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Newt Gingrich comes out WINNER of Las Vegas Debate

Watching Frank Luntz focus group--(of which he did 6 different focus groups) tonight of conservatives that watched the debate in Las Vegas this week--NEWT GINGRICH came in with a hand's down win.

Herman Cain is being taken apart on his 999 plan. Many stating that seniors on fixed incomes and lower incomes would be hammered with the most burden of this plan--and it would not accommodate what's needed in the Federal Budget--and give an additional revenue stream through a national sales tax that could be raised at a whim by the Federal government whenever they wanted additional money.

Rick Perry--no matter how much money he has in his campaign--does not have a snowballs chance in Haitti of winning--especially after taking a real cheap shot at Romney--on the lawn mower company that Romney used--and found that an illegal was working for this company.

Newt Gingrich--the true statesman he is--the one who has most knowledge on that stage--than any other candidate is coming across to many that he is the one we need in the Oval office. Why the RNC has not recognized that is beyond any rational comprehension.

Your thoughts?

:lol: The best of the worst?
Maybe we should see what Newt is all about. People agree he is the most intelligent and probably the most qualified candidate. Here's part of his Contract with America:

21st Century Contract with America | Newt Gingrich 2012

21st Century Contract with America

Executive Summary
1. Repeal Obamacare
2. Return to robust job creation
3. Unleash America’s full energy production potential
4. Save Medicare and Social Security
5. Balance the federal budget
6. Control the border by January 1, 2014
7. Revitalize our national security system
8. Maximize the speed and impact of medical breakthroughs
9. Restore the proper role of the judicial branch
10. Enforce the Tenth Amendment

The importance of these is in the details. Go to the link for more.
Maybe we should see what Newt is all about. People agree he is the most intelligent and probably the most qualified candidate. Here's part of his Contract with America:

21st Century Contract with America | Newt Gingrich 2012

21st Century Contract with America

Executive Summary
1. Repeal Obamacare
2. Return to robust job creation
3. Unleash America’s full energy production potential
4. Save Medicare and Social Security
5. Balance the federal budget
6. Control the border by January 1, 2014
7. Revitalize our national security system
8. Maximize the speed and impact of medical breakthroughs
9. Restore the proper role of the judicial branch
10. Enforce the Tenth Amendment

The importance of these is in the details. Go to the link for more.

No thanks, antiquated ideas, he can't even manage his own finances and he has gotten old and out of touch. There is something wrong with that man.

His wife is positively scary.
:clap2: He could wipe the floor with Obama in a debate, and make a fine president. He has learned much by his mistakes and successes. Wisdom! Leadership. He has those, imo.

I have put out polls on two different political boards about one month ago--and both are stating that Newt Gingrich would be the best to debate Barack Obama.

I just don't understand how Mitt Romney can be forgiven for Romneycare--Rick Perry can be forgiven for his illegal immigration stance--but because Newt had some personal martial problems--the RNC looks the other way? There is absolutely no doubt in my mind who would make the BEST RNC candidate--and it's Newt Gingrich. And I think there's a lot of conservatives that agree with me--but have been lead astray--by RNC tactics and worn out 15 year old slander of Newt Gingrich.

I personally think Newt is the most qualified to deal with the DC process, he would destroy most opponents in a debate forum of one on one, as for a debate with Obama, you would have to bring in CPS after the first ten minutes...

Look, I have a problem giving in state tuition to illegals, but I have a HUGE problem when the USSC ruled in '82 that ALL STATES had to educate ALL ILLEGALS K thru 12th, and somehow this is Perry's fatal flaw? Perry needs to work on his approach in these debates, it is not his strength, but debating is not what we are in trouble with currently, his track record with employment is the best we have, no one comes even close...

I like Herman, a lot, but he will have a tough time getting either nomination for POTUS or VPOTUS in either party...

Romney??? If he is the nominee, he will get my vote, but I would rather vote for McCain again, Romney is Obama lite, very weak, his past versus current stances lack conviction, and no one seems to push him on it...

We still have a way to go, Huntsman, Bachman & Santorum will fall off in that order I predict, and need to get out of the way soon, they have no way of winning...

Basically, we will be better off with any of the GOP potentials over Obama...

Romney is not Obama lite, it was unfortunate that he was governor of a deep, deep blue state that continually re-elects the likes of Barney Frank and John Kerry, he took a state that was 3 billion dollars in dept and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus in a short 4 years and he did it without raising taxes. What's Obama lite about that??? Have you seen Obama do anything even close to that??? Because I sure haven't.
Newt is as slimey as they come.

How anyone would want the two faced hypocit as president is beyond me
Gingrich is the most intelligent and qualified of all the candidates. Whether his baggage can be overcome is his only bad point. I would love to see Gingrich and obama in a debate. obama would be crawling off the stage.
I have been saying it for awhile that I liked Newt and would make a good president. It was Newt and the Rep congress and senate that helped Clinton to balance the budget. But, the left wants you to believe that it was all Clinton. I do not like Romney he is to much like a lefty. Do not like Bauchman she is to out there. Ron Paul is a loon, Cain I like but would much rather him in a VP position then president to get some experience on international policies , Perry was a big disappointment to me I had high hopes but not a fan anymore and to find out he was a democRat prior to switching. Santourim , I dont know much about him.
Maybe we should see what Newt is all about. People agree he is the most intelligent and probably the most qualified candidate. Here's part of his Contract with America:

21st Century Contract with America | Newt Gingrich 2012

21st Century Contract with America

Executive Summary
1. Repeal Obamacare
2. Return to robust job creation
3. Unleash America’s full energy production potential
4. Save Medicare and Social Security
5. Balance the federal budget
6. Control the border by January 1, 2014
7. Revitalize our national security system
8. Maximize the speed and impact of medical breakthroughs
9. Restore the proper role of the judicial branch
10. Enforce the Tenth Amendment

The importance of these is in the details. Go to the link for more.


Return to robust job creation? How. Republicans have sent those jobs to China.

Save Medicare and SS? Is that what you think Republicans want?

Maximize the speed and impact of medical breakthroughs?????????? Without education or science.

I love these talking points. Hilarious and Hysterical.
Romney is not Obama lite, it was unfortunate that he was governor of a deep, deep blue state that continually re-elects the likes of Barney Frank and John Kerry, he took a state that was 3 billion dollars in dept and turned that into a 2 billion dollar surplus in a short 4 years and he did it without raising taxes. What's Obama lite about that??? Have you seen Obama do anything even close to that??? Because I sure haven't.

Still pitching these lies?

Romney's fiscal magic was worked by the fact that 1) He really did raise taxes and 2) the economy recovered nationally, increasing revenues. Had little to do with him. I mean, by your own admission, he was a slave to those evil liberal legistlators who just MADE him approve Socialized Medicine and Gay Marriage. He just didn't have a choice, weep, weep...

Did Mitt Romney Raise Taxes Or 'Close Loopholes'? | TPMDC

On Wednesday, Politico reported on a presentation Romney's office gave to S&P in 2004 touting the strength of the state's budget thanks in part to a 2002 tax increase that he opposed. The presentation also highlighted higher fees and newly closed loopholes that Romney championed himself. While Romney supporters have long argued these policies should not count as tax increases, critics have long insisted otherwise and the S&P story pushes the debate into the headlines once again.

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