Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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It's fun seeing the anger coming out
in what should be just a friendly debate.

Very telling.
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It's fun seeing the anger coming out ...
I'll bet you do enjoy that.
Especially from the old angry silver spoon white guys
and hedge fund vultures whose hero is Gordon Gekko.
I guess we all get different things out of all this. I'm sort of enjoying the hypocrisy of you pretending that it's others in this thread who are trolling.
I've never once bumped this thread up,
and if I don't respond every time I'm quoted, you'll accusing me of losing the argument.
And not one person has successfully debated me yet, including you. Now run along and count
your lead penny collection or something, Timothy.
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And not one person has successfully debated me yet, including you
Um...I thoroughly defeated you with facts. It’s all there for everyone to see. Here is another one to humiliate you and your idiotic premise:

Especially from the old angry silver spoon white guys and hedge fund vultures whose hero is Gordon Gekko.
I can’t stop laughing at how leftists get all of their “information” from Hollywood movies.

We went into Iraq for oil

Capitalism is nothing but Gordon Gekko

We’re all going to die in 2014 because of “Global Warming”

Can you imagine what would happen if the idiots on the left turned off reality tv and actually studied issues, policies, candidates? All of our problems would be solved.

Well so what?

See this is where we have disconnect. You seem to be implying that wealthy people being more wealthy, is bad. How is it bad?

You remember when in the 2008 crash, all the super wealthy lost hundreds of millions, and even billions in wealth? Did you wake up the next morning with a porsche? My 2001 Grand Marquis didn't magically turn into a Corvette either.

And you know how super wealthy, have gotten more wealthy as the economy recovered? Did you wake up the next morning, and your car turned into a Schwinn? Nope? My Grand Marquis didn't turn into a Chevy Metro either.

What's my point? My point is.... removing wealth from the wealthy, isn't going to make you or me, or anyone, richer.

Them having more wealth, does not effect you or anyone else, in any way. If Bill Gates net worth goes up a hundred billion, does not cause your house to turn into a 1 bed room apartment, and his worth dropping a hundred billion, does not turn it into a 3 story, 6-bed 3 bath 6 car garage mansion.

So why do you care how much other people have, when the facts are, it doesn't change anything in your life either way?
The answer is you are thinking based on greed and envy, not based on fact and reason.

If you want more of the wealth in this world, to be in the hands of the bottom 90% of the public, the solution is for you to buy some of it for yourself, and convince others to do the same.

If every single person in this country started buying stocks every single month, that graph would be flipped around in a matter of a few years.
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Especially from the old angry silver spoon white guys and hedge fund vultures whose hero is Gordon Gekko.
I can’t stop laughing at how leftists get all of their “information” from Hollywood movies.

We went into Iraq for oil

Capitalism is nothing but Gordon Gekko

We’re all going to die in 2014 because of “Global Warming”

Can you imagine what would happen if the idiots on the left turned off reality tv and actually studied issues, policies, candidates? All of our problems would be solved.

It is so true! It is SO TRUE. These people live in a Hollywood mythology. I actually discovered this all the way back in the 90s, as a teenager.

So one of the left-wing teachers in our school, made us watch a movie, and write a report on it. It wasn't a 'based on real events' movie, or a documentary....

They had us watch the movie "Dave". Did you ever see this asinine movie? Where this guy who looked like the president, who worked at.... not a productive company that made products or services that benefited the country... no no, he worked at a temp agency... which now are supposedly evil.

So the Temp agency guy, ends up switching places with the president, and then he just starts looking at the budget, and finding magic money out of nothing, and supporting all these dumb programs.

After the movie was over, the students in the class are all talking with each other "Yeah I think that's how it really is. There is tons of money, and if we could just get someone like Dave to go to the white house, he'd find all the money, and we could pay for everything!".

I was just dumbfounded in this classroom, as a teenagers, looking at all these people and thinking how could they possibly be this stupid.

But they really think like this. They see it in a movie, or in the media, and they really believe that these fictional people, in this fictional world, is really how everything works.

You know that crappy Batman movie with Jim Carry as the Riddler, and they have the mind drain machine, sucking out the intelligence of the people? Just put "Media" on Jim Carry, and have all the people labeled "left-wingers". That's how I see them. Media is just sucking out all their intelligence, and they mindlessly follow whatever they are told is reality.
It's fun seeing the anger coming out ...
I'll bet you do enjoy that.
Especially from the old angry silver spoon white guys
and hedge fund vultures whose hero is Gordon Gekko.
I guess we all get different things out of all this. I'm sort of enjoying the hypocrisy of you pretending that it's others in this thread who are trolling.
I've never once bumped this thread up,
and if I don't respond every time I'm quoted, you'll accusing me of losing the argument.
And not one person has successfully debated me yet, including you. Now run along and count
your lead penny collection or something, Timothy.

Wow.... #ForScience And what color is the sky in your world? Are there fairies? I feel like there should be fairies there.
It's fun seeing the anger coming out ...
I'll bet you do enjoy that.
Especially from the old angry silver spoon white guys
and hedge fund vultures whose hero is Gordon Gekko.
I guess we all get different things out of all this. I'm sort of enjoying the hypocrisy of you pretending that it's others in this thread who are trolling.
I've never once bumped this thread up,
and if I don't respond every time I'm quoted, you'll accusing me of losing the argument.
And not one person has successfully debated me yet, including you. Now run along and count
your lead penny collection or something, Timothy.

Wow.... #ForScience And what color is the sky in your world? Are there fairies? I feel like there should be fairies there.

Why don't you geniuses ever use a successful country like Malaysia as your example instead of one we fucked up with sanctions and right wing CIA coups like Venezuela, Cuba and Libya. ?? You'd be a little more convincing. (Still dead wrong of course)


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In the 1940s, economist Friedrich Hayek said in his book, "The Road to Serfdom," that the road to serfdom was socialism. Economist Joseph Schumpeter, in "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy," feared that socialism would displace capitalism even though capitalism was a better system.

In the 21st century, self-proclaimed socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) are keeping the fears of Hayek and Schumpeter alive. Those fears are misplaced. The biggest threats to capitalism aren’t socialists, they are capitalists.

Capitalists, not socialists, pose the greatest threat to capitalism

When capitalists tout pro-business policies, they inevitably are talking about policies that use trade barriers and regulatory impediments to give themselves advantages over competitors.

They work the political process to get subsidies and tax breaks that benefit themselves but impose costs on everyone else. Policies advertised as “pro-business” are almost always anti-free market and anti-capitalism.

Political capitalism encroaches upon free-market capitalism because public policy is made by an elite few who have an incentive to use the policy-making process for their benefit. Think about the Occupy Wall Street language in which public policy benefits the 1 percent at the expense of the 99 percent.

But critics of our current system, including socialists, too often want more government programs and more government oversight to remedy that problem. These critics should recognize that an elite few create public policy; giving the government more oversight power means giving more power to the 1 percent.



In the 1940s, economist Friedrich Hayek said in his book, "The Road to Serfdom," that the road to serfdom was socialism. Economist Joseph Schumpeter, in "Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy," feared that socialism would displace capitalism even though capitalism was a better system.

In the 21st century, self-proclaimed socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) are keeping the fears of Hayek and Schumpeter alive. Those fears are misplaced. The biggest threats to capitalism aren’t socialists, they are capitalists.

Capitalists, not socialists, pose the greatest threat to capitalism

When capitalists tout pro-business policies, they inevitably are talking about policies that use trade barriers and regulatory impediments to give themselves advantages over competitors.

They work the political process to get subsidies and tax breaks that benefit themselves but impose costs on everyone else. Policies advertised as “pro-business” are almost always anti-free market and anti-capitalism.

Political capitalism encroaches upon free-market capitalism because public policy is made by an elite few who have an incentive to use the policy-making process for their benefit. Think about the Occupy Wall Street language in which public policy benefits the 1 percent at the expense of the 99 percent.

But critics of our current system, including socialists, too often want more government programs and more government oversight to remedy that problem. These critics should recognize that an elite few create public policy; giving the government more oversight power means giving more power to the 1 percent.

Didn't Paul claim Bush was going to nuke a US city and blame Iran?
Didn't Paul claim Bush was going to nuke a US city and blame Iran?
Now you want me to guess on all the false flags
attributed to our agencies' wonderful clandestine operations ?

Why don't you get us onto 9/11 for awhile. You know a few of my views on that day.
Didn't Paul claim Bush was going to nuke a US city and blame Iran?
Now you want me to guess on all the false flags
attributed to our agencies' wonderful clandestine operations ?

Why don't you get us onto 9/11 for awhile. You know a few of my views on that day.

Now you want me to guess on all the false flags
attributed to our agencies' wonderful clandestine operations ?

Which agency nuked a US city? Which city?
I must have missed it.
Why don't you get us onto 9/11 for awhile.

Sure. Was it explosives or thermite? Explosive thermite?

Where are all the rigs they used to attach the stuff to the beams?
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