Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

Russiagate is a right wing hoax. There is plenty of sucking up Trump did to Russia that isn’t overtly illegal. However, he wasn’t impeached for being a russian sock. Nope. He was impeached for trying to bribe Ukraine. They are close by but not the same thing as you can tell from their war. You guys are good at claiming Trump innocent of shit he wasn’t prosecuted for and Biden guilty of stuff he isn’t accused of.
Why even post garbage like that? What you said disqualifies you from any adult conversation. Go back to your sewer.
The Heritage Foundation is controlled by the same assholes that control the media. Try again. The video I posted makes it clear the election was stolen and shows the complete in action of our authorities.
No it does not.

you have never presented any support for your bullshit
Thank you, you proved my point, why want people censored to shut up, why hide info and data that contradicts on search engines and social media platforms, and why prevent other platforms that allow info that contradicts?
No, we just want you to get laid.
GFY troll.
Don’t hide from reality buddy. You make all these claims that I try and fact check you on and lately instead of failing to provide evidence like you used to try and do, you just cop out and say you’re expressing an opinion. That would be the same as gossip. Don’t be a hypocrite and attack others for doing what you do.
That video proves there were no investigations into those one sided ballot drops. Biden got over 500,000 votes to Trump's 39, 000? That is just totally unbelievable.
I don't watch your stupid videos. You burned that bridge, cried wolf too many times.
Watch the video in the link at post #1916.

That video is bullshit, FruitLoops. I got only as far as their claim that at 10:30pm, at the State Farm Arena in Fulton County, after observers were relieved fof the night, election workers pulled out ballots to count from suitcases under a table that were placed there earlier in the morning.

That bold part is a lie, debunked years ago.

The claim they were in suitcases is a lie. Those ballots were stored in official Georgia ballot boxes.

The claim they were not sealed is a lie. Those official ballot boxes were sealed before being stowed.

The claim that those ballots were put there earlier in the morning is a lie. Those official ballot boxes were placed under the table at around 10pm on election night when that crew thought they were packing up for the night.

The claim that ballots were counted multiple times is a lie. Had ballots actually been counted multiple times, there would have been more votes than voters; there weren't. Second confirmation -- had ballots actually been counted multiple times, the initial tabulated count would have been far different than the hand recount; it wasn't.

Every fucking time you cry fraud, it blows up in your face.


Because you never learn.

Don’t hide from reality buddy. You make all these claims that I try and fact check you on and lately instead of failing to provide evidence like you used to try and do, you just cop out and say you’re expressing an opinion. That would be the same as gossip. Don’t be a hypocrite and attack others for doing what you do.
That video is bullshit, FruitLoops. I got only as far as their claim that at 10:30pm, at the State Farm Arena in Fulton County, after observers were relieved fof the night, election workers pulled out ballots to count from suitcases under a table that were placed there earlier in the morning.

That bold part is a lie, debunked years ago.

The claim they were in suitcases is a lie. Those ballots were stored in official Georgia ballot boxes.

The claim they were not sealed is a lie. Those official ballot boxes were sealed before being stowed.

The claim that those ballots were put there earlier in the morning is a lie. Those official ballot boxes were placed under the table at around 10pm on election night when that crew thought they were packing up for the night.

The claim that ballots were counted multiple times is a lie. Had ballots actually been counted multiple times, there would have been more votes than voters; there weren't. Second confirmation -- had ballots actually been counted multiple times, the initial tabulated count would have been far different than the hand recount; it wasn't.

Every fucking time you cry fraud, it blows up in your face.


Because you never learn.

That video proves Biden never should have been certified until all of that was investigated. Anyone who sees that unless extremely dishonest knows the election was stolen. You need to admit it was stolen and take your place with the traitors running this country.

I noticed you do not speak of those huge Biden ballot drops. How does someone get 500,000 out 540,000? That is what happened in PA.
It sure as Hell does. It proves how stupid the people are who say there was no fraud. You are at the front of that line, stupid.
It proves nothing you lying little shit sack

You cannjot prove fraud and only simjply miodned fools claim that there wasnsuch fraud
Dude your tax dollars went not only to Ukraine, but kickbacked into Dem campaigns with schemes by Biden and Schiff and others who's donors were benefactors of deals. You the tax payer paid for the DNC waste of campaign funds that included throwing money at Trump backed candidates as their hope & strategy and that got you Fetterman, ENJOY!
You blaming the Right for the treasonous Russia hoax, shows how corrupted you are, because I fail to believe anyone is that stupid, and yet here we are you actually typed it out and try to pawn it on people with brains.
Nice deflection. Trump was impeached specifically for something he did. He threatened to withhold funding for Ukraine defense unless they agreed to announce a fake investigation. That’s it. No Russian prosecution at all. Why would your response be all about Russia when he was impeached for something else?
Why even post garbage like that? What you said disqualifies you from any adult conversation. Go back to your sewer.
Coward. You guys cry like the snowflake bitches you are about fake shit incessantly… but the actual impeachment of Trump was for a real offense that had real witnesses that was a real bribe attempt. Trump likely is a Russian sock with criminal money everywhere but that hasn’t been proved or levied as a crime. He did bribe a head of state to lie about an investigation into his opponent. Probably smart cuz that man kicked his fat orange ass out of office and is now the leader of the free world.
Nice deflection. Trump was impeached specifically for something he did. He threatened to withhold funding for Ukraine defense unless they agreed to announce a fake investigation. That’s it. No Russian prosecution at all. Why would your response be all about Russia when he was impeached for something else?
Actually they got you bad, technically because he was not impeached by Senate your use of the term has no value. They got you repeating the narrative and vile sounding word "impeachment", even though he was exonerated of the implied charges. You are arguing over something that Biden literally admitted doing to protect his son & those business partners Biden claimed he never met *L*
Therefore the deflection is you just as the charade was done to deflect that very act of Quid Pro Joe's threat. Notice everytime Biden has a skeleton he has to first accuse his opponent of that very same thing to make it a perceived wash.
The fact you don't notice this makes you as dumb as him.
Notice Schiff complained the loudest?
Because his Ukraine donor was awarded equipment contracts through Adam's sudden lobbying for arming Ukraine years back. Quid Pro Quo Adam Schiff deflected. And according to you that deserves your disdain commentary.
So write him instead of me, I never Quid Pro Quo'd Ukraine, so why waste five minutes blurbing a post to me about whatcs bugging you about corrupt political acts?

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