NFL Ratings Down - Potential To Lose 44% of Viewers If Protests Continue

Wait, Rice is playing in the NFL? Who's he play for?

He's a free agent. Oh, didn't you know? Goodell tried to ban him for life, but the courts overruled him.

You just said earlier that all the players weren't employees and didn't get health benefits.

No, dumbass. I said that they don't get unemployment benefits. Receiving medical benefits has absolutely nothing to do with whether they are legally contractors or employees.
You miss the point. *I* don't have to. It's up to Goddell.

Actually, if you are going to make the argument, then yes, you do have to support it.

He's said before, playing the NFL isn't a right, it's a privilege.

Well good for Goodell, but in fact we are talking about rights. They're called contractual rights. When a player signs a contract with a team, he has a guaranteed right to payment as long as he shows to do the work he signed up for.

And...the player is a member of a union, a union that has a contractual agreement that gives Goddell the right to decide when a player gets fined or suspended... and unfortunately for the players, it provides wording that allows Goddell to fine or suspend players for acts that hurt the reputation of the NFL.

And no,, my opinion doesn't matter, the only person's opinion that matters is Goddell's.


You really are out of your league here, no pun intended. The problem is that you don't know anything about contract law, and therefore are failing to understand that the conflict is exactly about the permissible scope of one or another party's ability to make unilateral decisions within a contracted relationship. Maybe you'll understand when you grow up and do something with your life a little more substantial than working at McDonalds.
Most of the time they never broadcast the playing of the National Anthem. Just ask the network to continue to do what they've been doing, break for commercial....
You miss the point. *I* don't have to. It's up to Goddell.

Actually, if you are going to make the argument, then yes, you do have to support it.

He's said before, playing the NFL isn't a right, it's a privilege.

Well good for Goodell, but in fact we are talking about rights. They're called contractual rights. When a player signs a contract with a team, he has a guaranteed right to payment as long as he shows to do the work he signed up for.

And...the player is a member of a union, a union that has a contractual agreement that gives Goddell the right to decide when a player gets fined or suspended... and unfortunately for the players, it provides wording that allows Goddell to fine or suspend players for acts that hurt the reputation of the NFL.

And no,, my opinion doesn't matter, the only person's opinion that matters is Goddell's.


You really are out of your league here, no pun intended. The problem is that you don't know anything about contract law, and therefore are failing to understand that the conflict is exactly about the permissible scope of one or another party's ability to make unilateral decisions within a contracted relationship. Maybe you'll understand when you grow up and do something with your life a little more substantial than working at McDonalds.

No, you are confusing two different things. You are confusing the contract the player signs with the team, verses the collective bargaining agreement the players association has with the league. HUGE difference. Do you understand that without a collective bargaining agreement, there are no games? Goddell is given complete arbitrary power. Period. Read the following article as it explains it.

So I hate to tell you, but the contract between the NFL and the Player's Union supersedes the contracts between the players and teams.

Deflategate post-mortem: It's the NFL players union's fault for giving Roger Goodell so much power
White people cant handle taking a knee but tell everyone how easy it is to deal with oppression.

Shit, if they boycott a knee just imagine what they would do if it was more than that? They might even...say public :tomato:

They question is how it will go away. Via action by the NFL because their bottom line is impacted, or through apathy.

I would of thought apathy, but the events of the past few days makes me wonder if some of these guys are going to double down or not.

The league has no real power to do anything. At least, not until next year's annual owner's meeting. If enough owners feel that it's a problem they can try to address it at that point. However, even then it would still be difficult. Maybe they could make a new rule that would result in automatic ejection of a player who performs a "politically inflammatory" act. Individual franchises have more leverage. But at the end of the day everyone's going to have to eventually come to terms with the fact that other people can say/express things you don't like and there's not much you can do to stop them, so it's better to just get over it and continue on with your day.
you haven't got a clue.
And the Alt Right condemns the right to free speech.

:) And you will watch your NFL anyway.

Aren't you the guys that always say "there an consequences"?. And the consequences are that much bigger when you do it in public, and you rely on the $$ of a paying public for your livelihood.

The other issue is that the NFL is being selective on what it is allowing, thus making it seem like it is taking sides.
There will be no more consequence than for Nugent or the Dixie Chicks.

Americans loves their music and sports and detest the Alt Right.

The actual alt-right, or the grab bag alt-right you twats have created to discredit any right-leaning person?

Alt-Right.. it's the new "racist"!
Not at all. The Alt-Right cucks have always been racist.
now you're racist, I knew it. :2up:
Actually, they are contractual employees of the individual teams.

No, moron. But thank you for demonstrating your ignorance. Professional sports players are independent contractors. They are not employees. There is no worker's compensation for injuries on the job. There is no unemployment insurance. They are not employees.
still you have no clue.
Actually, they are contractual employees of the individual teams.

No, moron. But thank you for demonstrating your ignorance. Professional sports players are independent contractors. They are not employees. There is no worker's compensation for injuries on the job. There is no unemployment insurance. They are not employees.

You'd better acquaint yourself with Brown v. Nat’l Football League before you proceed any farther.
he has no clue. thinks he is smart but he is actually trams.
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Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue

"A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem."

Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue - Breitbart

Will I stop following the Miami Dolphins because Afro-Americans are protesting the FACT that white police officers have concluded that black/brown lives don't matter?


I won't watch....

I haven't watched nascar since Obama told them to fuck the NRA....
You miss the point. *I* don't have to. It's up to Goddell.

Actually, if you are going to make the argument, then yes, you do have to support it.

He's said before, playing the NFL isn't a right, it's a privilege.

Well good for Goodell, but in fact we are talking about rights. They're called contractual rights. When a player signs a contract with a team, he has a guaranteed right to payment as long as he shows to do the work he signed up for.

And...the player is a member of a union, a union that has a contractual agreement that gives Goddell the right to decide when a player gets fined or suspended... and unfortunately for the players, it provides wording that allows Goddell to fine or suspend players for acts that hurt the reputation of the NFL.

And no,, my opinion doesn't matter, the only person's opinion that matters is Goddell's.


You really are out of your league here, no pun intended. The problem is that you don't know anything about contract law, and therefore are failing to understand that the conflict is exactly about the permissible scope of one or another party's ability to make unilateral decisions within a contracted relationship. Maybe you'll understand when you grow up and do something with your life a little more substantial than working at McDonalds.

No, you are confusing two different things. You are confusing the contract the player signs with the team, verses the collective bargaining agreement the players association has with the league. HUGE difference. Do you understand that without a collective bargaining agreement, there are no games? Goddell is given complete arbitrary power. Period. Read the following article as it explains it.

So I hate to tell you, but the contract between the NFL and the Player's Union supersedes the contracts between the players and teams.

Deflategate post-mortem: It's the NFL players union's fault for giving Roger Goodell so much power

No moron, I'm not confusing anything. You're just so fucking ignorant you think you're an expert. Goodell does not have "complete arbitrary power" power. In fact, it would be impossible, because that would void the contract and make it legally unenforceable. If one side has "complete arbitrary power" to deprive the other side, then such would constitute an illusory promise and make the contract unenforceable.
The player's union has agreed to let Goddell be a god over the players.

Ray Rice would beg to disagree with you. The league has authority to perform a great many things. But that does not mean that Goodell has infinite authority to do anything whatsoever, just because he wants to.

Also... players do get medical insurance from the teams.

you the dude who hasn't a clue. since you stated they didn't. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yeah, many have soured on the NFL. More and more will likely turn to College Football. I know i enjoy College Football much more than i do the NFL. It's much more fun and exciting. The NFL is so corporate and cookie-cutter. And now all this whining shite. It's turning a lot of folks off.

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