NFL kneelers

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Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
This is not factual or truthful. They have spent their own time protesting and if you were informed about the subject you would know that. The NFL players created a 89 million dollar social justice initiative because of their protesting. Colin Kaepernick has a collusion case against the NFL and that in itself is still him protesting on his own time. The NFL players have donated millions of dollars to charities. Colin Kaepernick charity donates $25,000 to Assata’s Daughters. Malcolm Jenkins has as well. The Malcolm Jenkins Foundation – .. Colin Kaepernick got his idea to kneel during the protest from a former green beret. To make the claim "not one NFL player had a protest or an event is not true so if you or Donald Trump want to make an untrue statement, just be willing to admit that you are lying or uninformed. God Bless.
Haha..the old LefTard avoidance technique huh? Play stupid and pretend you don’t understand...does that ever work? How many ways can one interpret the following....
“What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality and welfare dependency on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?”
Would the timing for such a protest be appropriate?
I'm not avoiding anything. I'm trying to get you to be more succinct. What criminality are they protesting? What welfare dependency are you referring to? Your question is too general and vague to comment on. If you care to explain it in a little more detail, I will comment on it. But if you can't (or won't), there is a good chance this is just some bullshit talking point you are just repeating and you don't really know what the fuck you are saying?
You're full of crap. The FBI doesn't keep political affiliation statistics in crime. They keep race, gender, age, and that sort of thing, but they could care less about a criminals politics. The alt-right as you call them usually live in virtually crime free suburbs while the Democrats live in the ghetto where most of the crime is.

Back to you...

So? WTF is this supposed to prove?
President Nixon was exonerated of all charges by good old Jerry Ford. Unless 12 angry men vote unanimously to convict, yes indeed, Richard M Nixon was as innocent as a newborn babe
Nixon was pardoned. He resigned because he was guilty as sin. If you think Nixon was innocent, then you're just "out there", or you're 10 years old.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
if these protestors also work in their communities with big brothers/big sisters, the local police and so on - then i have more tolerance for their kneeling. but if they're doing cause they're trying to send a message, i simply don't care. there are much better ways to ACTIVELY send your message than pissing off a lot of people by ONLY saying "something must be done" and then donning their helmet to go earn several hundred thousand dollars over the course of the afternoon.

i watch these things to get away from the hate and politics. they want to drag it in there, i'll go watch something else. whether they have a RIGHT to protest here or not i simply don't care. they have no right to make me put up with it.

Exactly. If these football clowns really wanted to make a difference, they would get up off their knees and attend high schools to teach black kids to obey the cops no matter what the situation. Them taking a knee will not help one black person from being killed by a police officer, but maybe hearing one of their sport's hero's telling the kids to obey all commands of a police officer might save a life or two. If anything, taking a knee encourages more people to disobey the commands of an officer making it more likely for them to be shot and killed.
The NFL PR (Not) Campaign is in full swing.

Some Dolphin Players took a knee at their first
exhibition game. The Police Unions of Dade
and Broward Counties are furious.

Now all of that is obvious...but the kicker is...The Dolphins
went to those same Unions in June to invite them to a
"First Responder" Game. They wanted to honor all the
first responders.

The "kicker" haha I get it.

Although you provided no link, if true it again demonstrates that the jingoistic jagoffs who purport to stick opinions in the mouths of those who never uttered them are the rhetorical fascists we keep noting they are. In this case the players overtly demonstrated their support for those that the rhetorical fascists would haplessly portray as "victims". Oopsie.

But if you could, you know, go ahead and provide a link or something, that'd be great.

Not that this will put them to rest. Countdown to the same cretins waddling in and declaring "don't tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think" in four.... three.... two.....

Here's one link...both written and video.

'A Slap in the Face': FL Police Unions Urge Miami Dolphins Boycott After Anthem Protests
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

And Zimmerman was following Martin because he matched the fit the description of a series of break ins and robberies that had been occurring.

It is rarely mentioned, but it is quite possible that Martin was the robber and was casing houses that night.

Zimmerman's claim is that he was looking into windows, but I don't think he ever robbed any homes there because he just arrived shortly before being shot. Now........that doesn't mean I think he never thought about it or considered it, but I don't think he ever found an opportunity.
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

Link to actual news reports because the New York Times says he was suspended because they found traces of marijuana in his back back.

Trayvon Martin Texts Are Released

No stolen, no burglary tools. The judge criticized the defense for attacking the victim’s character and attention to portray this high school kid as some sort of criminal, when the record showed he was a typical middle class high schooler.

My kid got suspended from school for similar behaviour when she was that age too. She was not and has never been a criminal and neither was Trayvon.

Every time an unarmed black kid is killed, you assholes try to publicly cast him as some vicious criminal who deserved it.

Martin’s texts to his girlfriend just before he died show he was terrified that some weirdo “asscracker” was after him. Zimmerman should have stayed in his fucking car like he was told to do. He had no business following that boy.

I’d have convicted him just for that. He was told not to follow Trayvon and he disregarded that instruction.
Trayvon attacked. It was self defense according to a JURY. Stop lying.

Not only the jury, but the detectives as well. They combed through the scene for hours and determined everything Zimmerman told them was the truth. In court, forensics concurred.

That is why Zimmerman was originally let go and not charged. It wasn't until the MSM got involved and riled up the people when they went back and arrested Zimmerman; not because they found any new incriminating evidence, just to avoid the MSM starting any riots.
Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.

Their chose form of protest is to disrespect a Symbol of our Nation.

That is what is they are being judged on, and rightfully so.

Everything else is you libs tying to hide the fact that you support Anti-Americanism.


There is no disrespect.

You supported Trump. He trashed our vets. You didn't care. Fuck you.
It’s all disrespect fk you
Haha..the old LefTard avoidance technique huh? Play stupid and pretend you don’t understand...does that ever work? How many ways can one interpret the following....
“What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality and welfare dependency on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?”
Would the timing for such a protest be appropriate?
I'm not avoiding anything. I'm trying to get you to be more succinct. What criminality are they protesting? What welfare dependency are you referring to? Your question is too general and vague to comment on. If you care to explain it in a little more detail, I will comment on it. But if you can't (or won't), there is a good chance this is just some bullshit talking point you are just repeating and you don't really know what the fuck you are saying?

I see you’re way twisted up and confused on the welfare thing.
Let’s dumb it way down for the low iQ, ignorant lowlifes.
“What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?”
The NFL PR (Not) Campaign is in full swing.

Some Dolphin Players took a knee at their first
exhibition game. The Police Unions of Dade
and Broward Counties are furious.

Now all of that is obvious...but the kicker is...The Dolphins
went to those same Unions in June to invite them to a
"First Responder" Game. They wanted to honor all the
first responders.

The "kicker" haha I get it.

Although you provided no link, if true it again demonstrates that the jingoistic jagoffs who purport to stick opinions in the mouths of those who never uttered them are the rhetorical fascists we keep noting they are. In this case the players overtly demonstrated their support for those that the rhetorical fascists would haplessly portray as "victims". Oopsie.

But if you could, you know, go ahead and provide a link or something, that'd be great.

Not that this will put them to rest. Countdown to the same cretins waddling in and declaring "don't tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think" in four.... three.... two.....

Here's one link...both written and video.

'A Slap in the Face': FL Police Unions Urge Miami Dolphins Boycott After Anthem Protests

Where's the other one? Your "kicker"?
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