NFL Ratings Down - Potential To Lose 44% of Viewers If Protests Continue

Dumb. Not gonna happen.
That's what they said about baseball.
No it wasn't.
Yes it was. Before the strike, Baseball had a great it's for shit. I remember when we used to listen to the World Series in class. Most kids could care less about the game anymore.

I loved baseball as a kid. Clearly remember watching the Dodgers playing at the LA Colosseum before they built their stadium.
Really? Define "confidence." Because the way I see it, the only thing that is being injured is public interest in professional football.

The clause you cite would not be readily applicable to conduct such as kneeling for the National Anthem. In general, such circumstances apply only to bad acts. For example, a flagrant personal foul constitutes a bad act, and could be viewed as conduct detrimental to the integrity of the game. Engaging in criminal behavior is a bad act, and if severe enough could be said to be detrimental to the public confidence in the game. The deflategate cheating scandal was a bad act, and could be said to be detrimental to the integrity of the game. Peaceably kneeling during the National Anthem as an expression of political protest against cannot be readily called a bad act.

I think it can if it financially hurts the industry.
And the Alt Right condemns the right to free speech.

:) And you will watch your NFL anyway.

Aren't you the guys that always say "there an consequences"?. And the consequences are that much bigger when you do it in public, and you rely on the $$ of a paying public for your livelihood.

The other issue is that the NFL is being selective on what it is allowing, thus making it seem like it is taking sides.
There will be no more consequence than for Nugent or the Dixie Chicks.

Americans loves their music and sports and detest the Alt Right.

The actual alt-right, or the grab bag alt-right you twats have created to discredit any right-leaning person?

It's the same as how they labeled the Tea Party with bullshit, lies and hyperbole.
It is the only way they can pretend to make themselves look holy.

As it is, I think Milo is "fabulous!"

And the "kneelers" are a bunch of phonies who just want personal attention and do not have one altruistic bone in their bodies. It's just hip to look the renegade part.
I don't understand why these Libs feel the need to try and stop others freedoms. Hypocrites

Interfering asswipes
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Why does what any player does bother anyone with a brain? Don't let them get you upset. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.
What's more politically correct then standing for the anthem ?? Oh the irony ! PC bashing righties suddenly are the PC crybabies .

WTF is politically correct about standing for the national anthem? It's not politically correct, it's patriotic. It's also tradition and a sign of respect.
I don't have to

In other words, you believe it's fine to make claims, but refuse to support your arguments. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're full of shit, operating on nothing more than your emotion. You're mad because people are doing something you don't like, so you want them to be punished. Like a child, you can't accept that having an opinion you don't like is does not mean you're entitled to see people punished.
Why does what any player does bother anyone with a brain? Don't let them get you upset. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.

These millionaires are rich because of the fan support. If they are offending fans that made them wealthy, those fans should not patronize the game any longer. That's the way it's done in America.
White people cant handle taking a knee but tell everyone how easy it is to deal with oppression.

Shit, if they boycott a knee just imagine what they would do if it was more than that? They might even...say public :tomato:


Aww, now just imagine if those judgements turned into action. You'd be so upset you'd probably do something radical like...take a knee. :badgrin:
What's more politically correct then standing for the anthem ?? Oh the irony ! PC bashing righties suddenly are the PC crybabies .

WTF is politically correct about standing for the national anthem? It's not politically correct, it's patriotic. It's also tradition and a sign of respect.

Oh brother . It offend YOU so it's not politically correct ??? That's your argument ?
I will still bet on NFL stadiums being full. They are a long way from suffering. This is America and we support sports that cause concussions...loil
I will still bet on NFL stadiums being full. They are a long way from suffering. This is America and we support sports that cause concussions...loil
Concussions aren't the problem now. ACLs are.
The poll is bullshit.

There are only two different types of television networks; those that have NFL rights and those that wish they did. Those that do not broadcast games cling tightly to the fringes of the sports through Hard Knocks and trying to promote fantasy leagues with hours of coverage every week.
Well its still a very small number. Ignore them and they get no publicity...which is what they want. With all their money I really question their folk have one thing they

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