Newsom / Ca Draws Closer To Giving Minotities $350k Each In Reparations


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
If I were a Ca resident I think I would be suing Newsom / Ca for misappropriation / use of my tax dollars.

Of course, ceazy shit like this is why I will never be a Ca resident.

How much extra money does Califirnia have sitting around?

As for amounts, the Guardian cited one attendee at the taskforce meeting who put the number at $350,000 per person: "Max Fennell, a 35-year-old coffee company owner, said every person should get $350,000 in compensation to close the racial wealth gap and Black-owned businesses should receive $250,000, which would help them to flourish."

He added, "It’s a debt that’s owed, we worked for free. We’re not asking; we’re telling you."

Who is this moronic assclown? He worked for free? DURR
If I were a Ca resident I think I would be suing Newsom / Ca for misappropriation / use of my tax dollars.

Of course, ceazy shit like this is why I will never be a Ca resident.


Anything that hastens the decline of that shithole is a net positive for Real America. Good on them!
From outside it is almost impossible to believe .
You (I) am forced to conclude that war has been declared on north America by what are , charitably , internal terrorists -- are they run by the WEF , CCP , Aliens ?
Damned if I know , but it is one epidemic that must not be allowed to spread .imho
If I were a Ca resident I think I would be suing Newsom / Ca for misappropriation / use of my tax dollars.

Of course, ceazy shit like this is why I will never be a Ca resident.


Yeah, but will cause the State to collapse!

Just think of all the black people who will suddenly move there!

It will be epic!

Efforts in California to advance Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom's Reparations Task Force continued this week with one activist calling for $350,000 to be given to every eligible Black person in the state. Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Eric Adams endorsed the California effort and one in his state to give reparations out to both individuals and businesses.

The move in California comes after a first-in-the nation taskforce released a 500-page report back in June on incidents of "segregation, racial terror, harmful racist neglect." Now the same taskforce will begin to decide how much each Black resident might be receiving.

So the question begs, should all Californians get genetically tested to see who is "black" and who is not?

For example, Rachel Dolezal pretended to be black in order to work for the NAACP. However, once the NAACP got wind she was not racially pure enough to work for them, they fired her.

So that brings up another question, what is racially pure enough to be Black? Elizabeth Warren said she was part Indian and had a genetics test to prove she was racially pure enough to be called and Indian, but it ended up she was only 1/1023 part Indian, causing the Indian nation to cry foul saying she had to be at least 2/3 part racially pure.

And for some jobs in California, you must be racially pure enough to be black or lose your job

So democrats, what is racially pure enough to be considered the preferred race? Did the Indian nation get it right?

And imagine if Hitler had the ability to genetically test people to see who was the preferred race. IT would have made his job much easier I think.

Be honest, you did NAZI that coming, did you?
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You also had cases where the Left refers to people they don't like as white, but they are not, such as George Zimmerman

The media continually referred to him as white instead of Hispanic so that they could label him a race they thought was out of favor and racist

In the cascade of social media responses to the verdict in the death of young, black Trayvon Martin, the racial and ethnic identity of assailant George Zimmerman has been as bifurcated as the rage and relief. To those grieving an injustice, Zimmerman was a white man; those who celebrate his acquittal have been quick to point out that Zimmerman is, in fact, not white at all, but Hispanic. How can such a basic fact of a man be so disputed?

The truth is, Zimmerman is both: white and Hispanic, one a racial category and the other a marker of ethnicity, an accusation and an exoneration, respectively, inverted from their usual exculpatory order. Both are social constructions, but the former relies on skin color and ostensibly biological features, while the latter is a designation based on country of origin. Many Hispanics are dark-skinned, but many are not. It's a confusing identity in a land that has traditionally preferred its divisions to be more clean-cut, and it's one that even we white Hispanics struggle to understand.

Should Zimmerman be tested to see what his racial purity was before accusing him as being a racist white, or should their race be like gender, they can pick it according to their actions?

For example, Larry Elder ran for governor of California and was labelled the "Black face of white supremacy" because he ran as a Republican.

Obviously, Larry is racially pure enough to be called Black, at least when looking at his pictures and knowing his ancestors, but to democrats he was a white man.

So since Larry lives in California, should he get the reparations or be left out?
Perhaps the government should demand we all get genetically tested so they know who is the preferred race and who are those out of favor.

So let's say a person is genetically "Black" enough but their ancestor owned black slaves, like Kamala Harris. Should she get reparations?

The Chinese with many of their early Capitalist near slave workers use their telescope and look across the huger pond called the Pacific Ocean and see the false relatives of slaves with many useless demanding to get their due reparations for the reality of living like pieces of shit. Those Chinese workers will leapfrog as the Far east takes control of the world and the Village takes over major parts of North America.
This shit show is going to be fun to watch. What if you are like Elizabeth Warren where you claim you are a race so you can get benefits and perks yet you are only 1/1024 of the race? Do you still qualify? What happens if you are Black like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris yet you have ancestors that owned or even traded slaves?

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