Newton's Lanza was a NRA certified mass murderer

I'd like some decent reporting on this case instead of sensationalism.

And for newspapers to keep their anti gun editorial views on an opinion page and out of the reports of the shooting.

All I want to know is the truth. Check out how crazy this is. In the very same article.

First Nancy was the gun collector.

All the weapons Lanza was carrying were legally owned by his mother, Nancy, 52, who was discovered dead in her bed on the second-floor of the house she shared with her son with a gunshot wound to her forehead and a rifle on the floor nearby.

Same article. Now the lead in of the story was that Adam had "amassed an astonishing arsenal".

The police dossier compiled in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre reveal shooter Adam Lanza had amassed an astonishing arsenal of guns, with thousands of rounds of ammunition, samurai swords, spears and three photographs of what appear to be a dead person covered in blood.

Both statements in the same article completely contradicting each other. This is nuts.

Adam Lanza weapons: Newtown killer's haul included 1,400 rounds of ammo, Samurai swords and NRA guide to shooting | Mail Online
It'S clear from the text that the NRA certified a mass murderer in CERTIFYING Lanza.
When the NRA claims we can easily get the bad guys off the street they seem to be talking through their white hats.
Wayne needs to take an extended vacation so they can find a new point man for indefensible positions. The NRA may have some bucks left to buy votes but their cred is about as pure as the driven slush today!

It's clear from your posts that you are a Certified Idiot.
please provide proof the NRA has a certificate to be a mass murderer

Nice dodge attempting to ignore the fact that:

"In addition to the stockpile of weaponry, the home contained a certificate from the NRA bearing Adam Lanza's name, a NRA guide to shooting, and training manuals for various firearms, including the Bushmaster that Lanza used to carry out the slaughter."

Investigators Discover NRA Materials in Newtown Killer's House | Mother Jones

is that a certificate to be a mass murderer? is asking for proof a dodge?

So what?

The NRA (I am not and never have been a member) publishes gun safety materials and conducts classes that are required by many states.

That has nothing to do with the retard, Adam Lanza , killing anyone.

Just correcting the intellectually dishonest record posted by Yurt, Skull.

As in his turning a what was ACTUALLY posted into suggesting that somebody said it was "a certificate to be a mass murderer"

That kind of posting dishonesty may WOW some of you folks, but frankly it doesn't much impress me.


you're a dishonest tool edicked
So what?

The NRA (I am not and never have been a member) publishes gun safety materials and conducts classes that are required by many states.

That has nothing to do with the retard, Adam Lanza , killing anyone.

Just correcting the intellectually dishonest record posted by Yurt, Skull.

As in his turning a what was ACTUALLY posted into suggesting that somebody said it was "a certificate to be a mass murderer"

That kind of posting dishonesty may WOW some of you folks, but frankly it doesn't much impress me.

You would have been correct had the thread been titled "... NRA certified and a mass murderer." Instead it is you and the OP who have been "intellectually dishonest" and frankly I'm not much impressed by your dishonesty.
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To the k00k left, all of whom are certified limpwristers by the way, if you own a gun, you are evil and a potential mass murderer. If these assholes could ban all guns, they would in a minute.
In addition to the stockpile of weaponry, the home contained a certificate from the NRA bearing Adam Lanza's name, a NRA guide to shooting, and training manuals for various firearms, including the Bushmaster that Lanza used to carry out the slaughter. The CEO of the company that sells Bushmaster rifles sits on a powerful committee inside the NRA, as we first reported in January.

For the NRA, which has been highly effective with its messaging in the gun debate over the years, the news is a blow. The new details begin to disarm the gun group's strategy to divert attention from the highly lethal weapons Lanza used by focusing on him as just another deranged criminal with no connection to "good guys with guns." In his audacious speech a week after the Newtown massacre, NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre talked of "genuine monsters" lurking across America, of "people so deranged, so evil, so possessed by voices and driven by demons that no sane person can possibly ever comprehend them." He continued: "They walk among us every day. And does anybody really believe that the next Adam Lanza isn't planning his attack on a school he's already identified at this very moment?"

Now we know that "next Adam Lanza" may well have NRA certification and know-how at his fingertips.
Investigators Discover NRA Materials in Newtown Killer's House | Mother Jones

Going to have to have something more substantial than liberal base ma jones
To the k00k left, all of whom are certified limpwristers by the way, if you own a gun, you are evil and a potential mass murderer. If these assholes could ban all guns, they would in a minute.

Our President was right when he said :"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion" :clap2::clap2::clap2:
To the k00k left, all of whom are certified limpwristers by the way, if you own a gun, you are evil and a potential mass murderer. If these assholes could ban all guns, they would in a minute.

Our President was right when he said :"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion" :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Actually, we cling to both FTMFW!!!!

[ame=]MOSSBERG 930 SLUG DESTRUCTION - YouTube[/ame]
He was also inspired by the right wing lunatic from Norway that committed the worst mass shooting in history.

It seems Adam Lanza had an inherited mental illness. Maybe this explains WHY his mother had so many weapons within his reach.

It ran in the family.

Newtown school killer Adam Lanza’s mother Nancy told friends in emails and in private chats about a genetic disorder that killed her grandfather, nearly took her life and had already manifested itself in her son.

“Nancy indicated that Adam’s issues were genetic like hers,” friend Marvin LaFontaine told the Daily News.

Adam Lanza had been diagnosed with the form of autism known as Asperger’s syndrome, and a sensory perception disorder that prevented him from recognizing pain and caused him to recoil from being physically touched.

Emails show history of illness in Adam Lanza's family, mother had worries about gruesome images - NY Daily News
he was all hopped on murder/suicide pills as is always the case with these mass shootings

[ame=]Breaking Adam Lanza Was On Antipsychotic Drug Fanapt. - YouTube[/ame]
To the k00k left, all of whom are certified limpwristers by the way, if you own a gun, you are evil and a potential mass murderer. If these assholes could ban all guns, they would in a minute.

Our President was right when he said :"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion" :clap2::clap2::clap2:
I didn't know adam lanza was Muslim.

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