Newsom denies parole for Sirhan Sirhan, convicted of Robert F. Kennedy assassination

Lots of conspiracy theories about JFK but not so much about RFK. The Feds had a live assassin but apparently never interrogated him much. No other related arrests.
In 1968, my Scoutmaster was a LAPD Police Lieutenant named Don Day.

When they were transporting Sirhan Sirhan from local lockup to the court for arraignment, they wanted to use a vehicle that wouldn't attract attention. Lt Day had camper shell on the back of his civilian pickup (quite popular then) so they transported him in that.

It was always a point of pride for us that such a famous murder suspect rode in the same camper that we used to go on scout outings.
Newsom HAD to do it.

This concerned a Kennedy after all.

Wanted it or not scummy Newsom had to appease his demonrats base.
The only thing that came to my mind when seeing this headline was this write up here.

God bless you always!!!

This won't appease Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because he knows it was a CIA effeminate who did it, the same agency now dancing marionettes in the White House.
Criminals are never too old to kill.

God Bless you always too.
If there is anything that I have learned within the last year, it is that sometimes the frames of mind that people choose to possess about certain things never change no matter how their views may end up defining them and their lives.

God bless you always!!!


6 Kennedy Children Applaud Gov. Gavin Newsom for Denying Parole to Sirhan Sirhan​

Six children of slain political icon Robert F. Kennedy lauded California Governor Gavin Newsom's decision on Thursday to deny parole to their father's killer, Sirhan Sirhan.
A joint statement was released on behalf of six out of RFK's nine surviving children: Joseph P. Kennedy II, Christopher G. Kennedy, Courtney Kennedy, Maxwell T. Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy and Rory Kennedy. Also signing off on the statement was RFK's widow, Ethel Kennedy.

"We are grateful to California Governor Gavin Newsom, and deeply relieved by his decision today to deny parole to the killer of Robert F. Kennedy," the statement read. "As U.S. Attorney General, as Senator, and as candidate for President, [RFK] worked tirelessly so that all Americans were both united and fully equal ... he strove to heal the divisions threatening to tear this country apart."

Both Kennedys wanted out of Vietnam and they were both murdered. Coincidence? Maybe.
Bravo!! Hope this fucker dies in prison!

Wow, he's still alive ? That would be a super informative interview with that cat these days I bet.. Might come clean on the reasoning and/or what or who all was involved in both brother's Robert and John's murders. Had no idea that cat was still on earth. Probably done interrogated him out the wazoo over the year's, unless a cover up was in play. Then it might be like Epstein and Gislane today. Shuuuuuush..
Newsom made a good call. That’s not something you hear every day. It’s not something I would almost ever say.

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