NFL Ratings Down - Potential To Lose 44% of Viewers If Protests Continue

I don't have to

In other words, you believe it's fine to make claims, but refuse to support your arguments. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're full of shit, operating on nothing more than your emotion. You're mad because people are doing something you don't like, so you want them to be punished. Like a child, you can't accept that having an opinion you don't like is does not mean you're entitled to see people punished.

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? My opinion of what is detrimental to the reputation of the NFL doesn't matter. Your's doesn't matter, Obama's doesn't matter, The Dali Llama's doesn't matter... only one fucking person on this planet's opinion matters... Roger Goddell's. (Yes I spell his name like that on purpose, because he acts like he is a god.)

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? You're a fucking moron who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. Goodell does not have arbitrary powers. He's not going to dickslap Kaepernick just because you haz a sad.
Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue

"A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem."

Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue - Breitbart

Seriously? People are so fickle they'll not watch this rubbish sport because of people kneeling? Adverts to death, fine, people bashing other people's brains, fine, people kneeling "fuck this shit I'm not watching".

Only in America?
I don't have to

In other words, you believe it's fine to make claims, but refuse to support your arguments. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're full of shit, operating on nothing more than your emotion. You're mad because people are doing something you don't like, so you want them to be punished. Like a child, you can't accept that having an opinion you don't like is does not mean you're entitled to see people punished.

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? My opinion of what is detrimental to the reputation of the NFL doesn't matter. Your's doesn't matter, Obama's doesn't matter, The Dali Llama's doesn't matter... only one fucking person on this planet's opinion matters... Roger Goddell's. (Yes I spell his name like that on purpose, because he acts like he is a god.)

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? You're a fucking moron who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. Goodell does not have arbitrary powers. He's not going to dickslap Kaepernick just because you haz a sad.

And this is coming from the same person that just got proven wrong about whether players get health insurance.
Ratings go down, less money for contracts. I suppose the activists will get out and start shaming US into watching the nfl to up the ratings; if we don't, we'll get the racist label.
I don't have to

In other words, you believe it's fine to make claims, but refuse to support your arguments. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're full of shit, operating on nothing more than your emotion. You're mad because people are doing something you don't like, so you want them to be punished. Like a child, you can't accept that having an opinion you don't like is does not mean you're entitled to see people punished.

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? My opinion of what is detrimental to the reputation of the NFL doesn't matter. Your's doesn't matter, Obama's doesn't matter, The Dali Llama's doesn't matter... only one fucking person on this planet's opinion matters... Roger Goddell's. (Yes I spell his name like that on purpose, because he acts like he is a god.)

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? You're a fucking moron who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. Goodell does not have arbitrary powers. He's not going to dickslap Kaepernick just because you haz a sad.

And this is coming from the same person that just got proven wrong about whether players get health insurance.


If all you've got are straw man arguments, you might want to spend your time doing something more productive. Like sniffing your own farts.
No, the contract is voided before it is signed.

And yet again you demonstrate your ignorance. :slap: What you are referring to a voidable contract, which is entirely different then simply voiding an existing contract. But these are concepts so far beyond your feeble mind you shouldn't even be bothering with them.

Players are not always owed money if they are released by a team.

Of course, I never said any such thing. But again, your ignorance is bringing you to moronic conclusions.

You might THINK you understand contracts but you don't.

:lol: I write contracts pretty much every week.

Take for example the NFL rule that a player that is a free agent that is signed after the first week of the season. At that point their contract is non-guaranteed, and can be cut at any point in the season and they are not owed future money. (Not fully owed)

Once again, you just don't know what you're talking about in the first place. You are now confusing particular terms of some contracts with fundamentals of contract law.

Seriously, if you are going to be a jerk to people while telling them they are wrong about something, at least be positive you are correct and they are wrong.

Oh, I am positive. You're just too stupid to get it through your fucking head.

So you didn't say that players are still owed after they cut get? Let me quote you again...

When players are cut by their teams before the expiration of the contract, the player is still owed for the contracted minimum payment amount.

Now dipshit, not only do you NOT know what you are talking about when it comes to NFL contracts, you are a liar.
I don't have to

In other words, you believe it's fine to make claims, but refuse to support your arguments. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're full of shit, operating on nothing more than your emotion. You're mad because people are doing something you don't like, so you want them to be punished. Like a child, you can't accept that having an opinion you don't like is does not mean you're entitled to see people punished.

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? My opinion of what is detrimental to the reputation of the NFL doesn't matter. Your's doesn't matter, Obama's doesn't matter, The Dali Llama's doesn't matter... only one fucking person on this planet's opinion matters... Roger Goddell's. (Yes I spell his name like that on purpose, because he acts like he is a god.)

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? You're a fucking moron who doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. Goodell does not have arbitrary powers. He's not going to dickslap Kaepernick just because you haz a sad.

And this is coming from the same person that just got proven wrong about whether players get health insurance.


If all you've got are straw man arguments, you might want to spend your time doing something more productive. Like sniffing your own farts.

Strawman? You are the one that said it. You are the one that said all the players were not employees, but independent contractors with no health insurance or benefits. Now if you don't even know the basics of how the league is set up, how in the world would you want us to believe you understand how their contracts are structured?
So you didn't say that players are still owed after they cut get? Let me quote you again...

What part of "contracted minimum" is beyond your feeble mind's ability to comprehend? What am I saying, obviously it's the "contracted" part. Your mind seems all to familiar with "minimum."
The NFL is a government "supported" entity (not subject to anti-trust laws and with partial tax-free status) that is in the sports entertainment business. All entertainers have opinions - can you imagine each actor on a show like the Big Bang Theory or The Walking Dead opening each show with a personal commentary or political message?

People like Colin Kaepernick are free to spend their millions on buying Billboards and TV ads to express themselves but not to alter the only reason they are being paid in the first place - to deliver entertainment.

As it stands, the NFL should be stripped of its government sponsored advantages.

"“The NFL has an obligation to do better, and a position of public trust – benefiting from broad anti-trust exemptions granted by Congress, and hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer benefits,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said in a statement last week."

How the government helps the NFL maintain its power and profitability

Threaten to withdraw their taxpayer supported benefits and watch how fast the NFL puts a stop to this.

So you didn't say that players are still owed after they cut get? Let me quote you again...

What part of "contracted minimum" is beyond your feeble mind's ability to comprehend? What am I saying, obviously it's the "contracted" part. Your mind seems all to familiar with "minimum."

...and it is not entirely true. There is guaranteed money, and there is non-guaranteed money. There are contracts with bonuses, and there are contracts that are basically week to week.
Yeah, many have soured on the NFL. More and more will likely turn to College Football. I know i enjoy College Football much more than i do the NFL. It's much more fun and exciting. The NFL is so corporate and cookie-cutter. And now all this whining shite. It's turning a lot of folks off.

The NFL is turning politically correct along with political. When you choose a side in politics, it does offend people on the other side.

Yeah, it's alienating a lot of folks. And besides all the whining stuff, i think the NFL game is pretty boring too. College Football is far more interesting.
"A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem."

??? As if 44% of Americans have a say at all in whether or not NFL games get played. This is one of those things where what any percent of Americans think about whether X will occur or not occur has nothing to do with what will transpire because only some 40 or fewer Americans have the ability to make that decision.

I guess it hasn't occurred to 44% of Americans that television, the NFL and everything about them are private enterprises.....

The people who care don't matter, and the people who matter don't care.
-- Bertrand Russell (paraphrased)​
Yeah, it's alienating a lot of folks. And besides all the whining stuff, i think the NFL game is pretty boring too. College Football is far more interesting.

Well again, I'm not much of a sports fan. But the mob can't bribe a quarterback in the NFL to throw a game for ten grand or so.
Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue

"A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem."

Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue - Breitbart

There's always the WWE for the racist haters. :0)

'Sports' the way racists like them .. FIXED.

Don't like sports with black people playing and expressing their sentiments about police murders .. then don't fucking watch. :0) Simple.
Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue

"A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem."

Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue - Breitbart

There's always the WWE for the racist haters. :0)

'Sports' the way racists like them .. FIXED.

Don't like sports with black people playing and expressing their sentiments about police murders .. then don't fucking watch. :0) Simple.
I no longer do,,,,

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