Next Zimmerman type case-Merritt Landry


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2013
Man shoots fourteen year old through the head

claims castle doctrine

A Marigny homeowner has been booked with attempted second-degree murder after he shot a 14-year-old boy in the head early Friday, police said. The homeowner's friends and neighbors said the owner believed the teen was an intruder. The teenager remains hospitalized in critical condition, police said.

New Orleans police arrested Merritt Landry, 33, a building inspector for the Historic District Landmarks Commission, after conducting multiple interviews and reviewing crime scene evidence, including a single spent casing at the scene, NOPD spokeswoman Remi Braden said.

Police said the teen was near Landry's vehicle when he was shot. Landry's friends said the vehicle was in the driveway behind a gate just a few feet from the house's backdoor.

Landry's attorneys, Michael Kennedy and Miles Swanson, issued a statement after the arrest saying, "This incident is terrible, and Mr. Landry feels terrible about how things have occurred. Nevertheless, we remain convinced our client has done nothing wrong, and we are sure -- as facts come to light -- it'll become clear that Mr. Landry will be fully exonerated of any wrongdoing."

Marigny homeowner booked with shooting 14-year-old; friends say he believed teen to be intruder |
The kid shouldn't of jumped his fence and tried to rob his place.

Do a crime and you might get into trouble. Now I wouldn't of shot him as I'd turn on a light and he would of ran away.

but the law gave the guy the ability to do so.
The kid shouldn't of jumped his fence and tried to rob his place.

Do a crime and you might get into trouble. Now I wouldn't of shot him as I'd turn on a light and he would of ran away.

but the law gave the guy the ability to do so.

facts are sketchy at this point

last i heard the kid is still alive

Louisiana has strong self defense and castle laws
1. 1:44 AM? WTF is a 14 year old doing out at that hour?Here's where the real blame lies, with the parents. I have three daughters, at age 14 their asses were in the house by dark or I picked them up at a chaperoned event by car. They were in bed by 11:00. You can't watch them every second of the day but you should damn well know where your kids are at 1:44 am! It's sad for the kid that the parents didn't give a flying fuck.

2.Kid had no business being there. "Then, the teen walks back out to the middle of the road before climbing over Landry's fence, Hazouri said. The other teen in the tank top stayed on the other side of Mandeville Street, Hazouri said.

Landry's large dog started barking, which alerted Landry to the teen being inside his yard, according to Landry's friends.

Landry, who has a pregnant wife and baby daughter, believed the teen was trying to break into his house, Hazouri said. "

3.Landry had no way of knowing who or how old the person his dog was barking at. The kid Hopped a fence and treaspassed on his property at an hour when he should have been in bed. All Landry knew what somebody was on his property when they shouldn't have been and at that hour of the day,most people would have thought somebody was trying to break in too. I would have shot first and asked questions later. Landry had a pregnant wife and little kid in the house. I don't blame him one bit.

4. what are white people supposed to do? Not protect themselves and their property because it might be considered racist if the person they shoot happens to be black? Fuck that. I hope Landry is gets off and I hope DCF investigates and the police charge the parents with neglect and risk of injury to a child among other things. If they were doing their job this wouldn't have happened.
1. 1:44 AM? WTF is a 14 year old doing out at that hour?Here's where the real blame lies, with the parents. I have three daughters, at age 14 their asses were in the house by dark or I picked them up at a chaperoned event by car. They were in bed by 11:00. You can't watch them every second of the day but you should damn well know where your kids are at 1:44 am! It's sad for the kid that the parents didn't give a flying fuck.

2.Kid had no business being there. "Then, the teen walks back out to the middle of the road before climbing over Landry's fence, Hazouri said. The other teen in the tank top stayed on the other side of Mandeville Street, Hazouri said.

Landry's large dog started barking, which alerted Landry to the teen being inside his yard, according to Landry's friends.

Landry, who has a pregnant wife and baby daughter, believed the teen was trying to break into his house, Hazouri said. "

3.Landry had no way of knowing who or how old the person his dog was barking at. The kid Hopped a fence and treaspassed on his property at an hour when he should have been in bed. All Landry knew what somebody was on his property when they shouldn't have been and at that hour of the day,most people would have thought somebody was trying to break in too. I would have shot first and asked questions later. Landry had a pregnant wife and little kid in the house. I don't blame him one bit.

4. what are white people supposed to do? Not protect themselves and their property because it might be considered racist if the person they shoot happens to be black? Fuck that. I hope Landry is gets off and I hope DCF investigates and the police charge the parents with neglect and risk of injury to a child among other things. If they were doing their job this wouldn't have happened.

legal insurrection is posting some on it

has the self defense laws for the state at bottom

Zimmerman Redux | Merritt Landry | Louisiana Self-defense
The kid shouldn't of jumped his fence and tried to rob his place.

Do a crime and you might get into trouble. Now I wouldn't of shot him as I'd turn on a light and he would of ran away.

but the law gave the guy the ability to do so.

If he's black, you're right.

If he's white, he was lost or confused or he just took a shortcut to the library or ...

GAWD. How ridiculous that carrying skittles, jumping a fence and/or robbery has become a capital offense.

The hysterical nutters really need to be stopped. They're the ones who belong behind bars and preferably, in straight jackets.
The kid shouldn't of jumped his fence and tried to rob his place.

Do a crime and you might get into trouble. Now I wouldn't of shot him as I'd turn on a light and he would of ran away.

but the law gave the guy the ability to do so.

If he's black, you're right.

If he's white, he was lost or confused or he just took a shortcut to the library or ...

GAWD. How ridiculous that carrying skittles, jumping a fence and/or robbery has become a capital offense.

The hysterical nutters really need to be stopped. They're the ones who belong behind bars and preferably, in straight jackets.

Why does color matter? It doesn't. White or black the kid shouldn't of been there and the guy had the legal right to shoot. I don't think it was right in this case but I don't make the laws.
The kid shouldn't of jumped his fence and tried to rob his place.

Do a crime and you might get into trouble. Now I wouldn't of shot him as I'd turn on a light and he would of ran away.

but the law gave the guy the ability to do so.

If he's black, you're right.

If he's white, he was lost or confused or he just took a shortcut to the library or ...

GAWD. How ridiculous that carrying skittles, jumping a fence and/or robbery has become a capital offense.

The hysterical nutters really need to be stopped. They're the ones who belong behind bars and preferably, in straight jackets.

Why does color matter? It doesn't. White or black the kid shouldn't of been there and the guy had the legal right to shoot. I don't think it was right in this case but I don't make the laws.

Its "shouldn't HAVE been there", not "OF". Jeesh.

Used to be that lives were ore valuable than THINGS. Not any more. Not unless its a fetus. THEN the idiots want it saved. If its a human being? Nope. A real person is not nearly as valuable as, say, a fucking television.

Color DOES matter and you know it. Bury your head in the sand if you want, PRETEND if you want, but the FACT is, if black Trayvon had stalked and then murdered an innocent guy who just happened to be walking back to watch a football game with his family, instead of the other way around, he would be on death row by now.
The reason color matters is simple. If the shooter is black and the 14 year old is white, verything changes. Please don't act naive.
This is how you justify blacks committing 49% of all murders in this country
-Vast Amount of Assaults

The point I am making is it is just wrong. Again I don't believe a man should be able to shot someone for fucking with his car.

Why do you want a double standard because of color????
If he's black, you're right.

If he's white, he was lost or confused or he just took a shortcut to the library or ...

GAWD. How ridiculous that carrying skittles, jumping a fence and/or robbery has become a capital offense.

The hysterical nutters really need to be stopped. They're the ones who belong behind bars and preferably, in straight jackets.

Why does color matter? It doesn't. White or black the kid shouldn't of been there and the guy had the legal right to shoot. I don't think it was right in this case but I don't make the laws.

Its "shouldn't HAVE been there", not "OF". Jeesh.

Used to be that lives were ore valuable than THINGS. Not any more. Not unless its a fetus. THEN the idiots want it saved. If its a human being? Nope. A real person is not nearly as valuable as, say, a fucking television.

Color DOES matter and you know it. Bury your head in the sand if you want, PRETEND if you want, but the FACT is, if black Trayvon had stalked and then murdered an innocent guy who just happened to be walking back to watch a football game with his family, instead of the other way around, he would be on death row by now.

No. Color has nothing to do with it.

Why do you race pimps insist on injecting race into every discussion? Geez, let it go already.
I just read the story. Fuck that thieving asshole kid. He should not have jumped that man's fence. He is a thief. And fuck that ass hole for shooting him for jumping a fence. What the hell is that? The ultimate get off my lawn?
So you're saying that a black person should be able to murder, rape, steal and assault people? My opinion would be the same for a white punk that thought he could steal something.

Crime is just wrong.

Before you launch into your rant on how we kill blacks. Blacks kill twice as many whites by pure numbers. Think of that before you talk.
After reading the link, I don't see where this man's life was in any danger. His stuff, perhaps, but not his or his family's welfare. He should have called 911 and yelled out to the kid telling him he's armed.

However, there is nothing racial here. And I don't know the whole story but that is my first impression.

Much different than Zimmerman, whose life WAS in danger.

I don't think the spirit of the Castle Doctrine was to extend one's "castle" into his driveway. JMO
I do agree with others who question the parents of this boy. If he had been properly supervised, this never would have happened. 1:44AM is not an acceptable time for children to be out wandering around and trespassing. As we see.
I do agree with others who question the parents of this boy. If he had been properly supervised, this never would have happened. 1:44AM is not an acceptable time for children to be out wandering around and trespassing. As we see.

Agreed but ok. Should he have been shot?

The interesting thing is, Martin was a good kid. This thief is a piece of shit. I still say he should not have been shot though. What threat was he? Was the property owners life in danger?

By the way, if a woman is wearing a short skirt, should she be raped? Your analysis on him being there that late is dangerously close to that.
From what I read, I don't believe he should have been shot. I don't see anyone's life in danger at the point where the homeowner shot him. As I said, he seemed like a thief, not a rapist or murderer.

I'm surprised you are saying this kid is a thief. You must have more info than that article. According to the neighbor both guys were up to no good.

I disagree that Martin was a good kid. I believe he sucker-punched Zimmerman. That's assault. And I don't want to rehash that anymore.

Of course a woman wearing a short skirt should not be raped. First, this kid was a kid. 14 year olds should not be allowed to run wild. Too much is at stake to allow them to do, drugs, rock & roll. OK...sorry I couldn't resist. But kids need boundaries and supervision and any parent who allows their minor children to be out roaming around is negligent. (Please don't throw anything like, maybe they didn't know he was out or something at me.)

Secondly, this is less like the skirt/woman and more like riding a motorcycle without a helmet. Maybe you can get away with it, but if you don't then the consequences can be fatal. KWIM?
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This is not a case of blaming the victim when the victim caused his own demise.

A rape victim is a victim of violence. There is never an excuse for unprovoked violence.
This is not a case of blaming the victim when the victim caused his own demise.

A rape victim is a victim of violence. There is never an excuse for unprovoked violence.

but that's the point, isn't it?

Until the courts stamped down on that kind of thing, rape victims were often subjected to questions about how often they had sex, how they were dressed, and so on. Back in the oldy days, you pretty much had to be dressed like a Quaker to avoid being called a slut in a rape trial.

Now, Political Correctness being what it is, prostitutes can claim rape if they weren't tipped.

The point is, shooting a kid because he was in your yard when he shouldn't have been is an over-reaction, even if being in your yard to start with was a bad idea. For that matter, so is shooting a kid because he whupped your ass in a fight you started. But I digress.

If you guys want to insist on the "right" to own a gun, then you all need to be held responsible when you misuse them.
This is not a case of blaming the victim when the victim caused his own demise.

A rape victim is a victim of violence. There is never an excuse for unprovoked violence.

but that's the point, isn't it?

Until the courts stamped down on that kind of thing, rape victims were often subjected to questions about how often they had sex, how they were dressed, and so on. Back in the oldy days, you pretty much had to be dressed like a Quaker to avoid being called a slut in a rape trial.

Now, Political Correctness being what it is, prostitutes can claim rape if they weren't tipped.

The point is, shooting a kid because he was in your yard when he shouldn't have been is an over-reaction, even if being in your yard to start with was a bad idea. For that matter, so is shooting a kid because he whupped your ass in a fight you started. But I digress.

If you guys want to insist on the "right" to own a gun, then you all need to be held responsible when you misuse them.
Sadly, the laws lately have been written to protect people that misuse their guns.

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