NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

And if USA won't tolerate Trump's snowflake brigades trying to steal valor from the military to justify bigotry? What then? I mean, you've stooped low before, but this is kind of a new low for you.

No matter. This will all fade in a week, when the Trumpflakes get their orders to get poutraged over something new. In the meantime, Kaepernick is a national hero, the issue of police brutality is front and center again, and Trump looks even more petty, weak and immoral. Liberals are pleased with that outcome, and we thank you for helping make it happen.

And respecting or disrespecting the anthem and flag have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement or police brutality. It is probably one of the stupidest attempts to show disrespect to law enforcement.

Also, why weren’t you and others supporting the rights of the NYC police when they turned their backs on the NYC mayor?

More proof that liberals are dead and lefties have prevailed.

All hail the regressive left!
Important things need protested and discussed, like cotton displays in craft stores.
Important things need protested and discussed, like cotton displays in craft stores.

Everything is an outrage if it doesn't promote the liberal agenda. No cotton displays but it's okay for a Dem senator to say she hopes that Trump is assassinated.

Some people must go through life looking for things to be offended by. And they have quite the imaginations sometimes. A liberal rag just published an opinion piece claiming that marriage is for the privileged. They were talking about how women don't marry the baby daddies because they do not have white privilege. Of course, they won't acknowledge that big government promoting dependence is the main culprit when it comes to the breakdown of minority families.

Facts don't play into things these days. It's all about feelings and believing they are victims.

Obama started the race war right after getting into office. He got involved in a routine, and justified, police matter when the Cambridge police were doing their job. He put a painting up in the WH to remind people that America was racist. Instead of celebrating the fact that he was the first black president, and got elected because of white people voting for him, he decided to act like nothing had changed in 50 years. Then he got involved in the Trayvon Martin case by commenting on it. George Zimmerman is Hispanic but was magically transformed into an average white guy to fuel the racial tensions.

Of course, after that, every case of police shootings were instantly turned into racist acts by evil cops. Never mind that most are justified and the facts proved it. Once everyone made assumptions, the facts were no longer relevant. Many lies persist to this day regarding the circumstances.

The left vilifies people by first choosing a real enemy. Like saying it's good to hate Nazis, then turning around and convincing people that conservatives are Nazis so you should hate them, too. Because of a tiny percent of cops being bad, it's suddenly okay to hate them all.

There weren't enough instances of true racism so they started with the bullshit about microaggressions and then finally claiming that whites are born racist. Whiteness is evil and scary. Can't defend yourself from that because the left is stating it as fact.

The left always mocked southerners for being stupid but it didn't generate enough hate. So, they declared that anyone with a Confederate flag was racist, knowing how popular the flags are in the south. That turned millions of people into racists and it's okay to hate them all.

Now, you are impugned if you don't go along with the riots and protests, like the sole football player who stood for the national anthem while his lame teammates stayed in the locker room. Now patriots are villains.

Gun owners are villains, especially members of the NRA. Okay to hate and attack them.

It's okay to attack Christians because they've been painted as bigots.

The left likes to paint as many people as possible as enemies so they find ways to vilify entire groups of people.

So, we went from a handful of real racists to all white people being racists. Neat trick, huh? It helps to further divide and pit people against each other. If the left regains power, this country is going down.

The solution they will offer for the civil unrest and chaos in the streets is more government control and less freedom. Just like the solution to the healthcare mess, that Obamacare made far worse, is government control over healthcare. Obama already attempted to have government control over the private sector. He got CEOs fired and was behind closing a lot of businesses. Of course, the global warming bullshit solutions are designed to reach deeper into our pockets to redistribute the wealth and allow government to control all energy.

Energy, food, industry and healthcare. When government controls these things, they control the people completely. Of course, the people must be unarmed for government to succeed but they are still working on that. If they get their way, we are done. No more freedom and liberty. Just socialist hell. And everything that has happened has been geared toward making that reality. It is literally in the book. And too many fail to see the big picture.
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Not sure why the Right would want to be as intolerant to opposing views as the Regressive Left.
You have no freedom of speech at work.
We could just live and let live, allow people to express themselves as long as it doesn't (really) affect us. Being "offended" doesn't count.

There's always an excuse to try to shut someone up.

You can not protest at your work place because you are not being paid to express your opposition to a policy or make a political statement. Owners set the policy their paid "employees", or players who work for them must follow during company time. You wish to protest I guarantee you the company you work for would ask you do it at your own time ... not in their place of business and definitely not to be associated with their company's views How many employees of a business do you personally see trying to make a public specticle by expressing what they feel needs to happen according to their own personal view? Name for me a few businesses that allow employee protests to occur to distract from, and impose their views contrary to what customers came there for? Contrary to what you might think, customers don't have to tolerate what you may personally think needs to happen out of protest, when they can take their business ... and dollars ... elsewhere.
It doesn't matter. What matters is the individual company. Jerry Jones took a knee with the Cowboys last night.
If exercising your rights under the Constitution cannot be tolerated, what good are those rights.

Nice try.
As the old saying have the right to do it, but that does not make it right to do so.

Every NFL player, as a citizen of this country, has the right to protest all manner of things they don't like.
And despite you, and many like you, trying to frame the argument into whether they have a right or not...that isn't what people are angry about. And no one, besides you guys, are trying to remove any rights.
They have aright to protest, and we have a right to not like it and CHOOSE not to watch them do it.
It is that simple.
You want to force people to watch it? - See how that works?

These players are among the most privileged people in America. They have been given more than they could possibly deserve, by simply playing a game. That is their only job. The American public is who gives them the $millions they make. They are stupid enough to make fake gestures and faux outrage by pulling stunts that the majority of people take issue with how they do it???
Then they must face the wrath of the very hand that feeds them.

If these spoiled children are so interested in unfair treatment of minorities, as they see it, then they can use some of those $millions to start non profit organizations to do something about it. These people can get cameras and microphones in front of them any day of the week. But no, instead, they choose to "protest" by refusing to respect the flag. Which will only create MORE DIVISION!!!!!!!!
And it has.

Nice try.

Whenever a discussion of the wealthy paying taxes comes up conservatives are "it's none of your business how much they pay in taxes". Citizen's United? Well corporations are wealthy people. But when it's something you don't like then wealth suddenly is fair game.

They are exercising their rights, don't like it turn the channel and watch wrestling on Fox. Just admit it, you want these people to shut up because it makes you uncomfortable because they are right about much of what they are saying. You just don't want to hear it. Turn the channel. I'd say turn the tv off and read a book but with conservatives I already know this is a non-starter.

Who is being forced to watch tv at all, let alone a particular show? Nobody. You choose to watch so you can get angry and have something to push against. It feels so good to have some righteous indignation about something eh. Whatever. Cons shouldn't even have anything to talk about here, you should have turned the channel the moment you saw someone kneeling. But you didn't.

You exercised your freedom of choice. Tada.

No they are not right
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.
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The NFL players are doing what they feel is right, protesting how police act towards the citizens...The cops have decided to ignore complaints and so we have national protest...It's nothing new...We have had to protest their actions before and they need to get the message that just because they are law enforcement they do not get to act in any manner they so please..
Lets go back to a better time.

Which is.........**cricketts**


Like when Babe met Don?



The "divide" is clearly between those who love our country and those who love to PISS on our country.
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.
you're starting to sound like shades of me. :) except i know we'll wake up. we've already been here, done this, and got through it just fine. it was the late 60s and early 70s. the "tone" of the people was pretty much the same. some things never change.

the only downside is after it did "end" we got disco.

i hope that part does not repeat...
Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

Exactly Mac, the whole system is turned upside down, the way things should work is that the common citizenry unite to fracture centers of power that become too dominant and thus threaten the life, liberty and property of the citizenry. Instead what we have is vast centers of political and economic supremacy that fracture the common citizenry into mindless herds and pit them against each other.

It's us against us and the political elite and the special interests that control them are laughing at us and why shouldn't they? We've demonstrated that we don't deserve to govern ourselves and are just the clueless sheeple that they believe we are.

Welcome to the United States of Oligarchy and its legions of pom-pom waiving, slogan slinging, partisan serfs.

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.
Very well said. The government is a reflection of us. If we want a better government, then we have to become a better society. If we want a better society, then we have to be a better person in our own lives.

Just don't look to me for answers, because I'm an asshole.
Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

Exactly Mac, the whole system is turned upside down, the way things should work is that the common citizenry unite to fracture centers of power that become too dominant and thus threaten the life, liberty and property of the citizenry. Instead what we have is vast centers of political and economic supremacy that fracture the common citizenry into mindless herds and pit them against each other.

It's us against us and the political elite and the special interests that control them are laughing at us and why shouldn't they? We've demonstrated that we don't deserve to govern ourselves and are just the clueless sheeple that they believe we are.

Welcome to the United States of Oligarchy and its legions of pom-pom waiving, slogan slinging, partisan serfs.

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
A few here are inferring that it's no big deal. Maybe we shouldn't take all this so seriously - just partisan bullshit, huh?

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