NFL Owners Considering Rule Change Requiring Players to Stand for National Anthem

People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
Try listening to yourself....

"And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."


I gave you a link to the official rule book -- quote where it says that...

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..
Nice try to attempt to spin my words into something I never said.


I never said that their First Amendment rights are protected while on the job. In fact, I even pointed out the NFL has the right to not allow them to protest. But the NFL is allowing it and they are indeed expressing their First Amendment rights.

Which is what brave Americans have fought and bled for.

What a shame you can't understand that. :dunno:
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..

When Jerry Jones joined the team, coaches on the field for a symbolic kneel AFTER the anthem -- that's probably OK with the NFL. When the boss says we're going back to the concentrating on the GAME -- that's the end of it..
So? In never said otherwise.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
Try listening to yourself....

"And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."


I gave you a link to the official rule book -- quote where it says that...

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..
Nice try to attempt to spin my words into something I never said.


I never said that their First Amendment rights are protected while on the job. In fact, I even pointed out the NFL has the right to not allow them to protest. But the NFL is allowing it and they are indeed expressing their First Amendment rights.

Which is what brave Americans have fought and bled for.

What a shame you can't understand that. :dunno:

Now you're being intentionally dumb. It's not in the rules of football. It's in CORPORATE manuals for operations on game day. And you KNOW that. You're just promulgating the lie that got you by.. Nice try. Doesn't fly. By -try - fly...
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
Try listening to yourself....

"And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."


I gave you a link to the official rule book -- quote where it says that...

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..
Nice try to attempt to spin my words into something I never said.


I never said that their First Amendment rights are protected while on the job. In fact, I even pointed out the NFL has the right to not allow them to protest. But the NFL is allowing it and they are indeed expressing their First Amendment rights.

Which is what brave Americans have fought and bled for.

What a shame you can't understand that. :dunno:

Now you're being intentionally dumb. It's not in the rules of football. It's in CORPORATE manuals for operations on game day. And you KNOW that. You're just promulgating the lie that got you by.. Nice try. Doesn't fly. By -try - fly...

I'm quoting you ... soooo .... if I sound dumb ..............


But again ... YOU SAID, "the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."

So show me where the rule book says that........
They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
Try listening to yourself....

"And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."


I gave you a link to the official rule book -- quote where it says that...

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..
Nice try to attempt to spin my words into something I never said.


I never said that their First Amendment rights are protected while on the job. In fact, I even pointed out the NFL has the right to not allow them to protest. But the NFL is allowing it and they are indeed expressing their First Amendment rights.

Which is what brave Americans have fought and bled for.

What a shame you can't understand that. :dunno:

Now you're being intentionally dumb. It's not in the rules of football. It's in CORPORATE manuals for operations on game day. And you KNOW that. You're just promulgating the lie that got you by.. Nice try. Doesn't fly. By -try - fly...

I'm quoting you ... soooo .... if I sound dumb ..............


But again ... YOU SAID, "the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."

So show me where the rule book says that........

Now you've past dumb and you're just trolling me. MULTIPLE rule books exist. Not just the one that explains a "safety or field goal"..
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
Try listening to yourself....

"And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."


I gave you a link to the official rule book -- quote where it says that...

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..
Nice try to attempt to spin my words into something I never said.


I never said that their First Amendment rights are protected while on the job. In fact, I even pointed out the NFL has the right to not allow them to protest. But the NFL is allowing it and they are indeed expressing their First Amendment rights.

Which is what brave Americans have fought and bled for.

What a shame you can't understand that. :dunno:

Now you're being intentionally dumb. It's not in the rules of football. It's in CORPORATE manuals for operations on game day. And you KNOW that. You're just promulgating the lie that got you by.. Nice try. Doesn't fly. By -try - fly...

I'm quoting you ... soooo .... if I sound dumb ..............


But again ... YOU SAID, "the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."

So show me where the rule book says that........

Now you've past dumb and you're just trolling me. MULTIPLE rule books exist. Not just the one that explains a "safety or field goal"..
There is only one rule book. There may be other operational handbooks, but there's only one rule book -- which you claimed states, "the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony."

I can see now you were merely full of shit.

Thanks for the confirmation.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
Do Hooters girls get to protest their revealing "sexist" outfits as a sign of protest? No they don't. You are obviously too ignorant understand that the NFL is a PRIVATE entity.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

What a pity so many just can’t absorb that concept.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
The NFL is allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. The NFL is allowing players to exercise their First Amendment rights in this fashion. If you don’t like that, you have the right to not watch the game — but if you do that, you’re a hypocrite for exercising your rights in protest of someone else exercising theirs.
You and the unpatriotic players are going to lose this argument.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

What a pity so many just can’t absorb that concept.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
The NFL is allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. The NFL is allowing players to exercise their First Amendment rights in this fashion. If you don’t like that, you have the right to not watch the game — but if you do that, you’re a hypocrite for exercising your rights in protest of someone else exercising theirs.
You and the unpatriotic players are going to lose this argument.

You sound like a whiney bitch. Go gum someone else’s ankles.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.

Again --- the Rule Book makes no mention of "pomp and ceremony". It makes no mention of a national anthem at all. What it does mention is stuff like what constitutes a foul on a passing play. No amount of claiming this rule book says stuff it doesn't say makes it say stuff retroactively. And even if you could do that, "respect" is a subjective term. You can't quantify it.

In fact --- here it is. Happy huntin'.

Now for another refutation of your point let's go to ----- you

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
First it's in the rule book, then in a matter of seconds, it isn't.

Yes it's a mythical document that no one can show and has been "quoted" by one guy who has no name.

Which brings us back to the question you (and everybody) keep avoiding like the plague, that being ---- wtf does a national anthem have to do with a sports event?

Diga me this --- if we were invaded by Canada and under peaceful Canadian occupation -- eh --- .... would that make us unable to play a football game? Or a baseball game? Could we stilll however play hockey? Eh?
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People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.

Again --- the Rule Book makes no mention of "pomp and ceremony". It makes no mention of a national anthem at all. What it does mention is stuff like what constitutes a foul on a passing play. No amount of claiming this rule book says stuff it doesn't say makes it say stuff retroactively. And even if you could do that, "respect" is a subjective term. You can't quantify it.

In fact --- here it is. Happy huntin'.

Now for another refutation of your point let's go to ----- you

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
First it's in the rule book, then in a matter of seconds, it isn't.

Yes it's a mythical document that no one can show and has been "quoted" by one guy who has no name.

Which brings us back to the question you (and everybody) keep avoiding like the plague, that being ---- wtf does a national anthem have to do with a sports event?

Diga me this --- if we were invaded by Canada and under peaceful Canadian occupation -- eh --- .... would that make us unable to play a football game? Or a baseball game? Could we stilll however play hockey? Eh?
The NFL rulebook makes no mention of the national anthem. But the game operations manual does.

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?
You know your bickering about shit I don't give a fuck about gets old. Nit picking stuff that doesn't need to be nit picked.

Before we verify or debunk that claim, it's important to know that NFL football games are governed by multiple codes of conduct. One is the NFL rulebook; another is the NFL game operations manual. The rulebook is concerned with in-game actions by players and coaches (like scoring, penalties, challenges and so on), whereas the game-operations manual dictates how NFL games should be run in the bigger-picture organizational sense.
I played Little League baseball as a kid. None of them began with a national anthem

But YET --- if you've were as good as you THOUGHT you were -- you'd end up in the Little League National Playoffs. Where the National Anthem IS PLAYED and the flag honored. I see only great harm and MORE division if the cultural Purgers succeed in knocking down that tradition.

Soooooooooooooooo out of alllllllllllllllllllll those examples you chose to focus on one tangential humorous side anecdote and ignore the point, all as a way of running away from the question ---- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football (baseball, basketbal, etc etc) game, unless the event is at the Olympics?

Is it actually possible to walk into Coors Field for a Rockies game and have no idea what country you're in? Is there some kind of Amnesia Machine you pass through at the gate?

Why doesn't that theater or that concert hall or that church or that flea market begin with the national anthem?
Obviously because there would be no reason to.


Think man. These are NATIONAL EVENTS. Not a movie theater, flea market or a concert hall. If you want to have a team and buy a seat or watch PRO FOOTBALL -- the NFL is the nation's Football league. Same with all the OTHER sporting events that adhere to this tradition.

Even the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, etc does it. Because we come together as a nation to watch. And it's NOT asking too much to show some unity and respect for those 2 minutes.

No it's not a "national event".

Even if it's the Iggles and the Cowgirls it's an event for those two cities. A dozen other cities have their own similar events going on with completely different teams.

A "national event" is when American athletes are competing against Russia and Germany and Kenya and Korea in the Olympics. THAT is where a national anthem has a raison d'être. If it's the Browns playing the Cardinals ---- they're both inside the same country. Nobody needed a freaking passport to get there.

What about baseball? Are we playing the national anthem just before watching a collection of Venezuelans and Cubans and Japanese and Dominicans take the field in order to intimidate them? You know, to let them know that if you drop a fly ball we'll deport you?

Hey I'm just looking for a bridge here. Any connection at all more substantive than an emotional jingo-wank.

And what happens with all those games that happened before this red herring jingo shit got started? Do those games not count? Must their stats be wiped form the record books? Because if their stats count, then that means the NA had no function in those games. And if the NA hs no function in a game -------------------------------------------------------------- THEN WHY ARE WE DOING IT???
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The fans will will have the last laugh here. Let these dirtbags keep insulting this country and its symbols and see where it gets them.
The fans will will have the last laugh here. Let these dirtbags keep insulting this country and its symbols and see where it gets them.

"Insulting this country"?


What about the Defense Department (the government one, not the football team) pimping fake patriotism with your tax dollars? How's that for "insulting this country" huh?

Want a link for that? Again?
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People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.

Again --- the Rule Book makes no mention of "pomp and ceremony". It makes no mention of a national anthem at all. What it does mention is stuff like what constitutes a foul on a passing play. No amount of claiming this rule book says stuff it doesn't say makes it say stuff retroactively. And even if you could do that, "respect" is a subjective term. You can't quantify it.

In fact --- here it is. Happy huntin'.

Now for another refutation of your point let's go to ----- you

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
First it's in the rule book, then in a matter of seconds, it isn't.

Yes it's a mythical document that no one can show and has been "quoted" by one guy who has no name.

Which brings us back to the question you (and everybody) keep avoiding like the plague, that being ---- wtf does a national anthem have to do with a sports event?

Diga me this --- if we were invaded by Canada and under peaceful Canadian occupation -- eh --- .... would that make us unable to play a football game? Or a baseball game? Could we stilll however play hockey? Eh?
The NFL rulebook makes no mention of the national anthem. But the game operations manual does.

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?
You know your bickering about shit I don't give a fuck about gets old. Nit picking stuff that doesn't need to be nit picked.

Before we verify or debunk that claim, it's important to know that NFL football games are governed by multiple codes of conduct. One is the NFL rulebook; another is the NFL game operations manual. The rulebook is concerned with in-game actions by players and coaches (like scoring, penalties, challenges and so on), whereas the game-operations manual dictates how NFL games should be run in the bigger-picture organizational sense.
No, the NFL does not [currently] require players to stand during the National Anthem.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.

Again --- the Rule Book makes no mention of "pomp and ceremony". It makes no mention of a national anthem at all. What it does mention is stuff like what constitutes a foul on a passing play. No amount of claiming this rule book says stuff it doesn't say makes it say stuff retroactively. And even if you could do that, "respect" is a subjective term. You can't quantify it.

In fact --- here it is. Happy huntin'.

Now for another refutation of your point let's go to ----- you

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
First it's in the rule book, then in a matter of seconds, it isn't.

Yes it's a mythical document that no one can show and has been "quoted" by one guy who has no name.

Which brings us back to the question you (and everybody) keep avoiding like the plague, that being ---- wtf does a national anthem have to do with a sports event?

Diga me this --- if we were invaded by Canada and under peaceful Canadian occupation -- eh --- .... would that make us unable to play a football game? Or a baseball game? Could we stilll however play hockey? Eh?
The NFL rulebook makes no mention of the national anthem. But the game operations manual does.

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?
You know your bickering about shit I don't give a fuck about gets old. Nit picking stuff that doesn't need to be nit picked.

Before we verify or debunk that claim, it's important to know that NFL football games are governed by multiple codes of conduct. One is the NFL rulebook; another is the NFL game operations manual. The rulebook is concerned with in-game actions by players and coaches (like scoring, penalties, challenges and so on), whereas the game-operations manual dictates how NFL games should be run in the bigger-picture organizational sense.
No, the NFL does not [currently] require players to stand during the National Anthem.

Players are violating rules in the Game Day Operations Manuals. NFL is just not ENFORCING them.. But they can..
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.

Again --- the Rule Book makes no mention of "pomp and ceremony". It makes no mention of a national anthem at all. What it does mention is stuff like what constitutes a foul on a passing play. No amount of claiming this rule book says stuff it doesn't say makes it say stuff retroactively. And even if you could do that, "respect" is a subjective term. You can't quantify it.

In fact --- here it is. Happy huntin'.

Now for another refutation of your point let's go to ----- you

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
First it's in the rule book, then in a matter of seconds, it isn't.

Yes it's a mythical document that no one can show and has been "quoted" by one guy who has no name.

Which brings us back to the question you (and everybody) keep avoiding like the plague, that being ---- wtf does a national anthem have to do with a sports event?

Diga me this --- if we were invaded by Canada and under peaceful Canadian occupation -- eh --- .... would that make us unable to play a football game? Or a baseball game? Could we stilll however play hockey? Eh?
The NFL rulebook makes no mention of the national anthem. But the game operations manual does.

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?
You know your bickering about shit I don't give a fuck about gets old. Nit picking stuff that doesn't need to be nit picked.

Before we verify or debunk that claim, it's important to know that NFL football games are governed by multiple codes of conduct. One is the NFL rulebook; another is the NFL game operations manual. The rulebook is concerned with in-game actions by players and coaches (like scoring, penalties, challenges and so on), whereas the game-operations manual dictates how NFL games should be run in the bigger-picture organizational sense.
No, the NFL does not [currently] require players to stand during the National Anthem.

Players are violating rules in the Game Day Operations Manuals.
Prove it...
They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.

Again --- the Rule Book makes no mention of "pomp and ceremony". It makes no mention of a national anthem at all. What it does mention is stuff like what constitutes a foul on a passing play. No amount of claiming this rule book says stuff it doesn't say makes it say stuff retroactively. And even if you could do that, "respect" is a subjective term. You can't quantify it.

In fact --- here it is. Happy huntin'.

Now for another refutation of your point let's go to ----- you

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.
First it's in the rule book, then in a matter of seconds, it isn't.

Yes it's a mythical document that no one can show and has been "quoted" by one guy who has no name.

Which brings us back to the question you (and everybody) keep avoiding like the plague, that being ---- wtf does a national anthem have to do with a sports event?

Diga me this --- if we were invaded by Canada and under peaceful Canadian occupation -- eh --- .... would that make us unable to play a football game? Or a baseball game? Could we stilll however play hockey? Eh?
The NFL rulebook makes no mention of the national anthem. But the game operations manual does.

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?
You know your bickering about shit I don't give a fuck about gets old. Nit picking stuff that doesn't need to be nit picked.

Before we verify or debunk that claim, it's important to know that NFL football games are governed by multiple codes of conduct. One is the NFL rulebook; another is the NFL game operations manual. The rulebook is concerned with in-game actions by players and coaches (like scoring, penalties, challenges and so on), whereas the game-operations manual dictates how NFL games should be run in the bigger-picture organizational sense.
No, the NFL does not [currently] require players to stand during the National Anthem.

Players are violating rules in the Game Day Operations Manuals.
Prove it...

I did.. We discussed it. YOU just played semantics. That rule from the Operations Manual has been leaked by MULTIPLE NFL officials to multiple news org. I posted it.

Solid GOLD leak.. Compared to the sewage that the NYTimes and WashPo print..
Again --- the Rule Book makes no mention of "pomp and ceremony". It makes no mention of a national anthem at all. What it does mention is stuff like what constitutes a foul on a passing play. No amount of claiming this rule book says stuff it doesn't say makes it say stuff retroactively. And even if you could do that, "respect" is a subjective term. You can't quantify it.

In fact --- here it is. Happy huntin'.

Now for another refutation of your point let's go to ----- you

First it's in the rule book, then in a matter of seconds, it isn't.

Yes it's a mythical document that no one can show and has been "quoted" by one guy who has no name.

Which brings us back to the question you (and everybody) keep avoiding like the plague, that being ---- wtf does a national anthem have to do with a sports event?

Diga me this --- if we were invaded by Canada and under peaceful Canadian occupation -- eh --- .... would that make us unable to play a football game? Or a baseball game? Could we stilll however play hockey? Eh?
The NFL rulebook makes no mention of the national anthem. But the game operations manual does.

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?
You know your bickering about shit I don't give a fuck about gets old. Nit picking stuff that doesn't need to be nit picked.

Before we verify or debunk that claim, it's important to know that NFL football games are governed by multiple codes of conduct. One is the NFL rulebook; another is the NFL game operations manual. The rulebook is concerned with in-game actions by players and coaches (like scoring, penalties, challenges and so on), whereas the game-operations manual dictates how NFL games should be run in the bigger-picture organizational sense.
No, the NFL does not [currently] require players to stand during the National Anthem.

Players are violating rules in the Game Day Operations Manuals.
Prove it...

I did.. We discussed it. YOU just played semantics. That rule from the Operations Manual has been leaked by MULTIPLE NFL officials to multiple news org. I posted it.

Solid GOLD leak.. Compared to the sewage that the NYTimes and WashPo print..

You proved nothing at all. You made some unsubstantiated claims, that’s it. Thanks for admitting you can’t actually prove what you claim.


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