Next target for the left wing loons

Thread summary:

Nobody was paying any attention to Miss USA.

A conservative thus chose to have a snowflake meltdown over it, for no particular reason.

At least it's a more original attempt at deflection.
Well good for her! Not only is she successful at what she wanted to do, she also won Miss America!

She's pretty and smart! No denying she's black with hair like that.

She is a shining example for the black community. I hope she goes to choich, too. :p
Every other first world nation on earth has single payer.

I guess some people think people should suffer and be deep in debt. Retarded idiots.

We're the best and we don't...and won't. Let it go dude, not happening in America.
Every other first world nation on earth has single payer.

I guess some people think people should suffer and be deep in debt. Retarded idiots.

We're the best and we don't...and won't. Let it go dude, not happening in America.

Even Republicans are admitting single payer will become the norm in America in a few years. And what a catastrophe, human beings getting to see a doctor and get medicine. Jesus would be horrified!!
Every other first world nation on earth has single payer.

I guess some people think people should suffer and be deep in debt. Retarded idiots.

We're the best and we don't...and won't. Let it go dude, not happening in America.

Even Republicans are admitting single payer will become the norm in America in a few years. And what a catastrophe, human beings getting to see a doctor and get medicine. Jesus would be horrified!!

Not happening, however I do see a major shakeup of the medical system later this year and early next, too.

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