NFL Owners Considering Rule Change Requiring Players to Stand for National Anthem

Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

It's BEEN an NFL rule for a couple decades.. Did you miss that part??

Nope, it hasn't. Not even a rule now. Fatter o' mact until 2009 players were still in the locker room during the anthem. That year, somebody thought it would be "marketable" to have them out on the field standing. Because at base it never was about patriotism; it was about "what will sell" to the unwashed.


Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Like I said -- it's BEEN in the manual for game operations for quite some time. And VERY SPECIFIC. Like the part about "holding helmets in the left hand".. It IS a statement of what is "marketable". Because the NFL is a fucking business.

Yeah yeah yeah we debunked that weeks ago. The NFL rule book (which I linked at the time) contains nothing whatsoever about a national anthem at all. And this "game operations manual" has never been linked, is not available to the general public, is here (and everywhere else quoted) attributed to "an NFL spokesperson" who has no name, and even if we accept this iffy source --- it says nothing about "standing" anyway.

But no, it's definitely not the rule book. Anywhere. If it were ---- there would be no point in the Commissioner's letter in the OP about a "rule change". You can't "change" something into what it already is.

Then there's the timeline. 2009 cannot be encompassed in "the last couple of decades". Someday it will be though.

It's not the NFL rulebook. It's an Operations Manual for procedures on Game Days. And it IS PROPRIETARY. That's why it's not linked. But it's been LEAKED and ACKNOWLEDGED.. It can't be debunked. Because NFL officials are LEAKING that part. Like other parts of the "Policy Manual for Member Clubs" .. Like in the link below.

All in All --- this RULE is better sourced than 90% of what appears about Trump gossip in the fucking NYTimes.

What the heck is the the “game operations manual”? Officially titled “Policy Manual for Member Clubs,” it’s not a document easily accessed from the NFL website, like the NFL rulebook is. Indeed, the only current portion of the document publicly available is the short anthem-related portion the league has been feeding to various sources for several weeks. But the policy—the NFL is clear to define it as such, rather than “rule”—hasn’t always been phrased that way.

We have a copy of the 2014 edition of the game operations guide thanks to court records from the lawsuit over the Tom Brady suspension:

View attachment upload_2017-10-15_0-28-55.gif
Nope, it hasn't. Not even a rule now. Fatter o' mact until 2009 players were still in the locker room during the anthem. That year, somebody thought it would be "marketable" to have them out on the field standing. Because at base it never was about patriotism; it was about "what will sell" to the unwashed.


Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Like I said -- it's BEEN in the manual for game operations for quite some time. And VERY SPECIFIC. Like the part about "holding helmets in the left hand".. It IS a statement of what is "marketable". Because the NFL is a fucking business.
And as a business it is left to the NFL's discretion to enforce current rules or not or leave them to interpretation. Our president should not be directing them like a dictator.

When it comes to the ONE UNIFYING affirmation to country -- the one that only takes a couple minutes to perform -- it's worth weighing on politically. OR -- it becomes a target for those that seek DIVISION and POLARIZATION.. Whoever "they" are... :happy-1:

Dafuck's a national anthem got to do with a football game in the first place?

I've posed that question all over the board. No one can answer it.

Be the first.

It's a tradition. Nothing wrong with tradition. You have a sporting event. 1/2 the stadium is packed with fans who want to KILL the other 1/2 ----- Great time to remind the warring tribes that they are ALL Americans.

Simple. Most folks don't mind. Traditions are part of the culture. Ain't unique to America either.

Eight years of marketing practice isn't a "tradition".

Again the question was, what's it got to do with a football game? In any year at all?

If the anthem is not played and the game starts anyway --- does the game not count?

I've been to many a music concert, theater play and even occasionally a movie. Took my seat with everybody else for the show. Nobody ever played a national anthem before the concert, play or movie started. Can those venues be charged with treason?

I went to a grocery store the other day. Nobody played the national anthem as I walked in. Should that store be shut down?

I played Little League baseball as a kid. None of them began with a national anthem. Does this mean that monster shot I hit off the top of the wall and got thrown out at second base --- never happened? I'll meetchya halfway on this one, because that was embarrassing.

Now the correct answer of course is that nobody played a national anthem at these concerts,, plays, movie theaters, grocery store or Little League baseball games, because there would be no reason to. It's not related to the event in any way.

Now connect the dots.

Or put another way --- if you were told it was "tradition" to knock yourself in the head 17 times with a two-by-four at the stadium before the game begins..... would you do it, or would you question why?

Well you're quoting third party vendors while I'm posting actual attendance figures.

That's interesting. Some news sources claim ticket sales are down, but others claim ticket sales are fine, and your source shows they are fine as well.

Maybe the real drop has been viewership only.
Well we were talking about attendance, not viewership. The figures I posted were based on the number of bodies passing through turn styles, where are not hurting. As far as viewership is concerned, I don't know that that's down either. TV viewership is down, but online streaming is is becoming more popular; so for all I can tell, viewership is merely shifting from TV to streaming.

We examined this a while back. TV viewership has been down for NFL although it's only now getting into football weather and passing out of baseball season.

What these false association fallacists fail to mention is that TV viewership for baseball is also down. And TV viewership for basketball is also down. And TV viewership for hockey is also down. Even NASCAR TV viewership is down. So this is a general trend, certainly due in part to new alternative media platforms (that all have pursued vigorously), but they like to cherrypick the one out of the group so they can trot out a bogus causation theory that they think makes a point.
I can watch games now on my phone; which of course, reduce TV ratings but not viewership.

A foreign concept to rightards.

No it's not a "foreign concept", but I would much rather watch a game on a large screen with big sound. That is unless you're talking about streaming, and then sending the picture to a large monitor.

That's exactly what I do. And that doesn't show up in anybody's "ratings".
It's BEEN an NFL rule for a couple decades.. Did you miss that part??

Nope, it hasn't. Not even a rule now. Fatter o' mact until 2009 players were still in the locker room during the anthem. That year, somebody thought it would be "marketable" to have them out on the field standing. Because at base it never was about patriotism; it was about "what will sell" to the unwashed.


Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Like I said -- it's BEEN in the manual for game operations for quite some time. And VERY SPECIFIC. Like the part about "holding helmets in the left hand".. It IS a statement of what is "marketable". Because the NFL is a fucking business.
And as a business it is left to the NFL's discretion to enforce current rules or not or leave them to interpretation. Our president should not be directing them like a dictator.

When it comes to the ONE UNIFYING affirmation to country -- the one that only takes a couple minutes to perform -- it's worth weighing on politically. OR -- it becomes a target for those that seek DIVISION and POLARIZATION.. Whoever "they" are... :happy-1:
It is sad our president has chosen to inflame the whole thing and make it more divisive for political gain.

I totally agree with that. He seems to thrive on demagoguery and scrapping on things that don't need more magnifying. But, part of that is the demeanor of entrepreneurs, and part of that is being a New Yorker. :badgrin: The only more contentious people on the planet live in Paris.

He "pushes back" because it works to OPPOSE the media complex that has pushed so hard in the opposite directions without a lot of resistance or competition. It's not just a political issues war anymore. It's a broader culture war and the polarization that tracks the massive, ever-widening political divide.

It the full Monte Populist messaging.

In this case, the aim is to SLOW the PURGING of symbols, traditions, and other landmarks on the public commons. Same deal with the statues or the PURGE of key figures in American History.

I'm not on either side of the pushing. But I got limits to what SHOULD be retained and what can be purged.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

The un-American leftists tired to push their bullshit Agenda on America though professional sports, and got promptly Trump stamped.

Another win for President Trump and the American people.

That was the DoD that did that. And they got their collective clock cleaned for it.

Rump was still trying on various shades of orange face pancake makeup :gay: when that was exposed two years ago.

How did the DoD get their "collective clock cleaned" for it?

No one is upset about the anthem being played, except un-American crybabies like yourself. This whole issue has just exposed the far left for what they really are. I can't wait to see the next (D)-bag candidates defend this crap in the next election cycle.
The problem is real simple -----

Some NFL players had a valid protest they wanted to make.

They chose the wrong method of protest. Their message was lost in the turmoil.

Now, they can't figure out how to admit they screwed up the protest.

Pretty simple - just blame somebody else.

It's the liberal way.

These are not even the "right messengers". They, as an elite club have far too many of their own "law enforcement issues" to be credible on this topic. Over 800 arrests for non-trivial infractions since 2000. MOST buried by the NFL and the PR handlers who promise the court that the offenders will "redeem themselves" with "programs, rehab, counseling".

That's 800+ arrests in a club with maybe 900 members. They have an innate bias against law enforcement. One that MAY or MAY NOT get in way of objective dissent.

They need to clean their house before REJECTING the ENTIRE country, it's flag and it's traditions. I think there are FAR BETTER messengers to present the case for law/process reform than these guys.
Eight years of marketing practice isn't a "tradition".

I didn't say that. The tradition is obvious. Applies to most ALL sporting events. Is not UNIQUE to the NFL or even to America. It is an opportunity to show RESPECT for the country and UNITY of purpose.

People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.

Govt sucks. That's my view. It's slow, it's largely over-extended in what it thinks is "it's business" and LATELY it's all about obtaining, retaining and increasing it's power and hold on people's lives and NOT about LEADERSHIP or solving issues. The 2 parties have colluded to deepen the divisions between us and give up on leading and actually governing.

Leadership is NOT about polarizing and dividing. But that is what the core problem here. NO ONE is seriously working on judicial reform or making "the system" more responsive to communities of limited economic means. NEVER WILL be discussed with the current 2 party, corrupt inept system in place. You could tear up the ENTIRE country and it's symbols, history, traditions and STILL NOT solve a fucking thing.
I gotta be honest......I like football but have not been inclined to watch the NFL since the kneeling. I might watch the Superbowl though IF it's 'Kneelers 'against 'Standers.' That would be good sport. Someone tell Goodell.
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I played Little League baseball as a kid. None of them began with a national anthem

But YET --- if you've were as good as you THOUGHT you were -- you'd end up in the Little League National Playoffs. Where the National Anthem IS PLAYED and the flag honored. I see only great harm and MORE division if the cultural Purgers succeed in knocking down that tradition.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
NFL Owners Considering Rule Change Requiring Players to Stand for National Anthem

WAIL as they might,
WHINE as they might,
The ball just keeps inexorably rolling over the heads of liberals everywhere.

Another epic fail for the Left again as Donald Trump marches on ------ STILL your American President.

I love it.

Why don't you join blondie here in celebration...........

"Those who ignore history.................."

Catchy tune. What does it have to do with The NFL requiring the employees to stand reverently with the Anthem is sung?
If you don't like what you are required to do as part of your job, you are free to quit. If what you are required to do is against your beliefs or morals, then leave. You decide what is more important to you, money or your beliefs.

Well you're quoting third party vendors while I'm posting actual attendance figures.

That's interesting. Some news sources claim ticket sales are down, but others claim ticket sales are fine, and your source shows they are fine as well.

Maybe the real drop has been viewership only.
Well we were talking about attendance, not viewership. The figures I posted were based on the number of bodies passing through turn styles, where are not hurting. As far as viewership is concerned, I don't know that that's down either. TV viewership is down, but online streaming is is becoming more popular; so for all I can tell, viewership is merely shifting from TV to streaming.

We examined this a while back. TV viewership has been down for NFL although it's only now getting into football weather and passing out of baseball season.

What these false association fallacists fail to mention is that TV viewership for baseball is also down. And TV viewership for basketball is also down. And TV viewership for hockey is also down. Even NASCAR TV viewership is down. So this is a general trend, certainly due in part to new alternative media platforms (that all have pursued vigorously), but they like to cherrypick the one out of the group so they can trot out a bogus causation theory that they think makes a point.
I can watch games now on my phone; which of course, reduce TV ratings but not viewership.

A foreign concept to rightards.

No it's not a "foreign concept", but I would much rather watch a game on a large screen with big sound. That is unless you're talking about streaming, and then sending the picture to a large monitor.
No, you misunderstood. I’m not saying the ability to stream the games is a foreign concept to cons; nor am I saying watching it on a TV or monitor instead of being at the game is — I’m saying the impact streaming has on TV ratings is. Hell, you just proved my point by not understanding my point.

People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

What a pity so many just can’t absorb that concept.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
The NFL is allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. The NFL is allowing players to exercise their First Amendment rights in this fashion. If you don’t like that, you have the right to not watch the game — but if you do that, you’re a hypocrite for exercising your rights in protest of someone else exercising theirs.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

What a pity so many just can’t absorb that concept.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
The NFL is allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. The NFL is allowing players to exercise their First Amendment rights in this fashion. If you don’t like that, you have the right to not watch the game — but if you do that, you’re a hypocrite for exercising your rights in protest of someone else exercising theirs.
The NFL outlawed their first amendment rights and forbidden them from putting ribbons on their shoes in tribute to 911 victims.

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