NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.
the problem is that for both sides to unite someone has to eat their ideology. How does white America reconcile millionaire protesting by showing disrespect for the country, the flag and those who served in the military? It is not possible. Especially when you consider that those who are protesting are the only ones that can effect the outcome of the protest. Whitey isn't going to solve the problems that face the black community, it will take blacks actually doing something other then pissing off white America.

Do I think cops should shoot unarmed blacks, no, I don't think they should shoot anyone unarmed, like happened to the white kid just the other day. Do I think blacks should sell drugs on the street corner? Hell no, but what can I do about it? Do I think that black men should abandon their families? Hell no but what am I to do about it? Maybe I could help with black illiteracy but I think that is a self motivation problem.

Here is a solution. A poor person could live fairly well on 50K. Anyone can live very well on 1 million a year. So if those so concerned, black and white, kept 1 million for themselves and gave the rest to poor families then they would really be making a difference in a lot of lives. Communities could be rebuilt with that kinda money. For each million 20 families could be raised out of poverty. THAT would make a difference.

So I don't see how we come together when the views are so diametrically opposed.
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.
You make an excellent point, Mac. The bigger picture in all of this is that we are a nation divided. I counted the poll numbers last night on what others thought about consequences to the NFL players and it was 25 - do nothing while the rest voted varying degrees - whatever they were - 26. That is pretty much a split down the middle and that is what I see happening to this country. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Neither can a nation. Here we are on the precipice of a war with NK which could ultimately lead to war with China and then Russia - worst case scenario - and the country is being distracted with bread and circuses. It would be wise to take a step back and look at what is at stake here. The NFL is just another indicator that our nation is in trouble and the people are clearly divided on multitudes of issues. America is facing formidable enemies and I'm sure they are noticing (if not even promoting) the divisive state our nation is currently in. Again a house divided against itself cannot stand. Clearly we are already there.
There are people who say that this is essentially normal, that we've always been divided. Yes, there have always been divisions, but they're ignoring the significance of degree here. The divisions are deeper and wider right now, and clearly growing by the day. The bigger problem, to me, is that there is virtually no one trying to step into the breach and trying to promote healing.

Right now, all the energy is going into making things worse. I wonder how long that continues, and what remains at that point.
I don't know, the country was pretty divided in 1861.
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.
You make an excellent point, Mac. The bigger picture in all of this is that we are a nation divided. I counted the poll numbers last night on what others thought about consequences to the NFL players and it was 25 - do nothing while the rest voted varying degrees - whatever they were - 26. That is pretty much a split down the middle and that is what I see happening to this country. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Neither can a nation. Here we are on the precipice of a war with NK which could ultimately lead to war with China and then Russia - worst case scenario - and the country is being distracted with bread and circuses. It would be wise to take a step back and look at what is at stake here. The NFL is just another indicator that our nation is in trouble and the people are clearly divided on multitudes of issues. America is facing formidable enemies and I'm sure they are noticing (if not even promoting) the divisive state our nation is currently in. Again a house divided against itself cannot stand. Clearly we are already there.
There are people who say that this is essentially normal, that we've always been divided. Yes, there have always been divisions, but they're ignoring the significance of degree here. The divisions are deeper and wider right now, and clearly growing by the day. The bigger problem, to me, is that there is virtually no one trying to step into the breach and trying to promote healing.

Right now, all the energy is going into making things worse. I wonder how long that continues, and what remains at that point.
I don't know, the country was pretty divided in 1861.
and during the civil rights era

and during the hippy era/vietnam era

and during the civil war era

its all relative to the observor and what they wish to focus on.

mac focuses on media.

others go outdoors, and for the most part folks are getting along just dandy.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.

It's a symptom alright. A symptom of institutional racism. The same people who have outrage over a silent protest at a ball game are the very same people who have outrage over the idea that black lives matter.
No one is angry that anyone disrespected the flag, that's just the cover story. They're really angry that black men have the audacity to disrupt their entertainment.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
Yup. What concerns me a bit here is how many people are perfectly happy with the way things are going. That tells me that they've completely bought into their "side's" dogma and are willing to push this towards some conclusion - presumably the permanent "victory" of their "side". Somehow.

I guess something like that is possible, but I think it's more likely it isn't, and that what remains won't be pretty.
I don't want to take away from the furious outrage that has once again gripped the country (this time over some guys in shoulder pads making a "statement"), but I'd just like to point out that this it's just another symptom of a much larger problem.

This country is fractured, it's in pieces, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

We can blame the "other guys" all we want, but our words and actions are our own. NO ONE is making us behave this way.

Those who want to see us divided are winning, big, and we're just being willing, obedient sheep in the whole thing.

We've become so controlled and paralyzed by our egos and our dogma and our rage that we've completely lost each other. And worse, we're willing participants. I wonder if we'll wake up before it's too late.

It's a symptom alright. A symptom of institutional racism. The same people who have outrage over a silent protest at a ball game are the very same people who have outrage over the idea that black lives matter.
No one is angry that anyone disrespected the flag, that's just the cover story. They're really angry that black men have the audacity to disrupt their entertainment.
An example of my point.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
OK, what is the disease?

Let me take a guess, white intolerance.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
Yup. What concerns me a bit here is how many people are perfectly happy with the way things are going. That tells me that they've completely bought into their "side's" dogma and are willing to push this towards some conclusion - presumably the permanent "victory" of their "side".

I guess something like that is possible, but I think it's more likely it isn't, and that what remains won't be pretty.
Its just that some people can handle a diversity of opinions.

Others think that a diversity of opinions means their world's going to collapse.

Youre the latter, and so you sensationalize and strawman the former.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
Yup. What concerns me a bit here is how many people are perfectly happy with the way things are going. That tells me that they've completely bought into their "side's" dogma and are willing to push this towards some conclusion - presumably the permanent "victory" of their "side". Somehow.

I guess something like that is possible, but I think it's more likely it isn't, and that what remains won't be pretty.
By all means, provide us with the information on what white America has to do to make the problems for black Americans go away? Move back to Europe?
The OP wants everyone in some sort of middle where you can't tell one party from the other.

I thought that in and of itself was one of the condemnations of the Washington establishment.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
Yup. What concerns me a bit here is how many people are perfectly happy with the way things are going. That tells me that they've completely bought into their "side's" dogma and are willing to push this towards some conclusion - presumably the permanent "victory" of their "side".

I guess something like that is possible, but I think it's more likely it isn't, and that what remains won't be pretty.
Its just that some people can handle a diversity of opinions.

Others think that a diversity of opinions means their world's going to collapse.

Youre the latter, and so you sensationalize and strawman the former.
Always interesting, thanks.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
Yup. What concerns me a bit here is how many people are perfectly happy with the way things are going. That tells me that they've completely bought into their "side's" dogma and are willing to push this towards some conclusion - presumably the permanent "victory" of their "side". Somehow.

I guess something like that is possible, but I think it's more likely it isn't, and that what remains won't be pretty.
By all means, provide us with the information on what white America has to do to make the problems for black Americans go away? Move back to Europe?
Nothing can be done. Beat the other side, that's your only option.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
Yup. What concerns me a bit here is how many people are perfectly happy with the way things are going. That tells me that they've completely bought into their "side's" dogma and are willing to push this towards some conclusion - presumably the permanent "victory" of their "side". Somehow.

I guess something like that is possible, but I think it's more likely it isn't, and that what remains won't be pretty.
By all means, provide us with the information on what white America has to do to make the problems for black Americans go away? Move back to Europe?
Nothing can be done. Beat the other side, that's your only option.
You are the one being all high and mighty. I don't have a solution nor control over the situation. What in the hell do those highly paid athletes, playing a game expect white America to do that has not already been done.

So get you magic 8 ball out and tell us what you want done by white America.
I think what Mac is doing with his OP is addressing the disease itself and not the symptoms. Treating the symptoms without identifying the disease is like putting salve and a band aid on gangrene.
Yup. What concerns me a bit here is how many people are perfectly happy with the way things are going. That tells me that they've completely bought into their "side's" dogma and are willing to push this towards some conclusion - presumably the permanent "victory" of their "side". Somehow.

I guess something like that is possible, but I think it's more likely it isn't, and that what remains won't be pretty.
By all means, provide us with the information on what white America has to do to make the problems for black Americans go away? Move back to Europe?
Nothing can be done. Beat the other side, that's your only option.
You are the one being all high and mighty. I don't have a solution nor control over the situation. What in the hell do those highly paid athletes, playing a game expect white America to do that has not already been done.

So get you magic 8 ball out and tell us what you want done by white America.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way. We're just not as angry and loud as you folks are.

What worries me is that you have to ask someone else what to do here. Since I already know that my answer - communicate, listen, understand, cooperate - is not your cup of tea, I don't have any other ideas for you.
I like the way shits going.

Racial tension's always been here, its nothing new.

Police forces, if you have your ear to it....are addressing their tactics. Installing body cameras, prosecuting via internal affairs more than ever.

There's no racial "rules" to where you can live or what businesses you can patron.

We 're still allowed to be as disrespectful to our NON Royal Politicians... with no legal recourse, as ever.

Violent Crime rates are on the average, to below average scale for all of the 2000s.

We are still electing both "sides" to office on a fluctuating scale.

The internet has made a diversity of opinions way more widespread, and easier to find.

Youtube's given more a voice, and at least a place to vent.

Science, and the futurists working in the field, are doing AMAZING things which will shape the world in a COMPLETELY different way, if you at all keep up with the modern advances. Specifically, computers and the brain sciences are merging.

This is literally the best time probably ever to live in America.
The OP wants everyone in some sort of middle where you can't tell one party from the other.I thought that in and of itself was one of the condemnations of the Washington establishment.
Crap, I am going to have to agree with you.
The first line of my sig, illustrated beautifully, again.
Mac, you have fallen off the wagon, how does me, a conservative, agreeing with a rabid liberal prove you point? It actually proves otherwise.

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