Newtie to Run for President

Gingrich is the Democrats dream candidate. Run Newt Run!

Like Reagan was the dems dream candidate in 1980.....................................

Newter Gingrich lead the call for Clinton to be impeached for cheating while he (Newt) was having an affair on his wife who was dying of cancer. And then he cheated on that wife with his current wife.


This is the best you Repubs can do?:clap2:
You mean the guy that cheated on, and then left his very sick wife for a younger model, all while trying to persecute Bill Clinton for cheating on his wife?

THAT Newt Gingrich?

Not too mention that he's made so many crazy-assed statements on television over the years he's been out of office, that the clips alone will tear his campaign to pieces in the first few weeks.

But hey, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? Run Newt, Run!
The LAST person he wants to see get the GOP nomination.

Is that because Newt supported mandated health insurance for everyone?

Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney

WASHINGTON -- Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) is set to defend his state's health care law from conservative critics in a high-profile speech on Thursday. But Romney is far from being the potential 2012 Republican presidential contender with the most politically problematic record on health care.

That title likely belongs to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), who announced his White House aspirations a day prior to Romney's address.

In his post-congressional life, Gingrich has been a vocal champion for mandated insurance coverage -- the very provision of President Obama's health care legislation that the Republican Party now decries as fundamentally unconstitutional.

Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney
The Newt who got censured on ethics violations for people buying cases of his books to funnel him money?

Lib attack -dogs already in full mode on Gingrich.............................

that must be it. :cuckoo:

Yes, we're the "attack dogs"...

We're not just posters making fun of the OP for stating that "Newt is Obama's worst nightmare".

The left doesn't need "attack dogs" for newt. He's been digging his own hole for years now.

This candidacy is almost as funny as Trump. Not quite as funny, but almost.
Seriously though, are you people trotting out these candidates early, just to make the more serious candidates look better in comparison?
I have to disagree: Obama is Obama's worst nightmare. At least when it comes to the 2012 election. He has to somehow spin his record. Not going to be easy when the people want solutions.
Lib attack -dogs already in full mode on Gingrich.............................

that must be it. :cuckoo:

Yes, we're the "attack dogs"...

We're not just posters making fun of the OP for stating that "Newt is Obama's worst nightmare".

The left doesn't need "attack dogs" for newt. He's been digging his own hole for years now.

This candidacy is almost as funny as Trump. Not quite as funny, but almost.

they hate reality. if you criticize one of their precious loons, then it must be that you're an "attack dog" or are "jealous" or "afraid".

The Newt who got censured on ethics violations for people buying cases of his books to funnel him money?

Lib attack -dogs already in full mode on Gingrich.............................

HUH? I actually lived thru Newt and remember. No attack dogging or pundits needed.

I also remembered the going thru the motions voting on the contract on america with the provisions they did not like set up to fail.
The ignerent masses fell for it just like they were supposed to.
Speaker of the house as I recall and the debt doubled under his control?
or was it tripled?
The LAST person he wants to see get the GOP nomination.

Gingrich could win the election on his hair alone. Just look at the hypnotic effect his hair has on this woman:

they hate reality. if you criticize one of their precious loons, then it must be that you're an "attack dog" or are "jealous" or "afraid".


And how much reality are you guys really seeing when you look at everyone who politically opposes you and just presumes they are stupid or crazy?
Reagan had already been married and divorced from his first wife actress Jane Wyman.

We arn't electing saints - just leaders..........
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