NFL Ratings Down - Potential To Lose 44% of Viewers If Protests Continue

I'm just not into the season yet. I'm thinking by time baseball playoffs start I'll finally get into that sport and then after the Series may become more interested in football. Too many teams these days.
I agree standing is what they should do out of respect. And I am not patriotic whatsoever.

Maybe that's why it doesn't bother you as much. But I'm willing to bet it offends police officers across the country as well as vets that gave their all for us.

We all have problems with this country to some degree. That's why we spend so much of our lives here. But no matter what problems we have or discuss, we were still lucky as all hell to be born in the greatest country in the world. That's at least one reason people should always pay respects to this great nation of ours, especially the few of us that were so fortunate to find our lifelong dream like these clowns playing football. They should not be on one knee but two, and then bend down and kiss the ground they walk on.
I would say 5 percent of people find their lifelong dream. For most its a lifelong slog of waking up, busting your butt, and barely scraping by. Have a few beers to forget the endless cycle. But they should stand at least. Its the proper thing to do.
If I did it again I would have never allowed my sons to play football. Its risky. You would think we are smarter than to endanger people. But profits over people and the chance to make millions are what defines america.
I would say 5 percent of people find their lifelong dream. For most its a lifelong slog of waking up, busting your butt, and barely scraping by. Have a few beers to forget the endless cycle. But they should stand at least. Its the proper thing to do.

Wait, are you talking about the players? Scraping by? The minimum veteran salary is over $500,000.
I would say 5 percent of people find their lifelong dream. For most its a lifelong slog of waking up, busting your butt, and barely scraping by. Have a few beers to forget the endless cycle. But they should stand at least. Its the proper thing to do.

no other country would provide that kind of money to marginally intelligent thugs, they should praise the USA and honor the flag that made them rich and got them out of the ghetto.
If I did it again I would have never allowed my sons to play football. Its risky. You would think we are smarter than to endanger people. But profits over people and the chance to make millions are what defines america.

bullshit. no one forces them to play, they know the risks.

"profits over people" what a crock of pussy liberal shit.
I would say 5 percent of people find their lifelong dream. For most its a lifelong slog of waking up, busting your butt, and barely scraping by. Have a few beers to forget the endless cycle. But they should stand at least. Its the proper thing to do.

Exactly. That's my life to a tee. But in spite of it all, I still consider myself to be blessed by being born here. I think what the NFL needs to do with these kneelers is send them to other countries in the off season to see how other people really live. They don't drink bottled water, they don't drink any water at all unless they haul it back home in buckets from five miles away. You never had appreciation for a toilet before until you had to dig a hole to go in.
Yup. The NFL has downplayed concussions and poo poked the initial studies. Why? To protect their profits. Profit over the players health.cover up the facts. Read about it before you act like a little schoolgirl and name call.
Living a dream would be to become rich at a young age so you don't have to spend your best years working. Instead, you enjoy yourself full time.
Football players are big strong and fast. Until their bodies are used up. They sacrifice their health. For that I gotta give them their dues.
Football players are big strong and fast. Until their bodies are used up. They sacrifice their health. For that I gotta give them their dues.

They got paid very well, enjoyed the fame, and knew that going in. In spite of their health problems, I would be willing to bet that if they could do it all over again, they would do it the same way.
SIMPLE: No more protesting by players in uniform, at games, or while representing the NFL! All such displays will result in heavy fines and suspensions.

The military tells its members they can protest all they want when NOT in uniform, on their own time, when NOT representing or being associated with the military. Goodell could do the same thing in the NFL.

No, he can't. The NFL is not the military, and NFL players are not employees. They are independent contractors.
No they arent......
Perhaps you are right. I simply have a hard time becoming a big fan of any team. I just watch now and then. Hard to understand being a fervent fan of a team.
Perhaps you are right. I simply have a hard time becoming a big fan of any team. I just watch now and then. Hard to understand being a fervent fan of a team.

I'm not a sports fan at all unless our teams are doing something like the Cavs did this past season. Other than that, I never turn on any sports, so boycotting the NFL is not that much of a sacrifice to me. They certainly won't miss me. :badgrin::badgrin:
Perhaps you are right. I simply have a hard time becoming a big fan of any team. I just watch now and then. Hard to understand being a fervent fan of a team.

I'm not a sports fan at all unless our teams are doing something like the Cavs did this past season. Other than that, I never turn on any sports, so boycotting the NFL is not that much of a sacrifice to me. They certainly won't miss me. :badgrin::badgrin:

The Cleveland Browns aren't a football team.
No, the contract is voided before it is signed.

And yet again you demonstrate your ignorance. :slap: What you are referring to a voidable contract, which is entirely different then simply voiding an existing contract. But these are concepts so far beyond your feeble mind you shouldn't even be bothering with them.

Players are not always owed money if they are released by a team.

Of course, I never said any such thing. But again, your ignorance is bringing you to moronic conclusions.

You might THINK you understand contracts but you don't.

:lol: I write contracts pretty much every week.

Take for example the NFL rule that a player that is a free agent that is signed after the first week of the season. At that point their contract is non-guaranteed, and can be cut at any point in the season and they are not owed future money. (Not fully owed)

Once again, you just don't know what you're talking about in the first place. You are now confusing particular terms of some contracts with fundamentals of contract law.

Seriously, if you are going to be a jerk to people while telling them they are wrong about something, at least be positive you are correct and they are wrong.

Oh, I am positive. You're just too stupid to get it through your fucking head.

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