Next up on the progressive ban list

Good Thing Mount Rushmore is out of reach. Obama supporters think they can get to it with a 16 foot ladder to throw tomatoes at it.
O lord, don't remind them of Mt. Rushmore. They'll be adding a 5th potus before his term's up.


Mason jars. Too reminiscent of the mason Dixie line.

Dixie cup. See above.

Grey pinstripes suits. Grey was the color of the uniforms of the south

South needle on compass

Sweet Home Alabama

Winn Dixie

Hey I bet dem Libruls are gonna ban happiness next! Herp derp!

Progressives spend every waking hour finding something to be upset about.
Mason jars. Too reminiscent of the mason Dixie line.

Dixie cup. See above.

Grey pinstripes suits. Grey was the color of the uniforms of the south

South needle on compass

Sweet Home Alabama

Winn Dixie

Hey I bet dem Libruls are gonna ban happiness next! Herp derp!

Progressives spend every waking hour finding something to be upset about.
What is it called when you make daily threads finding something to be upset about?

Liberal tendency?

Good enough for the goose.....
They would probably ban Charlie Daniels. In fact, I think they banned him from the NFL pregame song. :boohoo: All My Rowdy Friends.

That was Hank Williams Jr. (a great American BTW)

Ohhhh. :D I did not know that. Okay, so they banned Hank Williams from performing the NFL theme song. Why?
Because people representing companies are supposed to be smart enough not to mouth off about politics while representing said company, amd he was retarded and said some stupid shit.
They would probably ban Charlie Daniels. In fact, I think they banned him from the NFL pregame song. :boohoo: All My Rowdy Friends.

That was Hank Williams Jr. (a great American BTW)

Ohhhh. :D I did not know that. Okay, so they banned Hank Williams from performing the NFL theme song. Why?

He compared Obama to hitler or some damn thing.
They would probably ban Charlie Daniels. In fact, I think they banned him from the NFL pregame song. :boohoo: All My Rowdy Friends.

That was Hank Williams Jr. (a great American BTW)

Ohhhh. :D I did not know that. Okay, so they banned Hank Williams from performing the NFL theme song. Why?
Because people representing companies are supposed to be smart enough not to mouth off about politics while representing said company, amd he was retarded and said some stupid shit.

So? What did he say? Honestly, I don't know what he said. I just know he got fired by the NFL.
They would probably ban Charlie Daniels. In fact, I think they banned him from the NFL pregame song. :boohoo: All My Rowdy Friends.

That was Hank Williams Jr. (a great American BTW)

Ohhhh. :D I did not know that. Okay, so they banned Hank Williams from performing the NFL theme song. Why?
Because people representing companies are supposed to be smart enough not to mouth off about politics while representing said company, amd he was retarded and said some stupid shit.

So? What did he say? Honestly, I don't know what he said. I just know he got fired by the NFL.
He compared Obama to adolph hitler, and was rightfully canned. Corporations like the NLF cant tolerate that shit, its a terrible business move.

Disallowing them to run their company as they see fit would be the real "pc."
They would probably ban Charlie Daniels. In fact, I think they banned him from the NFL pregame song. :boohoo: All My Rowdy Friends.

That was Hank Williams Jr. (a great American BTW)

Ohhhh. :D I did not know that. Okay, so they banned Hank Williams from performing the NFL theme song. Why?
Because people representing companies are supposed to be smart enough not to mouth off about politics while representing said company, amd he was retarded and said some stupid shit.

I get that, but I remain a fan of his AS WELL as the Dixie Chicks.

I do wish entertainers would simply entertain.
They would probably ban Charlie Daniels. In fact, I think they banned him from the NFL pregame song. :boohoo: All My Rowdy Friends.

That was Hank Williams Jr. (a great American BTW)

Ohhhh. :D I did not know that. Okay, so they banned Hank Williams from performing the NFL theme song. Why?

He compared Obama to hitler or some damn thing.

Thanks. Although I do not agree with his comments (I do not think Obama is like Hitler), I do see that the push is on to pressure companies into being anti free speech. I do also understand the company's perspective though, in that they don't want to lose business by being associated with such a person.

While I think comparing Obama to Hitler is distasteful and not accurate at all, it is certainly our right to be critical of our president.

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