Next up on the progressive ban list

That was Hank Williams Jr. (a great American BTW)

Ohhhh. :D I did not know that. Okay, so they banned Hank Williams from performing the NFL theme song. Why?

He compared Obama to hitler or some damn thing.

Thanks. Although I do not agree with his comments (I do not think Obama is like Hitler), I do see that the push is on to pressure companies into being anti free speech. I do also understand the company's perspective though, in that they don't want to lose business by being associated with such a person.

While I think comparing Obama to Hitler is distasteful and not accurate at all, it is certainly our right to be critical of our president.
Thats the free market at work, not "anti free speech."

"Free speech" is a legal concept. A company has nothing to do with that, them banning a product is not a 1st amendment issue whatsoever and has zero to do with any law ban.

A lot of people miss the nuance there, but frankly - its baffing because it doesnt exactly take a.genius.

Same.with the conf flag.

It wasnt banned by any law. I dont know.any prominant taken seriously leader asking for that law, either.

This whole.issue is drama queening by the right b.c. voters who are paying taxes and dislike the flag wanted their tax money to stop endorsing the flag.

Its not that hard. Fly it loud and proud on your truck, panties and birthday cakes.

Please, we all know how people try to bully others. This is just bullying on a bigger level.
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo
I think NASCAR is next on the list. Ocra and grits later.
Ban NASCAR, OKRA AND GRITS..................

Be right back..........gotta clean my guns..............


They'd better not ban corn bread, that's all I've got to say. ;)
They will set their sights on beer and peanuts....And then it's American Legion Baseball.....

I don't really care about the beer. I don't like beer at all. ;)
Because people representing companies are supposed to be smart enough not to mouth off about politics while representing said company, amd he was retarded and said some stupid shit.

I get that, but I remain a fan of his AS WELL as the Dixie Chicks.

I do wish entertainers would simply entertain.
Because people representing companies are supposed to be smart enough not to mouth off about politics while representing said company, amd he was retarded and said some stupid shit.

I get that, but I remain a fan of his AS WELL as the Dixie Chicks.

I do wish entertainers would simply entertain.
This is a poser comment.

You said it cuz other people say it.

Some entertainers are dumb, yupp.

Most are gar superior intellectually than the average tom, dick or joe which is how they have the foresight, knowledge and ability to do what they do, write what they write, touch who they touch.

Pidgeon holing them as all dumb as though dumb is some.birthright of being an entertainer is a weak and unfair reason to not at least consider what theyve got to say.

If this was how you really felt, did you listen to Hank Williams? :D
No, i deteste boneheaded partisan drivel. And hes full.of it.

And that's how other people feel about other musicians/artists too! Lol! I also disagree that they are "far superior intellectually." Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Just because you can write songs or play an instrument doesn't mean you are "intelligent" in any way.
Thats why i didnt say "all," genius......

Whereas pop23 referred to "entertainers" as an entire group.

My point was, in lamer terms...entertaining doesnt come with being sumb as an automatic.
Ohhhh. :D I did not know that. Okay, so they banned Hank Williams from performing the NFL theme song. Why?

He compared Obama to hitler or some damn thing.

Thanks. Although I do not agree with his comments (I do not think Obama is like Hitler), I do see that the push is on to pressure companies into being anti free speech. I do also understand the company's perspective though, in that they don't want to lose business by being associated with such a person.

While I think comparing Obama to Hitler is distasteful and not accurate at all, it is certainly our right to be critical of our president.
Thats the free market at work, not "anti free speech."

"Free speech" is a legal concept. A company has nothing to do with that, them banning a product is not a 1st amendment issue whatsoever and has zero to do with any law ban.

A lot of people miss the nuance there, but frankly - its baffing because it doesnt exactly take a.genius.

Same.with the conf flag.

It wasnt banned by any law. I dont know.any prominant taken seriously leader asking for that law, either.

This whole.issue is drama queening by the right b.c. voters who are paying taxes and dislike the flag wanted their tax money to stop endorsing the flag.

Its not that hard. Fly it loud and proud on your truck, panties and birthday cakes.

Please, we all know how people try to bully others. This is just bullying on a bigger level.
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo

That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.

Thanks. Although I do not agree with his comments (I do not think Obama is like Hitler), I do see that the push is on to pressure companies into being anti free speech. I do also understand the company's perspective though, in that they don't want to lose business by being associated with such a person.

While I think comparing Obama to Hitler is distasteful and not accurate at all, it is certainly our right to be critical of our president.
Thats the free market at work, not "anti free speech."

"Free speech" is a legal concept. A company has nothing to do with that, them banning a product is not a 1st amendment issue whatsoever and has zero to do with any law ban.

A lot of people miss the nuance there, but frankly - its baffing because it doesnt exactly take a.genius.

Same.with the conf flag.

It wasnt banned by any law. I dont know.any prominant taken seriously leader asking for that law, either.

This whole.issue is drama queening by the right b.c. voters who are paying taxes and dislike the flag wanted their tax money to stop endorsing the flag.

Its not that hard. Fly it loud and proud on your truck, panties and birthday cakes.

Please, we all know how people try to bully others. This is just bullying on a bigger level.
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo

That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.
Oh..neat counterpoint.
Thanks. Although I do not agree with his comments (I do not think Obama is like Hitler), I do see that the push is on to pressure companies into being anti free speech. I do also understand the company's perspective though, in that they don't want to lose business by being associated with such a person.

While I think comparing Obama to Hitler is distasteful and not accurate at all, it is certainly our right to be critical of our president.
Thats the free market at work, not "anti free speech."

"Free speech" is a legal concept. A company has nothing to do with that, them banning a product is not a 1st amendment issue whatsoever and has zero to do with any law ban.

A lot of people miss the nuance there, but frankly - its baffing because it doesnt exactly take a.genius.

Same.with the conf flag.

It wasnt banned by any law. I dont know.any prominant taken seriously leader asking for that law, either.

This whole.issue is drama queening by the right b.c. voters who are paying taxes and dislike the flag wanted their tax money to stop endorsing the flag.

Its not that hard. Fly it loud and proud on your truck, panties and birthday cakes.

Please, we all know how people try to bully others. This is just bullying on a bigger level.
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo

That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.
Oh..neat counterpoint.

Not only the weak can be bullied, especially when it comes to boycotting and other things like we are talking about. We aren't talking about kids on a playground, and in that case, the person being bullied is not necessarily "weak" either. I've been bullied here on this site, and I am NOT weak.
I get that, but I remain a fan of his AS WELL as the Dixie Chicks.

I do wish entertainers would simply entertain.
I get that, but I remain a fan of his AS WELL as the Dixie Chicks.

I do wish entertainers would simply entertain.
This is a poser comment.

You said it cuz other people say it.

Some entertainers are dumb, yupp.

Most are gar superior intellectually than the average tom, dick or joe which is how they have the foresight, knowledge and ability to do what they do, write what they write, touch who they touch.

Pidgeon holing them as all dumb as though dumb is some.birthright of being an entertainer is a weak and unfair reason to not at least consider what theyve got to say.

If this was how you really felt, did you listen to Hank Williams? :D
No, i deteste boneheaded partisan drivel. And hes full.of it.

And that's how other people feel about other musicians/artists too! Lol! I also disagree that they are "far superior intellectually." Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Just because you can write songs or play an instrument doesn't mean you are "intelligent" in any way.
Thats why i didnt say "all," genius......

Whereas pop23 referred to "entertainers" as an entire group.

My point was, in lamer terms...entertaining doesnt come with being sumb as an automatic.

Right, not automatic, but celebrities tend to be of a certain personality type and, no, they are not more intelligent than anyone else just because they are celebrities.
Thats the free market at work, not "anti free speech."

"Free speech" is a legal concept. A company has nothing to do with that, them banning a product is not a 1st amendment issue whatsoever and has zero to do with any law ban.

A lot of people miss the nuance there, but frankly - its baffing because it doesnt exactly take a.genius.

Same.with the conf flag.

It wasnt banned by any law. I dont know.any prominant taken seriously leader asking for that law, either.

This whole.issue is drama queening by the right b.c. voters who are paying taxes and dislike the flag wanted their tax money to stop endorsing the flag.

Its not that hard. Fly it loud and proud on your truck, panties and birthday cakes.

Please, we all know how people try to bully others. This is just bullying on a bigger level.
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo

That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.
Oh..neat counterpoint.

Not only the weak can be bullied, especially when it comes to boycotting and other things like we are talking about. We aren't talking about kids on a playground, and in that case, the person being bullied is not necessarily "weak" either. I've been bullied here on this site, and I am NOT weak.
Yes, only the weak can be bullied.

The strong end it, ignore it rendering it irrelevant, or overcome it.

The weak busy body on messageboards while the strong threaten politicians' votes by leaving their homes and actually giving enough of a fuck to show their presence and so their wishes with what is done with THEIR tax dollars win the day because YOU stayed home and the politicians felt fine and dandy about repealing YOUR position as a result.

Its obvious. Personal responsibility for one's tax vie their views won, and the talkers not doers, lost.

Buying confederate flags en masse from their asses on the fucking internet is hardly some impressive protest, jesus fuck.
This is a poser comment.

You said it cuz other people say it.

Some entertainers are dumb, yupp.

Most are gar superior intellectually than the average tom, dick or joe which is how they have the foresight, knowledge and ability to do what they do, write what they write, touch who they touch.

Pidgeon holing them as all dumb as though dumb is some.birthright of being an entertainer is a weak and unfair reason to not at least consider what theyve got to say.

If this was how you really felt, did you listen to Hank Williams? :D
No, i deteste boneheaded partisan drivel. And hes full.of it.

And that's how other people feel about other musicians/artists too! Lol! I also disagree that they are "far superior intellectually." Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Just because you can write songs or play an instrument doesn't mean you are "intelligent" in any way.
Thats why i didnt say "all," genius......

Whereas pop23 referred to "entertainers" as an entire group.

My point was, in lamer terms...entertaining doesnt come with being sumb as an automatic.

Right, not automatic, but celebrities tend to be of a certain personality type and, no, they are not more intelligent than anyone else just because they are celebrities.
Sorry, most prolific song writers are far more intelligent than any usmb "opinion" blogger.

Their work passes the test of time and politics whereas anonymous user joe schmoe pisses away into the anals of.nothingness.
The bald eagle. They migrate south for the winter. How racist is that.
I was born yesterday if Walmart removes the flag if the flag supporters' business and position threatens THEIR profits in any meaningful way.

Same with amazon and other companies.

The only "threat" the left can send them is "we wil boycott."

Guess the free market is all of a sudden a nazi concept.
Guess the weak willed conservative boycott doesnt even make these companies fuckin flinch.

Stronger position wins.
Please, we all know how people try to bully others. This is just bullying on a bigger level.
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo

That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.
Oh..neat counterpoint.

Not only the weak can be bullied, especially when it comes to boycotting and other things like we are talking about. We aren't talking about kids on a playground, and in that case, the person being bullied is not necessarily "weak" either. I've been bullied here on this site, and I am NOT weak.
Yes, only the weak can be bullied.

The strong end it, ignore it rendering it irrelevant, or overcome it.

The weak busy body on messageboards while the strong threaten politicians' votes by leaving their homes and actually giving enough of a fuck to show their presence and so their wishes with what is done with THEIR tax dollars win the day because YOU stayed home and the politicians felt fine and dandy about repealing YOUR position as a result.

Its obvious. Personal responsibility for one's tax vie their views won, and the talkers not doers, lost.

Buying confederate flags en masse from their asses on the fucking internet is hardly some impressive protest, jesus fuck.

These types of things are planned and then they also lobby certain governmental officials to back them too, so you would be wrong. The businesses are basically "bullied" into no longer offering a certain product because some people might find it "offensive." Now who are the weak ones?
If this was how you really felt, did you listen to Hank Williams? :D
No, i deteste boneheaded partisan drivel. And hes full.of it.

And that's how other people feel about other musicians/artists too! Lol! I also disagree that they are "far superior intellectually." Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Just because you can write songs or play an instrument doesn't mean you are "intelligent" in any way.
Thats why i didnt say "all," genius......

Whereas pop23 referred to "entertainers" as an entire group.

My point was, in lamer terms...entertaining doesnt come with being sumb as an automatic.

Right, not automatic, but celebrities tend to be of a certain personality type and, no, they are not more intelligent than anyone else just because they are celebrities.
Sorry, most prolific song writers are far more intelligent than any usmb "opinion" blogger.

Their work passes the test of time and politics whereas anonymous user joe schmoe pisses away into the anals of.nothingness.

How in the hell would you know? Oh, that's right. You don't. :lol: I suppose you think Jessica Simpson is a MENSA candidate?
Mason jars. Too reminiscent of the mason Dixie line.
Dixie cup. See above.
Grey pinstripes suits. Grey was the color of the uniforms of the south
South needle on compass
Sweet Home Alabama
Winn Dixie

Yeah, as soon as someone seeks a ban on those you be sure to sound the alarm. Don't get complacent now!! Be alert and check the internet(s) every hour of every day for any evidence.

Thank god you are on the case.

Ironically, the original Isaac Newton was smart.
Oh...right... The businesses are hurting business just for fun makes tons of sense
The American Flag.

Oh wait ...Louis Farrakhan is working on it as we speak.
The American Flag.

Oh wait ...Louis Farrakhan is working on it as we speak.

It is, the scumbag claims, a symbol of the thing all blacks should be fighting against.

And in the racist pinhead world of shit-suckers like Screwey Lewey Farrakhan, free speech for others should be suppressed.
When was the Con-federate flag banned?
Also, people need to remember that it is certainly not just blacks who were slaves. Many women were and still ARE slaves even today.

And, there is this pesky fact that black people owned slaves themselves. But oh hey, the PC police doesn't let history get in the way.

Some Freeman black slave owners actually bread slaves for profit. It was a practice that most slave owners found repulsive.

:D They "bread" them?
Apparently not white bread.

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