NFL Bums Won’t Stand for the Flag...You are Worthless Cowards

I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

To continue.......

So, because your draft dodging, veteran trashing fraud & Business cheat liar of a President told you they were protesting the troops, you fired up you feeble minded yeahoos so Trump could extract revenge on the NFL, you missed a football game for the ages. Tom Brady was great. The Eagles won using a backup quarterback. So many great plays.

All because you obviously didn't give a rat's ass about our vets when you voted for Trump but you then believed Trump & used our veterans & military as political fodder.

Wow, how far has Trump sunk you people? You must like getting played. Being the dupes, being a laughing stock.

I watched that game & laughing thinking of the morons who boycotted. What fools you all are.

Go Eagles!!!!!!

Many REAL Americans, Trump included, decided to boycott the NFL and the Super Bowl.

The “protest” has never been the problem...the timing is the problem.
What would happen if Whites chose to protest dangerous, violent, criminal Blacks on MLK day?

Are you sure he boycotted the super bowl? He had one hell of a big super bowl party with young cheerleaders.
Like Obama’s FBI and DOJ, right?
Quit whining you big baby. Taking a knee is more patriotic than condoning cops who murder.
You are a complete piece of shit.

Why do you support police officers shooting unarmed citizens?

Why do you want US Citizens shot?

You liar, in every case these blacks were getting physically violent with the cops! Did it not occur to your pea brain that if blacks didn't assault cops, they wouldn't get killed? Everyone has a right to self-defense, including cops.

So, you have never seen those videos you lying POS?
Getting pulled over for a traffic violation is a death sentence,.

Being an 8 year old boy with a toy gun is a dearh sentence.

Selling illegal cigarettes, which he was not doing at the time, is now a death sentence? Really?

Sitting in a car reaching for his ID is a death sentence?

Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.

This is wrong with this country. We have too many racist dumbasses like you.

You have to back our law enforcement no matter what !!!

Well, unless they are looking into team trumps criminal actions . Then law enforcement are a bunch of lying scum .
I boycotted it and the whole season.

So did others.

Super Bowl had the lowest audience since 2009.

I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

To continue.......

So, because your draft dodging, veteran trashing fraud & Business cheat liar of a President told you they were protesting the troops, you fired up you feeble minded yeahoos so Trump could extract revenge on the NFL, you missed a football game for the ages. Tom Brady was great. The Eagles won using a backup quarterback. So many great plays.

All because you obviously didn't give a rat's ass about our vets when you voted for Trump but you then believed Trump & used our veterans & military as political fodder.

Wow, how far has Trump sunk you people? You must like getting played. Being the dupes, being a laughing stock.

I watched that game & laughing thinking of the morons who boycotted. What fools you all are.

Go Eagles!!!!!!

Many REAL Americans, Trump included, decided to boycott the NFL and the Super Bowl.

The “protest” has never been the problem...the timing is the problem.
What would happen if Whites chose to protest dangerous, violent, criminal Blacks on MLK day?

Are you sure he boycotted the super bowl? He had one hell of a big super bowl party with young cheerleaders.
You know, I like the response that Tammy Duckworth tweeted today.............

Duckworth calls out 'Cadet Bone Spurs' after Trump's 'treasonous' remark - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)An Illinois Democrat who was seriously wounded in Iraq derisively referred to President Donald Trump's draft deferments after Trump called Democrats "treasonous" for not clapping during his State of the Union speech.

"We don't live in a dictatorship or a monarchy. I swore an oath—in the military and in the Senate—to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not to mindlessly cater to the whims of Cadet Bone Spurs and clap when he demands I clap," Sen. Tammy Duckworth tweeted Monday evening.

Duckworth, an Army veteran who lost her legs while serving in Iraq, appeared to be referencing Trump's draft deferments. Trump received five draft deferments throughout the Vietnam War, and on one occasion, Trump received a deferment because of bone spurs.

And, the oath of enlistment I swore when I joined the Navy was the same one that Duckworth swore. To support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. In saying that I support and defend the Constitution, that means I also support and defend everything in it like free speech, even if I don't agree with it. And calling Democrats "treasonous" for not standing and clapping is beyond stupid. Trump is just a demagogue who uses inflammatory language to stir up the emotions of his followers.
I boycotted it and the whole season.

So did others.

Super Bowl had the lowest audience since 2009.

I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

To continue.......

So, because your draft dodging, veteran trashing fraud & Business cheat liar of a President told you they were protesting the troops, you fired up you feeble minded yeahoos so Trump could extract revenge on the NFL, you missed a football game for the ages. Tom Brady was great. The Eagles won using a backup quarterback. So many great plays.

All because you obviously didn't give a rat's ass about our vets when you voted for Trump but you then believed Trump & used our veterans & military as political fodder.

Wow, how far has Trump sunk you people? You must like getting played. Being the dupes, being a laughing stock.

I watched that game & laughing thinking of the morons who boycotted. What fools you all are.

Go Eagles!!!!!!

Many REAL Americans, Trump included, decided to boycott the NFL and the Super Bowl.

The “protest” has never been the problem...the timing is the problem.
What would happen if Whites chose to protest dangerous, violent, criminal Blacks on MLK day?

Are you sure he boycotted the super bowl? He had one hell of a big super bowl party with young cheerleaders.

I could care less if ratings were down and who and who did not watch it, I enjoyed it. I wasn't going to watch because it was two teams I really cared nothing about but started and it was soooooo good finished.
Best what? I didn’t watch it.

The super bowl was one of the best super bowls.

Actually, you're right. There were some super plays on there. Two of my favorites were actually the same play. Brady tried it first by handing off to one of the guys, running down the field and having the person he handed off to throw it to him so he could score a touchdown. Only problem is, apparently Brady throws better than he catches and he missed the pass.

The Eagles tried it a bit later, and this time, the Eagles QB caught it and scored a touchdown.

How many Superbowls have you seen where the QB was passed to for a touchdown?
Best what? I didn’t watch it.

The super bowl was one of the best super bowls.

Actually, you're right. There were some super plays on there. Two of my favorites were actually the same play. Brady tried it first by handing off to one of the guys, running down the field and having the person he handed off to throw it to him so he could score a touchdown. Only problem is, apparently Brady throws better than he catches and he missed the pass.

The Eagles tried it a bit later, and this time, the Eagles QB caught it and scored a touchdown.

How many Superbowls have you seen where the QB was passed to for a touchdown?

That was the best play I laughed like hell Eagles beat them at their own play.
Best what? I didn’t watch it.

The super bowl was one of the best super bowls.

Actually, you're right. There were some super plays on there. Two of my favorites were actually the same play. Brady tried it first by handing off to one of the guys, running down the field and having the person he handed off to throw it to him so he could score a touchdown. Only problem is, apparently Brady throws better than he catches and he missed the pass.

The Eagles tried it a bit later, and this time, the Eagles QB caught it and scored a touchdown.

How many Superbowls have you seen where the QB was passed to for a touchdown?

That was the best play I laughed like hell Eagles beat them at their own play.

The second best play in my opinion was when the Eagles passed to a guy who was almost at the end zone, and when he tried to catch the ball, it bounced off his chest and went into the air, and the Patriots recovered it and ran it back.

I almost thought that would take the wind out of the Eagles, but glad to see it didn't.

I'm also glad that the Eagles won. New England has won quite a few times lately, it's good to see someone else be the champion.
I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

To continue.......

So, because your draft dodging, veteran trashing fraud & Business cheat liar of a President told you they were protesting the troops, you fired up you feeble minded yeahoos so Trump could extract revenge on the NFL, you missed a football game for the ages. Tom Brady was great. The Eagles won using a backup quarterback. So many great plays.

All because you obviously didn't give a rat's ass about our vets when you voted for Trump but you then believed Trump & used our veterans & military as political fodder.

Wow, how far has Trump sunk you people? You must like getting played. Being the dupes, being a laughing stock.

I watched that game & laughing thinking of the morons who boycotted. What fools you all are.

Go Eagles!!!!!!

Many REAL Americans, Trump included, decided to boycott the NFL and the Super Bowl.

The “protest” has never been the problem...the timing is the problem.
What would happen if Whites chose to protest dangerous, violent, criminal Blacks on MLK day?

One , the protests didn't start during the Super Bowl... It They started at the start of the Season,season; Mike Pence was sent so he could leave in protest..

The protest was never about disrespecting America but about the right to live of US Citizens... Why do you support the killing of unarmed US Citizens? No other first world kills there their citizens at the rate US does...

So your premise is a bit stupid... Why do you want more unarmed US citizens killed?
Ferals Belong in a Cage, If Not Put to Sleep

If a loudmouth law-hater verbally abuses the police, he gets knocked unconscious. If he physically assaults the police, he gets shot dead. The lives of disrespectful punks do not matter. Neither do the lives of the lawmakers who turned them loose on us against the will of the majority.

Typical Trump supporter. Crazy, and proud of it.
I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

I'm still laughing at all the NFL boycotters.

Some NFL players protested police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem at some games. It was always about the rash of police killings of unarmed people & especially black people. The same actions that brought about BLM.

Along come El Dumpster who has a personal vendetta against the NFL & says it is about honoring the flag & the military.

His feeble minded white supremacist base joined in. "OMG OMG OMG they are disrespected the Flag!!!!!!" "OMG OMG the troops!!!!"

And so you boycotted the NFL. You didn't watch the games. You burned your NF+L jerseys, etc.

To continue.......

So, because your draft dodging, veteran trashing fraud & Business cheat liar of a President told you they were protesting the troops, you fired up you feeble minded yeahoos so Trump could extract revenge on the NFL, you missed a football game for the ages. Tom Brady was great. The Eagles won using a backup quarterback. So many great plays.

All because you obviously didn't give a rat's ass about our vets when you voted for Trump but you then believed Trump & used our veterans & military as political fodder.

Wow, how far has Trump sunk you people? You must like getting played. Being the dupes, being a laughing stock.

I watched that game & laughing thinking of the morons who boycotted. What fools you all are.

Go Eagles!!!!!!

Many REAL Americans, Trump included, decided to boycott the NFL and the Super Bowl.

The “protest” has never been the problem...the timing is the problem.
What would happen if Whites chose to protest dangerous, violent, criminal Blacks on MLK day?

Are you sure he boycotted the super bowl? He had one hell of a big super bowl party with young cheerleaders.

Trump to host Super Bowl watch party at Florida golf club

Trump to host Super Bowl watch party at Florida golf club
Time and time again the players explained that they respect the flag and they are protesting the injustice. Racists the uneducated won't change their mind, they whine and moan. Too bad, deal with its their constitutional right just like the 2nd amendment.

You’re not suppose to’s a REAL American thing.
Slavery ? Or racism?
By the way....................did any of you Trumpsters or any of you other people notice that Trump decided not to do an interview before the Superbowl? This is the first time that a sitting president has decided to pass on it in a long time.

What is Trump afraid of?

Why do so many of you old farts care what some dumb jock thinks?

I'm an old fart and I served 4 years 67-71 and I could give a shit what they do or think. One very important reason there is a military is to protect certain rights they have.
Court-Sponsored Treason

Why should we let ourselves be humiliated by those who preach that we fight for their right to protest? Those scumbags are begging for a bruising, and patriots should give them one.
By the way....................did any of you Trumpsters or any of you other people notice that Trump decided not to do an interview before the Superbowl? This is the first time that a sitting president has decided to pass on it in a long time.
What is Trump afraid of?

As if Trump's autistic "death to the infidels" for those which don't stand for the anthem in protesting godvernment caused deaths in that Islam-Christiananality pedophile mentality tradition is so much different in protesting those burning Bush's "man is God" New Testament rewrite of the old testament in godvernment 9/11 deaths; where more drug trafficking KKK churchstate homicidal sociopsychopathic suicidals from the Federal Lynching state of hate where immaculate drug conceptions make Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount the second coming to Islam for 9/11 as if a patriot act of walking on water is as holy as Islam flying carpets.

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