Next time we might have to kill him

Yes cause exercising your first amendment rights is justification for being assaulted

Exercising your rights does not free you from consequences, just as punching someone in front of witnesses means charges. It is just a matter of whether you feel it is worth it in either case. I am guessing both parties feel it was.

This is the United States of America. People should be allowed to speak without worrying about being attacked by someone who disagrees
groups should be able to hold meetings without worrying about being disrupted by folks who shouldn't be there.
This is a not a library board meeting...
How do you get a seventy plus year old into a Hitler youth comparison?
Easy, same racist mob mentality.
Your right it speaks volumes about your mentality.
I'm not the one sucker-punching ******* at political rallies now am I?
No you are comparing grandpa with Hitler's youth. Very bright on your part, yep sure is.
All Trump supporters are Hitler Youths. A cult of personality, and that's their good quality.
They all have government jobs. Dang that is a new one I had not heard of yet.
Don't want to get your head thumped?

Don't show up at an opposition political rally and try to disrupt it, and to call out the key speaker.

Otherwise, Mother Nature is likely to de-select you.


So you're down with assault followed by murder threats? Kewl.
All Trump supporters are Hitler Youths. A cult of personality, and that's their good quality.
Really? Link?
Find the Darkies? Good luck...
I am surprised some anti gun anti violent pro peace leftie Oswald wannabe hasn't tried to do attempt on Trump.
one incident now Brown shirts. Repeat after me NO MORE CAFFEINE

This is just the latest incident.

You'd think obvious patterns would become at some point --- well, obvious:

>> On Tuesday night, Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski forcibly yanked Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields nearly to the ground after she asked the candidate a question, according to witnesses.

Ben Terris, the Washington Post reporter who identified Corey Lewandowski as the one who assaulted Fields, published an eyewitness account.

I watched as a man with short-cropped hair and a suit grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the way. He was Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s 41-year-old campaign manager.

Fields stumbled. Finger-shaped bruises formed on her arm.

“I’m just a little spooked,” she said, a tear streaming down her face. “No one has grabbed me like that before.”

The Trump campaign issued a statement denying that the incident occurred — and tacitly blaming Fields for invading Trump’s “personal space.” This contradicts earlier statements from inside the Trump campaign.

.... The statement from the Trump campaign also implies that Fields has a history of “exaggerating” and thus isn’t to be believed about the assault. Lewandowski since tweeted a link to a 2011 article in which Fields say she was attacked at an Occupy protest, accusing her of “attention seeking.” <<​

Pause here for laugh track.
Everybody get that? Here's a henchman for Donald Rump ------ suggesting SOMEBODY ELSE is "attention seeking".

Oh the irony.

(continuing) >> Recently, a photographer for TIME was put in a chokehold and thrown to the ground at a Donald Trump rally after stepping outside the press corral. Trump supporters kicked, punched, and choked Black Lives Matter activist Mercutio Southall at a rally in November — after which Donald Trump said that maybe his supporters did the right thing. These types of violent outbreaks at Trump events have become common; today, video emerged of a black man getting punched in the face by a supporter and then wrestled to the ground by the police at a Trump rally. The man who attacked him was allowed to stay.

Breitbart, however, has been one of Trump’s staunchest defenders. Lewandowski’s excuse hours after the incident to Mathew Boyle, Breitbart’s Washington political editor, was that he and Fields — who normally covers GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz — “had never met before and that he didn’t recognize her as a Breitbart reporter, instead mistaking her for an adversarial member of the mainstream media,” according to the Daily Beast.

Breitbart’s weak response to the assault of their own reporter has incensed figures in the media — including Breitbart Editor-At-Large, Ben Shapiro.

>> Protesters at prior Trump rallies have been dragged, kicked, beaten, choked, and shoved to the ground.

Trump himself has failed to condemn his more violent supporters. Instead, he’s invited them on stage to be publicly honored for beating up a high schooler, argued a Black Lives Matter protester deserved to be roughed up, and told a crowd that he wished he could punch a protester at a Nevada rally in the face.

“You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher,” he said at the time. <<​

(Links here and here)
I am surprised some anti gun anti violent pro peace leftie Oswald wannabe hasn't tried to do attempt on Trump.

Actually, so am I. Not over yet though.
????? that really is informative. ??????

Sorry. I just can't tell where you are coming from.
I am not a trump supporter. But I think a lot of anti-trump folks relish his demise, and would ironically condemn it and the methods used, but welcome it to, Please. You know full well what I mean.
Click on my Breitbart link.

Twitter and Tumblr are full of lunatics calling for Trump to be killed.

I know. I have seen and read. Still unreal that anyone would be gleeful over it if it were to happen.
That is the real Democrat party.

Policies and principles don't even matter to them anymore.
All Trump supporters are Hitler Youths. A cult of personality, and that's their good quality.
Really? Link?
Find the Darkies? Good luck...
Apparently you have poor eyesight too!
400 or 500 people, and I see two. What you got?

More Jews than that pushed bodies into the ovens.
:coffee: keep looking.
No need. So white all they needed was a burning cross.

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