NFL Ratings Down - Potential To Lose 44% of Viewers If Protests Continue

And the Alt Right condemns the right to free speech.

:) And you will watch your NFL anyway.

Aren't you the guys that always say "there an consequences"?. And the consequences are that much bigger when you do it in public, and you rely on the $$ of a paying public for your livelihood.

The other issue is that the NFL is being selective on what it is allowing, thus making it seem like it is taking sides.
There will be no more consequence than for Nugent or the Dixie Chicks.

Americans loves their music and sports and detest the Alt Right.

The actual alt-right, or the grab bag alt-right you twats have created to discredit any right-leaning person?

Alt-Right.. it's the new "racist"!
Not at all. The Alt-Right cucks have always been racist.

You really are a loon you fucking misogynist pig.
Actually, they are contractual employees of the individual teams.

No, moron. But thank you for demonstrating your ignorance. Professional sports players are independent contractors. They are not employees. There is no worker's compensation for injuries on the job. There is no unemployment insurance. They are not employees.
But Goodell COULD do something about it.
Actually, they are contractual employees of the individual teams.

No, moron. But thank you for demonstrating your ignorance. Professional sports players are independent contractors. They are not employees. There is no worker's compensation for injuries on the job. There is no unemployment insurance. They are not employees.

You'd better acquaint yourself with Brown v. Nat’l Football League before you proceed any farther.
Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue

"A Yahoo survey says that 44 percent of Americans report a likelihood of shutting off NFL games should players continue to kneel for the national anthem."

Poll: 44% Likely to Turn Off NFL If National Anthem Protests Continue - Breitbart

Will I stop following the Miami Dolphins because Afro-Americans are protesting the FACT that white police officers have concluded that black/brown lives don't matter?


Wonder if we continue to see a downward trend how long Goodel will stick with the players as they crash the NFL brand?
And what exactly do you think Goodell can do about it?
SIMPLE: No more protesting by players in uniform, at games, or while representing the NFL! All such displays will result in heavy fines and suspensions.

The military tells its members they can protest all they want when NOT in uniform, on their own time, when NOT representing or being associated with the military. Goodell could do the same thing in the NFL.

Did you know that until recently, after they got outed, the NFL used to charge the military for doing pregame ceremonies and salutes to the troops?
SIMPLE: No more protesting by players in uniform, at games, or while representing the NFL! All such displays will result in heavy fines and suspensions.

The military tells its members they can protest all they want when NOT in uniform, on their own time, when NOT representing or being associated with the military. Goodell could do the same thing in the NFL.

No, he can't. The NFL is not the military, and NFL players are not employees. They are independent contractors.

Wrong, in accordance with the new NFL rules, he can fine them for actions that put hurt the brand and put the NFL in a negative light.
The Jewish owners of NFL teams are stoking this thing to the max, following the lead of the "divide and conquer" Israeli owned "US media."
There are clauses written in the NFL that states it's players can not do anything 'detrimental to the NFL brand'...

1 - :link:

2 - Don't get excited over vaguely worded contract clauses. A written contract is not weapon, it is a record of agreement. Therefore, vague and ambiguous wording has far less effect than commonly believed. In fact, the more vague a clause, the less power it tends to carry. Something like "anything detrimental to the NFL" is so vague as to likely be defective, if used in the way you are attempting to invoke it. hell he can't.

One day, when you become an adult, you will learn to accept the fact that life isn't a series of manipulations and applications of force. Sometimes people express things that you don't like. Get over it and change the laundry over.
People tune in on the weekend to relax and watch a game, not to watch some spoiled fucking thugz who without the NFL would be flipping burgers, selling drugz on the street, pick your poison.. you want to fucking make a political statement?? Take out an Ad.. pay for your own television time.. otherwise STFU, GET YOUR sorry azzez standing and respect the very flag that's given you the freedoms you now enjoy..
There are clauses written in the NFL that states it's players can not do anything 'detrimental to the NFL brand'...

1 - :link:

2 - Don't get excited over vaguely worded contract clauses. A written contract is not weapon, it is a record of agreement. Therefore, vague and ambiguous wording has far less effect than commonly believed. In fact, the more vague a clause, the less power it tends to carry. Something like "anything detrimental to the NFL" is so vague as to likely be defective, if used in the way you are attempting to invoke it. hell he can't.

One day, when you become an adult, you will learn to accept the fact that life isn't a series of manipulations and applications of force. Sometimes people express things that you don't like. Get over it and change the laundry over.

It's been done before. The player's union has agreed to let Goddell be a god over the players. He can do what he wants upon his judgment.

Also... players do get medical insurance from the teams. Here are some benefits for players.

Player Programs and Benefits | NFL Life Line
The player's union has agreed to let Goddell be a god over the players.

Ray Rice would beg to disagree with you. The league has authority to perform a great many things. But that does not mean that Goodell has infinite authority to do anything whatsoever, just because he wants to.

Also... players do get medical insurance from the teams.

The player's union has agreed to let Goddell be a god over the players.

Ray Rice would beg to disagree with you. The league has authority to perform a great many things. But that does not mean that Goodell has infinite authority to do anything whatsoever, just because he wants to.

Also... players do get medical insurance from the teams.


Wait, Rice is playing in the NFL? Who's he play for?

You just said earlier that all the players weren't employees and didn't get health benefits. You were wrong. So I guess that's your response when you're wrong? You don't give a fuck? Well if you don't give a fuck about whether what you say is true or not, why should anyone else give a fuck about what you say?
You miss the point. *I* don't have to. It's up to Goddell.

Actually, if you are going to make the argument, then yes, you do have to support it.

He's said before, playing the NFL isn't a right, it's a privilege.

Well good for Goodell, but in fact we are talking about rights. They're called contractual rights. When a player signs a contract with a team, he has a guaranteed right to payment as long as he shows to do the work he signed up for.
You miss the point. *I* don't have to. It's up to Goddell.

Actually, if you are going to make the argument, then yes, you do have to support it.

He's said before, playing the NFL isn't a right, it's a privilege.

Well good for Goodell, but in fact we are talking about rights. They're called contractual rights. When a player signs a contract with a team, he has a guaranteed right to payment as long as he shows to do the work he signed up for.

And...the player is a member of a union, a union that has a contractual agreement that gives Goddell the right to decide when a player gets fined or suspended... and unfortunately for the players, it provides wording that allows Goddell to fine or suspend players for acts that hurt the reputation of the NFL.

And no,, my opinion doesn't matter, the only person's opinion that matters is Goddell's.
People tune in on the weekend to relax and watch a game, not to watch some spoiled fucking thugz who without the NFL would be flipping burgers, selling drugz on the street, pick your poison.. you want to fucking make a political statement?? Take out an Ad.. pay for your own television time.. otherwise STFU, GET YOUR sorry azzez standing and respect the very flag that's given you the freedoms you now enjoy..

I see, so when Afro-Americans go to war they are defending the "freedom" of officers like Betty Shelby to arbitrarily , whimsically and capriciously murder Afro-AMericans.

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I wish people were just as upset over our national debt as they are for kneeling athletes.

Let's not forget about consumer debt.

Let me explain...

During the postwar years, when a strong labor movement ensured that workers shared in the profits made off their backs, Americans paid for things with high wages. But our great postwar engine slowed down in the 70s, and Germany/Japan restored their productive capacity, resulting in heightened competition. As a result Reagan said we could no longer burden the owners of American capital with high taxes, punitive regulations and high labor costs.

We trusted Reagan. And so... we allowed our capitalists to scour the globe for the cheapest labor costs. We were told that this would restore profit levels and investment-incentives and, in so doing, keep American business competitive. Unfortunately, the loss of jobs to places like China meant that American consumers (aka workers) required more and more debt to consume and stay afloat.

Study the shift from wage-based consumption to debt-based consumption. Study the shift from manufacturing (where we made products in the USA, and then consumers bought those products with the high wages which those jobs paid) to financialization (where we shipped jobs to China so that our capitalists could make higher profits, and then use those profits to loan money to dispossessed American workers, who spent 30 years going into debt in order to buy stuff made in other places).

Our media overlords talk exclusively about national debt, but they never mention consumer debt because turning people into debt slaves pays the rent of our great and noble capitalists. Turn off FOX News. You've been lied to.
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