Next up on the progressive ban list

I think NASCAR is next on the list. Ocra and grits later.
Ban NASCAR, OKRA AND GRITS..................

Be right back..........gotta clean my guns..............


They'd better not ban corn bread, that's all I've got to say. ;)
They will set their sights on beer and peanuts....And then it's American Legion Baseball.....

I don't really care about the beer. I don't like beer at all. ;)
who asked you..
Thats the free market at work, not "anti free speech."

"Free speech" is a legal concept. A company has nothing to do with that, them banning a product is not a 1st amendment issue whatsoever and has zero to do with any law ban.

A lot of people miss the nuance there, but frankly - its baffing because it doesnt exactly take a.genius.

Same.with the conf flag.

It wasnt banned by any law. I dont know.any prominant taken seriously leader asking for that law, either.

This whole.issue is drama queening by the right b.c. voters who are paying taxes and dislike the flag wanted their tax money to stop endorsing the flag.

Its not that hard. Fly it loud and proud on your truck, panties and birthday cakes.

Please, we all know how people try to bully others. This is just bullying on a bigger level.
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo

That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.
Oh..neat counterpoint.

Not only the weak can be bullied, especially when it comes to boycotting and other things like we are talking about. We aren't talking about kids on a playground, and in that case, the person being bullied is not necessarily "weak" either. I've been bullied here on this site, and I am NOT weak.
would you PLEASE use the quote feature.
Without it, no one knows to whom you are responding...
Thank you
I think NASCAR is next on the list. Ocra and grits later.
Ban NASCAR, OKRA AND GRITS..................

Be right back..........gotta clean my guns..............


They'd better not ban corn bread, that's all I've got to say. ;)
They will set their sights on beer and peanuts....And then it's American Legion Baseball.....

I don't really care about the beer. I don't like beer at all. ;)
who asked you..

I don't need to be asked.
Please, we all know how people try to bully others. This is just bullying on a bigger level.
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo

That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.
Oh..neat counterpoint.

Not only the weak can be bullied, especially when it comes to boycotting and other things like we are talking about. We aren't talking about kids on a playground, and in that case, the person being bullied is not necessarily "weak" either. I've been bullied here on this site, and I am NOT weak.
would you PLEASE use the quote feature.
Without it, no one knows to whom you are responding...
Thank you

Who are you talking to? I did use the quote feature.
The bald eagle. They migrate south for the winter. How racist is that.
Oh? Was not aware that the bald eagle migrated. Do tell.
  1. Adult bald eagles begin fall migration when the northern lakes and rivers freeze over. Depending on location, they usually migrate to the coast or large rivers near dams, where the water remains open. Wind currents play a large role in determining their flight pattern.
  2. Bald Eagle Migration - American Bald Eagle Information
Face palm
^ thats more drama queening.

Only the weak can be bullied.

The right wing conf. Flag supporters' position was the weaker fought position or else the flag would fucking be there. Boohoo

That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.
Oh..neat counterpoint.

Not only the weak can be bullied, especially when it comes to boycotting and other things like we are talking about. We aren't talking about kids on a playground, and in that case, the person being bullied is not necessarily "weak" either. I've been bullied here on this site, and I am NOT weak.
would you PLEASE use the quote feature.
Without it, no one knows to whom you are responding...
Thank you

Who are you talking to? I did use the quote feature.
check your posts 184, 186, 187 and 201.....Not seeing to whom it is you are responding.
That is not true at all. You are so full of it that I can smell you from here.
Oh..neat counterpoint.

Not only the weak can be bullied, especially when it comes to boycotting and other things like we are talking about. We aren't talking about kids on a playground, and in that case, the person being bullied is not necessarily "weak" either. I've been bullied here on this site, and I am NOT weak.
would you PLEASE use the quote feature.
Without it, no one knows to whom you are responding...
Thank you

Who are you talking to? I did use the quote feature.
check your posts 184, 186, 187 and 201.....Not seeing to whom it is you are responding.

All the posts except for 201 were quoted posts, so I don't know what you are talking about. #201 was a question for anyone who feels like answering and not directed at anyone in particular.
The bald eagle. They migrate south for the winter. How racist is that.
Oh? Was not aware that the bald eagle migrated. Do tell.
  1. Adult bald eagles begin fall migration when the northern lakes and rivers freeze over. Depending on location, they usually migrate to the coast or large rivers near dams, where the water remains open. Wind currents play a large role in determining their flight pattern.
  2. Bald Eagle Migration - American Bald Eagle Information
Face palm
News to me...the ones I know stay put.
The bald eagle. They migrate south for the winter. How racist is that.
MAJOR BACKFIRE Liberals Plan To Ban Confederate Flag Results In Record Sales...

MAJOR BACKFIRE: Liberals’ Plan To Ban Confederate Flag Results In Record Sales…

Following the removal of Confederate Flag merchandise from WalMart; Sears, Ebay, ETSY, and prominent flag maker Valley Forge Flags have all joined the ‘movement’ and stopped selling the ‘controversial’ flag. However, as with any and all government-‘suggested’ actions, there are unintended consequences in the hypocrisy of implicitly banning this symbolic banner… sales of Confederate Flags are soaring everywhere else (as the “guns and ammo”-like threat of scarcity has led to a run on the products).

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