NFL kneelers

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Okay, so what you're saying is that an impartial group of citizens who reviewed the evidence found that the other officers didn't break any laws. Now we're getting somewhere.
Not just the other officers, all the officers. And they weren't impartial. It is interesting you don't see anything wrong with the officers actions, but you do think something is wrong with protesting those actions by NFL players?
All Bimbo cares about is their skin color
That's all you care about to, ya fuckin' cracker!

kaz: Investigate shootings and hold the guilty accountable

Yeah, Bimbo, that's all about race. On the other hand:

Bimbo: He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!
When was this relating to the nfl players kneeling? Stupid fk
Even if you are not directly involved in an incident, you bear some responsibility for it occurring. Obviously, you don't have a problem loaning a car to a bank robber. Obviously, cops don't have a problem standing around watching a beating. And equally obviously, we have over 71 webpages of people not having a problem with police brutality, but do have a problem with NFL players protesting such brutality.

Ergo, they are partly responsible for police brutality.
kaz: Investigate shootings and hold the guilty accountable

Yeah, Bimbo, that's all about race. On the other hand:

Bimbo: He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!
The problem is, I didn't say that and you're still a racist.
Huh, they put the cops who did the beat down in jail and not the cops who didn't. Wow, that is racist.

If someone borrows your car, then goes and robs a bank, you are an accessory to the crime.

Actually, that isn't a clear cut situation. How would the other cops know what was going on? What was standard police procedure? Was procedure that when you go to a crime scene, the police act like the keystone cops and fight each other or sort it out later and hold anyone who did wrong accountable?

And this still has nothing to do with race. There is no difference between white kneelers and black kneelers to anyone but you, racist.

That while you aren't satisfied that decades ago two dirty cops went to jail. You want other cops, bystanders, their friends, family, neighbors and everyone else to go to jail too.

Then you want to keep blacks poor by importing cheap illegal immigrants to take their jobs and keeping black kids from getting jobs with the minimum wage creating a permanent black underclass.

You're right there's a big racism issue here, and you need to start facing what you are and do something about it. Get help
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

But OP did make a good point, is that all they do to advance concerns is take a knee during game but nothing on their own time, plus Trump did offer anyone of them to come to him with ideas to fix whatever problem they’re protesting, but not one has came to talk. Yeah these guys are really concerned about fixing things as long as it’s not on their dime!

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kaz: Investigate shootings and hold the guilty accountable

Yeah, Bimbo, that's all about race. On the other hand:

Bimbo: He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!
The problem is, I didn't say that and you're still a racist.

You've said nothing else. We're discussing kneeling where my view is that race has nothing to do with it and cops where my view is race has nothing to do with it, and you're on and on about. He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!

Your standard is that not caring about race is racist, obsessing on race isn't. For you, racist is a political attack. And in the process, you reveal that you're the real thing. Blacks aren't people to you, they're political pawns for you to get more welfare. Then you turn around and fuck them with things like illegal immigration and the minimum wage. That's actual racism, pal. You're the real deal. You were one of the 20 Nazis who showed up to march in DC this weekend, weren't you, Grand Dragon?
Their chose form of protest is to disrespect a Symbol of our Nation.

That is what is they are being judged on, and rightfully so.

Everything else is you libs tying to hide the fact that you support Anti-Americanism.


There is no disrespect.

You supported Trump. He trashed our vets. You didn't care. Fuck you.

You give a pass to people that kneel, repeatedly, during a ritual that calls for people to stand to show respect and unity.

Yet hold Trump to a comment he made in the heat of the moment, and then IMMEDIATELY walked back.

You are a fucking asshole.
Wow, you really are quite the asswiupe. Trump trashed McCain more than once. He trashed a Gold Star Family. He trashed all POWS. He called a widow of a soldier whose body she had just met at the airport, a liar.
Donald Trump is a total asshole & so are you for supporting his trashing of veterans., Fuck you. Fuck your hate for America.
Trump didn't trash veterans. He trashed two. McCain earned it. McCain is a wolf in sheep's clothing and always has been. You're a liar.

McCain earned his military service to be trashed?
Shat the fuck kind f shallow assfick are you that when you get mad at vet that you trash his service to this country.

He trashed evetu POW.

How many veterans does he has to trash before you remove your lips from Trump's ass?

You Moon Bats hated McCain when he ran against your worthless affirmative action Negro. Now you love him because his brain cancer has afflicted him with Trump Derangement Syndrome, the same mental illness you Moon Bats have.
kaz: Investigate shootings and hold the guilty accountable

Yeah, Bimbo, that's all about race. On the other hand:

Bimbo: He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!
The problem is, I didn't say that and you're still a racist.
tee hee hee - i called someone "racist" in an argument! im so clever and that means i won cause i'm NOT racist since i called someone else that...tee hee hee i'm so clever...

fyi billo - that's how you come across when you can't discuss issues but sit and insult people and call them "racist" so you can THINK you have some moral advantage. lets just say "you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means" despite the left working hard to change the definition of things.
kaz: Investigate shootings and hold the guilty accountable

Yeah, Bimbo, that's all about race. On the other hand:

Bimbo: He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!
The problem is, I didn't say that and you're still a racist.

Wait, you just straight up called him a racist. He said he ignores people that do that. How weird...
kaz: Investigate shootings and hold the guilty accountable

Yeah, Bimbo, that's all about race. On the other hand:

Bimbo: He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!
The problem is, I didn't say that and you're still a racist.

Wait, you just straight up called him a racist. He said he ignores people that do that. How weird...

One thing you will learn about Kaz, if he is posting, he is lying. He even has his own verb, kazzing = lying.
When was this relating to the nfl players kneeling? Stupid fk
Even if you are not directly involved in an incident, you bear some responsibility for it occurring. Obviously, you don't have a problem loaning a car to a bank robber. Obviously, cops don't have a problem standing around watching a beating. And equally obviously, we have over 71 webpages of people not having a problem with police brutality, but do have a problem with NFL players protesting such brutality.

Ergo, they are partly responsible for police brutality.
kaz: Investigate shootings and hold the guilty accountable

Yeah, Bimbo, that's all about race. On the other hand:

Bimbo: He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!
The problem is, I didn't say that and you're still a racist.

You've said nothing else. We're discussing kneeling where my view is that race has nothing to do with it and cops where my view is race has nothing to do with it, and you're on and on about. He's black! He's fucking black, he's black black black he's a black man who's fucking black black black! He's black I say, fucking black!!!!!

Your standard is that not caring about race is racist, obsessing on race isn't. For you, racist is a political attack. And in the process, you reveal that you're the real thing. Blacks aren't people to you, they're political pawns for you to get more welfare. Then you turn around and fuck them with things like illegal immigration and the minimum wage. That's actual racism, pal. You're the real deal. You were one of the 20 Nazis who showed up to march in DC this weekend, weren't you, Grand Dragon?

The protest is about social justice.

The idea you lie & make it about the Anthem, country, troops etc, shows you could give a rat's ass about it.

What the fuck are blacks or minorities to you? Welfare recipients according to your post.
You give a pass to people that kneel, repeatedly, during a ritual that calls for people to stand to show respect and unity.

Yet hold Trump to a comment he made in the heat of the moment, and then IMMEDIATELY walked back.

You are a fucking asshole.
Wow, you really are quite the asswiupe. Trump trashed McCain more than once. He trashed a Gold Star Family. He trashed all POWS. He called a widow of a soldier whose body she had just met at the airport, a liar.
Donald Trump is a total asshole & so are you for supporting his trashing of veterans., Fuck you. Fuck your hate for America.

Wow, you really are quite the asswiupe. YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL THE WORD.

He trashed McCain's military service. That so what you.

You're running around " OMG OMG OMG players are kneeling OMG OMG disrespecting our troops OMG OMG OMG"

And you don't give a fuck when Trump trashes our veteran's service to this country.

I have never trashed a veteran's service. I have never trashed the parents whose son or daughter gave all in service to my country.

He said he prefers those who weren't captured. Now you resort to lying? Really asshole?

He insulted McCain in the heat of the moment and immediately walked it back.

Uh --- "walked it back"? Rump walked something back??


This oughta be a hoot. :popcorn:

Oh while you're at it why don't you essplain to the class how there can be a "heat of the moment" when his target isn't even present.

This oughta be a hoot too.

YOu never said something you really didn't mean because some one was being a dick to you?

Is RealDave the President?

Second point first, The bit about saying something in the heat of the moment, is not limited to, or from Presidents. D'uh.

First point. Quite often when libs ask for links, I dismiss it, because the use of asking for links for things everyone knows about, is a common abuse by the Left.

HOWEVER, in this case, the lie was so strong and constant, that I believe that you actually do not know that.

SO I went looking.

And what I found, supported your belief system.

DOZENS of articles on it, and every fucking one of them, too the tiniest phrase of Trump's out of context and then immediately filled up the rest of the article with spin and opinion.

FINALLY, I found one, that had at least a paragraph of context. And I hope you appreciate the respect I showed you and your request by taking it seriously.

Here it is.

Trump slams McCain at Family Leadership Summit

"After Trump claimed to have to have raised $1 million for McCain during his 2008 presidential run, interviewer Frank Luntz prompted: "He's a war hero."

"He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured," Trump said. "Perhaps he's a war hero, but right now, he's said bad things about a lot of people." "
Wow, you really are quite the asswiupe. Trump trashed McCain more than once. He trashed a Gold Star Family. He trashed all POWS. He called a widow of a soldier whose body she had just met at the airport, a liar.
Donald Trump is a total asshole & so are you for supporting his trashing of veterans., Fuck you. Fuck your hate for America.
Trump didn't trash veterans. He trashed two. McCain earned it. McCain is a wolf in sheep's clothing and always has been. You're a liar.

McCain earned his military service to be trashed?
Shat the fuck kind f shallow assfick are you that when you get mad at vet that you trash his service to this country.

He trashed evetu POW.

How many veterans does he has to trash before you remove your lips from Trump's ass?
Just one, McCain. Y'all never defended McCain until Trump thumped him. You guys weren't on his band wagon when he ran against Obungo. Phony hypocrites.

I supported McCain after he won the Primaries and ran against Obama. I defended him against the vile lies that left started spreading about him.

I voted for the old man. ANd he insulted me, because 8 years later, I supported a candidate he did not like.

That was a fucking dick move, and I am glad that Trump called him on it.

Oh REALLY. John McCain, the Senator from AridZona ..... "insulted you" did he?


Wow, full of yourself much or WHAT....

THAT'S not a serious request.

Yes, he insulted Trump supporters. Most of whom voted for his old ass, in 2008.

He deserved to be insulted back.
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

And Zimmerman was following Martin because he matched the fit the description of a series of break ins and robberies that had been occurring.

It is rarely mentioned, but it is quite possible that Martin was the robber and was casing houses that night.

Zimmerman's claim is that he was looking into windows, but I don't think he ever robbed any homes there because he just arrived shortly before being shot. Now........that doesn't mean I think he never thought about it or considered it, but I don't think he ever found an opportunity.

He probably did not rob any homes, THAT PARTICULAR VISIT.

What about other visits?

It is a perfect set up. A gated community, giving the false impression of security, but with a thug with family in the gated community to regularly visit.

He has a valid reason to be there, to roam around and check out the houses.
Trump didn't trash veterans. He trashed two. McCain earned it. McCain is a wolf in sheep's clothing and always has been. You're a liar.

McCain earned his military service to be trashed?
Shat the fuck kind f shallow assfick are you that when you get mad at vet that you trash his service to this country.

He trashed evetu POW.

How many veterans does he has to trash before you remove your lips from Trump's ass?
Just one, McCain. Y'all never defended McCain until Trump thumped him. You guys weren't on his band wagon when he ran against Obungo. Phony hypocrites.

I supported McCain after he won the Primaries and ran against Obama. I defended him against the vile lies that left started spreading about him.

I voted for the old man. ANd he insulted me, because 8 years later, I supported a candidate he did not like.

That was a fucking dick move, and I am glad that Trump called him on it.

Oh REALLY. John McCain, the Senator from AridZona ..... "insulted you" did he?


Wow, full of yourself much or WHAT....

THAT'S not a serious request.

Yes, he insulted Trump supporters. Most of whom voted for his old ass, in 2008.

He deserved to be insulted back.
This is what I love about you dumbass Trumpettes.

You are too fucking stupid to get that Trump could have struck back at John McCain by talking about his voting record as a Senator or something he has said.

But no,

That fast ass draft dodging POS attacked the service McCain gave to this country. A service your orange PIOS avoided at all costs.
When was this relating to the nfl players kneeling? Stupid fk
Even if you are not directly involved in an incident, you bear some responsibility for it occurring. Obviously, you don't have a problem loaning a car to a bank robber. Obviously, cops don't have a problem standing around watching a beating. And equally obviously, we have over 71 webpages of people not having a problem with police brutality, but do have a problem with NFL players protesting such brutality.

Ergo, they are partly responsible for police brutality.

Yes, brutality you can't point out.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.

But OP did make a good point, is that all they do to advance concerns is take a knee during game but nothing on their own time, plus Trump did offer anyone of them to come to him with ideas to fix whatever problem they’re protesting, but not one has came to talk. Yeah these guys are really concerned about fixing things as long as it’s not on their dime!

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Exactly WHERE do you get this cockamamie idea that "they do nothing on their own time" just because you didn't happen to see a USMB thread about it?? That's about the stupidest idea I've seen posted all day. So again, the still-standing challenge is ---- prove that negative.
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