Newt to OWS: Get a job and take a bath

wooooo.... Is this what passes for clever on the left, these day? 'You're fat'. it really what passes for political discourse from someone who wants to be president? "Take a bath"?

Perhaps Newt doesn't realize that the President has to be President of the whole United States, not just the folks that shop at Tiffany.

How is that different from Obama calling Americans enemies, arrogant, soft, antipathetic, xenophobes, teabaggers...etc?

:eusa_shhh: you can't point out when they do it....

The thing is, Obama has tried to stir the pot with this class warfare crap, and ended up actually backfiring on him.
why do some live self-supporting and accountable lives despite conditions

while others won't ?

Mathematically, not everyone can. Don't you get that? You can shift around the jobs from area to area, have a new plant open somewhere and hire 50 while another shuts down somewhere else and lays off 75... But any way you slice it, there are not enough jobs available for job seekers.

But you see, that's the problem. If I can open a plant somewhere else and 50 people are as productive as 75, then those 75 people weren't terribly productive, were they?

No, you don't understand. They moved to a smaller plant because of lagging demand.

It doesn't matter why they moved. The premise of your post does not address the premise of mine.
wooooo.... Is this what passes for clever on the left, these day? 'You're fat'. it really what passes for political discourse from someone who wants to be president? "Take a bath"?

Perhaps Newt doesn't realize that the President has to be President of the whole United States, not just the folks that shop at Tiffany.

How is that different from Obama calling Americans enemies, arrogant, soft, antipathetic, xenophobes, teabaggers...etc?

Well, let's start with the fact that he didn't do over half of those things. What he DID do is call the Tea Party tea baggers (a name they took upon themselves in the beginning) and call the Republicans "the enemy". I would also argue that he went too far in doing so. I've always believed that the President of the United States should be above those things. I believe the President should leave that sort of blather to the likes of us and should be above it.

When has Newt (or any GOP candidate for that matter) gone on record saying something like this:

“We’ve got politicians calling each other all sorts of unflattering names.”

“Now, the second way to keep our democracy healthy is to maintain a basic level of civility in our public debate.”

“We can’t expect to solve our problems if all we do is tear each other down. You can disagree with a certain policy without demonizing the person who espouses it.”

“So what do we do? As I found out after a year in the White House, changing this type of politics is not easy. And part of what civility requires is that we recall the simple lesson most of us learned from our parents: Treat others as you would like to be treated, with courtesy and respect.”
When has Newt (or any GOP candidate for that matter) gone on record saying something like this:

“Now, the second way to keep our democracy healthy is to maintain a basic level of civility in our public debate.”

got it

castigate Newt for not calling for civility

while promoting the uncivil actions of the revolution
Newt to OWS: Get a job and take a bath
....And, a blow-job??


"We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'"


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Newt just said what most people are thinking. Should he NOT comment on a current event? Isn't that what democrats want, to manipulate the media creating a false impression that the majority supports the shitters? it really what passes for political discourse from someone who wants to be president? "Take a bath"?

Perhaps Newt doesn't realize that the President has to be President of the whole United States, not just the folks that shop at Tiffany.

How is that different from Obama calling Americans enemies, arrogant, soft, antipathetic, xenophobes, teabaggers...etc?

Well, let's start with the fact that he didn't do over half of those things. What he DID do is call the Tea Party tea baggers (a name they took upon themselves in the beginning) and call the Republicans "the enemy". I would also argue that he went too far in doing so. I've always believed that the President of the United States should be above those things. I believe the President should leave that sort of blather to the likes of us and should be above it.

When has Newt (or any GOP candidate for that matter) gone on record saying something like this:

“We’ve got politicians calling each other all sorts of unflattering names.”

“Now, the second way to keep our democracy healthy is to maintain a basic level of civility in our public debate.”

“We can’t expect to solve our problems if all we do is tear each other down. You can disagree with a certain policy without demonizing the person who espouses it.”

“So what do we do? As I found out after a year in the White House, changing this type of politics is not easy. And part of what civility requires is that we recall the simple lesson most of us learned from our parents: Treat others as you would like to be treated, with courtesy and respect.”

Sure he (Obama) did. I heard him with my very own ears.

He talks about not demonizing opposing views but then he goes out and demonizes those that have opposing views and you are too stupid to see it.

He has a history of talking down to America and insulting Americans.

Obama Scores a Hat Trick - Insults America 3 Times in a Row - YouTube

In an State of the Union Address he constantly insulted our intelligence (conservatives that is, liberals have little intelligence to insult).

Obama really believes the American People are so ignorant, so gullible, so uninformed that they would believe the load of garbage he was pushing?

•President Bush somehow created this mess – even though he left office nearly three years ago?
•Republicans are causing the current crisis – even though they hold control of but one House of Congress?
•President Obama has somehow been the “deal-maker” in this process – even though he’s provided no plan of his own?
•President Obama has been on board for deficit-reduction from day one – even though he pushed for a “clean” debt ceiling increase – which failed to gain even Democrat support – and he proposed a budget that would have increased the 10-year debt-deficit by trillions?
•Raising the debt ceiling is “routine” – even though he voted against raising it as a senator?
•Republicans want tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires – even though he admitted in his opening that the tax bracket he’s talking about begins with those who make $250k a year – our nation’s largest group of job creators; our small business owners most of which only see a fraction of that annual gross as “take-home
So the President has to be President of ALL Americans? Great!!!! Barry, I want you to STOP trying to steal my retirement money by declaring that all millionaires aren't paying their fair share! The problem is, I worked for my entire life to save that money and now that I MAY, JUST MAY have enough to last the rest of my life, YOU have determined that I don't pay enough in taxes. Barry, you're supposed to be MY President as well, so you can lay off of the class warfare thing. You already get enough. Think it will work? No, I didn't think so...

I would absolutely LOVE a debate between Newt and Barry. Barry couldn't hold a candle and I guarantee you, those who were not just complete and total hacks (TM and others) would see the difference between someone who HAS (Newt) and someone who HASN'T (Barry).

The OWS crowd is ridiculous and no one with any intelligence takes them seriously...
.....All the while.....

[ame=]Can't Fix Stupid - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - INTERVIEW B-ROLL - YouTube[/ame]


Okay, may I interject a point here. I just love the folks on this board that think that posting YOUTUBE videos somehow prove a point or make their ridiculous position pallatable. You all KNOW what youtube is right? That NO ONE checks the facts of these videos or even knows really who posts them? I mean if I wanted to create a video of a pig flying out of someone's ass I could?

Okay, just checking. I know there are several posters who must spend their entire day trying to find these ridiculous videos to post... Kind of like using to prove how wonderful Barry is....
So the President has to be President of ALL Americans? Great!!!! Barry, I want you to STOP trying to steal my retirement money by declaring that all millionaires aren't paying their fair share! The problem is, I worked for my entire life to save that money and now that I MAY, JUST MAY have enough to last the rest of my life.....
Yeah......everybody knows how you complained, when The DICK; Cheney was giving-it-away.....

[ame=]Iraq War Profiteers: Part 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]​
It would be refreshing to have a president who doesn't bull the people and says what he means. Newt doesn't mince words and you know where he stands!
Okay, may I interject a point here. I just love the folks on this board that think that posting YOUTUBE videos somehow prove a point or make their ridiculous position pallatable. "Frig" Newton's sophomoric-statements are perfectly-acceptable......but, pointing-out the stupidity of the people he's pandering-to should be Off Limits, huh???

Newtpocrisy runs rampant.....especially for 14-year-old wannabe-snipers.


Move, along....Skippy.​
That old fart is way more than just fat. He's puffy like a woman in menopause.

That's have no smart response, so you use name calling like a 12 yr old would do. Newt's right and I :clap2: him for that!!!

Does that also hold for Newt's idiotic response about them taking a bath?

Just responding in kind to this trollish thread.

Well Newt did get it a little backwards...he should have said....
"Take a bath and go get a job". Won't do them much good to try to get a job without the bath first! Lol!
I think Newt is the most truthful person right now that's running. He says it like it is, and i like it! What astonishes me about this whole OWS crap is that there are actually people there that said the QUIT their jobs so they could be there!!!! How stupid is that? So we're supposed to feel sorry for them???

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