NFL Ratings Down - Potential To Lose 44% of Viewers If Protests Continue

Yeah, many have soured on the NFL. More and more will likely turn to College Football. I know i enjoy College Football much more than i do the NFL. It's much more fun and exciting. The NFL is so corporate and cookie-cutter. And now all this whining shite. It's turning a lot of folks off.

The NFL is turning politically correct along with political. When you choose a side in politics, it does offend people on the other side.
Wonder if we continue to see a downward trend how long Goodel will stick with the players as they crash the NFL brand?

And what exactly do you think Goodell can do about it?
Fine the players just as they do for other rules of behavior. It should be in their contracts that political demonstrations from players will end up with a 25% cut is salary for each game.
It's great to see the RWnuts throw what they call 'free speech' out the window when they don't like what the free speech is about.
free speech bugs the shit out of you. Free speech is what is happening here and it bugs you. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
You miss the point. *I* don't have to. It's up to Goddell.

Actually, if you are going to make the argument, then yes, you do have to support it.

He's said before, playing the NFL isn't a right, it's a privilege.

Well good for Goodell, but in fact we are talking about rights. They're called contractual rights. When a player signs a contract with a team, he has a guaranteed right to payment as long as he shows to do the work he signed up for.

And...the player is a member of a union, a union that has a contractual agreement that gives Goddell the right to decide when a player gets fined or suspended... and unfortunately for the players, it provides wording that allows Goddell to fine or suspend players for acts that hurt the reputation of the NFL.

And no,, my opinion doesn't matter, the only person's opinion that matters is Goddell's.


You really are out of your league here, no pun intended. The problem is that you don't know anything about contract law, and therefore are failing to understand that the conflict is exactly about the permissible scope of one or another party's ability to make unilateral decisions within a contracted relationship. Maybe you'll understand when you grow up and do something with your life a little more substantial than working at McDonalds.

No, you are confusing two different things. You are confusing the contract the player signs with the team, verses the collective bargaining agreement the players association has with the league. HUGE difference. Do you understand that without a collective bargaining agreement, there are no games? Goddell is given complete arbitrary power. Period. Read the following article as it explains it.

So I hate to tell you, but the contract between the NFL and the Player's Union supersedes the contracts between the players and teams.

Deflategate post-mortem: It's the NFL players union's fault for giving Roger Goodell so much power

No moron, I'm not confusing anything. You're just so fucking ignorant you think you're an expert. Goodell does not have "complete arbitrary power" power. In fact, it would be impossible, because that would void the contract and make it legally unenforceable. If one side has "complete arbitrary power" to deprive the other side, then such would constitute an illusory promise and make the contract unenforceable.

So you are saying the NFL doesn't have the right and ability to void a contract? So you are saying the NFL can play games without a collective bargaining agreement between the player's union and the NFL? So you are saying that in that article it didn't just spell out to you that even the law says according to the agreement that Goddell has ultimate discretionary powers?
It's great to see the RWnuts throw what they call 'free speech' out the window when they don't like what the free speech is about.

Who's stopping their speech? It's like yelling fire in a movie theater. There is a time and place for everything. They can do interviews and express their idiocy, they can write books, they can post articles in sports magazines, they can give opinions if asked by a news organization. But the field is not the place to express free speech.

The RW nuts as you call us believe in free speech by the government. I can't go to my employer and call him a MF&^&% and not expect to get fired because it's free speech.
The NFL could just do what that professional women's soccer team did. Do the national anthem while the players are still in the locker room. They can sit, raise their fists, finger each other's buttholes, what ever they want to do during the anthem then.
Yeah, many have soured on the NFL. More and more will likely turn to College Football. I know i enjoy College Football much more than i do the NFL. It's much more fun and exciting. The NFL is so corporate and cookie-cutter. And now all this whining shite. It's turning a lot of folks off.

The NFL is turning politically correct along with political. When you choose a side in politics, it does offend people on the other side.

What's more politically correct then standing for the anthem ?? Oh the irony ! PC bashing righties suddenly are the PC crybabies .
And the Alt Right condemns the right to free speech.

:) And you will watch your NFL anyway.

Aren't you the guys that always say "there an consequences"?. And the consequences are that much bigger when you do it in public, and you rely on the $$ of a paying public for your livelihood.

The other issue is that the NFL is being selective on what it is allowing, thus making it seem like it is taking sides.
There will be no more consequence than for Nugent or the Dixie Chicks.

Americans loves their music and sports and detest the Alt Right.

The actual alt-right, or the grab bag alt-right you twats have created to discredit any right-leaning person?

It's the same as how they labeled the Tea Party with bullshit, lies and hyperbole.
It is the only way they can pretend to make themselves look holy.

As it is, I think Milo is "fabulous!"

And the "kneelers" are a bunch of phonies who just want personal attention and do not have one altruistic bone in their bodies. It's just hip to look the renegade part.
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Wonder if we continue to see a downward trend how long Goodel will stick with the players as they crash the NFL brand?

And what exactly do you think Goodell can do about it?

The players work for the NFL and are banned from doing many things on the field.
Hell,they have to have the right length socks for Christ sake.

They could easily ban the practice and the players cant say shit.
Fine the players just as they do for other rules of behavior.

The league cannot fine players for any reason whatsoever.

It should be in their contracts that political demonstrations from players will end up with a 25% cut is salary for each game.

Who are you to say what should be in their contracts? And anyway, what you want to put into future contracts is irrelevant. We are talking about now.
Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue

"A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem."

Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue - Breitbart

Like I've been saying.

The emotional involvement of sports comes from identifying with the team.

If you tell the fans that the players have nothing but contempt for them, you risk interfering with the process of identifying.

I suspect 44% is higher than those that will really stay away. But even HALF of that would be an utter disaster for the league.

Which they richly deserve.


Yes. It is definitely a real shame that they won't lose 90% of their viewers, though.
Fine the players just as they do for other rules of behavior.

The league cannot fine players for any reason whatsoever.

It should be in their contracts that political demonstrations from players will end up with a 25% cut is salary for each game.

Who are you to say what should be in their contracts? And anyway, what you want to put into future contracts is irrelevant. We are talking about now.

We haven't said "whatsoever," it has been said several times, it would be a fine for actions that harm the identity of the league.
So you are saying the NFL doesn't have the right and ability to void a contract? So you are saying the NFL can play games without a collective bargaining agreement between the player's union and the NFL? So you are saying that in that article it didn't just spell out to you that even the law says according to the agreement that Goddell has ultimate discretionary powers?

No, the NFL cannot simply void a contract. :slap: Get a fucking education in basic life skills, you tool. That's the whole point of a contract. It's binding.
SIMPLE: No more protesting by players in uniform, at games, or while representing the NFL! All such displays will result in heavy fines and suspensions.

The military tells its members they can protest all they want when NOT in uniform, on their own time, when NOT representing or being associated with the military. Goodell could do the same thing in the NFL.

No, he can't. The NFL is not the military, and NFL players are not employees. They are independent contractors.

He could put it in their next contract, but he won't.
So you are saying the NFL doesn't have the right and ability to void a contract? So you are saying the NFL can play games without a collective bargaining agreement between the player's union and the NFL? So you are saying that in that article it didn't just spell out to you that even the law says according to the agreement that Goddell has ultimate discretionary powers?

No, the NFL cannot simply void a contract. :slap: Get a fucking education in basic life skills, you tool. That's the whole point of a contract. It's binding.

Uh... are you new to football? Contracts have been voided before, especially when they had the "poison pill" problem. The NFL also sets forth rules where a contract has to meet certain guidelines in how it works with the salary cap.

You are amazing... if you were as smart as you think you are, you might accomplish something in life.

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