Next Month Will Be The Most Important Election In US History

The only thing you need to realize about this election is the following: The massive influx of third-world wretches into the country by the Biden Harris Administration was INTENTIONAL. The idea that some new law is needed to seal the border is total poppycock, and anyone alive during the Trump years knows.

The Biden-Harris Administration has been aggressively planting these illegals in SWING STATES, that is to say, states that are approximately evenly-divided between Democrat and Republican. Kamala Harris has stated REPEATEDLY that the "solution" to the immigration crisis is "...a path to citizenship."

If Harris wins, those same people will do whatever is necessary to NATURALIZE as many of these government-dependent wretches before 2028, knowing that virtually all of them will vote for whomever is on the Democrat ticket in that year.

Therefore, if Harris wins, THIS WILL BE THE LAST REAL ELECTION IN OUR LIFETIMES! Beyond this election, it will be nothing but "blue," as they will have cooked the books permanently.

You Democrats who may be reading this, are already aware of what is going on, and that is why you pretend that there are rational reasons to vote for Harris-Walz. Everyone knows there are no such reasons.

If you are not a Democrat, WAKE THE FUCK UP! You MUST vote for Trump, regardless of what a miserable human being you may perceive him to be. That is all bullshit, but regardless. It is imperative that everyone who is not an avowed Leftist vote for Trump. Early and often.

For the record, I have a JD (doctorate) and a tested IQ of 141 (as an adult).
Why nice to meet you Jeffro Debow Deen.
Starting with the 2016 presidential election, they've been lose-lose propositions. Have to go back to 1976 to find with a pair of candidates that sucked as much.
Lots of people will be voting early on Saturday

Try again
I will be voting in two weeks to your point. But Election Day is the Tuesday in November.. not a month from Saturday. That's silly.
I have a 165 IQ and you just support the left's lies.

Only a true idiot would claim to have an IQ higher than Albert Einstein's.

Bet you didn't know that no one has an IQ rated above 160 because no one is intelligent enough to make up a test for that high an IQ.

Einstein's IQ was only estimated because it couldn't be tested.


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