Newtie to Run for President

Speaks common-sense like Reagan did.

He talked a good game, but his record didn't match his rhetoric. He raised taxes every year except his first and his last. He tripled the deficit. He cut and ran from terrorists in Lebanon. Then he sold arms to Iran - IRAN, of all countries! The ones who held our people hostage for 444 days.

His presidency was a failure.

Which they abandoned and never followed.


Voters have short memories.

We're here to remind them!

Tell the Soviets that Reagans presidency was a failure.

The Gipper saw The Big Picture - not penny/ante stuff like Iran-Contra etc.

So dealing weapons to an avowed emeny is penny ante stuff?

You impress me about as much as a box of rocks.
Speaks common-sense like Reagan did.

He talked a good game, but his record didn't match his rhetoric. He raised taxes every year except his first and his last. He tripled the deficit. He cut and ran from terrorists in Lebanon. Then he sold arms to Iran - IRAN, of all countries! The ones who held our people hostage for 444 days.

His presidency was a failure.

Which they abandoned and never followed.


Voters have short memories.

We're here to remind them!

Tell the Soviets that Reagans presidency was a failure.

The Gipper saw The Big Picture - not penny/ante stuff like Iran-Contra etc.
Gorbachev and John Paul II are mostly responsible for the fall of the USSR.

Revisionist history doesn't work with people who know actual history.
Gingrich is the Democrats dream candidate. Run Newt Run!

No way, Palin and the Donald are....

Looks like there are almost too many candidates in the GOP at the moment---Romney, Huckerbee, The Donald (lol, lol, lol), Palin (double LOL LOL LOL), Guiliani again, Paul, Cain, the goes on and on. No stand outs though...
Don't forget Crazy Bachmann! :lol:
Gingrich is the Democrats dream candidate. Run Newt Run!

Like Reagan was the dems dream candidate in 1980.....................................

Newter Gingrich lead the call for Clinton to be impeached for cheating while he (Newt) was having an affair on his wife who was dying of cancer. And then he cheated on that wife with his current wife.


This is the best you Repubs can do?:clap2:
And Obama launched his political career in the home of a domestic terrorist who wantonely tried to kill americans, and then tried to lie about knowing who Bill Ayers was.

He then got caught lying about Reverend Wright, a racist anti-american piece o' shit who he claimed was like a father.

And that's the best the dem's could come up with?.....Well, we're all seeing what a stupid move electing Obama was, as we all watch him piss this great country down the damn toilet.

Just goes to show anything can happen....And i'm not supporting Newt YET, I will see what his platform is going to be, but he's damn sure more suited to lead this great country than the inept empty suit who is PRETENDING to lead as we speak......And that's a damn fact!
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LOL. Well play your silly lies. Osama was a 'concern' for President Obama. And now he is dead. Your freakazoid candidates, Palin, Trump, Bachmann, Gingrinch.......... just demonstrate how far the Republican Party has fallen since Eisenhower.
Speaks common-sense like Reagan did.

Supports the same failed Reagan fiscal policies.

Contract With America in 1994.

Botched government shutdown in 1995

Much ado about nothing personal-life mistakes ancient history.

Goes to his lack of integrity and poor judgment – that sword cuts both ways.

Voters have short memories.

Him they remember – in a bad way.
and just to add fuel to the fire, lets add Mitch Daniels to the ticket,,,,then Bambi will start needing depends when the real polls showing Gingrich ahead by 10 points in every credible poll.
I remember 2 other washed-up GOP candidates who went on to become successfull presidents - Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan

Nixon was declared all but dead after the1964 gov race in Calif

Reagan likewise - after faile chalenged to Ford in 1976.

Both did exactly what Gingich is doing - keep themselves in the mix by appearing on the media......................
I remember 2 other washed-up GOP candidates who went on to become successfull presidents - Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan

Nixon was declared all but dead after the1964 gov race in Calif

Reagan likewise - after faile chalenged to Ford in 1976.

Both did exactly what Gingich is doing - keep themselves in the mix by appearing on the media......................

[ame=]YouTube - Newt Gingrich: Hillary "She's A Bitch"[/ame]

He has WAY to much media on the books already. That's the current Secretary of State she was talking about. What ever you think about Hilary Clinton, he remains as he was then. A classless, hypocritical, pandering grotesque.
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Like Reagan was the dems dream candidate in 1980.....................................

Newter Gingrich lead the call for Clinton to be impeached for cheating while he (Newt) was having an affair on his wife who was dying of cancer. And then he cheated on that wife with his current wife.


This is the best you Repubs can do?:clap2:
And Obama launched his political career in the home of a domestic terrorist who wantonely tried to kill americans, and then tried to lie about knowing who Bill Ayers was.

He then got caught lying about Reverend Wright, a racist anti-american piece o' shit who he claimed was like a father.

And that's the best the dem's could come up with?.....Well, we're all seeing what a stupid move electing Obama was, as we all watch him piss this great country down the damn toilet.

Just goes to show anything can happen....And i'm not supporting Newt YET, I will see what his platform is going to be, but he's damn sure more suited to lead this great country than the inept empty suit who is PRETENDING to lead as we speak......And that's a damn fact!

Yup. OL'BO had plenty of crap in his closet just as Newt Does. Funny how Ayers and Wright just don't mean much to left wingers. Also to bad we didn't have a media that wasn't drooling all over Obama instead of doing its job. Ah well. Past history.

I rather like Newt and I would love to see him debate Barry Boy.

Newt ain't no dummy and he's been around the block a few times. He's intelligent and he knows his political shit.

Would be one hell of a debate. Popcorn anyone??
Reagan was already divorced from Jane Wyman (an honorable - divorce from what I read) then married Nancy Davis.

We are electingleaders - not saints.
Newter Gingrich lead the call for Clinton to be impeached for cheating while he (Newt) was having an affair on his wife who was dying of cancer. And then he cheated on that wife with his current wife.


This is the best you Repubs can do?:clap2:
And Obama launched his political career in the home of a domestic terrorist who wantonely tried to kill americans, and then tried to lie about knowing who Bill Ayers was.

He then got caught lying about Reverend Wright, a racist anti-american piece o' shit who he claimed was like a father.

And that's the best the dem's could come up with?.....Well, we're all seeing what a stupid move electing Obama was, as we all watch him piss this great country down the damn toilet.

Just goes to show anything can happen....And i'm not supporting Newt YET, I will see what his platform is going to be, but he's damn sure more suited to lead this great country than the inept empty suit who is PRETENDING to lead as we speak......And that's a damn fact!

Yup. OL'BO had plenty of crap in his closet just as Newt Does. Funny how Ayers and Wright just don't mean much to left wingers. Also to bad we didn't have a media that wasn't drooling all over Obama instead of doing its job. Ah well. Past history.

I rather like Newt and I would love to see him debate Barry Boy.

Newt ain't no dummy and he's been around the block a few times. He's intelligent and he knows his political shit.

Would be one hell of a debate. Popcorn anyone??

Also to bad we didn't have a media that wasn't drooling all over Obama instead of doing its job. Ah well.

The Media did its job. Its job is to sell us worthless crap like Clinton, Bush, and Obama.
Gingrich has build a body of work at Fox News that will make it difficult for him to win any elected office. While pandering to the Fox audience, he has spouted extreme rightwing rhetoric that will turn off moderate voters.

He can compete for the Palin, Bachmann, Trump voter but cannot gain widespread support
Yes the liberal shitstains are SCARED of Gingrich,lol,To bad for them,Go Gingrich.Rip in to that big eared purple lipped punk boy obama.

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