Next on the limp wrist agenda: going after cheap alcohol and beer

The limp wristed joke is pretty funny, given your thread patterns clearly indicate you are gay and doing everything you can to convince yourself you hate the fairies. Nobody has this much of an obsession with all things gay without being exactly that.

I predict you'll be one of those dudes who finally comes out when they are a senior citizen, and will likely have an arrest or two on your record for incidents in either public parks or adult video shops shortly thereafter.

Best of luck.
You almost gotta laugh about the stuff that CBS news dredges up under the guise of "science". They could make a point that the patients in the single hospital that the "study" focused on in Baltimore were Black but they weren't out to make a point about race in that particular study. Apparently the entire year long "study" is based on the claims of 105 patients that they drank the most popular beer, Budweiser. Wow, what a revelation for CBS. They should get a Pulitzer for that one.
Study: Many alcohol-related ER visits involve Budweiser - CBS News

Libby fruits don't approve sot hey will be restricted and have taxes raised, while liberals ejoy their high end vodka and craft beers like the flaming fairies they are.

The point of this article escapes me.
Based on garbage reporting like this, it comes as no surprise CBS News continues a downward ratings slide into irrelevance.

Well...they can't report on the "actual" news. That might make Obama look bad.
Study: Many alcohol-related ER visits involve Budweiser - CBS News

Libby fruits don't approve sot hey will be restricted and have taxes raised, while liberals ejoy their high end vodka and craft beers like the flaming fairies they are.

As usual, your convoluted "reasoning" makes little sense so let me see if I understand what you're whining about this time ...

Are you saying you have discovered a way of telling liberals from rw's and gays from straights?

Budweiser drunks in the emergency room getting that free socialist health care == Those are straight rw's. Right?

But, if you don't get drunk on Bud and land in the ER, AND if you're drinking better quality beer and/or vodka == you're liberal AND gay?

I've got to admit, I would never have figured that out. But don't you think it would be a lot easier if you would just admit to yourself and to the board that its YOU who is the flaming queen trying to pass for straight and failing miserably.
Uh, Steve ... What about this:

A recent study in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research showed that male smokers who were subjected to a cigarette tax increase drank 11 percent less on an average night out and had seven fewer binge sessions over the course of a year, compared to male smokers who didn't experience a tax increase.

Are those men gay or straight? And, how did you tell which was which?

Study: Many alcohol-related ER visits involve Budweiser - CBS News

Libby fruits don't approve sot hey will be restricted and have taxes raised, while liberals ejoy their high end vodka and craft beers like the flaming fairies they are.

Wait a minite...I like craft beers. Especially since I can go to my local brewery every Sat. and get four pints for 5 bucks. Of course this being in Katy Texas you really wont see to many yuppies. They get looked at kinda funny around here.
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