Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

And shocker, Tom........Last folded Gabriel Sterling into his little conspiracy too!

It doesn't matter who the source is that contradicts Last's absurd little conspiracy. Republican, democrat, man, woman, animal, vegatable or mineral.

Anyone or anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of the conspiracy.

Anyone. Anything.

You sure have his number. I love the way Lastamender quotes Gateway Pundit as “proof” that I’m a liar. According to that idiotic rag, Sterling was a “Never Trumper” back in 2016 … and the proof is that Sterling supported Marc Rubio in the Republican Primary! Oh yeah, he also supposedly wrote some — unspecified — “nasty” things about Trump on social media. My oh my!

Of course both Rubio and Gabriel Sterling both voted for Trump when he became the official Republican candidate, just as I indicated. Even in 2020 they voted for him.

But like you said, to the idiot conspiracist Lastamender even that was not nearly enough, and Sterling especially was guilty of “treason” because he would not accept Trump’s “Big Lie” that he had won in Georgia.

Actually, during his pressure campaign on Georgia’s Secretary of State and other Republican politicians, Trump repeatedly claimed he won Georgia by some 100,000 votes!

Trump cultists like Lastamender … are very sick.
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What I said still stands. The ballots are clearly being run through multiple times.

Which is also a lie since had they done that, there would have been more votes than voters -- there weren't. And the hand recount would have been significantly lower than the tabulated count -- it wasn't.

All you have to back your claims -- are lies.
Example: this doesn't answer why a fake pipe burst leak was used to stop vote counting in a arena known for cheating-

That you utterly refused, time and time again, to answer the question of what benefit would there be in delaying counting votes for a couple of hours reveals not even you believe your bullshit that the State Farm Arena leak never really happened.

More evidence there was a leak ... had there not been a leak, there would have been no reason to pause counting.
You posted allegations. You've shown us nothing that could have changed the election outcome.

Worse, you've folded every official, every member of a county election board, every judge, every court, every ruling, governor or secretary of State that has contradicted your silly conspiracy....

...into your conspiracy.

Demonstrating that there is literally nothing you will accept but affirmation of your beliefs.

No thank you, tinfoil.
Plus...the OP is now talking of assassinations. Not a good look...................for him.
Not only was the man Skylar mentioned — Georgia’s top election official, Chief Operating Officer Gabriel Sterling — an expert, but he was a lifelong Conservative Republican who voted for Trump.

Gabriel Sterling had run as a conservative Republican against Democratic candidates in his suburban Georgia district near Atlanta, and served on the city council there for years. He was a man of irreproachable integrity in government — a policy wonk and expert on nitty-gritty tax, real estate and administrative issues every city and county deals with. Gradually he took on more and more State responsibility — for running elections, introducing new safeguard systems, etc.

Sterling only criticized Trump after investigating and refuting every single one of Trump’s, his spokesmen’s & his lawyers’ (including Giuliani’s) persistent lies about the 2020 election and results in Georgia — widely spread lies and inflammatory rhetoric which led to threats of death against himself, his family and his election workers … right up to Jan. 6th.

Another even higher placed lifelong Conservative Republican (who also voted for Trump) — Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — showed equal or greater integrity standing up to Trump’s lies, pressures and threats “asking” him to “find 11,700 votes” to throw the Georgia election. They both worked tirelessly with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and Trump’s own appointees at the FBI as well as with other investigators and independent fair election advisors.

These two staunch Republicans in particular held the line, and showed the MAGA gangsters in and out of the White House that there were still responsible and professional Republican politicians in Georgia — “Real Americans” — who would not be intimidated, even by a President they had supported.

They risked much by standing up to Trump and keeping the hotly contested Georgia election clean. They stand miles above people like Lastamender and millions of other pathetic, weak-willed cult followers of the “Big Liar.”
I think I see the problem with Lastmender's not believing Gabriel Sterling. He has a hard time believing any Republican is honest and NOT totally invested in the Orange Cult.
The data proves them, stupid. Too bad you can't admit the election was stolen and things like that actually prove it.
There is no data which proves them and you can post neither the percentages nor the so called data.

Every claiom you make is a proven lie
It wasn't a complete waste as it showed me you'll post videos which don't actually confirm your claims. Now I see you're full of shit when you falsely claim Biden got 500,000 votes out of 540,000.

Conspiray theorists don't really care much about their own conspiracies. They treat them like the garbage they are. If they make up some hapless shit that is laughably disproven.....they abandon their own claims and scurry off to another conspiracy.

Despite the same stunted, broken worldview that created the first conspiracy turd....they think their stunted, broken worldvidew can create another.

If you keep making apple pie with mud, you're gonna get a mud pie everytime.
The data proves them, stupid. Too bad you can't admit the election was stolen and things like that actually prove it.

No, it doesn't. You've conflated public reporting with ACTUAL vote counts. And no one offers actual vote counts in real time. Public reporting always come in clumping batches AFTER the count, especially over night.

Just because you don't understand the difference between public reporting and actual vote counting doesn't mean it was conspiracy.

It just means you don't know what you're talking about.

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