing every form of tyranny over the minds of man lynching enforcement to ensure equal justice under law only applies to insure those pedophilia business based religions of Islam & Christianity "man is God" survival of the fittest fascists as that which is only relevant.
She “unknowingly” offended Jews by saying that Israel hypnotized the world not to see its evil? Nonsense. In the Greater Middle East, from which Omar’s family hails, conspiracy theory is the coin of the realm, and much self-inflicted grief is blamed on dark Jewish magic. It’s ludicrous to think that she didn’t know what she was saying. Omar composed her offending tweet during Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza and was, in all probability, speaking foremost to an audience that truly believes in the evils of Jewish sorcery.

We’re talking here about people who embrace a strain of superstitious anti-Semitism that sees Jews as non-human agents of the Devil. In January 2015, for example, after Islamist terror attacks rocked Paris, a Daily Beast writer interviewed some French Algerians who blamed the attacks on “magical shape-shifting Jews that were master manipulators that could be everywhere at the same time.” We’re talking about the Iranian cleric and Tehran University professor who went on television and claimed: “The Jew is very practiced in sorcery. Indeed most sorcerers are Jews.”

This is the crowd that Ilhan Omar—an American congresswoman who now serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee—was speaking to. In their language.

The history of mystical anti-Semitism is long indeed. It predates Christendom and thrived, at times, long afterward. Martin Luther wrote that “a Jew is as full of idolatry and sorcery as nine cows have hair on their backs, that is: without number and without end.” Such notions were popular throughout Medieval Europe and survived in various forms into the modern age. The Third Reich was, in part, an occult operation. Official Nazi publications discussed phenomena such as the “Jewish evil eye.”

Omar’s talent for untruth is evident in the way she went about pretending not to be a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement, which advocates actions aimed at delegitimizing the existence of the world’s only Jewish state. After she was safely elected, Omar freely confessed her support for the BDS movement—a tacit acknowledgment of its controversial nature.

(full article online)

Ilhan Omar Knew What She Was Doing When Making Anti-Semitic Remarks
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Mindful, et al,

I went to the Mosaic Magazine site to view the article; thinking there was something more. But I found that you had captured the relevant salient points.


I find it almost heartbreaking that these unsubstantiated claims about the three, recently elected, US Representative to Congress, that they have ties with terrorists or refuse to take the Oath of Office (support and defend the Constitution --- faithfully discharge the duties of the office).

I doubt very much that the allegations are true. But if they are, it says more about the constituency that voted them into office than about the women themselves. While I don't hold much respect for the knowledge, skills, and abilities of Congress, it's members being just one step above a hungry used car salesman, these three women show some ingenuity, self-confidence and a level of personal bravery to stand up and be counted.

It makes no difference if they are "Muslim" or any other Abrahamic belief system (any other belief system - period). To target them (and maybe even slander them) on basis of religion is as unAmerican as it gets. As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.

And there is an extension of the hatred towards "Jewish National Home" which is "Israel." It is a form of religious targeting based on religious identification. It is no different than that hatred suffered by Representatives Tlaib and Omar, only in a slightly different form.

Just my thought...

Most Respectfully,
As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.
I have heard them both praise our constitution.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Mindful, et al,

I went to the Mosaic Magazine site to view the article; thinking there was something more. But I found that you had captured the relevant salient points.


I find it almost heartbreaking that these unsubstantiated claims about the three, recently elected, US Representative to Congress, that they have ties with terrorists or refuse to take the Oath of Office (support and defend the Constitution --- faithfully discharge the duties of the office).

I doubt very much that the allegations are true. But if they are, it says more about the constituency that voted them into office than about the women themselves. While I don't hold much respect for the knowledge, skills, and abilities of Congress, it's members being just one step above a hungry used car salesman, these three women show some ingenuity, self-confidence and a level of personal bravery to stand up and be counted.

It makes no difference if they are "Muslim" or any other Abrahamic belief system (any other belief system - period). To target them (and maybe even slander them) on basis of religion is as unAmerican as it gets. As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.

And there is an extension of the hatred towards "Jewish National Home" which is "Israel." It is a form of religious targeting based on religious identification. It is no different than that hatred suffered by Representatives Tlaib and Omar, only in a slightly different form.

Just my thought...

Most Respectfully,
As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.
I have heard them both praise our constitution.

I never heard that.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Mindful, et al,

I went to the Mosaic Magazine site to view the article; thinking there was something more. But I found that you had captured the relevant salient points.


I find it almost heartbreaking that these unsubstantiated claims about the three, recently elected, US Representative to Congress, that they have ties with terrorists or refuse to take the Oath of Office (support and defend the Constitution --- faithfully discharge the duties of the office).

I doubt very much that the allegations are true. But if they are, it says more about the constituency that voted them into office than about the women themselves. While I don't hold much respect for the knowledge, skills, and abilities of Congress, it's members being just one step above a hungry used car salesman, these three women show some ingenuity, self-confidence and a level of personal bravery to stand up and be counted.

It makes no difference if they are "Muslim" or any other Abrahamic belief system (any other belief system - period). To target them (and maybe even slander them) on basis of religion is as unAmerican as it gets. As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.

And there is an extension of the hatred towards "Jewish National Home" which is "Israel." It is a form of religious targeting based on religious identification. It is no different than that hatred suffered by Representatives Tlaib and Omar, only in a slightly different form.

Just my thought...

Most Respectfully,
As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.
I have heard them both praise our constitution.

I never heard that.
Of course not. Israeli propaganda will not mention it.
What does your unsupported comment have to do with Israeli propaganda?

Without a doubt these Muslim congresswomen supposedly praise the US Constitution in that manner Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of thieving US Constitution burn on a cross arsonists praised the US Constitution as a rite of religion as law of the land to thwart unsupported US &/or Israel propaganda.
RE: Newly Elected Muslim Congresswomen Favor Eliminating Israel
⁜→ Mindful, et al,
I went to the Mosaic Magazine site to view the article; thinking there was something more. But I found that you had captured the relevant salient points.

As I understand it → in the case of — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — they put their hand on the Quran (which is their right - they could have chosen a telephone book - so help me 4G LTE Network) and DID take the oath.
I have heard them both praise our constitution.

Muslim congresswomen so religiously schizoid as the SCOTUS Christian Nation one nation under God with equal justice under law where thieving US Constitution arsonists are as significant as Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount before 9/11, who in all probability were those Islam flying carpet trained hijacker Muslim terrorists.

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