NFL: Great Message to Our Youth: Why Our High School's and Society is Such a Mess

High school football player's get special treatment and get by with huge disciplinary infractions on campuses including rape. Bullshit coaches and school boards overlook it. They go on to become NFL pieces of shit.
Thank you. This has been going on for decades in our culture. Somehow our society worships athletes, in particular male ones. Oh, society babbles about religion, ethics, values., but high school and college athletic players are immune from any values. They can get away with murder. I don't see why. The GOP in Alabama just elected a football coach, of all things. What does a football coach have to do with an ability to hold elective office? Remember the champion swimmer who almost got away with rape, and so many people wanted him to be mollycoddled by the justice system because he was an athlete? what gives? I've got a champion hairdresser. Any takers in the political realm? People try to make political leaders out of guys in the religion biz. How about a Hollywood actor? Should Tom Hanks run for office?
High school football player's get special treatment and get by with huge disciplinary infractions on campuses including rape. Bullshit coaches and school boards overlook it. They go on to become NFL pieces of shit.
Jesus Fucking H, all you do is whine, whine and whine. You are one miserable fuck.
Jesus Fucking H, all you do is whine, whine and whine. You are one miserable fuck.
Statement's of truth on the condition of our society and where it comes from. Miserable fuck's like you allow this to fester and grow because that is the ultimate goal of communist agitators such as yourself.
Statement's of truth on the condition of our society and where it comes from. Miserable fuck's like you allow this to fester and grow because that is the ultimate goal of communist agitators such as yourself.
I see it's the start of another all-day-long whine fest.

Some people just ain't happy unless their bitching.

Go change your Depends. Maybe that will help.

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