Newtie to Run for President

The word is TORPEDO Biff, not TOPEDO


Wow Rufus, ya' now how to spell a word......I'm impressed. Affirmative action have anything to do with that?


Now how?

I love how the Right has to defend Newt, just for spite, or obstinance, or a we won't admit the liberals are right about him...

...then someday it'll be Newt who!!?? in the spirit of the current Sarah who??!! and the past Fred who!!??
I have a weird feeling most women would have a rough time voting for Newt. I don't know,,just call it a hunch.
On the upside, Newt did show he could work in a bi-partisan manner or was it Clinton that did that? All I can say is that whatever happened, the Welfare Reform legislation was damn near perfect. We need to go back and do it again.

the impeachment was real bi-partisan :rolleyes:

And it's Newt's fault if Democrats can't recognize the right thing to do when it crawls up in their laps?
I have a weird feeling most women would have a rough time voting for Newt. I don't know,,just call it a hunch.
On the upside, Newt did show he could work in a bi-partisan manner or was it Clinton that did that? All I can say is that whatever happened, the Welfare Reform legislation was damn near perfect. We need to go back and do it again.

the impeachment was real bi-partisan :rolleyes:

And it's Newt's fault if Democrats can't recognize the right thing to do when it crawls up in their laps?

Somethin crawlin up your legs CC? EWWWWwww...!!!!:eek: I could have done without THAT visual! :lol: :lol:
Gingritch is his own worst nightmare.

Sheesh who would have expected Gingritchites to come out of the woodwork?
Tell you what.

List all the qualifications for President as mandated by the Constitution.

Maybe you should have a glass of red wine too..because it would really knock your blood pressure off the meter if you really knew..:lol:

By the way..the last President before Obama..couldn't have gotten a job where I am now employed..

Well, tell you what. Since you're dropping back to "He's qualified under the Constitution!" I guess we can dispense altogether with the bullshit of you and your comrades demanding to know GINGRICH'S qualifications for the job. He's qualified under the Constitution, too, and HE won't make the country wait for three years just to see proof of it.

By the way, OBAMA couldn't get a job with MY company, so we're even.

No one is saying Newt can't run. What is being bantered about is that he comes with ALOT of baggage.

And the reason President George W. Bush couldn't get a job at my shop is because of his police record..he was arrested for theft. I work in a very financially sensitive area.

So..what exactly disqualifies President Obama at your shop?

Nice attempt at topic-hopping. Too bad you're not talking to a liberal, with the acompanying short-term memory problems.

We were NEVER talking about "saying he can't run", and I for one don't appreciate your disingenuous attempt to pretend NOW that that was the discussion. If you seriously think the question was who does and doesn't meet the basic Constitutional requirements for President, then you either need to go back and re-read the thread, or take up a new hobby.

As for why Obama couldn't get hired by my company, it's because he's never held a real, productive, private-sector job. He's not really qualified to do much that's useful in that regard.

He also, quite frankly, gives a strong sense of not being a team player, but rather being self-aggrandizing and having a tendency to try to take all the credit for himself when things go right. None of these are useful qualities, especially in a small company that needs everyone to be pulling their weight and working together.
I must say that Newt is very "Presidential" compared to Obama but with all the skeletons in his closet, I doubt if he will ever get the GOP nomination. It would be a surprise to me. However, ANYBODY who gets the GOP nomination will be Obama's worst nightmare cause that's who the next President will be. Obama is THANKFULLY a one term President. When Obama quits riding the wave of popularity for stepping on the great cockroach, his numbers are going to drop like a rock. I doubt if any body with a grain of intelligence will vote for him.
The Country needs a Moral Barometer such as He! :lol::razz::clap2::tongue:

Why is it that leftists always deride conservatives and Republicans as bad "moral barometers", and then when discussing a liberal or Democrat, can't even remember what the word "moral" means, let alone why it's important?

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