Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

Still waiting for your little explosion? What happened?
the here and now shows you're an idiot for supporting runaway and hide jo.
I think Biden is a moron. That has nothing to do with you trying to derail the thread with non-sequiturs because even you know you're defeated.
I am sure the attacks on the source will be the most important thing to some, not what was said.

Bernie Kerik: Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive – Will Vindicate Everything We’ve Been Saying – Election Was Stolen​

You people keep asking when, now you know. Again, not a conspiracy theory, it is a factual report on what was said.

No one is giving up. Very cool.

This didnt age well did it?
How did they over play their hand? Biden is your potus and there is no going back.

Over Play
:to make a mistake due to the belief that one's position is stronger or better than it really is
No. There is no going back but the future is not Biden. This illegitimate administration will destroy the Democratic party.

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