Newt Gingrich on C-Span-We're at War with Radical Islamism

Yeah, let's go invade some country where they are not hiding, that will show them. Seriously, these things are won by patience and measured response. For some reason reckless escalation seems to be the only strategy conservatives will endorse.

There is a lot of money to be made for the corporations that make war. SO you know that Republicans are all for invading some country that didn't attack us. All out war is MUCH more profitable than some measured response.

That would maybe work if Obama actually knew what a measured response should be. For so many failures, you sure have ample faith in the man.

Very remarkable indeed

Yeah, let's go invade some country where they are not hiding, that will show them. Seriously, these things are won by patience and measured response. For some reason reckless escalation seems to be the only strategy conservatives will endorse.

There is a lot of money to be made for the corporations that make war. SO you know that Republicans are all for invading some country that didn't attack us. All out war is MUCH more profitable than some measured response.

That would maybe work if Obama actually knew what a measured response should be. For so many failures, you sure have ample faith in the man.

Very remarkable indeed

He's doing better than the asshole who started our war on terror.
Yeah, let's go invade some country where they are not hiding, that will show them. Seriously, these things are won by patience and measured response. For some reason reckless escalation seems to be the only strategy conservatives will endorse.

There is a lot of money to be made for the corporations that make war. SO you know that Republicans are all for invading some country that didn't attack us. All out war is MUCH more profitable than some measured response.

That would maybe work if Obama actually knew what a measured response should be. For so many failures, you sure have ample faith in the man.

Very remarkable indeed

He's doing better than the asshole who started our war on terror.

You mean asshole(s)

Democrats Share the Blame for Tragedy of Iraq War

Here on the tenth anniversary of the Iraq War, it is important to remember that it was not just those in the Bush White House who were responsible for the tragedy, but leading members of Congress as well, some of whom are now in senior positions in the Obama administration.

Democrats Share the Blame for Tragedy of Iraq War
Yeah, let's go invade some country where they are not hiding, that will show them. Seriously, these things are won by patience and measured response. For some reason reckless escalation seems to be the only strategy conservatives will endorse.

There is a lot of money to be made for the corporations that make war. SO you know that Republicans are all for invading some country that didn't attack us. All out war is MUCH more profitable than some measured response.

That would maybe work if Obama actually knew what a measured response should be. For so many failures, you sure have ample faith in the man.

Very remarkable indeed

He's doing better than the asshole who started our war on terror.

You mean asshole(s)

Democrats Share the Blame for Tragedy of Iraq War

Here on the tenth anniversary of the Iraq War, it is important to remember that it was not just those in the Bush White House who were responsible for the tragedy, but leading members of Congress as well, some of whom are now in senior positions in the Obama administration.

Democrats Share the Blame for Tragedy of Iraq War
Of course. Everyone who responded to the scare tactics and allowed the president to act unilaterally shares the blame.
Cool... Got to get the message out. You know the lefties have us on ignore but not all of them, Maybe our message can sink in their skullions through the filter. Have to keep pressing

If you and your butt buddies haven't enlisted to take the fight to the terrorists, stfu.
Or If you and you butt buddies haven't emptied your bank accounts (send your money to the US Treasury) to pay for the war you want SO bad, then stfu.

No shortage of enlistee's. Are you suggesting a draft?


The army is stretched thin. If another war happens that requires 250,000 troops or more a draft will likely happen. Our military generals and secratary of defense say so.
Here on the tenth anniversary of the Iraq War, it is important to remember that it was not just those in the Bush White House who were responsible for the tragedy, but leading members of Congress as well, some of whom are now in senior positions in the Obama administration.

Every day you go on and on about how stupid the Democrats are.
Then when you actually have proof (the vote for war in Iraq) you act like the war was all on them. When about 100% of the Repubs voted for war. You should be celebrating the vote the Dems gave you. They gave you political cover for a monumental stupid mistake.

Why don't you just make those Dems who did vote FOR the war honorary Republicans. They've got the same string of stupid running in them that you Republicans have.

Or course the Dems now claim (rightfully so) that the war was a mistake. Any Repubs taking that POV?
We're not 'at war' with anyone – including Islam, 'radical' or otherwise.

It's this sort of unfounded, hyperbolic nonsense that results in Americans needlessly and pointlessly dying in foreign wars, such as the failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, in additions to debacles such as the Guantanamo detentions.

Terrorists are not 'soldiers,' we're dealing with criminals who need to be treated like criminals: apprehended and brought to justice.
Classic example of heads in the sand.

"Your Honor, the Prosecution rests."
Newt Gingrich is one of the dumbest politicians in Washington. And so are those who insist on linking all Muslims with terrorists. It only helps the radical terrorist groups recruit.

They recruit by saying that Americans are "crusaders" who are hell-bent on the destruction of Islam and they have a holy obligation to destroy us first. When we demonstrate that it is NOT Islam we have a problem with, just the terrorism, we undercut the message of the radical recruiters.

We also don't want to give them any status at all in their communities. While a "warrior for allah" may command a little respect in some Muslim communities, a common street thug is respected nowhere.

Marginalizing these terrorists within their own communities is smart. Feeding their status and recruiting propaganda is stupid.
Newt Gingrich is one of the dumbest politicians in Washington. And so are those who insist on linking all Muslims with terrorists. It only helps the radical terrorist groups recruit.

They recruit by saying that Americans are "crusaders" who are hell-bent on the destruction of Islam and they have a holy obligation to destroy us first. When we demonstrate that it is NOT Islam we have a problem with, just the terrorism, we undercut the message of the radical recruiters.

We also don't want to give them any status at all in their communities. While a "warrior for allah" may command a little respect in some Muslim communities, a common street thug is respected nowhere.

Marginalizing these terrorists within their own communities is smart. Feeding their status and recruiting propaganda is stupid.

Idiot. He's 100% correct. As for the recruiting and false teachings and manipulation that up to the Muslim leaders. Not politicians or fighters or news agency's.
Newt Gingrich is one of the dumbest politicians in Washington. And so are those who insist on linking all Muslims with terrorists. It only helps the radical terrorist groups recruit.

They recruit by saying that Americans are "crusaders" who are hell-bent on the destruction of Islam and they have a holy obligation to destroy us first. When we demonstrate that it is NOT Islam we have a problem with, just the terrorism, we undercut the message of the radical recruiters.

We also don't want to give them any status at all in their communities. While a "warrior for allah" may command a little respect in some Muslim communities, a common street thug is respected nowhere.

Marginalizing these terrorists within their own communities is smart. Feeding their status and recruiting propaganda is stupid.

Idiot. He's 100% correct. As for the recruiting and false teachings and manipulation that up to the Muslim leaders. Not politicians or fighters or news agency's.

And assisting them is soooooo smart
Newt Gingrich is one of the dumbest politicians in Washington. And so are those who insist on linking all Muslims with terrorists. It only helps the radical terrorist groups recruit.

They recruit by saying that Americans are "crusaders" who are hell-bent on the destruction of Islam and they have a holy obligation to destroy us first. When we demonstrate that it is NOT Islam we have a problem with, just the terrorism, we undercut the message of the radical recruiters.

We also don't want to give them any status at all in their communities. While a "warrior for allah" may command a little respect in some Muslim communities, a common street thug is respected nowhere.

Marginalizing these terrorists within their own communities is smart. Feeding their status and recruiting propaganda is stupid.

Idiot. He's 100% correct. As for the recruiting and false teachings and manipulation that up to the Muslim leaders. Not politicians or fighters or news agency's.

And assisting them is soooooo smart

Killing them is. It's their leaders silence that's enabling them. Read above post moron.
Newt Gingrich is one of the dumbest politicians in Washington. And so are those who insist on linking all Muslims with terrorists. It only helps the radical terrorist groups recruit.

They recruit by saying that Americans are "crusaders" who are hell-bent on the destruction of Islam and they have a holy obligation to destroy us first. When we demonstrate that it is NOT Islam we have a problem with, just the terrorism, we undercut the message of the radical recruiters.

We also don't want to give them any status at all in their communities. While a "warrior for allah" may command a little respect in some Muslim communities, a common street thug is respected nowhere.

Marginalizing these terrorists within their own communities is smart. Feeding their status and recruiting propaganda is stupid.

Idiot. He's 100% correct. As for the recruiting and false teachings and manipulation that up to the Muslim leaders. Not politicians or fighters or news agency's.

And assisting them is soooooo smart

Killing them is. It's their leaders silence that's enabling them. Read above post moron.

If you prefer to aid and assist the terrorists, that's your business. Whether it is out of ignorance or affinity, it doesn't matter to me.

But let's be very clear about it - it IS aiding the terrorists.
Newt Gingrich is one of the dumbest politicians in Washington. And so are those who insist on linking all Muslims with terrorists. It only helps the radical terrorist groups recruit.

They recruit by saying that Americans are "crusaders" who are hell-bent on the destruction of Islam and they have a holy obligation to destroy us first. When we demonstrate that it is NOT Islam we have a problem with, just the terrorism, we undercut the message of the radical recruiters.

We also don't want to give them any status at all in their communities. While a "warrior for allah" may command a little respect in some Muslim communities, a common street thug is respected nowhere.

Marginalizing these terrorists within their own communities is smart. Feeding their status and recruiting propaganda is stupid.

Idiot. He's 100% correct. As for the recruiting and false teachings and manipulation that up to the Muslim leaders. Not politicians or fighters or news agency's.

And assisting them is soooooo smart

Killing them is. It's their leaders silence that's enabling them. Read above post moron.

If you prefer to aid and assist the terrorists, that's your business. Whether it is out of ignorance or affinity, it doesn't matter to me.

But let's be very clear about it - it IS aiding the terrorists.

No it's not. Not at all. You haven't made your case. Time for you to make it. Be careful. I'm the smartest political poster here and I'll likely have this debate ended after 1 post.
Newt Gingrich is one of the dumbest politicians in Washington. And so are those who insist on linking all Muslims with terrorists. It only helps the radical terrorist groups recruit.

They recruit by saying that Americans are "crusaders" who are hell-bent on the destruction of Islam and they have a holy obligation to destroy us first. When we demonstrate that it is NOT Islam we have a problem with, just the terrorism, we undercut the message of the radical recruiters.

We also don't want to give them any status at all in their communities. While a "warrior for allah" may command a little respect in some Muslim communities, a common street thug is respected nowhere.

Marginalizing these terrorists within their own communities is smart. Feeding their status and recruiting propaganda is stupid.

Idiot. He's 100% correct. As for the recruiting and false teachings and manipulation that up to the Muslim leaders. Not politicians or fighters or news agency's.

And assisting them is soooooo smart

Killing them is. It's their leaders silence that's enabling them. Read above post moron.

If you prefer to aid and assist the terrorists, that's your business. Whether it is out of ignorance or affinity, it doesn't matter to me.

But let's be very clear about it - it IS aiding the terrorists.

No it's not. Not at all. You haven't made your case. Time for you to make it. Be careful. I'm the smartest political poster here and I'll likely have this debate ended after 1 post.

LOL - It has been my experience that people who are really smart don't have to try to tell you they are smart - you just know. Additionally, smart posters generally don't respond with a personal insult followed by a bumper sticker.

My case has been made far better than yours. Can you explain how inflating the status of these terrorists within their own communities HELPS us defeat them.

I will await your brilliance.
ISIS is not Islamic

If we want to stop ISIS, we must deny it any claim to represent Islam and starve it of the fuel of injustice.

Nihad Awad is national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization

however Newt is an iDIOT
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