Newly released dashcam footage shows Sandra Bland's arrest before she was found dead in jail

She shouldn't have been in there for three days that's my point.... It don't seem right all over what started from not using a turn signal.

She didn't have a gun on her

She didn't have drugs on her

She didn't have a warrant...

So what the Fuck?

So she's not responsible for any of her actions?

Are you really ate up with the dumbass that you believe that?

She stayed in jail because neither she nor her family had the five hundred dollars needed to post bail.

The turn signal wasn't the catalyst for her trip to the pokey, she was going to get a warning citation for that. No she had to be an asshole, disobeying lawful orders then resisted arrest which resulted in her charge of assault. No I know you idiot liberals think she's a black woman getting harassed by a white cop while you dismiss the obvious.

You people are so stupid it's comical.
Where in the constitution does it say you have to be nice to a cop, with out getting trumped up charges? Hell. down here a few Times I got stopped just for walking down a country road and asked for my I.D. by the way that's illegal.

You only have two choices tell him no and go to jail for the night or show him your I.D. he calls it in to see if I had any warrants and then let me go

Totally illegal and against the law, this is not the old east Germany or U.S.S.R.

Did I say it was in the Constitution?

This isn't about YOU!!

This is about the ignorant woman not complying with an officer which resulted in her assaulting the officer and going to jail where she eventually ended her own life. You people are so stuck on stupid that the obvious escapes you. This woman had a history of depression, had attempted suicide on multiple occasions and was clearly not in her right mind. But yet, you want to paint her as some innocent little victim. The woman used poor judgment and instead of doing as the cops asked, then ordered she bought herself a ride to the pokey.
The cop used poor judgement, she was not a 300 lb thug. Like Michael Brown. She was just a woman minding her own bussiness and probably a lot on her mind. She was going for the future.... And that cop ended it.

What cop pulls over someone for not using a fucking turn signal unless he is looking to make an arrest?

He wouldn't of thrown her to the ground if she was white, maybe the blacks are right.

Because I never had problems with cops in my 50 years and in my party days when I was over the limit , they just drove me home, (unless that time I was being an as hole to them , then I got thrown in jail for a D.U.I and out in a few hours) when I had pot on me they just took it away.

While she was "minding her own business" she made an improper and illegal lane change that prompted to police to stop her and give her a warning citation. It wasn't until she became belligerent and refused to comply with the officer's request that it escalated. All the stupid woman had to do was comply. Why is that so hard?

Her future must like her past was going to lead to more suicide attempts.

If she were white she would have followed the officers instructions.

So you do know what the consequences could be when YOU are an asshole to them.
Of course I do that's how I kept my butt out of jail, or as when my first wife used to put it " I knew how to get a vacation from her, I knew how to go to jail"

But like I posted before cops stopping people just walking down the road and asking for a I.D. is so intrusive and illegal.... But they do it all the time.

Using civil lawsuits to throw people in jail for 6 months with out a public attorney is so wrong.

Not providing a public attorney for misdemeanors is so unconstituional because in her case she was held by that point for three days.

It should of been time served.
So she's not responsible for any of her actions?

Are you really ate up with the dumbass that you believe that?

She stayed in jail because neither she nor her family had the five hundred dollars needed to post bail.

The turn signal wasn't the catalyst for her trip to the pokey, she was going to get a warning citation for that. No she had to be an asshole, disobeying lawful orders then resisted arrest which resulted in her charge of assault. No I know you idiot liberals think she's a black woman getting harassed by a white cop while you dismiss the obvious.

You people are so stupid it's comical.
Where in the constitution does it say you have to be nice to a cop, with out getting trumped up charges? Hell. down here a few Times I got stopped just for walking down a country road and asked for my I.D. by the way that's illegal.

You only have two choices tell him no and go to jail for the night or show him your I.D. he calls it in to see if I had any warrants and then let me go

Totally illegal and against the law, this is not the old east Germany or U.S.S.R.

Did I say it was in the Constitution?

This isn't about YOU!!

This is about the ignorant woman not complying with an officer which resulted in her assaulting the officer and going to jail where she eventually ended her own life. You people are so stuck on stupid that the obvious escapes you. This woman had a history of depression, had attempted suicide on multiple occasions and was clearly not in her right mind. But yet, you want to paint her as some innocent little victim. The woman used poor judgment and instead of doing as the cops asked, then ordered she bought herself a ride to the pokey.
The cop used poor judgement, she was not a 300 lb thug. Like Michael Brown. She was just a woman minding her own bussiness and probably a lot on her mind. She was going for the future.... And that cop ended it.

What cop pulls over someone for not using a fucking turn signal unless he is looking to make an arrest?

He wouldn't of thrown her to the ground if she was white, maybe the blacks are right.

Because I never had problems with cops in my 50 years and in my party days when I was over the limit , they just drove me home, (unless that time I was being an as hole to them , then I got thrown in jail for a D.U.I and out in a few hours) when I had pot on me they just took it away.

While she was "minding her own business" she made an improper and illegal lane change that prompted to police to stop her and give her a warning citation. It wasn't until she became belligerent and refused to comply with the officer's request that it escalated. All the stupid woman had to do was comply. Why is that so hard?

Her future must like her past was going to lead to more suicide attempts.

If she were white she would have followed the officers instructions.

So you do know what the consequences could be when YOU are an asshole to them.
Of course I do that's how I kept my butt out of jail, or as when my first wife used to put it " I knew how to get a vacation from her, I knew how to go to jail"

But like I posted before cops stopping people just walking down the road and asking for a I.D. is so intrusive and illegal.... But they do it all the time.

Using civil lawsuits to throw people in jail for 6 months with out a public attorney is so wrong.

Not providing a public attorney for misdemeanors is so unconstituional because in her case she was held by that point for three days.

It should of been time served.

No actually it's not intrusive or illegal. You don't know that a person may have called in about a suspicious person walking down the street and an officer is dispatched, he sees you, he's required to check you out, find out who you are, are you a fugitive? He's simply doing his job. Is it an inconvenience on your part, yes, but it's a small price to pay for the security it brings to the community.

Dude, she was held for three days because she couldn't post bail.

She didn't need an attorney because she didn't go to trial.

When you get arrested you go before a judge and he asked how you plead then he sets bail, that's called an arraignment. Once that happens the case is then put on the docket for a trial, which can be years away. You will be brought to court for a pretrial hearing and if you have no representation because you can't afford one, the court will provide you with legal council at that time.

She never got that far!

You have the right to an attorney, it's guaranteed to you in the Constitution, even for misdemeanors.
Where in the constitution does it say you have to be nice to a cop, with out getting trumped up charges? Hell. down here a few Times I got stopped just for walking down a country road and asked for my I.D. by the way that's illegal.

You only have two choices tell him no and go to jail for the night or show him your I.D. he calls it in to see if I had any warrants and then let me go

Totally illegal and against the law, this is not the old east Germany or U.S.S.R.

Did I say it was in the Constitution?

This isn't about YOU!!

This is about the ignorant woman not complying with an officer which resulted in her assaulting the officer and going to jail where she eventually ended her own life. You people are so stuck on stupid that the obvious escapes you. This woman had a history of depression, had attempted suicide on multiple occasions and was clearly not in her right mind. But yet, you want to paint her as some innocent little victim. The woman used poor judgment and instead of doing as the cops asked, then ordered she bought herself a ride to the pokey.
The cop used poor judgement, she was not a 300 lb thug. Like Michael Brown. She was just a woman minding her own bussiness and probably a lot on her mind. She was going for the future.... And that cop ended it.

What cop pulls over someone for not using a fucking turn signal unless he is looking to make an arrest?

He wouldn't of thrown her to the ground if she was white, maybe the blacks are right.

Because I never had problems with cops in my 50 years and in my party days when I was over the limit , they just drove me home, (unless that time I was being an as hole to them , then I got thrown in jail for a D.U.I and out in a few hours) when I had pot on me they just took it away.

While she was "minding her own business" she made an improper and illegal lane change that prompted to police to stop her and give her a warning citation. It wasn't until she became belligerent and refused to comply with the officer's request that it escalated. All the stupid woman had to do was comply. Why is that so hard?

Her future must like her past was going to lead to more suicide attempts.

If she were white she would have followed the officers instructions.

So you do know what the consequences could be when YOU are an asshole to them.
Of course I do that's how I kept my butt out of jail, or as when my first wife used to put it " I knew how to get a vacation from her, I knew how to go to jail"

But like I posted before cops stopping people just walking down the road and asking for a I.D. is so intrusive and illegal.... But they do it all the time.

Using civil lawsuits to throw people in jail for 6 months with out a public attorney is so wrong.

Not providing a public attorney for misdemeanors is so unconstituional because in her case she was held by that point for three days.

It should of been time served.

No actually it's not intrusive or illegal. You don't know that a person may have called in about a suspicious person walking down the street and an officer is dispatched, he sees you, he's required to check you out, find out who you are, are you a fugitive? He's simply doing his job. Is it an inconvenience on your part, yes, but it's a small price to pay for the security it brings to the community.

Dude, she was held for three days because she couldn't post bail.

She didn't need an attorney because she didn't go to trial.

When you get arrested you go before a judge and he asked how you plead then he sets bail, that's called an arraignment. Once that happens the case is then put on the docket for a trial, which can be years away. You will be brought to court for a pretrial hearing and if you have no representation because you can't afford one, the court will provide you with legal council at that time.

She never got that far!

You have the right to an attorney, it's guaranteed to you in the Constitution, even for misdemeanors.
Bull shit.give me a link of the law that a cop has the right to stop you and ask for your papers walking down the street?
I thought we didn't have I.D. laws?

Give me a link every American must carry on them identification at all times?
And you will know damn well were I go with this... Voter I.D.laws

So I know you are full of shit
Again fucktard;



Cops are there to enforce the law. That's it. A cop has no right to arrest you for calling someone a bitch, slamming a door, not putting out a cigarette where it is allowed by ordinance.

You, yourself, said that HE was going to let her go until she got rude and acted like an asshole. Since being an asshole isn't a crime--please point out where it is if I'm wrong--there are no grounds for apprehension.

I'm also interested in this: You guys are spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week decrying what you see as Political Correctness. Isn't it both poingnant and hilarious that when you have a textbook case of someone not being politically correct, you guys (almost to a man) side with the those who are actively persecuting a woman for speaking her mind?

I wonder what the difference is between a white guy exercising his right of free speech and Ms. Bland doing so? Hmmm............

Disobeying a lawful order is.

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.
Again fucktard;



Cops are there to enforce the law. That's it. A cop has no right to arrest you for calling someone a bitch, slamming a door, not putting out a cigarette where it is allowed by ordinance.

You, yourself, said that HE was going to let her go until she got rude and acted like an asshole. Since being an asshole isn't a crime--please point out where it is if I'm wrong--there are no grounds for apprehension.

I'm also interested in this: You guys are spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week decrying what you see as Political Correctness. Isn't it both poingnant and hilarious that when you have a textbook case of someone not being politically correct, you guys (almost to a man) side with the those who are actively persecuting a woman for speaking her mind?

I wonder what the difference is between a white guy exercising his right of free speech and Ms. Bland doing so? Hmmm............

Disobeying a lawful order is.

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.

Here are pictures of her doing just that...

View attachment 45845

the next picture was from the medical examiner.

She complied with the officer, there is a good 3-5 feet between them. She had committed no crime at this point either.

Again, the police are there to enforce the law. Nothing else.

A picture? Try watching the video where he had to threaten to taze her before she eventually got out.

Damn you people are stupid.

Yes...but se
Again fucktard;



Cops are there to enforce the law. That's it. A cop has no right to arrest you for calling someone a bitch, slamming a door, not putting out a cigarette where it is allowed by ordinance.

You, yourself, said that HE was going to let her go until she got rude and acted like an asshole. Since being an asshole isn't a crime--please point out where it is if I'm wrong--there are no grounds for apprehension.

I'm also interested in this: You guys are spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week decrying what you see as Political Correctness. Isn't it both poingnant and hilarious that when you have a textbook case of someone not being politically correct, you guys (almost to a man) side with the those who are actively persecuting a woman for speaking her mind?

I wonder what the difference is between a white guy exercising his right of free speech and Ms. Bland doing so? Hmmm............

Disobeying a lawful order is.

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.
Again fucktard;



Cops are there to enforce the law. That's it. A cop has no right to arrest you for calling someone a bitch, slamming a door, not putting out a cigarette where it is allowed by ordinance.

You, yourself, said that HE was going to let her go until she got rude and acted like an asshole. Since being an asshole isn't a crime--please point out where it is if I'm wrong--there are no grounds for apprehension.

I'm also interested in this: You guys are spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week decrying what you see as Political Correctness. Isn't it both poingnant and hilarious that when you have a textbook case of someone not being politically correct, you guys (almost to a man) side with the those who are actively persecuting a woman for speaking her mind?

I wonder what the difference is between a white guy exercising his right of free speech and Ms. Bland doing so? Hmmm............

Disobeying a lawful order is.

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.

Here are pictures of her doing just that...

View attachment 45845

the next picture was from the medical examiner.

She complied with the officer, there is a good 3-5 feet between them. She had committed no crime at this point either.

Again, the police are there to enforce the law. Nothing else.

A picture? Try watching the video where he had to threaten to taze her before she eventually got out.

Damn you people are stupid.

So you agree she got out. And remind us again on why she was ordered to get out? Oh yeah because she refused to extinguish her cigarette; which is totally within her rights.

Are you so God damned stupid as to deny that?
Disobeying a lawful order is.

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.
Disobeying a lawful order is.

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.

Here are pictures of her doing just that...

View attachment 45845

the next picture was from the medical examiner.

She complied with the officer, there is a good 3-5 feet between them. She had committed no crime at this point either.

Again, the police are there to enforce the law. Nothing else.

A picture? Try watching the video where he had to threaten to taze her before she eventually got out.

Damn you people are stupid.

Yes...but se
Disobeying a lawful order is.

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.
Disobeying a lawful order is.

Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.

Here are pictures of her doing just that...

View attachment 45845

the next picture was from the medical examiner.

She complied with the officer, there is a good 3-5 feet between them. She had committed no crime at this point either.

Again, the police are there to enforce the law. Nothing else.

A picture? Try watching the video where he had to threaten to taze her before she eventually got out.

Damn you people are stupid.

So you agree she got out. And remind us again on why she was ordered to get out? Oh yeah because she refused to extinguish her cigarette; which is totally within her rights.

Are you so God damned stupid as to deny that?

Of course she got out, after being threatened with a taser.

You cannot win this argument.
You would think Negroes would have learned their lesson by now, NOTHING good ever comes of confronting the police...whether they are right or not, or if they are BLACK or white police..... She apparently is allowed to let her anger out, but a cop is supposed to be ABOVE HUMAN, and not display his temper.... Doesn't work that way in REAL LIFE!

Most situations cops find themselves in arent easy ones, they have trained for this. Would you say a teacher has the right to show anger at a difficult student? stories like that go viral.
If their life is in danger yes...otherwise they should diffuse any situation as much as possible.
She was an idiot.

All she had to do was be polite, accept the warning and be on her way.

I'm sure the cop will pay the price for her idiocy.

She was irritated. The cop saw this and said "You seem irritated. Why?"

When she told him he said "Are you finished?"

THEN he wanted her to put out her cig...which was a lawful order? LOL. Then he says get out the car. What was the probable cause?

...but it seems like a reasonable request. Its distracting, and who knows what someone might do with it.
She was an idiot.

All she had to do was be polite, accept the warning and be on her way.

I'm sure the cop will pay the price for her idiocy.

She was irritated. The cop saw this and said "You seem irritated. Why?"

When she told him he said "Are you finished?"

THEN he wanted her to put out her cig...which was a lawful order? LOL. Then he says get out the car. What was the probable cause?

...but it seems like a reasonable request. Its distracting, and who knows what someone might do with it.
No its not a reasonable request. It was a power play because he disliked her attitude. How do you go from issuing a warning to "get out of the car"? You already stated it was just a warning. There was no need to put out the cigarette.
She was an idiot.

All she had to do was be polite, accept the warning and be on her way.

I'm sure the cop will pay the price for her idiocy.

She was irritated. The cop saw this and said "You seem irritated. Why?"

When she told him he said "Are you finished?"

THEN he wanted her to put out her cig...which was a lawful order? LOL. Then he says get out the car. What was the probable cause?

...but it seems like a reasonable request. Its distracting, and who knows what someone might do with it.
No its not a reasonable request. It was a power play because he disliked her attitude. How do you go from issuing a warning to "get out of the car"? You already stated it was just a warning. There was no need to put out the cigarette.

It seems like a fair request to me.
I thought they only asked people to get out of the car for extreme reasons...that seemed unfair.
She was an idiot.

All she had to do was be polite, accept the warning and be on her way.

I'm sure the cop will pay the price for her idiocy.

She was irritated. The cop saw this and said "You seem irritated. Why?"

When she told him he said "Are you finished?"

THEN he wanted her to put out her cig...which was a lawful order? LOL. Then he says get out the car. What was the probable cause?

...but it seems like a reasonable request. Its distracting, and who knows what someone might do with it.
No its not a reasonable request. It was a power play because he disliked her attitude. How do you go from issuing a warning to "get out of the car"? You already stated it was just a warning. There was no need to put out the cigarette.

It seems like a fair request to me.
I thought they only asked people to get out of the car for extreme reasons...that seemed unfair.
"I'm giving you a warning" (on the infraction)..."Put out the cigarette". Youre telling me that seemed like even a reasonable request? If it was just a warning why are you telling someone to put out a cigarette?
What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.
What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.

Here are pictures of her doing just that...

View attachment 45845

the next picture was from the medical examiner.

She complied with the officer, there is a good 3-5 feet between them. She had committed no crime at this point either.

Again, the police are there to enforce the law. Nothing else.

A picture? Try watching the video where he had to threaten to taze her before she eventually got out.

Damn you people are stupid.

Yes...but se
What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.
What order was that?

To exit her vehicle.

Here are pictures of her doing just that...

View attachment 45845

the next picture was from the medical examiner.

She complied with the officer, there is a good 3-5 feet between them. She had committed no crime at this point either.

Again, the police are there to enforce the law. Nothing else.

A picture? Try watching the video where he had to threaten to taze her before she eventually got out.

Damn you people are stupid.

So you agree she got out. And remind us again on why she was ordered to get out? Oh yeah because she refused to extinguish her cigarette; which is totally within her rights.

Are you so God damned stupid as to deny that?

Of course she got out, after being threatened with a taser.

You cannot win this argument.

Its too late, I already did. She wouldn't put her cigarette out--you agree he had zero authority to order that--and that hurt his fleeting manhood (much in the same way yours has been injured right?) so then he had to use threats and intimidation (much like you have done here).

Again, what is really remarkable isn't that we have this good ol' boy administering frontier justice in Texas, that the victim was black, or that they wound up dead in jail a few days later for a minor offense. Basically it's another day at the office in the South. What is remarkable is that almost to a man, you guys decry political correctness and what you see as some sort of assault on your rights because you can no longer act like total bafoons without any reprocussions. And here we are with a textbook example of someone standing up for their rights (to smoke in her car) and presto-chango most of you are siding with the voice of those saying you can no longer do that.
She shouldn't have been in there for three days that's my point.... It don't seem right all over what started from not using a turn signal.

She didn't have a gun on her

She didn't have drugs on her

She didn't have a warrant...

So what the Fuck?

So she's not responsible for any of her actions?

Are you really ate up with the dumbass that you believe that?

She stayed in jail because neither she nor her family had the five hundred dollars needed to post bail.

The turn signal wasn't the catalyst for her trip to the pokey, she was going to get a warning citation for that. No she had to be an asshole, disobeying lawful orders then resisted arrest which resulted in her charge of assault. No I know you idiot liberals think she's a black woman getting harassed by a white cop while you dismiss the obvious.

You people are so stupid it's comical.

Again fucktard;



Cops are there to enforce the law. That's it. A cop has no right to arrest you for calling someone a bitch, slamming a door, not putting out a cigarette where it is allowed by ordinance.

You, yourself, said that HE was going to let her go until she got rude and acted like an asshole. Since being an asshole isn't a crime--please point out where it is if I'm wrong--there are no grounds for apprehension.

I'm also interested in this: You guys are spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week decrying what you see as Political Correctness. Isn't it both poingnant and hilarious that when you have a textbook case of someone not being politically correct, you guys (almost to a man) side with the those who are actively persecuting a woman for speaking her mind?

I wonder what the difference is between a white guy exercising his right of free speech and Ms. Bland doing so? Hmmm............

Being an asshole to a cop isn't very smart, but it is not a crime. Refusing to obey a lawful order to get out of the car is. See how that works!
She shouldn't have been in there for three days that's my point.... It don't seem right all over what started from not using a turn signal.

She didn't have a gun on her

She didn't have drugs on her

She didn't have a warrant...

So what the Fuck?

So she's not responsible for any of her actions?

Are you really ate up with the dumbass that you believe that?

She stayed in jail because neither she nor her family had the five hundred dollars needed to post bail.

The turn signal wasn't the catalyst for her trip to the pokey, she was going to get a warning citation for that. No she had to be an asshole, disobeying lawful orders then resisted arrest which resulted in her charge of assault. No I know you idiot liberals think she's a black woman getting harassed by a white cop while you dismiss the obvious.

You people are so stupid it's comical.

Again fucktard;



Cops are there to enforce the law. That's it. A cop has no right to arrest you for calling someone a bitch, slamming a door, not putting out a cigarette where it is allowed by ordinance.

You, yourself, said that HE was going to let her go until she got rude and acted like an asshole. Since being an asshole isn't a crime--please point out where it is if I'm wrong--there are no grounds for apprehension.

I'm also interested in this: You guys are spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week decrying what you see as Political Correctness. Isn't it both poingnant and hilarious that when you have a textbook case of someone not being politically correct, you guys (almost to a man) side with the those who are actively persecuting a woman for speaking her mind?

I wonder what the difference is between a white guy exercising his right of free speech and Ms. Bland doing so? Hmmm............

Being an asshole to a cop isn't very smart, but it is not a crime. Refusing to obey a lawful order to get out of the car is. See how that works!
you have a link?

The entire video has been released unedited on youtube. So lets go through the steps here:

1. Pulled over for illegal lane change or no signal
2. Asked why she was "irratated" and she told him
3. Cop was irritated and told her to put out cigarette
4. She declined saying "Its my car"
5. Cop says get out the car because now she is under arrest

From there he cuffs her and leads her one direction, then says to move to another location over and over. Then when they are off camera both arent saying anything until she says "You're about to break my wrist" (Only 4 pounds of pressure is required to break a wrist) and AFTER THAT he considers her pain avoidance as benig "resisting" and says it several times.

She was slammed to the ground and arrested for resisting arrest. Which is weird since you have to be arrested for something before you can resist.

Changed a lane without a signal. Wow, this is even worse than walking down the street carrying Skittles. Who comes up with these rules?
She was an idiot.

All she had to do was be polite, accept the warning and be on her way.

I'm sure the cop will pay the price for her idiocy.

She was irritated. The cop saw this and said "You seem irritated. Why?"

When she told him he said "Are you finished?"

THEN he wanted her to put out her cig...which was a lawful order? LOL. Then he says get out the car. What was the probable cause?

...but it seems like a reasonable request. Its distracting, and who knows what someone might do with it.
No its not a reasonable request. It was a power play because he disliked her attitude. How do you go from issuing a warning to "get out of the car"? You already stated it was just a warning. There was no need to put out the cigarette.

Im not sure whats considered a power play and what is ok for a cop to ask. Put out a cig, put down a can of pop, don't fish around in your purse. Id think all that is ok when someone has been pulled over and is being questioned.
Whats a legit reason to ask someone to step out of thir car.
The cop was a prick and used his "power" every bit to his advantage. Its why specific details matter.

The entire video has been released unedited on youtube. So lets go through the steps here:

1. Pulled over for illegal lane change or no signal
2. Asked why she was "irratated" and she told him
3. Cop was irritated and told her to put out cigarette
4. She declined saying "Its my car"
5. Cop says get out the car because now she is under arrest

From there he cuffs her and leads her one direction, then says to move to another location over and over. Then when they are off camera both arent saying anything until she says "You're about to break my wrist" (Only 4 pounds of pressure is required to break a wrist) and AFTER THAT he considers her pain avoidance as benig "resisting" and says it several times.

She was slammed to the ground and arrested for resisting arrest. Which is weird since you have to be arrested for something before you can resist.

She then hung herself in her cell.

Case closed

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