Newt says he is guided by God. Looks to God before making decisions.

Interestingly enough, I've never seen them wear their religion on their sleeve.

Newt tends to drape himself with it.

You tend to ignore Obama's speeches then? Cuz I can, without google, cite at least 10 speeches by Obama where he specifically cites 'God'.

Your partisanship is funny. :lol:

Obama cites god because he has too, otherwise America wouldn't accept him. I am not blaming him for doing so, but I don't think he really believes it. He is too smart.

I have to strongly disagree. I know some extremely intelligent people who have mystical and occult beliefs. Of course, they don't believe in "Noah's flood" and "magical creation". But they believe there is a "spirit of good" for lack of better words. They could explain their beliefs better since I don't share them.

Dr. Francis Collins, who many consider the father of the Human Genome Project, is an extremely devout Christian. Yet he completely believes in the reality of the Scientific Theory of Evolution.

Right wingers make the mistake of thinking I'm "anti religion". In fact, it's a more difficult debate. I don't share those beliefs. I don't like having them pushed on me. They attempt to use those beliefs as a "club" and many assign incredible ignorance to those beliefs, like magical creation and Noah's flood.

I can't even really "debate" something like the "supernatural". It's not that I have a belief that it's not real. The truth is, I have no belief at all. It's so wildly unreal, my mind can't even consider the possibility of "spirits and angels and demons". But others have different beliefs. As long as they don't push them on me, I don't really care what they are.
"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis, 1835

When Totalitarianism comes, you will not be able to buy, sell or trade, without the Mark.

P.S. Separation of Church and State is a Christian Teaching. Maybe the problem lies in your definition.

For almost a thousand years the Christian Church was in bed with every monarchy in Europe. They drew their power from the church, trampling on the common man declaring their divine right from God.
The main support against the revolution was from the Anglican church which was the dominant church in the colonies. 100,000 of them left to Canada and back to England after the revolution.

The Magna Carta was a result of Christian Faith. It opened the door to the Natural Rights of the Common Man. You are also confusing issues. That includes confusing Human Nature with Divine Nature. We are all held hostage by human nature at some time in our lives. Liberty, and working for what is Just and Right is a work in progress. I stopped blaming God for what we do to each other a long time ago. You should try that on for size. Still, the Establishment of Life, Liberty, Property, Pursuit of Happiness, are Christian Principles, Values, and We are Rooted in them. As much as Individual Liberty is an offense to Statist Progressives, You can't undue them, without a Fight.

Great Reference Material here.
The Catholic Encyclopedia
You tend to ignore Obama's speeches then? Cuz I can, without google, cite at least 10 speeches by Obama where he specifically cites 'God'.

Your partisanship is funny. :lol:

Obama cites god because he has too, otherwise America wouldn't accept him. I am not blaming him for doing so, but I don't think he really believes it. He is too smart.

I have to strongly disagree. I know some extremely intelligent people who have mystical and occult beliefs. Of course, they don't believe in "Noah's flood" and "magical creation". But they believe there is a "spirit of good" for lack of better words. They could explain their beliefs better since I don't share them.

Dr. Francis Collins, who many consider the father of the Human Genome Project, is an extremely devout Christian. Yet he completely believes in the reality of the Scientific Theory of Evolution.

Right wingers make the mistake of thinking I'm "anti religion". In fact, it's a more difficult debate. I don't share those beliefs. I don't like having them pushed on me. They attempt to use those beliefs as a "club" and many assign incredible ignorance to those beliefs, like magical creation and Noah's flood.

I can't even really "debate" something like the "supernatural". It's not that I have a belief that it's not real. The truth is, I have no belief at all. It's so wildly unreal, my mind can't even consider the possibility of "spirits and angels and demons". But others have different beliefs. As long as they don't push them on me, I don't really care what they are.

Mutant. :eusa_whistle:
"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis, 1835

When Totalitarianism comes, you will not be able to buy, sell or trade, without the Mark.

P.S. Separation of Church and State is a Christian Teaching. Maybe the problem lies in your definition.

It is a Christian belief and clearly stated in the Bible by Jesus.

But these American Christians we see today are NOT the same as the kind of Christians we have come to expect.

When audience members applauded executions and shouted "Let him die", no candidates said a thing about it. When you have a Republican leader, such as Andre Bauer, saying "Feed the poor and they'll breed", clearly, that goes against Christian teaching.

Ephesians 6:5 NLT Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.

1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.

Clearly Jesus approves of slavery, otherwise he wouldn't be saying "be a better slave". This is why many confederates have no problem with slavery. Jesus says nothing against the gays, but the right wing makes gays central to their "hate", for lack of a better way to put it.

Someone once told me that helping the poor was central to the Bible. I believe that.

But how to help is the question.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
I would say that "the market" was his god but he was a lobbyist for a GSE (Freddie Mac) so he is a Big gov't conservative/crony capitalist :)
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I would say that "the market" was his god but he was a lobbyist for a GSE (Freddie Mac) so he is a Big gov't conservative/crony capitalist :)

Yep and a career politician.
He has made his living off of politics for most of his life.
It’s good enough for you because he’s a republican, if Gingrich said he prays to Satan you’d still vote for him.

You know........if Newt actually DID pray to God for guidance, why is he still acting like a complete tool? Does he even listen to what God says?

I doubt it.

What did God say to you?

Depends on what I've asked Him as to what the answer was.

One of the first things that I was told is that I'm allowed to ask Him more than one question, because in order for Him to keep up with me, I have to talk to Him on a regular basis.

Remember..........Christians tell us that we have to make a friend in Yeshua.

I talk to my friends on a regular basis.
Obama cites god because he has too, otherwise America wouldn't accept him. I am not blaming him for doing so, but I don't think he really believes it. He is too smart.

I have to strongly disagree. I know some extremely intelligent people who have mystical and occult beliefs. Of course, they don't believe in "Noah's flood" and "magical creation". But they believe there is a "spirit of good" for lack of better words. They could explain their beliefs better since I don't share them.

Dr. Francis Collins, who many consider the father of the Human Genome Project, is an extremely devout Christian. Yet he completely believes in the reality of the Scientific Theory of Evolution.

Right wingers make the mistake of thinking I'm "anti religion". In fact, it's a more difficult debate. I don't share those beliefs. I don't like having them pushed on me. They attempt to use those beliefs as a "club" and many assign incredible ignorance to those beliefs, like magical creation and Noah's flood.

I can't even really "debate" something like the "supernatural". It's not that I have a belief that it's not real. The truth is, I have no belief at all. It's so wildly unreal, my mind can't even consider the possibility of "spirits and angels and demons". But others have different beliefs. As long as they don't push them on me, I don't really care what they are.

Mutant. :eusa_whistle:

Wow, deep.

Oh please alinskytes, spare us the cheap analogies. God only knows (no pun intended) what sunk into Barry Hussein's thick skull as he sat through the Rev. Wright's anti-American diatribes for 20 years.
Know what pisses me off most about these GOP "Christians"?

They seem to use God as more of a prop to be displayed for political gain rather than actually following the lessons of Yeshua.

Unlike, for example, Nancy Pelosi or Barrack Obama?

Interestingly enough, I've never seen them wear their religion on their sleeve.

Newt tends to drape himself with it.

Our National Day of Prayer is now Ramadan.
"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis, 1835

When Totalitarianism comes, you will not be able to buy, sell or trade, without the Mark.

P.S. Separation of Church and State is a Christian Teaching. Maybe the problem lies in your definition.

It is a Christian belief and clearly stated in the Bible by Jesus.

But these American Christians we see today are NOT the same as the kind of Christians we have come to expect.

When audience members applauded executions and shouted "Let him die", no candidates said a thing about it. When you have a Republican leader, such as Andre Bauer, saying "Feed the poor and they'll breed", clearly, that goes against Christian teaching.

Ephesians 6:5 NLT Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.

1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.

Clearly Jesus approves of slavery, otherwise he wouldn't be saying "be a better slave". This is why many confederates have no problem with slavery. Jesus says nothing against the gays, but the right wing makes gays central to their "hate", for lack of a better way to put it.

Someone once told me that helping the poor was central to the Bible. I believe that.

But how to help is the question.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Personally I think there are Natures battling inside each of us, RD. That's why it is important to feed Conscience, and work with it. We Each need to be seeing through our own eyes, right? We are alive in a World that rebelled, and is paying it's dues. When you think about it, there is allot wrong here. To borrow from Scripture, Our Force is Not Right.

That said, God First In All Things. That does not mean We always get it right,it does mean that we learn from our mistakes and develop. We don't Surrender In Spirit. It's weird saying this but instead of judging, set an example. Separate the Sin or act from the Sinner. We All stumble.My Philosophy in part, is that we each are of more value than the tangents we create. A constant theme throughout the Old and New Testaments, is Redemption, Reconciliation. For Each, there is a choice.

The Politics of the times of the Prophets, the Cultures were different, the People adapted or lived short lives. The Leaders had arbitrary power over life and death. Christ's mission was Salvation, not Political Science. He was here to redeem Souls, not Run for Office or Abolish Slavery, directly, anyway. I view the Bible as Inspired, it is a Book with hidden meaning by design, Matters to be revealed in their own time. There are pitfalls, there is even misdirection by design. There were Powers that were meant to be thrown off course, off guard, so, that does involve multi levels of understanding. It's a Tool. Let's distinguish between God, The Church, The Things many have claimed to do in His Name, both Rightly and Wrongly. I'm not big on Slavery. I know you aren't. How many slaves did Jesus have? Timothy?

I think Everyday we effect change, both good and bad. We help each other in allot of ways, more so when we try consciously. We do it by example, by what we say and do. We do it when we teach skill, respect for what is just. We effect attitude and motivation, tone, outcome. Purpose driven life? Not Someone Else's, but Each Our Own.
I have to strongly disagree. I know some extremely intelligent people who have mystical and occult beliefs. Of course, they don't believe in "Noah's flood" and "magical creation". But they believe there is a "spirit of good" for lack of better words. They could explain their beliefs better since I don't share them.

Dr. Francis Collins, who many consider the father of the Human Genome Project, is an extremely devout Christian. Yet he completely believes in the reality of the Scientific Theory of Evolution.

Right wingers make the mistake of thinking I'm "anti religion". In fact, it's a more difficult debate. I don't share those beliefs. I don't like having them pushed on me. They attempt to use those beliefs as a "club" and many assign incredible ignorance to those beliefs, like magical creation and Noah's flood.

I can't even really "debate" something like the "supernatural". It's not that I have a belief that it's not real. The truth is, I have no belief at all. It's so wildly unreal, my mind can't even consider the possibility of "spirits and angels and demons". But others have different beliefs. As long as they don't push them on me, I don't really care what they are.

Dr. Francis Collins, who many consider the father of the Human Genome Project, is an extremely devout Christian. Yet he completely believes in the reality of the Scientific Theory of Evolution.

then he is a cant say you follow Christ and go to Church every Sunday and yet you disagree with what they say about how we got here......otherwise...why go and pray every week?.....whats the point?.....

Right wingers make the mistake of thinking I'm "anti religion".

gee i wonder why?......could it be because you say reputedly its all a fairy tale?.......maybe because you have called those who do believe foolish to believe such nonsense.....gee Dean i wonder why some think your anti religion.......i just dont know why....
I am waiting for the candidate that stands up and tells everyone that his religion is his own business and no one elses and they refuse to discuss their private beliefs.
And tells everyone that gay marriage is not their business, government should work hard to discourage abortion but not be involved in laws against it and the individual will be respected for the personal private beliefs.

The day in which a politician can do all that you have said, will be a great day for America, and the world. It will mean we have ripped all of the private, corrupt money out of Washington, along with the posers who accept it.
Maybe God wants a colony on the moon.

Did you ever think of that?

Actually, based on simple observation, I think that He would want us to colonize Mars instead of the Moon because the Moon has a greater chance of meteor impacts.

Guess Newt didn't take that into consideration.

Besides...........Mars has atmosphere, the Moon doesn't.
But fat ass Snooty Newtie would weigh less on the Moon.
When Totalitarianism comes, you will not be able to buy, sell or trade, without the Mark.

P.S. Separation of Church and State is a Christian Teaching. Maybe the problem lies in your definition.

It is a Christian belief and clearly stated in the Bible by Jesus.

But these American Christians we see today are NOT the same as the kind of Christians we have come to expect.

When audience members applauded executions and shouted "Let him die", no candidates said a thing about it. When you have a Republican leader, such as Andre Bauer, saying "Feed the poor and they'll breed", clearly, that goes against Christian teaching.

Ephesians 6:5 NLT Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.

1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.

Clearly Jesus approves of slavery, otherwise he wouldn't be saying "be a better slave". This is why many confederates have no problem with slavery. Jesus says nothing against the gays, but the right wing makes gays central to their "hate", for lack of a better way to put it.

Someone once told me that helping the poor was central to the Bible. I believe that.

But how to help is the question.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Personally I think there are Natures battling inside each of us, RD. That's why it is important to feed Conscience, and work with it. We Each need to be seeing through our own eyes, right? We are alive in a World that rebelled, and is paying it's dues. When you think about it, there is allot wrong here. To borrow from Scripture, Our Force is Not Right.

That said, God First In All Things. That does not mean We always get it right,it does mean that we learn from our mistakes and develop. We don't Surrender In Spirit. It's weird saying this but instead of judging, set an example. Separate the Sin or act from the Sinner. We All stumble.My Philosophy in part, is that we each are of more value than the tangents we create. A constant theme throughout the Old and New Testaments, is Redemption, Reconciliation. For Each, there is a choice.

The Politics of the times of the Prophets, the Cultures were different, the People adapted or lived short lives. The Leaders had arbitrary power over life and death. Christ's mission was Salvation, not Political Science. He was here to redeem Souls, not Run for Office or Abolish Slavery, directly, anyway. I view the Bible as Inspired, it is a Book with hidden meaning by design, Matters to be revealed in their own time. There are pitfalls, there is even misdirection by design. There were Powers that were meant to be thrown off course, off guard, so, that does involve multi levels of understanding. It's a Tool. Let's distinguish between God, The Church, The Things many have claimed to do in His Name, both Rightly and Wrongly. I'm not big on Slavery. I know you aren't. How many slaves did Jesus have? Timothy?

I think Everyday we effect change, both good and bad. We help each other in allot of ways, more so when we try consciously. We do it by example, by what we say and do. We do it when we teach skill, respect for what is just. We effect attitude and motivation, tone, outcome. Purpose driven life? Not Someone Else's, but Each Our Own.

How many slaves does Christ have? For someone such as myself who has no mystical beliefs it's a matter of perspective. One could say billions and be perfectly correct.

But to say the focus was "spiritual salvation" may not be entirely true. The fact he told the rich over and over again to help the poor proves that he also wanted to reduce the physical suffering that comes from starvation and related ills. If it was all about "spirit", then the sooner they died, the sooner they could get to "Heaven".
Maybe God wants a colony on the moon.

Did you ever think of that?

Actually, based on simple observation, I think that He would want us to colonize Mars instead of the Moon because the Moon has a greater chance of meteor impacts.

Guess Newt didn't take that into consideration.

Besides...........Mars has atmosphere, the Moon doesn't.
But fat ass Snooty Newtie would weigh less on the Moon.

Because Mars has no magnetic field, it's atmosphere has been blasted away by solar winds until it's like 1% ours, or less.
Oh please alinskytes, spare us the cheap analogies. God only knows (no pun intended) what sunk into Barry Hussein's thick skull as he sat through the Rev. Wright's anti-American diatribes for 20 years.

Funny, if you put what he was saying in context, and not just pick out the three words that matter most to the right wing, Wright was saying if America doesn't follow the Bible and Christ's teachings, then what happens is "God Damn America".

I just find that to be hilarious. He preaches what they preach. Only with a lot more fire and brimstone.

I have no "occult" beliefs. I find them, personally, ridiculous. But hey, to each his own.
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