NFL Ratings Down - Potential To Lose 44% of Viewers If Protests Continue

They question is how it will go away. Via action by the NFL because their bottom line is impacted, or through apathy.

I would of thought apathy, but the events of the past few days makes me wonder if some of these guys are going to double down or not.

The league has no real power to do anything. At least, not until next year's annual owner's meeting. If enough owners feel that it's a problem they can try to address it at that point. However, even then it would still be difficult. Maybe they could make a new rule that would result in automatic ejection of a player who performs a "politically inflammatory" act. Individual franchises have more leverage. But at the end of the day everyone's going to have to eventually come to terms with the fact that other people can say/express things you don't like and there's not much you can do to stop them, so it's better to just get over it and continue on with your day.

That is possibly the only solution, but it will probably blow over by next year. I only watch the Super Bowl, so my boycott of the NFL won't influence them at all.
We haven't said "whatsoever," it has been said several times, it would be a fine for actions that harm the identity of the league.

Define "harm the identity of the league."

I don't have to, as I have said before, that is up to Goddell, and as the article I linked pointed out, that power was given to him through the collective bargaining agreement. Are you deaf, dumb, and blind?
I don't have to

In other words, you believe it's fine to make claims, but refuse to support your arguments. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're full of shit, operating on nothing more than your emotion. You're mad because people are doing something you don't like, so you want them to be punished. Like a child, you can't accept that having an opinion you don't like is does not mean you're entitled to see people punished.
Here is exactly what article 46 of the current collective bargain agreement reads:

Goodell’s current authority derives from the language of Article 46 in the current collective bargaining agreement, the document the Players Association agreed to that ended the lockout before players missed games and, more pressing, paychecks. Article 46 specifies the commissioner can levy punishment “for conduct detrimental to the integrity of, or public confidence in, the game of professional football” and also can hear the appeals of any punishments.

Did players hand Roger Goodell too much authority? Answer isn’t simple

So, according to that, and with the drop in ratings that is being linked to the players' protest of the National Anthem, it is pretty obvious their actions are effecting the public confidence in the game of professional football.
I don't have to

In other words, you believe it's fine to make claims, but refuse to support your arguments. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're full of shit, operating on nothing more than your emotion. You're mad because people are doing something you don't like, so you want them to be punished. Like a child, you can't accept that having an opinion you don't like is does not mean you're entitled to see people punished.

Dude, what is so fucking hard to understand? My opinion of what is detrimental to the reputation of the NFL doesn't matter. Your's doesn't matter, Obama's doesn't matter, The Dali Llama's doesn't matter... only one fucking person on this planet's opinion matters... Roger Goddell's. (Yes I spell his name like that on purpose, because he acts like he is a god.)
So you are saying the NFL doesn't have the right and ability to void a contract? So you are saying the NFL can play games without a collective bargaining agreement between the player's union and the NFL? So you are saying that in that article it didn't just spell out to you that even the law says according to the agreement that Goddell has ultimate discretionary powers?

No, the NFL cannot simply void a contract. :slap: Get a fucking education in basic life skills, you tool. That's the whole point of a contract. It's binding.

Uh... are you new to football? Contracts have been voided before, especially when they had the "poison pill" problem. The NFL also sets forth rules where a contract has to meet certain guidelines in how it works with the salary cap.

You are amazing... if you were as smart as you think you are, you might accomplish something in life.

Moron, you are talking about things that you know nothing about. Contracts are not voided. Contracts are terminated. Contracts terminate at a time designated within the contract, or though a mechanism within the contract.

It is permissible for a contract to provide mechanisms by which a party may terminate the contract unilaterally. However, the circumstances for termination cannot constitute an illusory promise; if a termination cause constitutes an illusory promise the contract is not enforceable. For example, a contract can include a provision which allows a team to terminate upon a positive test for illegal drugs. However, if a termination clause grants permission to one party to back out of their obligations arbitrarily, then that clause would likely render the contract unenforceable.

When players are cut by their teams before the expiration of the contract, the player is still owed for the contracted minimum payment amount.
So you are saying the NFL doesn't have the right and ability to void a contract? So you are saying the NFL can play games without a collective bargaining agreement between the player's union and the NFL? So you are saying that in that article it didn't just spell out to you that even the law says according to the agreement that Goddell has ultimate discretionary powers?

No, the NFL cannot simply void a contract. :slap: Get a fucking education in basic life skills, you tool. That's the whole point of a contract. It's binding.

Uh... are you new to football? Contracts have been voided before, especially when they had the "poison pill" problem. The NFL also sets forth rules where a contract has to meet certain guidelines in how it works with the salary cap.

You are amazing... if you were as smart as you think you are, you might accomplish something in life.

Moron, you are talking about things that you know nothing about. Contracts are not voided. Contracts are terminated. Contracts terminate at a time designated within the contract, or though a mechanism within the contract.

It is permissible for a contract to provide mechanisms by which a party may terminate the contract unilaterally. However, the circumstances for termination cannot constitute an illusory promise; if a termination cause constitutes an illusory promise the contract is not enforceable. For example, a contract can include a provision which allows a team to terminate upon a positive test for illegal drugs. However, if a termination clause grants permission to one party to back out of their obligations arbitrarily, then that clause would likely render the contract unenforceable.

When players are cut by their teams before the expiration of the contract, the player is still owed for the contracted minimum payment amount.

No, the contract is voided before it is signed. Contracts have to be approved by the NFL. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Maybe if I type slower you'll get it. Also, there is a difference between guaranteed money in a contract and non-guaranteed money. Players are not always owed money if they are released by a team. You might THINK you understand contracts but you don't.

Take for example the NFL rule that a player that is a free agent that is signed after the first week of the season. At that point their contract is non-guaranteed, and can be cut at any point in the season and they are not owed future money. (Not fully owed)

Seriously, if you are going to be a jerk to people while telling them they are wrong about something, at least be positive you are correct and they are wrong.
Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue

"A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem."

Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue - Breitbart
I watch college football. Much more exciting and nice to watch the kids get fired up. NFL is boring. They are not striving for anything. They get paid win or lose, they don't give a fuck. They just want to find a market that will make them a star and big bucks.
Teams and players have to get approval for wearing anything connected with uniforms, as per NFL rules, so yeah they can fine people.

they will approve some racist wearing cop killer socks, but they won't approve a helmet sticker honoring them.

NFL: Cowboys can't wear decal honoring Dallas police during games

The Dallas Cowboys' attempt to show support for their city's police department has gotten the kibosh from the NFL.

The league ruled that the Cowboys will not be allowed to wear their "Arm in Arm" decal on their helmets during preseason or regular-season games this season.

The decals were placed on the team's helmets following a "unity ceremony' before the first training camp practice that saw Dallas police chief David Brown and Mayor Mike Rawlings and family members of the officers killed in last month's sniper ambush walk out on the field with Cowboys players, coaches and executives.

According to the Dallas Morning News, the Cowboys can wear the decals during training camp practices only.

"Everyone has to be uniform with the league and the other 31 teams," Cowboys executive vice president Steven Jones told the Morning News. "We respect their decision."

Meanwhile, fans took to social media to denounce the NFL for being tone-deaf.

Yes, screw the NFL; let them rely on traitors, thuggz, and the mentally ill 'progressives' for their marketing junk. Once the team owners start losing the big bucks personally, they will suddenly find them some new commissioners and pass new rules. They are all corporate welfare mooches anyway, shaking down local cities for freebies to subsidize their giant stadiums and other fun things that cost taxpayers big bucks while the billionaire owners make massive profits off of them.
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I've stopped watching.
I'm having withdrawals....
But I stopped watching.

There are plenty of other sports to get behind. They are way cheaper to attend and it isn't full of whiny players who cry if they don't get a million dollars per second.
Bottom line is those stadiums will be full. I could care less if the NFL shuts down or thrives. What the players do has no influence on me or how I feel. Its a non issue to me. But as long as the stadiums are full, the NFL wins.
$$$$ will make a huge difference in this. The networks lose ad revenue and they'll pressure the league to ban political statements by the players on the field.
Here is exactly what article 46 of the current collective bargain agreement reads:

Goodell’s current authority derives from the language of Article 46 in the current collective bargaining agreement, the document the Players Association agreed to that ended the lockout before players missed games and, more pressing, paychecks. Article 46 specifies the commissioner can levy punishment “for conduct detrimental to the integrity of, or public confidence in, the game of professional football” and also can hear the appeals of any punishments.

Did players hand Roger Goodell too much authority? Answer isn’t simple

So, according to that, and with the drop in ratings that is being linked to the players' protest of the National Anthem, it is pretty obvious their actions are effecting the public confidence in the game of professional football.

Really? Define "confidence." Because the way I see it, the only thing that is being injured is public interest in professional football.

The clause you cite would not be readily applicable to conduct such as kneeling for the National Anthem. In general, such circumstances apply only to bad acts. For example, a flagrant personal foul constitutes a bad act, and could be viewed as conduct detrimental to the integrity of the game. Engaging in criminal behavior is a bad act, and if severe enough could be said to be detrimental to the public confidence in the game. The deflategate cheating scandal was a bad act, and could be said to be detrimental to the integrity of the game. Peaceably kneeling during the National Anthem as an expression of political protest against cannot be readily called a bad act.
Bottom line is those stadiums will be full. I could care less if the NFL shuts down or thrives. What the players do has no influence on me or how I feel. Its a non issue to me. But as long as the stadiums are full, the NFL wins.

You couldn't be more wrong. Ticket sales are chump change compared to TV revenue. If raitings continue to drop those TV contracts won't be as lucrative for the league.
The NBA is much better than the NFL anyway.

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