Newsweek- Bachmann cover....for god sakes.

It's a fake/photoshopped cover, dingaling.

Not faked, just unflattering. It wasn't nice of Newsweek to run it. The media should always portray presidential candidates as presidential, even if they are bat shit crazy.

You're right - it wasn't nice of Newsweek -

turns out it is an actual edition of the magazine -

And NOW is defending Bachmann ??? Wow -

The National Organization for Women President Terry O'Neill said that the cover of the magazine's latest edition is "sexist" and referred to a simple test by the group's founder Gloria Steinem to explain how they determined that conclusion -- would the magazine do the same to a man.

"Who has ever called a man 'The King of Rage?' Basically what Newsweek magazine -- and this is important, what Newsweek magazine, not a blog, Newsweek magazine -- what they are saying of a woman who is a serious contender for president of the United States of America…They are basically casting her as a nut job," O'Neill said to The Daily Caller and NOW confirmed to on Tuesday.

I think NOW is off base. Newsweek called Bush a wimp.
It just goes to prove liberals are terrified of a conservative woman. First it was Palin, now its Bachmann.

Libs have to count on certain votes like blacks and woman, or they lose in a landslide.

Gals like Palin and Bachmann take that away, so they must be destroyed at all costs.

Remember back when libs cried "republicans hate Hillary only because she is a woman"?
Wonder where all those libs are now that the Dems constantly attack these women?
It just goes to prove liberals are terrified of a conservative woman. First it was Palin, now its Bachmann.

Libs have to count on certain votes like blacks and woman, or they lose in a landslide.

Gals like Palin and Bachmann take that away, so they must be destroyed at all costs.

Remember back when libs cried "republicans hate Hillary only because she is a woman"?
Wonder where all those libs are now that the Dems constantly attack these women? caught us

We Libruls shure are skeered of Palin and Bachmann
It just goes to prove liberals are terrified of a conservative woman. First it was Palin, now its Bachmann.

Libs have to count on certain votes like blacks and woman, or they lose in a landslide.

Gals like Palin and Bachmann take that away, so they must be destroyed at all costs.

Remember back when libs cried "republicans hate Hillary only because she is a woman"?
Wonder where all those libs are now that the Dems constantly attack these women? caught us

We Libruls shure are skeered of Palin and Bachmann

Palin is going to be past-tense if she doesn't get her shit together.
It just goes to prove liberals are terrified of a conservative woman. First it was Palin, now its Bachmann.

Libs have to count on certain votes like blacks and woman, or they lose in a landslide.

Gals like Palin and Bachmann take that away, so they must be destroyed at all costs.

Remember back when libs cried "republicans hate Hillary only because she is a woman"?
Wonder where all those libs are now that the Dems constantly attack these women? caught us

We Libruls shure are skeered of Palin and Bachmann

Come on... liberals loath conservative women. Conservative women in particular threaten the very existence of liberalism and they actually live their lives with respect to their beliefs.
It's the only way to quantify the unrelenting and unrestrained attacks by liberals on conservative women. It's the only way to explain the obsessive neediness by liberals to not just insult conservative women, but destroy them.
Liberals 'need' women to be democrats and pro abortion......they need the gender votes on their side.....'need' them in a camp that says you are not woman nor feminist unless you fit the liberal elite mold.
It just goes to prove liberals are terrified of a conservative woman. First it was Palin, now its Bachmann.

Libs have to count on certain votes like blacks and woman, or they lose in a landslide.

Gals like Palin and Bachmann take that away, so they must be destroyed at all costs.

Remember back when libs cried "republicans hate Hillary only because she is a woman"?
Wonder where all those libs are now that the Dems constantly attack these women? caught us

We Libruls shure are skeered of Palin and Bachmann

Come on... liberals loath conservative women. Conservative women in particular threaten the very existence of liberalism and they actually live their lives with respect to their beliefs.
It's the only way to quantify the unrelenting and unrestrained attacks by liberals on conservative women. It's the only way to explain the obsessive neediness by liberals to not just insult conservative women, but destroy them.
Liberals 'need' women to be democrats and pro abortion......they need the gender votes on their side.....'need' them in a camp that says you are not woman nor feminist unless you fit the liberal elite mold.

Maybe it's because they say such fucking stupid things.

Name a conservative woman who is unfairly attacked, and I will list the fucking stupid things she has said
Last edited:
The POINT of using THAT particular photograph (it need not have been Photoshopped) was to portray Bachmann as "crazy." The eyes do seem to convey that in that picture.

But it's not a mere mistake or error of judgment.

It was SELECTED quite deliberately FOR that very purpose.

It is essentially just liberals being liberals and engaging in propaganda.

They can deny it, but nobody with a functioning brain cell will buy their lie.

Liberals = women hating bigots.

I like women, they are quite tasty ;)
It just goes to prove liberals are terrified of a conservative woman. First it was Palin, now its Bachmann.

Libs have to count on certain votes like blacks and woman, or they lose in a landslide.

Gals like Palin and Bachmann take that away, so they must be destroyed at all costs.

Remember back when libs cried "republicans hate Hillary only because she is a woman"?
Wonder where all those libs are now that the Dems constantly attack these women? caught us

We Libruls shure are skeered of Palin and Bachmann

Come on... liberals loath conservative women. Conservative women in particular threaten the very existence of liberalism and they actually live their lives with respect to their beliefs.
It's the only way to quantify the unrelenting and unrestrained attacks by liberals on conservative women. It's the only way to explain the obsessive neediness by liberals to not just insult conservative women, but destroy them.
Liberals 'need' women to be democrats and pro abortion......they need the gender votes on their side.....'need' them in a camp that says you are not woman nor feminist unless you fit the liberal elite mold.

It couldn't possibly simply be because they have no clue who the founding fathers were, and/or think that Paul Revere rode to warn the British? Nooooooo .....
It just goes to prove liberals are terrified of a conservative woman. First it was Palin, now its Bachmann.

Libs have to count on certain votes like blacks and woman, or they lose in a landslide.

Gals like Palin and Bachmann take that away, so they must be destroyed at all costs.

Remember back when libs cried "republicans hate Hillary only because she is a woman"?
Wonder where all those libs are now that the Dems constantly attack these women? caught us

We Libruls shure are skeered of Palin and Bachmann

Come on... liberals loath conservative women. Conservative women in particular threaten the very existence of liberalism and they actually live their lives with respect to their beliefs.
It's the only way to quantify the unrelenting and unrestrained attacks by liberals on conservative women. It's the only way to explain the obsessive neediness by liberals to not just insult conservative women, but destroy them.
Liberals 'need' women to be democrats and pro abortion......they need the gender votes on their side.....'need' them in a camp that says you are not woman nor feminist unless you fit the liberal elite mold.

LOL!!! Do you think we've forgotten how Reno, Clinton and Obama have been treated? Talk about the height of hypocrisy!
It just goes to prove liberals are terrified of a conservative woman. First it was Palin, now its Bachmann.

Libs have to count on certain votes like blacks and woman, or they lose in a landslide.

Gals like Palin and Bachmann take that away, so they must be destroyed at all costs.

Remember back when libs cried "republicans hate Hillary only because she is a woman"?
Wonder where all those libs are now that the Dems constantly attack these women? caught us

We Libruls shure are skeered of Palin and Bachmann

Come on... liberals loath conservative women. Conservative women in particular threaten the very existence of liberalism and they actually live their lives with respect to their beliefs.
It's the only way to quantify the unrelenting and unrestrained attacks by liberals on conservative women. It's the only way to explain the obsessive neediness by liberals to not just insult conservative women, but destroy them.
Liberals 'need' women to be democrats and pro abortion......they need the gender votes on their side.....'need' them in a camp that says you are not woman nor feminist unless you fit the liberal elite mold.

sometimes i have to wonder if you guys really believe some of this stuff you shovel, i swear. conservative women "threaten the very existence of liberalism"? really? this claim is just, frankly, bizarre.
It was classless to put that on the cover, and it reflects poorly on the magazine's professionalism. There's really no way around that. This is why politicians (especially women) should have their own photographer doing the shoots; be in control of your public image.

And imo The Economist is the only news magazine worth reading and buying. Most of the rest are just hack rags. hackery there..I tell you what..

Just go
Sep 17th 1998 | from the print edition

..“NOTHING in his life became him like the leaving it,” says Malcolm of Cawdor in “Macbeth”. In Bill Clinton’s case, nothing in his presidency condemns him like his failure to leave it. He has broken his trust and disgraced his office, but he clings on. Saving his skin at all costs, against the odds, has become the theme of his political career. Each escape is notched up as a victory. But every time he wriggles through—grubbier, slicker, trailing longer festoons of contrition—he does more damage to his country.
Just go | The Economist


Are you really trying to make the argument that The Economist is a hack rag?
Unlike you, bucko, my eyes work and so does my brain.

Some things, as it turns out, ARE self evident.

Besides, it's not like Tina Brown DENIED it, ya dishonest dipshit: Tina Brown Defends Her Michele Bachmann ‘Newsweek’ Cover | TheGrindstone

Yeah, Tina. "Intensity," not "craziness." Imagine the nerve of your critics suggesting that you were using that image for some ulterior motive.

Shame on all of us.

Obviously, Simpleholic got it right. :eusa_liar: :cuckoo: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar:

Oh, okay! So ask your peeps why it is that they're having a fit of the hissies over the "crazy look on Newsweek." We'll wait right here.

It's a fake/photoshopped cover, dingaling.

Where are you getting that it's been shopped? caught us

We Libruls shure are skeered of Palin and Bachmann

Come on... liberals loath conservative women. Conservative women in particular threaten the very existence of liberalism and they actually live their lives with respect to their beliefs.
It's the only way to quantify the unrelenting and unrestrained attacks by liberals on conservative women. It's the only way to explain the obsessive neediness by liberals to not just insult conservative women, but destroy them.
Liberals 'need' women to be democrats and pro abortion......they need the gender votes on their side.....'need' them in a camp that says you are not woman nor feminist unless you fit the liberal elite mold.

It couldn't possibly simply be because they have no clue who the founding fathers were, and/or think that Paul Revere rode to warn the British? Nooooooo .....

Well...if you read 'the rest of the story' ...Palin was right. After capture, he did warn the British. How unfortunate, that liberal followers were not even informed because the smug arrogance of the liberal media.....would never admit Sarah Palin was indeed correct...and smart.
It's an unswerving fact that liberals will praise men (and liberal women) that call conservative women whores (Meg Whitman and Nikki Haley), conservative women stupid (Palin), conservative women evil crazy (Bachmann) ,and even say Condoleeza Rice is not a black woman.....I admire that all those conservative women...can take the crap savagery from the left. I find a truly amazing strength in women that handle this kind of deliberate slander to themselves and their families
Come on... liberals loath conservative women. Conservative women in particular threaten the very existence of liberalism and they actually live their lives with respect to their beliefs.
It's the only way to quantify the unrelenting and unrestrained attacks by liberals on conservative women. It's the only way to explain the obsessive neediness by liberals to not just insult conservative women, but destroy them.
Liberals 'need' women to be democrats and pro abortion......they need the gender votes on their side.....'need' them in a camp that says you are not woman nor feminist unless you fit the liberal elite mold.

It couldn't possibly simply be because they have no clue who the founding fathers were, and/or think that Paul Revere rode to warn the British? Nooooooo .....

Well...if you read 'the rest of the story' ...Palin was right. After capture, he did warn the British.

that was so obviously a story she cooked up after the fact to cover her ass. come on. the thing that's scary about it, and why conservative women (AND men) DO scare me a bit, is there were actually tools who went to wikipedia and tried to phony up the entry on paul revere to match palin's scam version of history. they're actually in danger of getting this asshattery canonized in history, and that's worrisome to me. and i get so much of this from the right. they rewrite history to call the nazis left wing and that hoover was right and FDR's new deal perpetuated the great depression. i mean, i get the partisan reasons for doing these things and i get that some things are up for debate but to mount these challenges against objective facts is a little frightening. i shudder to think of our kids being brought up with textbooks that actually have this tripe in them.

so there, i guess you got it out of me: sarah palin DOES scare me.
come on guys, seriously.......:doubt:


its good for a laugh, but really? pathetic.

I am not surprised Newsweek did the same thing to HILLARY CLINTON--when they successfully got the masses to kick her to the curb for Obama.

It's sexist--and finally a large bi-partisan organization of women--said enough is enough.

Apparently Newsweek took several shots of her--for lighting purposes--and this is the photo they used. What's funny about it--I don't see any rage--I see a smile--with someone getting the glare of a 1000 light bulb shot into their eyes--

You're right--its pathetic--but I am certain it still works for the thumb-sucking liberal group.

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