NFL Owners Considering Rule Change Requiring Players to Stand for National Anthem

People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

What a pity so many just can’t absorb that concept.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
The NFL is allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. The NFL is allowing players to exercise their First Amendment rights in this fashion. If you don’t like that, you have the right to not watch the game — but if you do that, you’re a hypocrite for exercising your rights in protest of someone else exercising theirs.
I can watch games now on my phone; which of course, reduce TV ratings but not viewership.

A foreign concept to rightards
You reduce TV ratings, the sponsors stop advertizing.

A foreign concept to Libtards
No, you don’t because those same ads are played for those who stream the games, which is the main reason for the drop in TV ratings.

Case in point .... the 2016 NFL season. TV ratings dropped by about 8% but revenue from TV advertising still increased by about 4%. You know, the polar opposite of what you just claimed.
I totally agree with that. He seems to thrive on demagoguery and scrapping on things that don't need more magnifying. But, part of that is the demeanor of entrepreneurs, and part of that is being a New Yorker. :badgrin: The only more contentious people on the planet live in Paris.

Actually I've lived in Paris and I can't agree with that at all.
Not that Parisians are Mister Rogers...... but no.

He "pushes back" because it works to OPPOSE the media complex that has pushed so hard in the opposite directions without a lot of resistance or competition. It's not just a political issues war anymore. It's a broader culture war and the polarization that tracks the massive, ever-widening political divide.

It the full Monte Populist messaging.

Actually it's the full Monty Demagoguery message of entirely superficial emotion manipulating. What Rump is actually good at, perhaps unequaled, is con artistry. This is but one more manifestation --- he knew riling the rabble with jingoistic bullshit would work (he was in Alabama, hello) just as he knew "they're rapists" and "Mexico will pay for it" would work, just as he knew mocking a reporter's disability would work, just as he knew pulling his pants down would work, just as he knew fantasizing about his daughter would work, etc etc etc. He's an attention whore, plain and simple, and he knows how to get it from people who don't care to think real deeply about what they're witnessing.

Dood reminds me of Gallagher on stage, about to set up some gimmick that was entirely absurd, and stopping to remark "you people are actually sitting there about to watch me do this".

In this case, the aim is to SLOW the PURGING of symbols, traditions, and other landmarks on the public commons. Same deal with the statues or the PURGE of key figures in American History.

Hardly that deep at all. It's nothing more than demagoguic opportunism. He know what would work in that time and place, it served its purpose, and you'll never hear from it again just as you'll never hear about O'bama's birth certificate again, just as you'll never hear of "Hillary would be in jail" again, etc.etc etc. They too have served their purpose in the moment. Which is all that matters.

And in that world of self-delusion if tomorrow it serves to say the opposite, that Mexico will not pay for that wall, that O'bama was legitimate all along, then the original contradiction will be an unevent that never existed. Because reality doesn't matter any more. As Karl Rove noted it, the "reality-based community" is irrelevant. You can claim anything you want, veracity is meaningless. Want thousands of people to have danced on rooftops? Just claim it and it becomes "reality".

It doesn't even matter if what you say today directly contradicts what you said yesterday. Because reality is a sumbitch that has been fired. Self-delusion doesn't play well with it.

And there is no "purge of key figures in American history". There are however myriad municipalities taking back their public commons from propaganda transmitters and relocating them to spaces that do not imply state sponsorship. But none have been "purged".

I'm not on either side of the pushing. But I got limits to what SHOULD be retained and what can be purged.

Do tell.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

I think someone has already expressed the same sentiment ... But one more time won't hurt ... It's Too Little - Too Late.

The problem is real simple -----

Some NFL players had a valid protest they wanted to make.

They chose the wrong method of protest. Their message was lost in the turmoil.

Now, they can't figure out how to admit they screwed up the protest.

Pretty simple - just blame somebody else.

It's the liberal way.

These are not even the "right messengers". They, as an elite club have far too many of their own "law enforcement issues" to be credible on this topic. Over 800 arrests for non-trivial infractions since 2000. MOST buried by the NFL and the PR handlers who promise the court that the offenders will "redeem themselves" with "programs, rehab, counseling".

That's 800+ arrests in a club with maybe 900 members. They have an innate bias against law enforcement. One that MAY or MAY NOT get in way of objective dissent.

They need to clean their house before REJECTING the ENTIRE country, it's flag and it's traditions. I think there are FAR BETTER messengers to present the case for law/process reform than these guys.

Again, the overthinking.

Perhaps instead of the hyper-spin cycle consider that the players (in the recent week) were simply doing nothing more than defying the Demagogue Dick-tator who purported to dick-tate, and show that they weren't going to be dicked. Nothing more complex than that.

And on the other end, where this started, Colin Kaepernnick (who got waaaaaaay more attention to his issue than he ever dreamed of, thanks to Rump) was simply performing a silent, passive, personal (non-)act of declining to stand for the NA. He made no noise about it and it went unnoticed the first few times until some reporter (who must have also not been watching the flag) photographed him, decided to make a story out of it, and publicized his response when asked why he was sitting.

I've never been to an NFL game but have been to many a major- and minor-league baseball game, and I've never once stood for a national anthem. That goes back decades and nobody ever asked me why, but if they did I would tell them honestly too. If they then chose to milk a fake "story" out of it ---- that's on them.
I played Little League baseball as a kid. None of them began with a national anthem

But YET --- if you've were as good as you THOUGHT you were -- you'd end up in the Little League National Playoffs. Where the National Anthem IS PLAYED and the flag honored. I see only great harm and MORE division if the cultural Purgers succeed in knocking down that tradition.

Soooooooooooooooo out of alllllllllllllllllllll those examples you chose to focus on one tangential humorous side anecdote and ignore the point, all as a way of running away from the question ---- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football (baseball, basketbal, etc etc) game, unless the event is at the Olympics?

Is it actually possible to walk into Coors Field for a Rockies game and have no idea what country you're in? Is there some kind of Amnesia Machine you pass through at the gate?

Why doesn't that theater or that concert hall or that church or that flea market begin with the national anthem?
Obviously because there would be no reason to.

didn't say that. The tradition is obvious. Applies to most ALL sporting events. Is not UNIQUE to the NFL or even to America. It is an opportunity to show RESPECT for the country and UNITY of purpose.

Nope, it's not at all unique to NFL. It actually started in baseball 99 years ago, 1918, a period of mass mob mentality, the same year a mob accosted one Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the American flag. When Starr refused he was given hard labor in a state penitentiary. For the fake "crime" of refusing to submit to a mob. The mob was charged with ------ nothing. This is where robotic mob mentality leads, when no one has the balls to stand up and say "why are we doing this again?".

That would be the same period when a Dachshund would be taken from its owner and literally stoned to death in the street, simply because "Dachshund" is a German word. A period when the National Security League pushed to abolish the teaching of the German language in American schools. The Germans, of course, had their own mob mentality issues not long later. A year later in 1919 the infamous Palmer Raids rounded up political prisoners and deported people on the basis of their political beliefs. Here. In these United States.

This is the excess to which mass mob mentality leads. As a self-described Libertarian this effect ought to make you physically ill.

Earnest Starr refused to submit to a mob; and got hard labor. Colin Kaepernick refused to submit to a jingo ritual....................

As far as "unity of purpose" ---- seems to me the fans that have deliberately made their way to a stadium, wearing the colors and regalia of their chosen team --- have already established a unity of purpose that can hardly be surpassed. What's the relevance of this sudden side trip to jingoism?

Oh yes, that's the question you want to avoid..

As far as "respect", well we're back to idolatry again aren't we. This is another ill-advised road strewn with minefields.

Is this "disrespect"?


How 'bout this?


And WHO is to judge that? The mob?

Then there's that national anthem. What do you think we should do with kids playing with their parodies like

O say can you see
Any bedbugs on me?
If you do, pick a few
'Cause I got them from you....

Think we should go full Malleus Maleficarum and just pour molten lead down their throats? I mean we are talking about blasphemy against an idol here.

Again --- this is where mob mentality and its close cousin idolatry, lead. It starts innocently enough with "fire the sumbitches", then in the intermediate state it's hard labor in a state pen, and at the extreme, the burning alive at the stake.

Seems to me there's a certain conflict there with the concept of Liberty.

People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.

Again -- irrelevant to a sports event but yep, and its first basic ideal is freedom of thought, which is ironic because it's the opposite of robotic PC mob mentality. And that puts them at odds. They're mutually exclusive.

Govt sucks. That's my view. It's slow, it's largely over-extended in what it thinks is "it's business" and LATELY it's all about obtaining, retaining and increasing it's power and hold on people's lives and NOT about LEADERSHIP or solving issues. The 2 parties have colluded to deepen the divisions between us and give up on leading and actually governing.

Agree. So how 'bout the Department of Defense pimping these fake patriotism charades at sports events, with taxpayer money?

Leadership is NOT about polarizing and dividing. But that is what the core problem here. NO ONE is seriously working on judicial reform or making "the system" more responsive to communities of limited economic means. NEVER WILL be discussed with the current 2 party, corrupt inept system in place. You could tear up the ENTIRE country and it's symbols, history, traditions and STILL NOT solve a fucking thing.

Agree again --- especially the first line. But polarizing and dividing is exactly what Rump was doing with an issue that was effectively dormant, just for his quick-fix attention whoring. That's not leadership at all. It's the antithesis.
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People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

What a pity so many just can’t absorb that concept.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
The NFL is allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. The NFL is allowing players to exercise their First Amendment rights in this fashion. If you don’t like that, you have the right to not watch the game — but if you do that, you’re a hypocrite for exercising your rights in protest of someone else exercising theirs.
The NFL outlawed their first amendment rights and forbidden them from putting ribbons on their shoes in tribute to 911 victims.

They do that, yes. That's the uniform code to make all the players look alike. NFL is pretty strict about it and the ribbon for whatever cause would be at variance with the uniform.

I think NFL is stricter about those accoutrements than baseball is, and NFL could certainly revisit that rigidity in their meetings as well, so that offerings to 9/11 or breast cancer or whatever could be waived on an individual basis.

That's exterior appearance though, and used inside the football game. Body language is not part of a uniform, and the anthem is not part of the game anyway.
NFL Owners Considering Rule Change Requiring Players to Stand for National Anthem

WAIL as they might,
WHINE as they might,
The ball just keeps inexorably rolling over the heads of liberals everywhere.

Another epic fail for the Left again as Donald Trump marches on ------ STILL your American President.

I love it.

Why don't you join blondie here in celebration...........

"Those who ignore history.................."

Catchy tune. What does it have to do with The NFL requiring the employees to stand reverently with the Anthem is sung?

Indeed, what's it got to do with anybody "requiring" anybody to "stand reverently" for anything.

People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

Weird that so many don't get that. It's so simple.
She asked to come to her apartment tonight to dis
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
She asked me to come to her apartment to discuss my behavior.

I'll keep you posted.
If you don't like what you are required to do as part of your job, you are free to quit. If what you are required to do is against your beliefs or morals, then leave. You decide what is more important to you, money or your beliefs.
More conservative bull shit! Why do conservatives get pissed if the rest of the country do agree with its ideologies! Conservative patriotism and flag waving beliefs is pure bull shit, this is why the rest of the country ignores this belief system.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

What a pity so many just can’t absorb that concept.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
The NFL is allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. The NFL is allowing players to exercise their First Amendment rights in this fashion. If you don’t like that, you have the right to not watch the game — but if you do that, you’re a hypocrite for exercising your rights in protest of someone else exercising theirs.

Again. It's a PRIVATE event. That is a WORKPLACE. It's not the time/place for protesting. They have plenty of time/money and a UNION to make those statements.
I played Little League baseball as a kid. None of them began with a national anthem

But YET --- if you've were as good as you THOUGHT you were -- you'd end up in the Little League National Playoffs. Where the National Anthem IS PLAYED and the flag honored. I see only great harm and MORE division if the cultural Purgers succeed in knocking down that tradition.

Soooooooooooooooo out of alllllllllllllllllllll those examples you chose to focus on one tangential humorous side anecdote and ignore the point, all as a way of running away from the question ---- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football (baseball, basketbal, etc etc) game, unless the event is at the Olympics?

Is it actually possible to walk into Coors Field for a Rockies game and have no idea what country you're in? Is there some kind of Amnesia Machine you pass through at the gate?

Why doesn't that theater or that concert hall or that church or that flea market begin with the national anthem?
Obviously because there would be no reason to.


Think man. These are NATIONAL EVENTS. Not a movie theater, flea market or a concert hall. If you want to have a team and buy a seat or watch PRO FOOTBALL -- the NFL is the nation's Football league. Same with all the OTHER sporting events that adhere to this tradition.

Even the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, etc does it. Because we come together as a nation to watch. And it's NOT asking too much to show some unity and respect for those 2 minutes.
Only time we pray at my house is at the Thanksgiving table. WHY??? Because the greater family is there. It shows unity and respect for the event. And it's a tradition.. No one steals a french roll and starts talking political smack before that happens. Capice????
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

What a pity so many just can’t absorb that concept.
Mods, this is a legitimate news story. Please leave it here where it will be seen by most members.

NFL owners are considering changing league rules to make it mandatory that players stand for the national anthem, a league spokesman said Tuesday.

The owners will discuss the possibility of changing the rule in a meeting next week. The league’s current policy asks that players players “stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand and refrain from talking” during the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, but only allows for potential discipline from teams toward players failing to be on the field at that time.

NFL owners consider requiring players to stand for anthem

of course,they are facists who dont believe in free speech and get to make up their rules as they go along and never have to follow the rules they make.fuck the NFL.
The "I want to masturbate at the office " crowd thinks the NFL flag/anthem protest is a free speech issue. If you think the 1st Amendment lets you do as you please in all situations, try jacking off in front of the boss sometime and see how you fair.
The NFL is allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. The NFL is allowing players to exercise their First Amendment rights in this fashion. If you don’t like that, you have the right to not watch the game — but if you do that, you’re a hypocrite for exercising your rights in protest of someone else exercising theirs.

Again. It's a PRIVATE event. That is a WORKPLACE. It's not the time/place for protesting. They have plenty of time/money and a UNION to make those statements.
So what if it's a workplace? That workplace is allowing their employees to protest the government by kneeling during the National Anthem.

That's the reason brave Americans fought and bled -- so folks like Colin Kaepernick can protest the government.
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..
People fight and bleed for this country. Not because they want to see it divided and in perpetual political war and division. But because they BELIEVE in the IDEALS of this system of government and the PEOPLE it represents.
They fought and bled so someone like Colin Kaepernick could kneel during the National Anthem in protest of the government.

They did not. That event is private. It's NOT a 1st amendment issue. He's an EMPLOYEE at that point. And the Rule Book calls for respect for the pomp and ceremony.. He's free to wear his Fidel Castro tee shirt and spout off when he's not working.
Nonsense. Any protest is a First Amendment issue. But as a private organization, the company does have the right to deny an employee the right to express their Constitutional rights.

And as you've been shown, the rule book says nothing about standing for the National Anthem.

Official NFL Rule Book

You're not listening. It's NOT in rules of Football. It's a PROPRIETARY business document that lays out Franchise operation rules on Game Day. AND -- it's been officially leaked by SEVERAL NFL officials. Dont' expect KFC to link to the 7 secret spices and don't expect the NFL to publish it's Operations Manuals.

Protests at PRIVATE EVENTS by employees are NOT "protected speech". Give it up.. ESPECIALLY when they're kicking the country as a whole in the teeth without a message..

When Jerry Jones joined the team, coaches on the field for a symbolic kneel AFTER the anthem -- that's probably OK with the NFL. When the boss says we're going back to the concentrating on the GAME -- that's the end of it..

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