Newly released dashcam footage shows Sandra Bland's arrest before she was found dead in jail

It wasn't a lawful order

that's blatantly clear

It is blatantly clear that you don't know what a lawful order is.
a cop can't order me to put out a cig
a cop can't order me out of my car w/o a better reason than not following an illegal order

you might be better off in North Korea where the cops order people around all day

A cop can order you to put out your cigarette as well as to get out of your car. Live with it.
I think you are playing with semantics. A cop can order anyone to do anything. The point is that its not legal nor enforceable. There is a reason cities nationwide have paid out millions in "oops the cop fucked up" money. Cops get confused and fuck up with the wrong person and get sued.
Some people think the cops are the law and you have to bow to them, me, not so much.

Well then lets all hope your Eric Garner moment comes some day soon!
And that is okay?

Quick question, does the right to be an asshole to anyone who treats you like an asshole extend to workers at the DMV, or Social Security office as well?

Sure, why not?

Do unto others.

And doesn't your employer have the right to fire you if you employ the "I'll be an asshole to whomever treats me like an asshole (whether or not I just imagine it or not)"? If so, lets not hear from you when the cop is shown the door in the very near future. Okay?
So, police are supposed to just take whatever it is that they get without ever losing their temper? are they not human? Have you ever been pissed off at work (assuming you work, you are liberal so thats in question) Do you think it would be justified if you finally had enough from a mouthy co-worker or boss and you expressed your feelings only to be fired? that would be ok with you?

Yes. Police are required to act according to their training no matter how any one else behaves. It is a job requirement that they are well aware of when they hire out. Take away their gun and ability to arrest people, and they might be able to use lower standards, but the power they are given requires professional behavior.
Psychology says it cant happen.
Sooner or later human nature is going to make them snap.
When they do that they should go to prison and lose their job. Hazards of picking the wrong profession or a profession you dont have emotional stability to handle.
When they do that they should go to prison and lose their job. Hazards of picking the wrong profession or a profession you dont have emotional stability to handle.
You couldnt handle a register at McDonalds. Shut up retard.
When they do that they should go to prison and lose their job. Hazards of picking the wrong profession or a profession you dont have emotional stability to handle.
You couldnt handle a register at McDonalds. Shut up retard.
I agree. I definitely couldnt handle a register at McDonalds. I'll leave that and the fries to losers like you. No I wont shut up. Lets see you make me bitch. :cool-45:
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So America? Are you glad our police forces have been trained by the Israelis to treat US citizens the same way the Israelis treat the Palestinians?
We have the Constitutional right to free speech and privacy.

cops may not force us to give up those rights and if we refuse they do not gain special rights

cops have to follow the law, they are not the law.

If you are stopped for a traffic violation a cop has every right to order you out of your car if he has reason to suspect you are on drugs or have a weapon. That is well within the law.

Now you are no longer talking about the op, you are bringing shit in to try to prove yourself right, but all you did was prove yourself wrong.
So America? Are you glad our police forces have been trained by the Israelis to treat US citizens the same way the Israelis treat the Palestinians?
Boy, you sure do think about Jews a lot.

Funny thing how whenever I say "Israeli"; somebody like you comes along and says "Jew" tm.
Yeah, you said Israeli, but you were thinking "jew", right?
Pretty clear YOU were.
It is blatantly clear that you don't know what a lawful order is.
a cop can't order me to put out a cig
a cop can't order me out of my car w/o a better reason than not following an illegal order

you might be better off in North Korea where the cops order people around all day

A cop can order you to put out your cigarette as well as to get out of your car. Live with it.
I think you are playing with semantics. A cop can order anyone to do anything. The point is that its not legal nor enforceable. There is a reason cities nationwide have paid out millions in "oops the cop fucked up" money. Cops get confused and fuck up with the wrong person and get sued.
Some people think the cops are the law and you have to bow to them, me, not so much.

Well then lets all hope your Eric Garner moment comes some day soon!

so you are hoping I'm killed b/c I believe in the Constitution.

It's pussies like you that talk shit on the internet that wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes w/o calling me "sir".

Ever of hear of CAUSE and EFFECT?

This incident here...Newly released dashcam footage shows Sandra Bland's arrest before she was found dead in jail....

Is the EFFECT from the CAUSE.

The CAUSE being our cops have been trained by the Zio Nazis to act like Nazis towards the American people.
Please provide proof, irrefutable proof, that the officer involved was trained by Israeli police.

When you fail, and you will, plz stfu and move on, there's an entire section dedicated to hating on jews, so please have some respect and fuck off.

Ever of hear of CAUSE and EFFECT?

This incident here...Newly released dashcam footage shows Sandra Bland's arrest before she was found dead in jail....

Is the EFFECT from the CAUSE.

The CAUSE being our cops have been trained by the Zio Nazis to act like Nazis towards the American people.
Please provide proof, irrefutable proof, that the officer involved was trained by Israeli police.

When you fail, and you will, plz stfu and move on, there's an entire section dedicated to hating on jews, so please have some respect and fuck off.

What happens when I prove it?

Will the conditions you wish to apply to me apply to you instead?
Hey two thumbs [up yer ass] ?

In 2011, St. Louis County Police Chief Timothy Fitch received training from Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and Israeli National Police officials during a trip to Israel sponsored by the right-wing Anti-Defamation League (ADL). That same year, Oakland, California police who received similar training from former members of the IDF, shot Iraqi war U.S. Army veteran Scott Olsen in the head.

Companies associated with Israel’s military-law enforcement infrastructure, including those specializing in Israeli Krav Maga martial arts techniques and other Israel crowd control tactics, have not only trained state and metropolitan police forces in the United States, but also state National Guard units. Police departments receiving such training include the St. Louis County Police, as well as the police departments of New York, Philadelphia, Houston, Dallas, Louisville, Richmond, Charlotte, Nashville, Albuquerque, Tulsa, and Atlantic City.


The 4th Media Shock and Awe Comes to America White Racism KKK Neo-Nazi Police Brutality Pentagon and BLACKWATER

Apparently, Texas cops HAVE been trained by the Zio Nazis to treat Texas citizens like the Israelis treat the Palestinians.

Every day.
a cop can't order me to put out a cig
a cop can't order me out of my car w/o a better reason than not following an illegal order

you might be better off in North Korea where the cops order people around all day

A cop can order you to put out your cigarette as well as to get out of your car. Live with it.
I think you are playing with semantics. A cop can order anyone to do anything. The point is that its not legal nor enforceable. There is a reason cities nationwide have paid out millions in "oops the cop fucked up" money. Cops get confused and fuck up with the wrong person and get sued.
Some people think the cops are the law and you have to bow to them, me, not so much.

Well then lets all hope your Eric Garner moment comes some day soon!

so you are hoping I'm killed b/c I believe in the Constitution.

It's pussies like you that talk shit on the internet that wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes w/o calling me "sir".

The only person trying to engage in internet tough guy talk is you, so I guess you're the pussy.
Hey two thumbs [up yer ass] ?

In 2011, St. Louis County Police Chief Timothy Fitch received training from Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and Israeli National Police officials during a trip to Israel sponsored by the right-wing Anti-Defamation League (ADL). That same year, Oakland, California police who received similar training from former members of the IDF, shot Iraqi war U.S. Army veteran Scott Olsen in the head.

Companies associated with Israel’s military-law enforcement infrastructure, including those specializing in Israeli Krav Maga martial arts techniques and other Israel crowd control tactics, have not only trained state and metropolitan police forces in the United States, but also state National Guard units. Police departments receiving such training include the St. Louis County Police, as well as the police departments of New York, Philadelphia, Houston, Dallas, Louisville, Richmond, Charlotte, Nashville, Albuquerque, Tulsa, and Atlantic City.


The 4th Media Shock and Awe Comes to America White Racism KKK Neo-Nazi Police Brutality Pentagon and BLACKWATER

Apparently, Texas cops HAVE been trained by the Zio Nazis to treat Texas citizens like the Israelis treat the Palestinians.

Every day.

so no, like I said, you can't prove he received training from Israelis.

plz fuck off and make another thread, your bigotry is boring the adults.
A cop can order you to put out your cigarette as well as to get out of your car. Live with it.
I think you are playing with semantics. A cop can order anyone to do anything. The point is that its not legal nor enforceable. There is a reason cities nationwide have paid out millions in "oops the cop fucked up" money. Cops get confused and fuck up with the wrong person and get sued.
Some people think the cops are the law and you have to bow to them, me, not so much.

Well then lets all hope your Eric Garner moment comes some day soon!

so you are hoping I'm killed b/c I believe in the Constitution.

It's pussies like you that talk shit on the internet that wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes w/o calling me "sir".

The only person trying to engage in internet tough guy talk is you, so I guess you're the pussy.

You made a death wish twards me knowing there's little I can actually do.

that makes you a coward.

wear it

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