Next Govt announces some policies- ‘Covid corruption commissioner’ would seek to recoup lost billions, says Labour

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

This is great news. The tories made out like bandits on the back of Covid. Now it looks like they will be held to account.

I love this policy.

Although the stated policies announced have been low key there is a theme of fairness running through them. Fairness has been missing from britain under the depravity of the conservatives.

The rich get richer and the rest can starve. Its the second coming of victorian values. Soon the tories will also be history.

This is great news. The tories made out like bandits on the back of Covid. Now it looks like they will be held to account.

I love this policy.

Although the stated policies announced have been low key there is a theme of fairness running through them. Fairness has been missing from britain under the depravity of the conservatives.

The rich get richer and the rest can starve. Its the second coming of victorian values. Soon the tories will also be history.
Someone who is not going to be PM announces a plan that will never happen.
This is great news. The tories made out like bandits on the back of Covid. Now it looks like they will be held to account.
I love this policy.
Although the stated policies announced have been low key there is a theme of fairness running through them. Fairness has been missing from britain under the depravity of the conservatives.
The rich get richer and the rest can starve. Its the second coming of victorian values. Soon the tories will also be history.

Corrupt, lying politicians, in many different countries, hopped on the #CoronaHoax2020 bandwagon, spreading lies and hyperbole and fearmongering to get pathetic idiots such as yourself to be deathly afraid of a routine common cold outbreak, to get you to not only allow, but actually beg your government to sabotage your economies, strip you of essential rights, and even to take dangerous experimental, drugs. Criminal politicians used this hoax to enrich and empower themselves, to the great harm of those whose interests it was their job to uphold.

And you stupidly believed and obeyed, without question, every fucking lie that they told you in connection with this hoax.

Now, you're looking for someone to blame. I suggest that you start by looking in the mirror, upon one of the lowest idiots that allowed this all to happen.
Corrupt, lying politicians, in many different countries, hopped on the #CoronaHoax2020 bandwagon, spreading lies and hyperbole and fearmongering to get pathetic idiots such as yourself to be deathly afraid of a routine common cold outbreak, to get you to not only allow, but actually beg your government to sabotage your economies, strip you of essential rights, and even to take dangerous experimental, drugs. Criminal politicians used this hoax to enrich and empower themselves, to the great harm of those whose interests it was their job to uphold.

And you stupidly believed and obeyed, without question, every fucking lie that they told you in connection with this hoax.

Now, you're looking for someone to blame. I suggest that you start by looking in the mirror, upon one of the lowest idiots that allowed this all to happen.
Conservative corruption is not a new thing. its what they are.
British concepts of “conservative” vs. “liberal” are meaningless to those of us who live in civilized nations.

Here in America,, this sort of corruption is very much a “liberal” thing.
You should worry about making your schools safe before sorting out corruption . The civilised world is watching.
You should worry about making your schools safe before sorting out corruption . The civilised world is watching.

You do not speak for any part of the civilized world, and your deep ignorance about what does or does not happen in the United States is your own issue, not mine.
You do not speak for any part of the civilized world, and your deep ignorance about what does or does not happen in the United States is your own issue, not mine.
You describe people you dont like as "it".
Yet you claim to have civilised values and be a practising christian..
You describe people you dont [sic] like as "it".
Yet you claim to have civilised values and be a practising [sic] christian..

As if a Godless subhuman piece of shit such as yourself is in any position to judge any actual human being.

You cannot even figure out how to use your apostrophe key.


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